The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 01, 1962, Image 1
yrvERSITY OF NEBfJ,' LIBRARY You See, It Was Like This To So Wi We-Deci ded Win. By RICK AKIN Sports Editor There were these forty guys who play football for this university out west called Nebraska, or something like that, and they all walk into this hotel in Ypsilanti, Mich. And a bunch of people look at these guys, see. And they all say, "You guys might as well have stayed home be- '"IIP H - si ": HEROES WELCOME Hundreds thronged lined both sides to the Municipal Airport to greet the vie- 2 to the airport. torious Huskers Saturday evening. Cars VOL. 76, No. 10 Twelve Fill Yearbook Positions Twelve students have been chosen to fill 10 section editor positions on the 1963 Cornhus ker staff. The section editors, who will take pictures and write copy for their sections, are: Jane Miller, student scenes; Hoily Spence, women s intra murals, houses and halls; Jim Rambo, military; Susie Wal- burn and Marilyn Schoening, student government; Jul Journey, business administra tion, teachers, pharmacy; Nancy White, medicine, nurs ing, dentistry; Bob Lingo and Leroy Breslow, fraternities; Betty Schnable, panel assist ant; and Karen Farrel, activ ities. The Cornhusker staff also announced the appointment of two new junior staff mem bers: Leroy Orton, manag ing editor and Barb Ihle, panel editor. Six Will Compete For Board Posts Six students were selected as candidates to appear be fore Student Council to fill three vacancies on the Pub lications Board. They are: Seniors Arnie Garson and Vicky Cullen; Juniors Tom Chandler and Maureen Frolik; Sophomores Mike Wiseman and Jo Ann Strateman. The Publications Board has jurisdiction over the policies, personnel, and finances of the Daily Nebraskan and Cornhusker. Li : : i - t V &Nj I'M" PROUD WEARER OF THE DERBY Chuck Decker (left) and Moon Mullins congratulate Nancy Nelson, Miss Derby Day 1962. (Photos by Wendy Rogers) cause you guys are just go ing to get tromped, see!" So there Is this one guy who weighs about 200 pounds and plays left end for this place out west. This guy was sitting around this Ypsilanti Hotel, saying, "I've got a hunch we are going to win tomorrow." Larry Donovan's hunch wasn't so bad. Well these guys have some - . If" " I The Daily Nebraskan Rag Spots Open Two junior staff writer positions and a copy editor vacancy will be filled by Interviews before the Pub lications Board Thursday afternoon. These positions are open to any interested persons. Applications may be picked up at the School of Jour nalism office, 309 Burnett Hall. They must be turned in by 5 p.m. Tuesday either at the J-School office or the Daily Nebraskan office, 51 Student Union. Angel Flight Selects 22 As Members Twenty-two coeds have been chosen as the new mem bers of the University chap ter of Angel Flight. The new members are as follows: Joan Brueggemann, Donna Highland, Nancy Holmquist, Sally Larson, Sandy Keizer, Ginger Van Horn, Kaye Schnurr, Karen Gunlicks, Kathy Vollmer, Gwen Wald. Christy Brehm, Connie Cochrane, Roberta Hine, Jill Journey, Anita Maxwell, Ginny Kramer, Judy Birney, Susan Skiles, Mary Beth Stal der, Pat Kinney, Marilyn Schoening and Kathy Smith. Affiliated with United States Air Force and Arnold Air Society, Angel Flight has been founded as an organiza tion composed of outstanding collegiate women striving to aid their school as well as the military services through their leadership, service, and social qualifications. thing to show these people, see. So these guys walk out onto a field where there are 70,287 people saying, "You guys are kiddin' us." Only Guys And these guys from Ne braska with their coaches are the only ones who know who is going to win the game, see. And these guys just ran over Michigan, 25-13, see. of the road from Highway (Photo by Pixie Smallwood) -AUF 'Ugly Man9 Contest Highlights Carnival By SUE HOVIK Nebraskan Staff Writer "Step right up and cast your vote for Mr. 