The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 08, 1962, Page Page 4, Image 4
The Doily Nebraskon Monday, October 8, 192 OA JL JLJL O 1 Pegs 4 H PIT "If TO IT St Wfl JL Claridge, Ross. Line Lead 36-22 JFin before 34,000 Fans on Threatening Day; North Carolina State To Test Undefeated Huskers Next Saturday, Band Day By RICK AKIN Sports Editor Nebraska decided to beat tJ?e band a week early, as it swamped Iowa State last Sat urday, 36-22, with a tremend ous first half outburst. North Carolina State comes to Lincoln next Saturday for the twenty-fifth anniversary of Band Day in the last of the non-conference games for tlje Huskers. Tne frame witnessed by 34. fans wh braved threaten ing wather, left the Huskers ith a S- record and a l- conference record, going into the North Carolina State game. Statistics NT H 0 s 1SS 15 Kirs rv7s IS Kas&ing Passing lyasaltws I rul mWr M RJ"S SS Nt Yartts Roshia&s H Passing: -7 Pa.-1 Ajwr!:di 14 Va5sp)ccd ... TnuMwrratf . - Total Offensive YaivJs SI? Nebraska Tries Gass Lss NX ..J8 J 3 58 Oaridce Young ... Xtatni Fainwoi 17 3ft 28 5? 28 28 .. 9 5 . .IS t ... .... 1 J IS -IS M -3 pxsstvg Aft. Cmp. lift. Vv. CTria IS ISS Finu ....2 pass kvxi rvTvc, PfWtVS . . I TsmJinsflu 1 Bug 4 JiMlTISflB ...... 1 Egw 3 Creustoc l n .S8 S3 V. A-. .2 40 ThwflM 1 52 Yomlir.fw. t 5 TP-OWWS 3 35 5 McOougium S Ymmg - J tihnsoB . . 3 P SS INTERCEPTION'S Tnostwl 1 E.wb I !oa State Swiuer 5 8 -3 Httppmana ...20 W Is 71 Ltmeridi ... 1 Vaughn .... 78 75 "Kunbrnuch . . 3 7 ' "Cigj-bere ..1 3 ft 11 Cly 3 0 2 -2 PASSING Atl. Oimpl. Intf. Yds. ..12 7 1 70 .2 1 Bopnmann PASS HECETVIVG N-o Tds.TT limerick i M 3' Montrpj- i 13 '0 Schreiber 3 nxrivt. No. Ave. Ellis 4 w Nn.Yds. IJmeridc 3 -3 ; wckoit nnfEvs Bnwn -2 K Sclireiber 1 30 Boopmann .2 41 witzer 3 15 . MEERASKAH j WANT ADS Classifies' ads for the Daily , Jiebraski... must be .entered two days in advance and must 1 paid for in advance. Cor rections 'will be made if errors ire brought to our attention within 4B hours. HELP WfeVTED j San-time bam- nei. -Cei: w-Tm. gkmtvulanw attendant wantvd, tnfftii work, room furmafrad. Appi 4S!li. 1 TCRSOMAl. II thu r my Cta tne t'lij. i vralty -Campup r in the Lincoln -vicni. i It, pieaw call ttw IntetratemiW ! Council Oftun, HE 2-7631. LOST AMD K)tMD X-OST- "llnivemits' rf letoraka ntetMok. CwuraBs- C'n. Law; Mm. Lew; Bu. Immt; Geiirf- and HOTC. T'am cl taet Glenn KriMMcnei, 47T-?i. TOR SAU TSO b. Homan Ted, 34K n., artwT lzatimi, o(rttmfitimi, aweti W. o. I), Call Eric 435407)1 or o ti 1345 yew Hampctuiv at 4 p.ta. fOOD SERVICES FOOD W) REFRESHMErJT6. Carry u ervwe Everything for war -aaeeia-eciMno. BuHt. ftatet. teaHonablf yrioes Cal Tmi Ur. enraaKa l!n tou, Bxt. aioi. PIZZA Carry wit erine Pic freah m frmri the trm. Tieoraaka linimi vCrtti. Phone Ext. SIBl. APARTMEVT TOR REtVT aSatriffissrv Wiiifc! Leave mrtnwm vm cancy Oct. 1 for male aludem Blw frim ag camp., & er mai, in--nn1mf faciiilK. ria 464v4iwti w- RIDERS WAWTED Slifller ar Briber tt eommnte tram frmaha & dan week. Call Hex, (imam. SHI -Hi. OAMCE BANDS 0mm t the hus ImitiB ammo Kay K'we " (HilwMilra twnuruuj ..L. SHI II UiS Wltim. 1 Nebraska has now won 45, 'lost 11 and ted one with the iCyclones. Before last Satisr ! day the Cornhuskers had won four of the last seven games. even though the Cyclones held the point bulge for the last seven encounters, T4-55. The Huskers won the game without the services of Bill (Thunder) Thornton for more than three quarters. Thornton j sprained his ankle in the w an jj ing minutes of the first quar ! ter. Dennis Stnewe, the Mask ers' determined halfback, did I not see action due to a . sprained ankle which he suf fered in the Michigan game. ' Dennis Claridge once again J led the Huskers to a hard- fought win with fine running, I passing mi signal calling. S Haskers Score First ; The first time the Haskers had their hands on the ball, they marched TV) yards for : their first of tfcuar touchdowns in the first half. It took the Haskers 1$ plays and seven miitiies and 4$ seconds as Nebraska poended 'away throvgh the determined ; Cyclones. The toijgh Husker line ! pushed the Iowa Sta;e line all ' over the field as the Huskers backs earned the ball to pay :dirt, Thorston, slanting has first game of the season. s.3araTmed ten yards p the middle to put the Hosiers, near the rai& stripe before Claridge passed to Warren Powers for 13 more yards. ! Claridge found Jim Hace in ifce open for play larcr and hit him with a pass on the HasVer 27-yard line. i Rudy Johnson and Tbora . ton then pecked their w a y v. hi ' v I A Endy Johmon bulls way thronph Cyt'lonr lactk'r. dPhot by riie SmaB woodl ave a re 4 K V ,X, U v4 . -,w . :. - : ' 4 J . 5 A v i r s v - I.HIuj.. : ; y mKisH '&DOvesrjc $3 I tlCARfTTFS Willie Kos faces an opposing Cyclone as Warren Powers t drops wonld-be tackier. (Photo by Pivie Smallwoodl) thromgh the Cyclone lii in Jour dmsecMJ-ive p5ays !o pet the Ital m the Oy. " ilaridge then ran the ball to the ssx before going imr.o the end eone for the first of his three touchdowns. The Cy clones failed t move the ball and the HasVers march d right down the field again for their second tch don. Wilide Kciss started the Si yard drae with a 25-yard scaanper to the XT 43. before Clariage passd to left end Larry Tomhnson for 38 more yards. Once a sain the Hesters gTOimd out the final vardai'e to gAal line with Powers sc ing the tcwK-ndown with 3:CS reniaining an the first oBartcr. Wita abwet three misatrs .pes i the second qaaxtcr the Ksskers started awMfcer raarcu tor ttae goal kne wrica their fari cfrat ended with Claridge s!ip79g ors fey Satarday aftenMwm arasd the ritrM side of t-he as feoth't e a jjj s" celebrated line for the TD with re- titeir E'.s Eicht Conference mining ia the secwi r- .peraic day sh1 with tigh ter. siM'wint id:sj3ays. In this dri-e the Husters The Kuierk. tm1 wanting were aideJ m-hea the Cy- ta jw&ve Cyctee Coat Clay clones wer? caM for pass suksjm mrimz. pleased Ne- : iiitf"riere'7K cm their ti six. yard Ess for T Ross Jtk a piichewt from Ciaridpe and i'Bl the three yards foT tw.o extra points, mating the score at this point 22-0 The Rulers worei anaia mirut-s ia tbe third qwrttr. E.Lms nnSjiX (i-r, M tht mt TnimH latT as Tralia- Ci Sajners wfrolwd a $reat Kansas State Wildcats sre. pWei b a Swnble by &a f tV txckemetA. pais- defeating the Big Eight iisS Dave Hoppmaa, Iwa States inp 122 yards aJ wMidas ors, 416. K:tisas Stale has candidate far B-.meTici a 24-vard run. xei ij sevw "his s&saa. a! cioaref i The best tobacco makes the 1WK. It 3 KrvM Touapa. f Tm-4 yPX" C honors, on the Iowa State 44. Claridge promptly upped tte score to SS-fi as he rtRed a ivricit svsss to Hace who had faked the Cyclone second- on the Iowa State nine-yard ary : beaatifMlIy. camght the line. pass and skipped into the end Three plays later Claridge Mte. ran a quarterback sneak for Hopproan then proceeded to the final Conthusker touch help W.t t3 Cyvtones into the down with 11:17 remaining to scoring coiiamn with his ran- put the ganne on ice. ning ani passing before Tom : Hoppman engineered the Vamgfcan. Iowa State's soph last Cyclone sconng effort by flash from Trey. O., went up ', nsmcng or passing the ball in t.he west sideline and danced 13 straight plays, btclwlsns a into the ccraer of the end scamper ox'er the left side of zone fr a -yard scoring the line from the three-yard jaisnt.. 8 line for the final TD. I ..,- u I I High Scoring The Nehrasa Cmhiaskers i amj v Kansas Jayhawters bras J;a Sar.s wd'h a 36-22 rj. while the Kansans out- rannins Cflloradci, S58 T; Jayhawts sorted sJw- h. wflriiig im1 mt tweh- i.a ia the first fca'J, tot al- ir:" fie the secoTid. setting t tcbdwa within 3Ji s-hav8 a (anau . 'iiiumi-alM. . ; The half ended with Husk ers in a commanding lead. -v-i. .xeurasKa racsea up a phenomenal ?69 total yards. 