The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 03, 1962, Image 1

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Lilt 1 1 bill lb v OCT 3 1252 awhive
4 rsr Prendre
v lewpomi CCX 'CWKW;
-See Page 2
Vol. 76, No. 11 I
see Page 4
The Daily Nebraskan
Wednesday, October 3, 1962
ment Increase Creates Problems
irbsii v jm ji
Of Awards
Three University professors
authorities in the fields of
education, history and Eng
lishwere selected yesterday
as holders of Regents profes
sorships. The honor carries with it a
yearly stipend of $3,750 in ad
dition to the recipients" reg
ular salaries.
I" H 4 !v
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II 11 III 113 iy lrJ
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University Regents Approve Neiv
Proposals To Combat Fall Boom
The recipi
ents are:
Dr. Royce
Knapp, pro
fessor of his
tory and
principles ef
edncat i a,
aid second
ary edaea-
Professor of It Iff ontllTO
Between each class break and at the
main entrance to every University class
room building is heard' the comment, "If
these 'people jams' continue throughout
the year, weH have to have twenty min
utes between classes." Pictured above is
the typical between-class "waiting-to-get-in"
scene which is a result of the Unher-"
sity's enrollment increase.
Friday Rally
Street Dance
The Com Cob rally for
the Iowa State game win
be held Friday sight be
ginning at the carillon
tower at C:3t. A parade
will follow the traditional
route, bat will end on the
sooth steps of the Union.
The highlights of the
rally will nerade guest
speaker, Doa Bryant,
sports editor of the Lin
coln Star and a street
The dance will be ap
proximately two hoars
long and will be keynoted
by the ATO combo! play
ing the latest "locomo
tion,"' "mashed potato",
and "fish" mnsie.
Kaapp edneation
Dr. James C. Olson, pro
fessor and chairman of his
tory, selected as Martin Pro
fessor of History.
Karl Shapiro, professor
of Eaghsh. named Charles J.
Mach Professor of English.
Both the history and edu
cation professorships have
been newly established, but
the English professorship was
vacated this summer when
Prof. James E. Miller, Jr., re
sicmed to join Use University
of diicago faculty.
Anonymou Ifenor
Quai&celJor CKtani Hardsn
taJ the Board that tlse Re
pents professawrsMp of educa
tion is beirajg smpgwtfd by an
tMftiymwas donor. Tlbe Mach
professorship is fmaoced by
the estate of a Grant Cmsty,
rancher. The Martin chair is
supported, by a yearly grani
frees Mr. tad Mrs. Bexcrl S.
Martin of Iiuoola.
Dr. Knasppv r
a native ca
Omaha is
corsitereJ a
tsatsoaal Dead
er and spe
cialist is the
ffieJd of so
cial sSo&es
and civic ed
ocalkm. Be
has served
as consaHaut to mary em4-
cm s 'icollinii.
Be is anDior of many wide
h ed social studies texl-
ktoblfc and one of his books. btks int Love Libranr and
Araerieaa EeioBalisiH and; keep tlina &m,m sipped
Social EoaOMm,m paVBOaei Dr. Lasatfy. 'However, I
fcy the Barvard Unhiersitys I mwM like to see books
Press, is a ttask reference ia lev erjwbere.'
1 - "Si. I
Traffic Regulations
Student Affairs Issues
New Parking Penalties
Daily Nebraskan Reporter
The University Division of
Student Affairs has issued
dent Don Burt last spring dis
cussing council recommendations.
Dean Breckenridge pointed
several new parking violation oirt that the recommenda
penalties effective Sept. L
Dean Adam C. Brecken
ridge, bead of University traf
f i c regulations committee,
stated that the purpose of the
tiorts of the Student Council
were in general followed and
several compromises were
worked out.
Captain Masters of the Uni-
Daily Nebraskan Reporter
Enrollment Booms We've
set a record! Hooray! or
Students trapped in Bur
nett, or standing patiently
putside of Social Sciences are
aware of one University prob
lem connected with the en
rollment increase overcrowd
ing. Meeting yesterday morning
with Chancellor Hardin, the
University's Board of Regents
spent a brief 45 minutes vot
ing through twelve pages of
recommendations related, di
rectly or indirectly, to prob
lems created by the enroll
ment increase.