'AUFul Ugly' at the Nov. 10 carni val sponsored by the All Uni versity Fund (AUF) in con nection with its fall drive." The "AUFul Ugliest Men" candidates will appear at the carnival and receive audience votes. The winner will "reign" throughout the event. "AUFul Night" will also consist of a dance with mu sic by the Sigma Phi Epsi- lon Combo, carnival events and the presentation of the AUF Activities Queen. The night will begin at 7:30 p.m. at the Military and AUF Meeting Today AH University Fund (AUF) will hold a mass meeting for all upper-classmen workers today at 4 p.m. in 235, Union. All per sons interested in joining ,the organization are urged to attend. Naval Science building. AUF representatives will sell tick ets to the event in campus living units. Price of the tick ets is fifty cents. Men's organized houses may submit candidates ac cording to how many tickets their representative sells. "AUFul Night will spark this year's AUF fall drive and add extra stimulation to the whole campus. This will give the University a head start 800 Screaming Coeds 'Branded9 by Sig ChVs By TOM McGINNIS Daily Nebraskan Reporter Despite threatening weather Saturday, a record num ber of screaming females jammed the mall for Sigma Chi Derby Day. Early Saturday morning the shrill squeals of sorority pledges could be heard as they ran from paint-bearing, brush-wielding fraternity pledges. They were fleeing be cause only the brand of the host fraternity would count as points to help their house win Derby Day. Taking honors for the second year were members of PI Beta Phi sorority, who won the overall Derby Day point contest and the new spirit trophy. Members of Gam ma Phi Beta and Kappa Alpha Theta were second and third respectively in overall points. Winners of the events were: Egg Relay, Pi Phi team; Dressing Race, Gamma Phi team; Whipped Cream Special, Pi Phi team; Broom Race, Beth Rose of Zeta Tau Alpha; Greased Pig Race, Diane Finley, Zeta; Zipped Strip, Pi Phi Team; Jeans Painting, Pi Phi; Derby Steal, Gamma Phi. Miss Nancy Nelson, Gamma Phi freshman from Albion was crowned Miss Derby Day for 1962. Marilyn Masters, Theta, and Susan Segrlst, Pi Phi, were first and second runners-up. Glen Buck, Derby Day Chairman, reported a record attendance. Approximately 800 girls participated. It was also quite a day for this guy named Coach Bob Devaney who has given Ne braska a rejuvination in the football world. Devaney and two other coaches, Jim Ross and Mike Corgan, are nat ives of Michigan. So these guys pass their first acid test and now must face a tough bunch of grid ders from Iowa State which has had a week's layoff af ter being whipped by Oregon State, 39-35, the same week the Huskers thrashed South Dakota, 53-0. The Iowa State game will be the conference opener for both clubs. The Cyclones, coached by Clay Stapleton, are led by All-America can didate Dave Hoppmann. Michigan Game Well, anyway, there is this Michigan game. The first half was about even up for both clubs with the Huskers leading, 7-6. But then Nebraska came storming back in the second half and stunned the fans with a splurge of power. "Man, we hit 'em in the second half," said Ron Mich ka, the Huskers' starting center. And there is this other guy named Dennis Claridge who quarterbacked the Huskers for most of the game and played a whale of a game. Claridge ran for 42 yards in 13 carries and completed six of 12 passes for 89 yards. After the game Claridge Monday, October 1, 1962 Drive in reaching the 1962 AUF goal while having a good time too," stated Stevie Dort, publicity chairman. Money collected by AUF will be given to the various charities chosen by a cam pus poll. AUF is known as the .cam pus Community Chest and is the only organization author ized to solicit on the Uni versity campus. Fraternities, sororities, independent hous es, Lincoln students, medical and dental students in Oma ha and Lincoln, organizations, and faculty members are all contributes to AUF. Homecoming Ideas Are Due Friday Ideas and themes for home coming displays are due Fri day at 1 p.m. A theme and a reasonably detailed sketch of the display is to be put in the Innocents mail box in the Student Union by Friday. Group Is Success The Highwaymen drew record-breaking crowds at theij" three performances at the University last weekend, according to Gayle Sher man, Student Union pro gram secretary. The Friday performance at the Ag Union drew 485, and the two shows on the city campus 400 and 500r respectively. said, "It's hard to summar ize the game right after it has been played, but we sure wanted to win, especially for ourselves and for the coach es." And then there was Bill (Thunder) Thornton who mnde his first appearance of the 1962 campaign a success ful one by scoring two touch downs and doing some fine blocking. When asked about playing again, Thunder said, "It feels good to start hitting again. For Details of Game See Page 4 It was kind of hard to get used to after the layoff, but after I got going I felt all right." Concerning the game, Thornton said, "Michigan was tough, but we just out played them. That first half was too close." Ifusker Line Tough Michigan had trouble get ting