The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 04, 1962, Page Page 2, Image 2

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Thursday, October 4, 196 J
Discrimination Northern Style)
. James Meredith, a 29 year old Negro,
until recently refused admission to the
University of Mississippi, presents a
unique situation to the University of Ne
braska. The Governor of Mississippi used his
power to thwart directly the power of
the federal government And once again
the South has realized that it lost the
Civil War and the fight for states' rights.
However, ia the North, we continnally
point aa accusing finger at "those prej
udiced Southerners." But is it a hypo
critical finger? Many at the University
of Nebraska think it is.
An assistant professor of history
feels, "It is hard to say that equality
and justice exist at the University and
in the state of Nebraska. We cannot say
that students are not discriminated
against because of their background," he
B the federal government enforces
Integration la the Sosta, why doesn't it
enforce it aere?" he questioned.
He also stated, "We are indeed hypo
crits if we give charity only to "Thunder"
Thornton and Willie Ross."
A University professor in the political
science department feels, "Due to the ex
tremely small number of colored stu
dents on this campus, their situation is
unusually aggravated. I do not feel the
colored student is so much discriminat
ed against as he is discriminated for,"
commented the professor.
"The fact still remains, however, dis
erimiaatioa does occar en this campas,"
be said.
Continuing, be explained, "Not so
much the Southern type of discrimination,
but rather our own unique Northern prej
udice." "The white students on this campus
make it extremely difficult for the col
ored student to adjust," he said. "It
seems a silent wall exists between white
and colored students a waD which
neither will cross," the professor said.
These are very interesting points and
deserve some serious reflection. C a 1 d
these be a valid criticism? Have these
points forbidden ground in daring to ques
tion the University and its students?
The position of the Administration is
more restrained, however. Speaking to
Sigma Xu fraternity Monday night, Dean
Hallgren expressed a hope "that as we
have no serious prejudice problem at the
University, nothing like what has hap
pened at Mississippi is expected at Ne
braska." University students, however, seem
to agree with the two professors. A
- sophomore, who is a Greek, feels, "There
is some question as to the exact status
of the colored students on this campus."
Continuing, he pointed out, "It is evident
that certain organizations do not give
equal treatment to the colored student."
A senior ia Arts and Sciences had
this to say: "The colored student is cer
tainly discriminated against ia neaiiy aO
phases of social life at the University."
"When was the last time you saw a
colored student at an activity meeting?
At Kings? At a bouseparty?" the student
This senior also felt that the colored
student is handicapped even when dating.
"Just who do they date and just where
could they go a show?" said this fel
low. Where do the University and its stu
dents stand on discrimination? Is it for
bidden land that shouldn't be discussed?
Shouldn't we "Look first to our own
bouse" before we point at others?
Collegiate Press Freedom
Have yoo ever bad one of those days
when just nothing has gone right?
The editor of the Colorado Daily, of
ficial newspaper of the University of Col
orado (Boulder), is having just one of
those days except his has lasted some
two weeks now and promises to contimae
even larger.
It seems that be wrote aa editorial
which angered a candidate for regent,
a number of stadeats, the aabiicatioas
board aad administration.
It was eriilled "How Yoo Play" and
concerned the then upcoming Colorado
football season. The editors main points
were as tafikm:
T-Tfcr 1 m bar mm mm tm UH
aBB9VHjAt0uttv flaajaaaaaV 4ftraf4fto7 saaasaavaar TaMw waaaaaj1
mt'SeJwim raSam""" """"
twl br paid mm mmwmm HBMk aar'i ft. anrsk
a mm aval wmii.i; i" ""'"" 'JJJ'jJgJJ
T T waaaar af mm piiiimOwa nmm mn mt w
mm aaaraMt ar aniilit, Mr tiuait mud
mmm rH Wimt ant (tarMr' . . . t
nmfmmmn tmitama. .ten m avaaflffi, actanvit'
The regent was so angered that be
called for the end of student subsidiza
tion of the Daily, for the estab-Iisfcsoect
of aa ed&sial advisor position and for
aa isves&gaifcia of the Daily and its editor.
Appearing ia the same issae of the
paper with the "How Yoa Play" editori
al was a lengthy ."literary" article by
a philosophy student eeaceraiag Sea.
