f I"- f'" OCT i 'jC.)nnfr Vol. 76, No. 12 The Daily Nebroskon Thursday, October 4, 1962 Council Revises Associates Pla n J J Campus To Participate In Mock Campus Vote University students will be able to voice their opinion on gubernatorial and congres sional candidates Oct 31. Mock elections, sponsored by Student Council, Young Democrats and Young Re publicans, mil Ibe held for the first time in the University's history. The Student Council rela tion, unanimously passed yes terday endorsing more equitable apportionment hi the Slate f Vebrasta ..." mill als appear n the sam ple ballots. Tbe Council mil form a committee to study the reap portionment issue in order that they may later inform the University community on Ibe issue. In further business. Law College representative. Sin Christensea, introduced the following resolution: "'Whereas, certain mem Iters of the University admin istration, namely, the tmr Associate Deans of Student Affairs, have seen fit to ar ticulate their feelings regard ing the moral and social standards expected of the University community; and i "W ttrejf, the United States of America is a tree j conntry mtoere each individu- j al is entitled to bis pin- j ion n matter bow unorthodox or unpopular, even odious, "'Now. therefore, be it re- j solved that the Student Coun-: cH .of the University .of Ke- j braska go on record as strongly endorsing the right j Jr. IFC Told Year's Goals Bob Weaver, last year' president of the Junior Inter fraternity Council Ut. IFC), told ttv representatives Tuesday night that they must forego the selfish thoughts of their respective houses m order to promote spirit in the Council. He explained the ideals and goals of the Jr. IFC and its workings with the Interfrater nity Council (IFC) and briefly brought ud the subject of the Jr. IFC ball, and the "Tew Faces on Sorority Row" hook let published every year by the junior council. T n e new representatives are: Jim Kubicek, Flu Kappa Psi; Shelly Ilrizeiman, Sigma Alpha Mu; Lynn Hasselbach, Delta Tau Delta; Ron Gochen our, Acacia; Kip Hirschbach, Beta Theta Pi; Mark Way bright, Sigma Chi; Jim Har low, Delia Sigma I'lii, John Stoiilmann, Pi Kappa Phi; Bob McCoy, Alpha Gamma Sigma; Larry Henderson, Tri angle; Galen Frenzen, Farm House; Robb Cole, Theta XI Ed McElfresh. Alpha Tan Omega; Buzz Madsen, Phi Delta Theta; BiH Mowbray, Sigma !Ju; Bob Kiekmann, Phi Gamma Delta; Skip Sor riKen; Sicma Aluha Epsilon; Jim Baer, Kappa Sigma; Ron Cada, Alpha Gamma Rho; Steve 'Olson, Sigma Phi Ep silon; Brent Scott, Delta Up silon and Doug Foster, Beta igma Psi. Botany Prof efc&or Receives Award Dr. Wendell L. Gauger, as sistant jiroiessor of botany, lias been given a $2,901 grant by the VS. Public Health Service. The recent award mill be lined for the second year of a three-year study of black bread molds. IWA Schedules Interview limes The schedule ior Independ ent Women's Association TWA) interviews for hoard positions tonight in the IWA office has heen announced as follows: 7:ki Churlmv Kawlliiif Oniric II Jim V: ill jHttttf lrwlu 1 : Hi (.anil Klein 1:HJ I'hvlli, I'nMknvM' 7:2I l-m-mlnr fcuniimun 1 Hi Hhitryl Maumn 7 1 .liian Hit 1 l Nuih lrnn 9i4i Numw Vtruv of tbe said Deans to exercise their constitutional right of freedom of speech." Cmmf Mic; n his resow tkin, Cfaristensea said, "Tbe recent manifest in tbe Daily Xebraskan I tbe students f this University as unfair, U say the lea;. The resolution was indefi nitely postponed.. In other business, Counci President Don Burt an nounced tbe appointment of Denme Christie as Big Eight Student Government Associa tion co-ordinator and Jim Hansen as Student Tribunal liaison. Business College Affiliates I School Joins Land-Grant Set ! The University College of Business Administration has j joined the Association of Land45rand College's newly j established division of bus iness administration, accord i ing to Dean Charles Millerr i The idivision was created in an effort to guide land-grant j business schools toward mak : ing analysises of informatiOB j relating to the latest innova tions in the educational and j prof Sessional world. By joining the association, the University business school is given a closer tie with oth er land grant business schools, Dean Miller