A brief comment inter
jected by Dr. Hardin as the
board voted to approve
twelve full time, 44 tem
porary or part time faculty
appointments and the adjust
ment of 35 present faculty ap
pointments, centered a 1 1 e n
tion on the enrollment in
crease. Effect of Increase
Answering questions framed
by various board members,
Dr. Hardin analyzed the ef
fect of the increase on stud
ent housing and crowded
"Fortunately for ns, the en
rollment was general through
out the institution." said Dr.
Hardin. Est noted that al-
versity police stated, "The most S5fi of the 965 new
Lundy Suggests Libraries
As Addition To Sororities
small portion of students who Problem of the student v, bo students are upperclassmen,
continuaOv violate parfcW ai:Tord t0 P3 840 or and the increased enrollment.
ju uouLii. lurcj j-ri Kiunkct mougn nignesi in me louege
has existed for a long time 0f Arts and Sciences and
The new regulations should Teachers, is spread througb
solve this problem on cam-; nt the departments.
Pus-" I In answering questions on
In the University traffic student housing. Dr. Hardin
regnlaiioBS booklet for 1SS2. : said that while it is k n o w n
these new penalties are out- that a certain number of stu-
uned: dents did not complete their
LA parking violation !' plans to attend the Under
charge is $1 within five days sitv because of a lack of
regulations to be more care
ful. The new re filiations are
the resBit of several confer
ences Deaa Breckenridge had
with Student Council presi-
PamMlemiiC delegates and
sorority schlarsMp chair
naen were told Monday fey
Frani Lsandy, director ctf
Love library, that every
sorority ngM to have a
smal Ebsrary.
Reafeg as a fcatol cw
omgM to caltivaJe,'" he said
"ll is my food hope that
stotorts ia the hsbst of
If seems as &Bgh tJre
is a nyth oa tMs eanipw
that my ambawa is to get all
is the worst effort. "Fifty
dollars a year will add many
books to a library," he adied.
Ho&ses should first boy the
books that satisfy serioes
study needs and then expaad
their coOeetieas into the
fields of research, classics
and fiction, Lnsdy said.
He refmsed to act as cen
sor and say what books
stoold be in the library and
education, said Dr. Hardin.
The chancellor went on to
summarize a few facts dis
proving theories ranging from
the"war baby" boom to "stu
dent stealing."
A comparison of 1961 and
1962 figures shows an increase
of only 200 Nebraska high
school graduates; not even
one-third of the 615 student
increase in freshman enroll
ment. Early reports from
other colleges in the state
also show enrollment increases.
Rag Intervieics
Interviews for Daily Ne
braskan positions will be
tomorrow afternoon before
the Publications Board at
3:30 p.m. in the Student Un
ion. Room number will be
Positions to be filled are
two junior staff writers and
a copy editor.
the enrollment
discussion, the board voted
to accept the remaining items
on the agenda. Included were
proposals for several addi
tions to University facilities;
allocation to the National De
fense Student Loan Fund;
contracts with the Bureau of
Naval Personnel for training
of enlisted men and scholar
ship provisions for under
graduates in the Naval ROTC
Larse Grants
Are Accepted
Research, training and fel
lowship grants totaling $809,
465.74 were accepted Tuesday
by the University's Board of
Eighty-seven grants have
been received since July 1,
including three large grants
from government agencies.
of the violation ; $2 from five
to ten days and $4 after ten
2. Beyond the cost per tick
et, an additional parking
charge of $5 wiM be charged
for the eleventh ticket. SS for
the twelfth. $7 for the thir
teenth. $3 for the fcrarteenih
and 9 for the fjfteemth-
3. A sixteenth ticket will re
sult in relocation cf a driv
er's parkL: z perrailL
4. Staff "smbers wha fail
to pay pamug charges shall
mazy cranes oa social eda-cataon.