143 on the ground and 12t through the air. The Cyclones managed only 79 tow I yards with 6S of them on the ground. , Thirteen First Downs Nebraska aniasivt rt.i 1p ! than 13 first downs in the first nalf t0 ,he Cyclones four. lowa Mate came out or the dressing room for the second half fired vp. but the 2S T lead was too much for the Cyclones to overtake. The Cyclones got a break after both teams exchanged the bail twice. Mike Cox, sophomore wing back, jumped on a Claridge ! tumble on Nebraska's seven- yard line. i Hoppman's pass to Dick Limerick from the one pat hhe C clones in reaching dis tance JS-14. TTone Robertson's block of Dave Clayberg's quick kick and a subsequent personal foul on the Cyclones set up the Huskers'' final touchdown Kiiii- I to Dominates As was expected. Masswa-i jjs osaar)v e- ; ; aitd sophomore semsa Itaon. Johiray Roland, to Se- feat the 1'miversity of AriziMia. 117-7. Roland was a. most half of Miss.osEis fiCissie. gan ;ing S2 yards of the Tiger's ! total oiiensive prodactiMB of ilib:jna State. fe49ed by e 3i. eaie the GMe Rnrncae$ f Twl- - 17-7. Hg the scre tied -7. aa 4SV pnl tet in the Tlsa end we aad lxwnced 'e e-jrd Hue. la Scatll the Washingl-cai best smoke! Coaches Coach Bob Devaney com mented in the dressing room of victorious Nebraska. "Any time we beat a team by two I touchdowns we don't need to apologize. referring to NU's (second half letdown). Thev I hit us just before the first I; half ended with a maneuver j an option play that we 'weren't looking for and that momentum carried over into I the second half." i "Iowa State is not as bad a ball club as it looked in the first half. We just build up momentum when we carried ! through the first toudhcown 'drive." "Iowa state is stronger than Michigan anyway. Iowa s State is more advanced than Michigan at this point in the season." ? Claridge was singled out by I Devaney for outstanding back field play. He also praised Vaughn and Hoppmann of Iowa State for fine play. Devaney's feelings on the game could be summed up in his statement "I was real ly proud of the team and they ,a:aBiaMtaa. wm mm mi' 4 v I I tether atoj-s J J IUr II toldroeta ! i bpeml shape it fc, ttl toe Mtr i i t t 1 ? . v jjjt t I I I . ! t aiiaatBiv jaafaaaaiaaaaiaa' v I i ! tr 1 l tor imn:i uric Champim fflawt, ,. I I -'-'.. I all casual ar fc-wq- opsokrrj t , f , , I Waiboif $ rea'Iff SiJi!iTi rxiaxf ml lbs yojrs if pa ar US. r,eiiBul iil is true ttei Keds arc Jte tel-Etting, & iroil coTirforlaiiifi, Da5-'bot;ini and Txi-Jt'ta-r;!; fabric equals pa can toy. Eecaiss ieis are mate wis ciitfier fairies. aj ctxlusfvfi stix?raJTfiJ arct custibn aid ciaiibngJ irmersolft. In short, witti aD these J"tlras"' that mal.e then your tel biff in the !bn ria. iHtad far yojr rarest fois ifialsr. Gti f'ds bor. tM Fids It... SIT TEIT CUT fXZS FULKi! "Bntti U.S. Hadi. ami It Slue latwl a itjistcmU SrnaenanVii Unitecf Stales Rubber NAME 1.1 CONTEST for Hie new Huvker Symbol Ipmsarei bfz Tess&ls Caf Cobs AfMeric Dept. e: T Tidkcrts ta Menacwmtfi i"m Mame4 a Fmitvr's &ai NdaMkn NAME HIM CONTEST KJU2E Towr Name ..... - Flsone . . DntuUittc 1 kunultn. 0uW II Mame will ke chaaea oa the oa f originality ru9 oppropnirteneH tailor Sov Located in rhe fJortk Entrance of Hebr. Union Comments did a fine job. There were mistakes made but not maj or ones." In the dressing room of de feated Iowa State. Coach Clay Stapleton commented, "We were simply beaten 'jy a better ball club. Nebraska is as good as I said thev would be." "I maintained all along thrt they were the team to beat. They have the material to so the distance for the Big Eight title. Stapleton also had praise for Claridge and called him a "fine quarterback." When asked about Nebras ka's lines Stapleton stated. "Nebraska's line was strong and aggressive I'd like to have some of the Nebraska linemen." 0 il7llffos IS A PUASURE 620 Ka. 4& TVOL WHEM DIN KS