Barry Goldwater. Ia this article Goldwa
ter was referred to as a "niarderer ao
better thaa a eenunoa crimimaL"
Five days after the paper appeared
Barry Goldwater demanded an apology
from the author, the editor and the
Bv this time the stadeats bare bad
eaeagh. A petiiiB with baadreds of CU
stadeat signatures wul be pretested to
the Uarrersity board of regents tomorrow
expresHBg stadeat dissatisfactioa vita
the subsidized dally.
Students are reported to have refused
to pay the tl 49 part of their fees given
to the newspaper.
The whole situation is slowty aevelop
iag into a vaestioa of "Way the college
press shosld be free?" or shoald M aad
to what client.
We are fully behind this battle and
say a load "YES" that the collegiate
press should be free. We do not agree
oeasssary with what the CU editor
wTote tat that be Lad the right as editor
to say a&d publish with responsibility.
gluek type
by dive woblfartb
We've got a 1x2j1 team!
Hot abort those Maskers? Nebraska's gridiron team restored the loog-stasdmg
loyalty of the Cor&hasker faithful by surprisicg Michigan, 25-13. last weekend at Aim
Arbor. The game was more thaa just nxxAher b:g Nebraika upset because it looks hke
a Scarlet victory chats has started.
Coach Bob Devaaey's aqaad proved Oenseives a good football lean against a
solid ofisooest after apesiag vma aa easy victory over weak Socta Dakota. How the
Hosiers wia fare ia the Big Eight Conference mm be partially asswered Satarday
whea XU meets Iowa State ia the first loop test for both dabs.
The Cydsmes from Ames ws3 be up for this one. Coach Cay Stapkloa's team
Lai a veek off last Saturday after opening with a win over Drake and a hearts
breakirg loss to Oregon State. Many experts said that this would be the year
for tara State and there's no doubt that the Cyclones will be plezsty tough.
If Nebraska beats Iowa Stale Satarday the Baskers 21 be off aad naming i
feeir best seasoB sine the powerfal XU teams of the twenties aad thirties. With North
CaroJata State, Kansas State aad Colorado oa deck after the Iowa State dash, Ne
braska sbon&d go tsto its ragged final foar games Missoarl, Kansas, Oklahoma
State and CMLUbwna ffniVfeated. There's already some talk of soetbward excursions to
IQaad toSowiag the season.
Whsfs amaCTg is that Devaoey and his staff, ia their Erst year at Nebraska.
Lave mtM&A a pcwerM team from the sdeas, with a few lasses mod additions, of
last year's team wiach won only three games. The answer is aa improved coaching
stidf and a new positive attitaie among the gridders themselves.
This Is easy to see. 23 (Tbaaderl Thornton, Nebraska's AB-Ameriean fallback
candidate, showed plenty of "gut" at Ifiefcigas when be played and played bard in
the contest, after being shelved only three weeks by a dislocated shoulder.
Has corner pkked the Hatkers to lose to Michigan by one touchdown bet was
eighty happy to be wrong. Listeskg m the radio, as were many other NU studetls,
it sesssed as if fee Hscers just kejt Lotting tor one taachdowo after another ia that
big stxxmti. half. It was a great fwrg"
Now Nebraska stands oa the threshold of foothal greatness. This writer has
newer seen the Hasker spirit higher and spirit, tastead of fights, nay be the "thing"
at Friday's rally. The auda topic of coaversatioa ia the early part of this week
seemed to already center around: "New well fat It to Iowa State Satarday."
Oh yeah, keeping the present trend in mind well tag Nebraska as a conserva
tive one TD favorite ia a L4gh seorixg battle, weather permitting. Remember that
these two teams have staged Lard-fwght ckse battles the last few years with the
team wiJh the test "foot" wirning.
Go gettozn' Haskers!
Daily Nebraskan
TeSepleae CS-7m ext 4225, 3S$, 42ZJ
Kember Associated Collegiate Press,
fa&prwstienal PrefS Eewftentathre, Na
tional Advertisfirg Servite, Incorporated.
P&h&hed at: Boom 51, Stadeat Uidon.
Usesia f, Nebraska.
mm niuww m m Mum eimmt nM k. trm
ti ill rtm mwwi m imrt m Inn
m m mm urt 1 mr mi mm mmntr tmt tin.o. Tarn
on hr'tnitil'.
f M..uii e ur m mm mrf. m 4m,
eomcMS rtvrr
BaaafaaadJ MtojadJ ffaai waaVflafaV Baaaap tMMU aat anW
(Mat w&mm tsmmm TmM-
4trtmj wimmtt CBvt 6m?mj
9mG&m &umt mm4 tmtw Aiwbb AfL. t&
Mmk m mm C Mn1,, mr ml vmwm mmr mm amimmnam
(wm ma tmnmm mtrnn M aa iiwim
.. tmm Iml
""T-H Wtthr ... . ......... ar
tttar .. .... ................ B-n .
lt ................... tk ACM
Cr EM IMa fcw Oww.