said. He explained that aE the land grant colleges have schools of engineering and agricul ture, and these schools art becoming increasingly in terested in business schools. Dean Miller and Ossian MacKenzie, dean of the busi ness school at Pennsylvania State University, initiated the new division during the time that Chancellor Clifford Har din mas president of the As sociation of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges. "The new division will facilitate national thinking be tween schools if agriculture and schools of business. We mil reap the benefits of con tracts with other good col leges,' Miller said. The University was a chart er member of the American Association of Collegiate Schools of Business mhich is the top governing toody and accredidation association. Dean Miller miU attend a meeting of the division of business administration in Washington, DC during the annual session of the Land Grant Association. YDs Will Deride Campaign Idea For Fall Election University Young Demo crats (YD's) wiD meet to night in 348 Student Union lo plot campaign strategy aimed at helping -win the coming fall elections accord ing to Gary Thompson, YD president. YD President Gary Thomp son said club members -wiE have the opportunity lo choose the committees on which they -want to wort. ThomoHon said it is nrEent that all Youne Democrats at the University attend the strategy meeting ana he in vited all interested students lo attend the meeting. Time of the meeting is 7;30 pjn. tMhl One Trophy The Innocents Society Is trying to locate the men's division Homecoming Display Traveling trophy. Won last year "by Kappa Sigma, the trophy mas taken from their house after men's rush -week. Anyone knowing anything concerning the lo cation of the trophy,, please contact Steve Cass at the Delta Uptulon house. i - r - ii . i HOME AT LAST Nebraska dog; -Pee Wee'", bas found a borne at last Seleck Quadrangle turned in tbe rowst receipts t mia tbe huge St Bernard. The biggest problem Quad residents new have is: '"ll'bere shal me put MmV The seeona Dr. Lasse, Speech Department Head Emphasizes Problems, Process 'The speech department is more than a service depart ment m-itb courses in public speaking,'" emphasized Dr. Leroy T. Lasse, Speech De partment chairman. Twenty-one vears ago when Dr. Lasse came lo the Uni versity., the speech .depart ment consisted of a .dramatic arts program. Dr. Lasse pro ceeded lo set up the speech and hearing clinic, a new con cept at. the time. Al present the speech de partment is composed of four general areas: theatre arte, speech pathology and audiol ogy, radio and television, and public address and speech ed ucation. Dr. Lasse emphasized both progress and problems in ex plaining the work of each area. Biggest Problem The biggest problem pres ently facing the speech de partment is lo fiH staff vacan cies with competent people.1 This is .difficult, said Dr. LasBe, "primarily because we University Foundation 31emier Nebraska Alum Conquers Loss of Sight, Parents Ey KAEE7C GUMJCCS Nebraskan Staff "Writer . A blind Nebraska alumnus has toe come a successful tousinessman and a leader in -welfare activities toy denying self-pity and shunning sympathy. J. Kenneth Cozier lost his left eye m'hen he was two, tooth parents m'hen toe mas nine, and lost aD tout five percent of Ms vision in his right eye 12 years later. Born in Aurora, Cozier lost bis left eye m'hen be feS into Strokes glass. I lis parents" deaths were caused by food pois oning. Following their deaths, Cozier lived mitb bit married sister. In 1950, iritis, an infiammation of the right eye, afflicted Cozier.. Adhesions nec essitated toperatiun, tout an opague condi tion in his eye left trim mitb only five percent vision. Identifies by Voice Despite 1 i s visual handicap, Cozier, tl, mho identifies people toy voice, is president of lour companie mhich oper ate a lota of seven plants. He lives itn Cleveland, Q. Cozier credits his happiness lo two iff f s. if -A I ' it 1 Li I I if! i v" Book Store's are mnabk lo compete financi ally mifib other mttitutions for people f established profes sional status Dr. Lasse noted tbe appoint ment f Dr. George 11. ftturtz rock, bead f tbe speech and bearing department of the Be- babililaljon