In response to ISie arpi
taesA ctf finances. Dr. LmaiSy
Dr. OLboh. who is ntnv tm a explained Chat boots are mot
two - imoiina l trniUy expansive ana coat
leave off ato-jitbe bepmiiiig ctf the Etrary
senoe as Or-
me ricaa
States pro
fessor ctf
A tm ericas
History at E3
Collegia d
Mexico at
Mevias City.
Olsoa Jin tie
tMrercity staS in li!D6 or a
fun-time basis. From 11456,
lie serwea as speirrifinleat
ctf the !ahrnKki Slate Kot-;
loricifl Socirj as University'
lecturer. i
lima Native
A natwe ctf Iwa, Dr. O0-
scm earned Ms IB A. from
MormiigEiae CMlege, and Inis
MA. and Fh.&. fcum tfhe Un
t'ereity ctf Jtieteaska.
Professor Shapiro, regard
ed S (Due ctf tiic nation's
fcmpirif! JtSi 3t'liwp ipnp
aitrve writing anl its etditor ctf
the 2ifle maiazine"" FTairie
Sdhooner, spDnsomill ly tSae
Unhmxiry's Englihti cteparl
anHHt and Press. Winner ol,
ffhe Piulitzer PiiKtry Prize,, uu
IMS, PrufefiBor ShapirB joinefl
the Cnjrfaty staff iha 1USE.I
Prani laatKSl, lie was djlar
" vtry'" nfl in 1855 m
mshixoMie pruiiaisor erf TZig-
liiib jut Uniwjrsity ctf Cili3.ur-.
The itw anointments
Saring to seven the auimber;
ctf Sieents prcrfetsurKkpt in
edstenc at tlihe Umh'iBreity .
The cJlter Sour are:: Dr.. Nnr-i
rrmtE H. CruroweD, 'cbwrrjctry,
and Dr. Join LonnqtnKL,
agrononiy, btftb Haward Wil
son Regents Proiinssors.; and
Dr. (Curtis Elliott, inmurancifc.
anfl Dr.. (Gewrpe Young
Dr. CoSuell Speaks
Dr. WaDiaas Csflweilll, cnair
inaD ctf the Governor's cura
Tnittee cm public relatkms in
agricuLltnre, as speatrng tihis
morning at 11 am. at a OoJ
Jege cd Agricnlture caDiwa
toon cm The Tncaa a bo at
mhkh ones staid be left ouL
At the PanbeJfenic bosinessl be subject to ssnch aetwiss as
meeting, the chairmen ctf the J their dean or directiisr may
gr&ops to the PamMmic I see fit
WosriksJhops to he held OcL 5. StmsieEts who disregard
15-17 were annanoced: Donna 1 traSsc DBlSees are sabject to
McFadm, sodal; Dian Mm-': actkm by the DMswn Stu
dy, exchange; Jane Bobfes,! dent Aliairs.
traiimiTig schaol; Ama Lemam.1
awaros ana jsxczx najnon,
adequate bousing, the people
off Lincoln have "been ex
ceptionally helpful'" in ac
comodating an estimated 3.5CO
Increased Interest
Uiere did the students
comae from?
Apparently from an in
creased interest in higher
Regents, Lincoln
Id Bassett boimd. has joined the ranks of the 1S52 Sig
Na pledge class. Sam's only problem with pledge train
ing is his ears he can't walk without stepping en them.
(Photo bv Pixie Smallwood.)
SitYip Property
By Agreement
Dean Wright Announces
Danforth, Wilson Grants
Panbdlaac ElgttL
Union Positions
Now Available
Union asslstanlstnps are
available cm Special Events.
Forums, EMertainment and
Concert Mosic Qmnuttees.
ApplicatioES may be pitied
vp at program ctffrce.
Intoriews will be held Sat
aarflay frona 9 to 11 a.ra in
room 249 Student Union,
Tassel Positions
Interviews for Tassels,
the women's pep organiza
tion, wia be held Oct. 1
from S:3t-S p.m. Eligibility
reetimnents inclade soph
omore standing and an ac-
cSBaliute aVcf&fe mf 3bS.