Mr rr . m Km, ftarr Um. fcanJ
r awa in ...... .............. j torn Ma Mm
i Hmmpn ... OM
uraauma aaMua ,. Jam Imw
''"iwussiC' Lisas'
Dutx. Si-Loud Pl-r.tak
by bob aye
It is time that we as
students pay due respect
to one of the more ven
erable and virtuous or
ganizations on campus.
Panhellenic Council, we
love you. Guardian of
our "sorority girls and
their unquestionable dig
nity and character, the
keeper of the keys, and
the conscience of all that
is righteous and good, we
salute you.
Without a reasonable
doubt, the sororities and
their members an this
campus represent the epi
tome of t ell-mannered,
gracious, and terribly
feminine females.
This select groop of
women antst remaia for
ever aaparaQelled ia the
art of peariag tea, the
charming graces which
those who "have made
it" find indispensable,
and the sabtle abilities
which enable them to rip
someone apart politely.
I must stop lor a mo
ment, however, to give
credit to those girls who
Lave not fallen victim to
the illusion of "sorority
and the consequent group
egoism or as you would
tiie Egregious Complex.
These lew girls, so to
speak, are along for the
This trait, ahhoagh con
demned by aaaay, I Gad
ttnite laadahfe. The abil
ity of aa indhidnal to
find and taaintan his
Identity In the face of
great public pressures
and the sagacity to keep
and assert ladividaaury,
rather thaa sarcamb to
the gtr and comjwl
sioa of faneifnl Ideals and
mesaagtess opmioas, is
very asacb to be eom
iseaded. In giving PasheQeeuc
it's due, we should keep
in mind that it is a prod
oct, rather than the es
sence, of the sorority sys
tem. It is maintained, en
couraged, and perpet
uated by the very girls
whose dignity it has tak
en upon itself to main
tain. I wonder, however, jnet
why PaaheDenie has to
worry a boot the image of
the Greek womea. Cer
tainly the integrity, dig
airy aad honor of these
girls is above the ialis
of defense. Tbfz commoa
knowledge caa be wit
nessed by any critic ia
the coadact of these
young ladies at any
tempting affair such as
"woedsies" and boase
parties, wbea the leering
fraternity mea attempt
with frustrating eads to
lead ear yoaag maidens
from the path of right
teoasness. '
The integrity of the
system as a whole is ex
emplified by the values
and teachings the active
instill in every pledge
RULE 1. You must not.
under aay circumstances,
partake of alcoholic bev
erages until you have
learned the proper meth
ods of walking up the
stairs, signing in, and po
litely restraining yourself
until tiie proper moment
(Lessons for this rule
take place at closing
hours on Friday and Sat
urday nights)
RULE 2. You must not,
under any circumstances,
participate in necking,
kissing, fondling, or pet
ting until the THIRD date.
Coke dates may be count
ed tinder certain circum
stances. (Concurrent with
this rule is also a some
what fcgsy thirty-third
date rule.)
These rules border on
the ridiculous when they
are set down in print.
However, the ideas and
the ttzsxm behind thee
are not ridiculous and are
quite reaL
Frosh Beanes
Freshman beanies are
still being sold by Mrs.
Miles ia the activities office
of the administration Bond
ing. The price is $1.5.
In Clarification
To the Editor:
In clarification:
1 Panhellenic o e s
have a treasury, and we
do know where it is!
With the funds of every
other campus activity, the
finances of Panhellenic
reside in the Activities
Fund in the Administra
tion building. Anyone who
cares may inquire about
the finances there. A fi
nancial report is given in
Panhellenic meeting once
a year. We welcome visit
ors. 2 Rules pertaining to
social events, car washes,
hour dances, etc., are
made by the Office of
Student Affairs. Panhel
lenic does not forbid so
cial events on any day of
the week or during any
month of the year.