Institute f De troit, Is associate professor f speech and audiology as as important addition U the staff. The loss of ley staff mem bers has meant a considerable setback in speech pathology and audiology.'" said Dr. Las se. "The other areas are also suffering said Dr. Lasse, cit ing increased enrollments and need for additional staff mem bers as general problems in the speech department. Emphasize Training In developing the area of speech and hearing the de partment must emphasize therapist training, clinical services and research. The speech department lias a reputation tor turning ui good therapists and its clini cal services are in demand firblrta is ""Unat sbaB me Base bimT ipy SBEgeslioM miS be appreciated, Sel ledk artificers said. Surrounding their prize are Belfe Drftsldn. sopbomore, Tm Cotton, fresbraan, and Bger Dodson, senior. (Pboht by Pme Smallm-ood toy private and government agencies.' In order lo keep up this rep utation, and lo continue build ing to meet rising professional standards, the clinic must concentrate .on improving its program, said Dr. Lasse. Students Compile Nebraska Facts Teacher's College students have helped compile informa tion '"about every item -which might conceivably be used toy a teacher or student learning about Nebraska,' says Dr. William L. Pilaris Jr. of the Teacher" College. The toackground material includes toMtographies a n .d volumes on Nebraska's In dians, the arts in the state. the government, Capitol, rec reation, transportation, and future state planning. According to Dr. Fharis, the material is lo toe used by elementary and secondary students lo increase their pride smd unfiCTslanding of the slate sources: a sense of accomplishment and service to cne's Mbw men. "People with jlysieal handicaps should face their problems and master them. They wiB never solve (hem by running from them,' Cozier advised. He is a trustee uf the Youth Service Bureau and Health Council and of the Netoraska's University Foundation. He has set up a scholarslup fund through the foundation Srom m'hici awards of $200-1301) are gives lo sine or two busi ness administration students a year.. Blind Commission Cozier as first vice president tof the Cleveland Society for the Blind and last year mas appointed lo a fh'e-year term as member of the Ohio Commission for the Blind. '! hve a normal life and am au -worse luff than a person m'bs can't hear m ass m-itb a heart condition,'" Cozier said. Many people have idisabihtieE. Evertoody has a cross to toear.. Fve never felt sorry ior myself," he added. Cozier,' a ruddy, robust, dafk-haried man, plays golf and backs a Class E baseball team. Representation System Based On Living Units By JIM MOORE Xebraskaa Staff Writer A new Student Council As sociates program, based on representation from various j campus living mms aou ux idea of inaintainiing quality membership, was passed In Student Council yesterday. According to the report one Student Council Associ ate would represent 35 per sons from Ms living unit Each living unit wonM select two irterviewees for each as sociate they are permitted to have. Tbe associate program m as initiated by tbe eosndl last Council . Reveals Outcome Three Named To Pub Board Student Cramciil chose Anne Garson. Mamreem FroEk, and Mike Wiseman as the student members of tbe Pntolicafions Board yesterday- Arxrie Garson, bediming Ms second year on the Board, stated, '"The possibility of an eight column Daily Nebras kan issued five days a meek as cuu 'really itrnder considera tion.'" - m appears (bat tbe de mand fr (be increase exists. If this is (be case, I wu?d favr sues an expanded cam pus nem-spaper,'n Garson chs mented. Continuing, be pcanled at, "I feel the Daily Neterastaa; should center primarily tm campus activities and not at tempt ta report national news." Don Burt, president of Council, asked Garson mhetn er he would agree that the, newspaper should endorse po-! iitical candidates and issues.! Eeplying, Garson said, "Tbe paper should defiiulely bate tbe power to endorse political candidates. This does not mean M should take a stand, bowever, be con tinued. Mike Wiseman, nemly- eleded sophomore representa tive on tbe Board, said "The high .quality and exceptiona freedom the paper enjoys should toe