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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 5, 1962)
UNIVERSITY OF NEB UBRART i IFC .1 By JIM MOORE Nebraskan Staff Writer Pledge training lsea-1! school" or "old school?" Since the early 1950's, na tional fraternities have push ed "new school," but until re cently, local houses were steeped in the "old method." "The usual local attitude has been to agree with na Li z Mil fZ:: If" SVi -7 I f y " ' J) 0 l i a 1 I X J' j RE-ENROLLED Following a year's study at the Free University in Berlin, Steve Ellenburg, junior, is determined to get an American education. (Photo by Pixie Small wood) Against Odds Student Works Way to Germany By GARY LACEY Nebraska Staff Writer "Son," working' "your way to Europe on a ship went out in '36 ... It just isn't done anymore," a Holland ish captain told Steve Ellenburg, a University student who spent last year going to the Free University in Berlin. Ellenburg, a junior, quit classes at the University last Sept. 26, because, as he said, "I got disgusted with Nebraska I didn't really know where I was going in life." He explained that he wasn't really running away from anything in Nebraska, but had just decided be wanted to see what the rest of the world was like. "Half of the problem of taking a trip like this is deciding to go," he said. "You just don't know if you have the fortitude to go through with it." Quit School After spending two weeks in classes at the Univer sity. Ellenburg quit school. He worked in Columbus, his home town, for a month to earn enough money to reach New York City and find a job on a ship to work his way to Europe. In New York he stayed with two graduates of the University, and spent 10 grueling days before finding a ship that would hire him as a laborer. Most places he ap plied said that it was no longer possible. Ready to abandon hope of finding a job, he spotted a small cargo ship in the harbor. As a last resort Steve talked to the captain and after a few formalities was hired. Ellenburg had to take the long way to Europe, however ... by way of Brazil. The ship had to pick up cotton, hides and coffee to take to Europe. Crew Stranded To get the hides up the "Rio de Plata" for 1,200 miles, the crew traveled so far up the river that they ran out of navigable water and were stranded for ten days at a small village. Ellenburg noted that the people at the village were very interested in Americans. An international game of soccer was held ... the shipmates versus villagers. The villagers trounced the crew with a beer party at stake. It took eleven days for the ship to get from Brazil to the Canary Islands, and all this time Ellenburg spent a total of $12. He finally left the ship at Hamburg Germany. Ski Resort . In the southern Alps Ellenburg got a job at a ski resort. For three months he skied down the hill from work at night and took the lift up to work in the morn ing. "My first night in Berlin", Ellenburg said, "I went out to see the town, but ended up going to a movie . . . "The Twist Is Coming," the newest rage in Eu rope." At the Free University I3"f nburg took three courses Two German grammer courses and a conversation course. "I worked in Berlin with many of the people who had been dropped out of the school system on the basis of tests taken periodically. These young people were very unhappy in their work. If they dropped out, they have little chance at all for further education," Ellen burg said. 'Lost My Faith' . "I lost faith in the European system of education," he said. Berliner, according to Ellenburg, are less worried about international affairs; they feel that the Americans are doing a good job in handling the Berlin situation. In August Ellenburg's parents sent him enough money to get a ticket back to the United States. He re-enrolled in the University this fall, and is determined to get an American education. ses tional fraternity statements at conventions jmaa-paper, iKflrln" reality to continue with the old program of . pledge training," commented Bill Buckley, secretary of the In terfraternity Council (IFC). The University has not es caped this trend of "paying "lip-service" to national dir ectives. Within the last year, 'New however, a new, different at titude has firmly established Itself, "The fraternities on this campus are beginning to real ize their responsibilities to pledges," commented Buck ley. New Methods Buckley, also chairman of the IFC pledge training com mittee, continued, "Until this year, a pledge was more a servant than a prospective active. Presently, however, due to the recent attacks throughout the United States against the fraternity system, the 'active chapters have been forced to adopt new meth ods," Buckley explained. These "new methods" range from a definite emphasis on scholarship to a specific pro gram of education for pledg es. "Instead of shining shoes, pledges learn fraternity lore Students Defend Ole Miss Campus Tells Own Opinions Nebraskan Special (Editor's Note: The fol lowing is a story giving opinions of some of the stu dents at the University of Mississippi about Negro James Meredith and his at tempt to enter the Universi ty. The story was provided by special arrangement with the Miami Herald and their correspondent on the scene). OXFORD, Miss. - The University of Mississippi is not a solid mass of rebei-yeii-ing support for Gov. Ross Bar nett. Talk to the students and you will find that many of them including some w n o were born and raised in Mis sissippiwould rather see Ne gro James Meredith admitted than see their institution closed and blood spilled. "We are the most directly involved," said one. "We stand to lose everything but nohodv bothers to consult as to ask how we feel about Meredith. I couldn't care less if he comes here. And