AS interested persons are
asked to sign oa the sheet
by room 245, Student Un
ftm. Anyone iderested ia
Batker spirit ic arged to
A News Editor
The Bard f Regents
agreed yesterday to
land with the city.
"Al we're daim-g," saidi These
Information on Danforth wi3 be given for one year
asd Woodrow Wilson gradu-jjand renewable for four aca
a:e fellowships with values ! detnic years of graduate
up to 2.009 is now available jj study.
in the office of Dr. Walter F. Universirv candidates for
swap WrlgX dean of the College raiiforth awards must be
off Arts and Sciences. !! nominated bv Dean Wriaht.
schoIarsMps are i liaison ofScer for the
open to stadents preparing forth foundation.
Woodrow Wilson feBow-
Objections Presented
AWS Will Consider Abolishment
Of Present Activity Point System
Nebraskan $t&3 Writer
Cttijfictions to ffihe AWS pain
ss'stena, wiiki Emits She
intrmfrmr tuf pwatiuns a girl
can iiolfl an argainzaticms.
-ere discnESfid yesterday at
a AWS m&atmg.
""As mature college girls,1
we knov huw rniri we can
handle." expressed Julie'
Westerhctfl J
"The g5rls may Tee being
gowned loo Bswh." nnv
raenfed Sssae Maim. GA-
lege is the tine for girls to'
learn bum anseh they can1
hank, M they &vt know aJ-
Record Lending Started
A record Sending litrary 1
gan ciperating toflsy wit 3a
cdasKkal, jazz, maod, nwie
soimStracis ana popular aniis
ic albums teing aSareJ to
The tenSing library will foe
ht-lfi im the music moms and
book nook ctf the Student
mile a $1 depcil hefere
cnedtxog out a record. When
the record is refamsiJ, 7S
cents wfll foe refaniel. The
student ss recpcniKible J.or any
idamaged record..
Tws records par stoSent
may be checked mA for a
two week, period. Eecards
'Csnnot he disctsd C32t spsim
Irsm 12-3D - 1:15 p.m. cin ;ty the same pHrsoB aiter tie
tfexbiesdsys and 4-5 fa. cm inas Lad the record out for
TlutrEflays. itwo wweis. Eacards werdne
According to VicM EHiott, i will 1 fined 25c per waek irjs
, tft- member ctf tbe JWetrasta !xb a monto aJter wmcn time
ennary science, iootn i&fin i union tiinxeniporary jmuikic suie H-asieai miaa. pr-iy iur iuie jt me aotdisiimera i
iUiflgers PxntoBurs. uciommitttie, Ibe staaeat anaiJt.ireaura. jj point j-ystem.
ridj," ewminDedL
Kaia Pi&htoaai said ithai tie
system tends to ffavw the
weak at tQse erpense eff the
strong, "Am rf aiBiotkm
ooiild get meidiocire teaiKr
siop bscaase tEbe good, capa
lle girls cannot aotpt any
naHre ptsMon$,"" Miss PiM
msa added.
"Bo we set," Maggi Mc-Crat-kea
commented. jf aa
rExmiza!M hac ii?t one
rg penn fw a &, Pub Board Todav
It is o mtk irFSTi:7.a?ii " ;i
AncCto" bjactkaa. ciJd by
Cart A Damaldsce. loiver-
Eity Baasimess Iteager, isfor careers in coBese teach-
tkdica&ig some land north,; jag. There are also PJdes ; f hips are available primarily
ctf Dead Mam's Ejhii that e szntips which are aval-1 1 students in the bomanities
own for some land ctaser tn a,je for those wishing to ao( Meial sciences. Science
the camipis that we dontjstody at Oxford University in land math majors mav be
J England- ; nominated if they also applr
-'CTj-. . 1 Dantoru and Wood- for a National science Fonn-
wil be ctut off from toe cztj-, ttllB f.;,vbipf carry ! datiou FeDowshqi.