continued. How ever, some national and in ternational news should toe included lo broaden tbe scope of She Daily Nebratkan,'" he concluded. The three members miU serve together mitb four fac ulty members during the com ing year. The pub tooard ad vises tbe policy and financial decisions of all campus stu dent publications. Sheldon Gallery 'Stone Placing Set for Tuesday The cornerstone for the new Sheldon Art Gallery mill toe placed Tuesday at 9 a.m. on the east steps of fibs toaDd- img. Chancellor Clifford M. Har din wiD act as Master of Cer emonies. Spea&Ers miD toe Mr. Clarence Swanson tof the Board tof Regents, Mr. Fred Wells, president of the Ne braska Art Association, and Mrs. A. B. Sheldon of Lex ington. The new art gallery is named in honor Mrs. Sheldon's late husband. Mr. Verner M. Meyers, di rector. Division trf Planning and Construction for the Uni versity, reported that the ex terior of the structure as near ly complete. KK Worker lUnrrersirj sophomores mho are interested in toeing Eos met IQub wor'kers, tout did not sign top at the meeting last week may stfll join toy calling Steve Cass at the Delta llpslloi) house, 43WtC73L year. Members of the group, mho are not actual members of the council, are placed committees and aid in doing research on pertinent ConncH proposals. Susie lloffitt, senior hold over Council member and chairman of the .Associates program, said that the pro gram was not mhoHy success ful last year because of the lack of interest and qualified workers. Interviews by a committee of tbe Stndent Council would seket an adequate num ber of associates for (be Council's work. However, tbe report specifically states. If one fir ing uit bad a representation amber of two, and of tbe four persons interviewed, three seemed very mnch qualified, tben tbe three mould be chosen." Each fraternity, sorority, men's and women's dorm? as m-ell as UNICORNS, Towne Ctoib, and Co-op members conld select two interviewees. Tbe sew program replaces (be one ased Last year, in mbkfc a pilot plan did not prove saccessfnL According to Miss Moffitt, "The new system of repre sentation shoaM allow naore effective crgamzatioii of tbe assonates program. This yjar, the representatives wiill have definite, assigned corm naittees and specific duties."" Cohvell Telk Ag Statistics One cut of three people in the U.S. labor fierce is em ployed am aiTiaaltare, acoord ing to Dr. William E. CMwelL former research director at North Carolina Slate College. Dr. CoOmel came from Ms ranch at Hay Springs to speak yesterday at the AS-Ag Con vomTscation and at the Gov ernor's Committee tm Agri culture in tbe Nebraska Cen ter for Continmng Education. The 22 imfn-irm agrictOtaral workers are divided into three gncwips, said CohreCL There are seven million producers tof food and fiber in the VS., six million dealers selling di reactly to farmers or pnadnc ing agncnlture supplies, and ten million buyers, processors, and m-arehonserj of farm pro ducts. In the future, Colwefl point ed out, the gap in numbers between those actually pro ducing erupt and livestock and those trading with the producers mid miden. -'Butr be added, ""there is a wonderful opportunity for the technically-trained agri culturist, because our growing economy mm reqmre about 40 per cent more profession al and technical people an the next IB years."" Dr. 3liIIer Gets 26,000 Grant Dr. Dwight D. M tiler, chairman of flue zoology anj physiology department at the University, has toeen am-arded a three year grant of 26iiU9 toy the National Science Fm Sesearch on genetic varia tion m closely related species of fruit flies miD toe sup ported toy the funds. Part cf the m'ork rn-jU involve micro scopic studies f chromo somes in the flies. Another section of the prs ject rn-iH toe a study of the geographical distributioa of tbe insects mhich Inhabit most uf the Western Eemis phssre. Home Ec Expert To Aid Ireland University ofKetoraska Home Eilensioa leader Ag nes Arthaud rn-iH spend six months an Ireland working with the Irish Department ttf AgTAciutiire. l&luk iiii Ireland she wili trabi staff members and de velop an organization for per manent rural home econom ics advisory service. Mrs. Alma Anderson mill be acting state Header io Mrs. Arthaud 's absence. ,,r.