I think only a handful would rather see the University closed." It's a measure of the tense situation here that neither he or the others were willing to be quoted by name. No Comment The student body President, Dick Wilson, would not com ment at all and a few stu dents followed his example. But most were willing to talk at length provided they could remain anonymous. "I don't give a damn about James Meredith or what col or he is," a student declared. "I want this University to stay open and to remain ac credited." Misleading Most of them seem to feel that the Confederate flag waving student body picture on television has been mis leading. it was like a pep rauy, said one student about the massing of deputies and fed eral agents. ' We just want ed to see what was going on. I knew one guy who went down there just to get a date, because a bunch of girls were congregating. He got the date, too." Students said many proies sors had discussed the issue in Hass and warned of t h e dangers of losing accredita tion. There is a petition going around asking for support of Barnett and there are bump er stickers saying "Help Ross Kpo Mississippi Sovereign." But this does not appear to reflect the majorities' teeung. Harmed university The whole mess has harmed the University terri bly," a junior said. "It has hurt Oxford and it hurts the state. No one will ever know how much." There was little study on the campus Friday as the case made headlines across the country. "It is as if the finals are over or we were ready to go home for Christmas, one student said. "Everv night the dorms are noisy with arguments and dis cussion on what is right and what will reallv happen. The trouble, is that no one knows. The worst part is the wait ing." School' Pledge Training and history; instead of run ning errands, a pledge at tends social improvement classes," commented Chuck Witte, former pledge trainer of Sigma Nu. The new program is high lighted by pledge education rather than training. The em phasis now is on making a good active, rather than train ing a good pledge. According to the IFC pledge training creed, which all so cial fraternities on campus have pledged to uphold, "We, " therefore, recognize that mental and physical deg radation, personal servitude, and such programs that haz ard the health, well-being, and scholarship of an individ Vol. 76, No. 13 New Cheerleader Outfits Too Huskers Will Have New By KAREN GUNLICKS Nebraskan Staff Writer CornHUSKER not corn cob! The inconsistency of the University's name and sym bol resulted in the idea of changing the traditional ear of corn. The new symbol will be presented at Saturday's game against Iowa State. Jack Geier, head gymnas tic coach and initiator of the idea, said, "I have never seen anything that depicts the name Cornhusker the ear of corn used now certainly doesn't." The new look, sponsored by 'Students, Help Inform Senators' Says Stromer Sen. Marvin Stromer, speak ing before Pi Lambda Theta teaching honorary yesterday, stressed the importance of students informing their sen ators on the University. He emphasized the fact that members of the Unicam eral would be happy to talk with students from their dis tricts on University needs, but in the past not one student has cared enough to do this. He added that informed stu dents could have quite an in fluence. Senator Stromer called the 1963 session the "most cru cial the University has faced." He pointed out that in draw ing op a University budget many problems are faced, the main one being that senators are not informed on Univer sity problems. He said, "The only contact many senators have with the University is watching an oc casional basketball game while the legislative session is on." He suggested that Univer sity students become shrewd lobbyists as other special in terest groups are. Commotion Yes, But No Fire! Many people, several fire trucks, no fire. That was the story that, developed from a fire alarm sending five (six, maybe?) fire trucks to the Alpha Omkrom Pi bouse last night at about 7 p.m. What happened? The in cinerator was clogged and smoke started pouring from the chimney, so the fire de partment was called. There was no damage re ported. Council Requests Student Helpers Don Burt, president of Stu dent Council, announced to day that a special commit tee to do research and pro vide information to the stu dent body on the reapportion ment issue has been set up. Any students interested in seiying on this committee should contact Burt at 483-4573, or leave name, tele phone number, and class in the Student Council office. ual are inconsistent with the goals of the fraternity sys tem." Past Not Satisfactory Roger Myers, pledge train er of Beta Theta Pi, said, "Actually, this creed has been in existence for some years. For the first time, however, actives are begin ning to take note that past pledge programs are not com pletely satisfactory," he said. Continuing, "The new atti tude toward pledge training has been dormant in most houses. Now, the attitude is changing because a few mem bers in each house have had the courage to stand up and say what they think," Myers said. The Daily the Corn Cobs, Tassels and the Athletic Department, cor responds with the new cheer leader outfits. Suggesting the overalls idea, the new uniforms will be red bermudas with a bib and straps over a white long sleeved blouse. Straw hats and red bandannas will accent the white gloves, socks and tennis shoes. These outfits will be alter nated, to give novelty, with new while pleated skirts, which will be used at most games. The boys' uniforms have not changed. A contest will begin Mon day to help name the new symbol. The deadline for en tries is Thursday noon. The winner of the contest will receive two Homecoming Dance tickets at the