P2sby a propcforar-tojeji pu tvm fw, . -
single and CJH for married .; regisJered in a graduate
ttsdrsts. ;! school are eligible far norni-
Xoimioees for the Danforth ;' nation by any faculty mem-
awards shfcud be male se- her. Xoummations most be
road cmmjeituiz Lro'ersity
Place wah 23rd Street, is f&
in ciDrn.
Comparing what the Uri
versity will give away to
what it wal get, Donaldstim
said that the Leagtiton Ave
nue. rigM-tf-"ay wal cci!y
aanMrt to 149 Siroare feet.
"Well get an eqpiaJ amonjnl
in paved rcais and allies
near 23rd Street,"" be pointed
The proposed fOTr-lane
mors planamg to major in
any field off the liberal arts
and sciences enrrictnn. They
Cant Remember?
Take This Advice
If va torch throuEh
j j -ttn i - z T vuiOii-'. wy
sireei w w ihz Jim u remember ev-
ihVmi'V nortbeait off the
imarrktd stwSexit's bnwng on
Boldrege. It wiM follow Lengto
tom Avenue ffrcea 4Slh to 45ih,
ffioBow -tilth me Mack mrth
to HantaDgloaB and extend
from there west along Mms&r
an.gtOT t9 mwet 23rd ahwat
for bl.tac'ti nwlh (A Persuing
Council To Select
submitted to Dean Wright,
regional chairman, by Oct.
Rbodes Scholarships are
open to ramanied male citi
zens between tbe ages of IS
and 24. They most hare at
least janior standing and be
endorsed by the University.
A Rhodes scholar may
SSaTpke3 SatsOi University. Ttje sch
ZZZ !L f,J:.w w arships are given for two
O a rne Anderson, was liiat M
is hard to evaluate tbe hszrfa
anfl potsitkins as to their im
portance and Mm time cion
SCTrmg tfbey are.
E2y f-pitt also explained
3tat it is almost ircpws&ie
ia Bum; SEh a SJ'SlWB
since U requires fceepixg
track of every girl ia every
organizatMm a campns.
A emimiitee will be ap
pointed nest wati to cansid-
Stutent Ccranci w2 cbcxjse
tbe csmiD-g year's stu-tal
iDiembers ctf the PublicaJiCT
Board l&flay from two repre
sentiifises ctf tbe ssipbomore,
juniisr, and seniw classes.
The representatives were
dbasea last Simiay by the
EDectiDEs Cgmmitlec ctf tbe
Student CoimdL Tbey ia-'
ciade: Seniors Anoe Garson
and Vicky Culleffl: jKmors
Tina Cbanffler anfl IHaareen
Proli; Sopbomores Mike
Wiseman and JvS Acs Strate-'
li yr'yi,
here are fowir short rales to
help yu kick the lffie habit
dill Do tcit d'repeal, do tM.'i
write Sowb what you want to
remember. Memory, like a
Bmasdle. beewmes stronger
with sse. So forie yourself to
remember instead of depend
ing on scribbled wAes;
2 Kake a mental nurie that
you want to remember a cer
tain person or thing. This wil
help fix at an your memory;
years with an ansnoal vatoe
off abwt $lsrQ. AppSicatioBs
shouM be submitted to the
sttate committee by Nov, L
Graduate Exams
Planned for Year
AH graduate students who
expect to sppHy for Coopera
tive Fellowships throagh the
2t Ke33eat to yoisrse what,iXs&Bal Soeace FoaradatMO
wo be expeciea w uze ine
GradBate Kecgrds' Examina
ticms fGRE.
Tbe GEE tests will be ad
ministered at the University
on Xw. 17, Jan. 13, ilar. 2,
Apr. 27, ssd 6
lricrmatJOT abt the cx
aaninaJasns, which test getser
a l abibry as well as ac toeve
ment in several fields, can be
blamed from the University
Service, 225 -
want to recall Spread
tbe repesBtaoa over several
days and it wiE be implanted
in your memoiry with little
41 Try associating it with
s?metiirg else. Fct example,
remember that Hllr. Stoat is
fat, that Mrs. Small is short,
etc Tbe more ridicalwus tbe
association, say the memory
experts, the more easily yon
iH recall a persons came,
or position. iibraska HaX