3 We are very sorry
that m.s. Oct. 1 Ne
braskan: "The Gyre and
Gimble" . . .) does not
recognize the importance
of the Nebraska-Michigan
game. Panhellenic was
thrilled at the Nebraska
Jo Mackenzie
Panhellenic President
1 About Letters 1
ft. Oaar
timttn to aaa
mm a
vtetaa mm mmm Umirt wi
at iH.aii uawn
S tZ aa W lr? al Wt-. mm.
s tmmt ra ummmm mmr t m
S iaM a wal ka h apa
rrtw mmmm
B mm iw al
ss Him aw mm tmvtm ar aaiaa
ktewtT mmm aW ba rctaraML
aharalaML UaKhy
I 7- v r-
(AuDmrtfl Wat m Tttnt Dvxrf," "Tkt Ifooy
Lorn of Dob GHht," tU.)
Now th&t yoa Lve enroilcd and paid your fem and boueht
your books and found your vsy sroucd eampxis and leaimd to
Late your roommate, it k time to turn to the most important
aspect of college life. I refer, of tnuree, to clothes.
What does Dame Fashion decree for the coming school year?
floeide&t&Tiy, Dame Fashion b not, as many people believe, a
fictitious chancier. She was a real Englishwoman who lived in
Dkabethaji times and, indeed, EngJ nd is forever in ber debt.
During the invasion of the Spanish Armada, Dame Faahkm
not yet a Dame but a men, unlettered country lam named
MoQ Flanders during the mvasion, I say, of the $pamh
Armada, tick daantiew girl stood cm the white eii5 of Dover
and tarwd the tide of lrUe by rallying the drooping monk of
the British fieet with th stirring poem of hr own composition
Dau'l U fuLUtt,
Men f Brilm.
Suing yovr euHaM,
We ain'1 fuittin'.
mak the Spmuh,
Sink their boat.
Make 'em tattUk,
Like m knru make oat.
f Good Qwxi Ash,
Dear mn, ym frl
Make a mew
Of Oat Armada.
Yoh won't fatlf
Knork 'em fat!
Them we'B drink alt
And tiug Kke that.
Ask any of these guy and they trill tell you
the place to get the finest haircut is at
Dob's Barber Shop
1315 "P"
kppoiiwtsmtt ArtUthl
Cart&t, Srurwe, Powers, Donavon, Mc
CXouhan, ttr, Kiffin, Jones, Rood, Fisher
and rViartin.
Winner of two hair cutting trophiet
at recent Hate contention.
Flat-Top Ivy League
Razor Cutting
- "aBaa jr 4
yi im the imui
A a reward for Ht, bpiratwynal vems Qjeea Euzaljctb
duSAmd her a Dame, mde her Poet Laoreat, and gave her
the Western Hwik;jre except Duhtth. But this was not tho
extent of Dame Fashion's smice to (ieen and eoontry. Ia
l.V9 te invented tint taring hea, and wa awarded a life
time pom to Oiiavex Bavii&e, Bjt she tn not to end her days
5ft &ry. Is 15SJ, a!i, uc Ww mJTnAni Jot overiiiiie louiling
and toprwoed ft thirty yean ia a bott of ntkimtffm later
tnD as Qnsy Fates Day.)
RA I dgraa, LetmpA back to eampai fjMLioot. Certaia to
be tf rage aain tiJs year u the cardigan (which, cvnrn&ij
enrtitft, vas named after Lord Cardigan, who ttuttaale!& tlio
EftgJah fieet again tle Spankh Armada. The sweater is only
one product of UY retnarkahie Briton's imagjnaiion. He aJ
inrented tlj glottal tp, U grvnd, and the eyelid, withf
ijicb wkikisg, m we know ft today, would not be prmZAt).
But 1 fotp The eartlgn, I say, will be back, which k, I
beJiere, cmt for reysrir. My? Because tie cardigan baa
oiee big pockets m which to carry yow Uariboro Cigarettes
atd thaty gmd friends, it aoipSe rnvm for ceielxration as all of
yoo will agree who bare enjoyed Marlboro's fine, cocfafortaljle,
meHtm trx and lar!horo's L'ter. So why don't yoa slip into
yoar cardigan and Lie Tfwrv-i to your tofyaccortttt for sono
good MarSborco? They eome in soft pack or Cip-top bos. Cardi-
i puis. lot gjns awl tje lor boys. mmam
Crdifzn ar puiioverU'$ m tnmUet of tmste . . . And to to
Mmvlborm m mailer of Uutmth bet tost thml tmn pomiblg
he mehievtd fry experienced gmtrert and blender fc ci
, diU fence, and tender latin eve. Trg a pack.