pep rally next Friday. Entry blanks, which will be printed in the Daily Nebraskan, may be de posited in the box provided at the north entrance to the Un ion. The contest will be judged by Corn Cob and Tassel exec cutive councils. Final selec tion will be made by Tippy Dye, director of athletics. The University was first termed Cornhuskers in 1900 by Si Sherman who was then sports editor for the Lincoln Star. The newly retired Corn Cob was introduced in 1956. "Wre hope that the new sym bol will help generate the new '. enthusiasm the winning team deserves," said Dave Smith, Corn Cob publicity chairman. The new symbol will enter tomorrow's games in a con vertible and be escorted around the field by the newly clad cheerleaders. Pub Board Appoints 3 To Rag Staff The newly-elected Publica tions Board has selected Lynn Corcoran as copy editor and Tom McGinnis and Susie Smithberger junior staff wri ters for the Daily Nebraskan. Corcoran, a NROTC junior from Wilmington, Delaware, served as copy editor for the Nebraska Blueprint and edi tor of his high school news paper. Tom McGinnis, a junior from Dawson, Nebraska, is majoring in agriculture engi neering..? Susie Smithberger, a jour nalism home economics ma jor, is a sophomore from Stanton. YW-YM Travel To Fall Conclave About sixty YWCA and YMCA members from the Ne braska District will attend the Fall Conference held at Camp Kitaki today and tomorrow. Former President of the National YWCA Connie Tay lor will talk on "Our Re sponse to the Divided I." It will concern the convention of the National Student Assem bly of the YM-YWCA to be held later this year. Marcia Howe, district co chairman, said "the confer ence provides an opportunity for students from all over the district to get together and strengthen their local organizations." "It has been the normal reaction that the rest of the' house felt the same way, but needed a leader," he ex plained. Myers also felt that the new attitude was evident during Rush Week; an emphasis on scholarship and personality development rather than par ties were the main rushing points in most of the houses." Joel Lundak, president of Sigma Chi, commented "Our house is trying to develop a position program of pledge education. Naturally, the out come of the program will de pend upon the performance of this year's pledge class," he said. "We have the highest hopes Nebraskan Street Dance Highlights Tonight's Football Rally The rally for the Iowa State game will start to night at the Carillon tower at 6:30. The parade will fol low the traditional route, but will end on the south steps of the Student Union. Highlights of the rally will include guest speaker, Don Bryant, sports editor of the Lincoln Star and a street dance. The dance will be approx HJJ ? L if c 7 ' mh : V H r Bh ' ' ' J j . ' ' J L.LLiL-ii.1 A, L 6fe',aJ HOLD IT! Strangely enough, this is a picture of Pixie Smallwood taking a picture. The difference between this picture and other pictures in this issue of the Rag is that Pixie Smallwood did not take it. (Photo by Gary Lacey) Picture-Snappin' Pixie Finds Rag Job Trying By SUE HOVIK Nebraskan Staff Writer It's a women's world and Rosemary (Pixie) Smallwood is out to prove it. Already a member of the Nebraska and National Press Photographers Associations, this barely 19 year-old junior is the new photographer for the Daily Nebraskan. Experiences as a female photographer are numerous for this attractive blonde. What other female could get to go into the Kappa Sigma's second floor bathroom. Pixie quickly explained that she was on assignment taking pic tures of a guy getting show ered after his pinning. "They were quite willing to make the picture realistic and ended up breaking out the window," laughed Pixie. Pictures of the football ral ly last weekend that appeared in the Daily Nebraskan were taken after its photographer had c 1 i m b e d "gracefully" over a fence in order to get close enough to the plane. of this year being our most successful in terms of pledge development," Lundak con cluded. "It is obvious the fraternities of the University are certainly attempting to revamp their programs for the benefit of the develop ment of the pledge socially and intellectually," he de clared. Perhaps this point is most dramatically emphasized by the Sigma Nu pledge trainer in his challenge, "The doors of Sigma Nu are open at all hours, seven days a week, to anyone who desires to ob serve directly our pledge pro gram and this includes the Editor of the Daily Nebraskan." Friday, October 5, 1962 Symbol imately two hours long and will feature the ATO combo. . . If conduct at the pre-ral-ly parade does not cease to be violent, there will be no more parades, announced Wes Grady, Corn Cob pres ident. "The decision is backed by Dean Frank Hallgren and the Student Council of ficers. "We want construc tive spirit," he added. She then promptly ran for her life to escape from "those monster police hounds." Pixie who is a member of Alpha Delta Pi explained that this weekend will not only be the first time the new Ne braska hag met Iowa State, but it will also be the first time she will be on the foot ball sidelines taking pictures. "I expect to get bowled over by Thunder Thornton in the end zone in about the first quarter." she said. "The best picture I've ever taken is the lightening picture of Lincoln from the State Cap itol that I took last spring," she said. It appeared in the Daily Nebraskan, Lincoln Journal and Denver Post. This photographer who is a junior in journalism admit ted that she has her pet peeves. These range from people who ask "Oh, do you publish the Pixie Press?" to those who say "If you take a picture of me you'll break your camera." She answers with a "If you do, you'll pay for it." o - r n j-Juuu I awl mi(jr ; doboc