their ground game going during the second half due mainly to the fine defensive play of the Cornhusker line. The Wolverines gained only i 63 yards on the ground dur- I in8 ine second halt, In on manv of the tackles during the second half was Al Fischer, senior right tackle who said, "They were run ning toward my side of the line quite a bit during the second half. We had a lot of spirit." Fisher also re marked "Iowa State is going to be tough." And then there was J i m Huge who was slated for only spot duty after a slight concussion in the South Da kota game. Huge came off the bench to become the top pass catcher of the day, grab bing three passes for 61 yards. Neck Is Okay "They didn't hit as hard as I thought they were going to," said Huge. "My neck, which was bothering me dur ing last week's practice ses sions, didn't bother me at all during the game." Tyrone Robertson, from To ledo, O., "enjoyed playing against some of the boys from my home state." Concerning the diffeience between the first and second halves, Robertson said, "Mi chigan had to work for their touchdown in the second half. We gave them the one they got in the first half." Key Reception Dick Callahan, right end who made a key catch of one of Claridge's passes in t h e final touchdown drive, sum med up everything by saying, "I don't think anything about the game. All I know is we won!" Coach George Kelly felt, "The difference in the game was the determination of the boys in the sec -id half. Kel ly singled out Lloyd Voss and Bob Brown for their fine de fensive play. "I sure hope there are some people at the airport to welcome these guys home," said Kelly. Airport Rally And "some people at the i airport to welcome these guys home" was just what there was. An estimated 3,500 Nebras ka students and football fol lowers "a la pep band and cheerleaders" met the Husk ers at the airport upon their return Saturday night. All kinds of enthusiasm was shown at the airport with signs flying, students cheering, the band a playing, cheerleaders jumping and talk of "Orange Bowl or Bust" being spread by Husk er followers. FOOD FOR 'OLD PAINT' Wright, who has paint on his f " r T - in m iiifr'lT"liii 1 1 iii iii win nA M HlMMiim - f ' , M H ''X 4. in We Bid ' tvV w 4 HAPPY TEAM Huskers Larry Kramer, Dave Theisen, John Vujevich and Chuck Doepke emerge all smiles after a successful trip to Michigan. The 25-13 win for Nebraska was the first in the history of Michigan-Nebraska meetings. (Photo by Pixie Smallwood) 'Baby Crop' Hits Campus Enrollment Boom Reported at NU By GARY LACEY Nebraskan Staff Writer The post-war "baby crop" has hit the University with all the reverberations of a herd of elephants as the total student population of the Uni versity has skyrocketed to 10,391. Chancellor Clifford Hardin said the record enrollment shows an overall gain of 955 students over the previous year, or a 10.1 per cent in crease. Although final figures are still not available, the Junior Division has counted a fresh man class of 2,480 up 320 students, or a 15 per cent in crease over last year. This year's enrollment re flects the largest numerical increase since 1946, when the war's end flooded the Univer sity campus with returning war veterans. The enrollment in 1946 skyrocketed to 9,669 from the previous year's total of 4,284. In 1947, the enroll ment climbed to the peak of 10,153, an enrollment record which had stood for the past 15 vears. Dr. Hardin said the 1962 enrollment breakdown, which is still incomplete, shows 7,183 men and 3,208 women, the highest coed enrollment in the history of the Univer sity. Compared with last Extension Classes Set New Record The University Extension Division announced Saturday that 2,612 high school students have registered for 4,649 cor respondence courses since July 1. During the 1962 fiscal year, a record was set with 13,911 persons from all fifty states and eighty foreign countries enrolled in 22,595 courses. Linda Reno feeds Tern hands as well as his head. year, the male enrollment Is up 571, and the coed's total is 384 higher. There is a feeling among the admission people that the lack of on-campus housing probably caused at least 100 to 150 new students to cancel their applications this fall," Dr. Hardin said. Now under construction on the city cam pus is a 960-student dormi tory complex, which may be ready for occupancy next fall. Looking at the over-all in crease, Registrar Floyd Hoover . speculated that a larger percentage of Nebras ka high school graduates is attending college. He said that state-wide figures show an increase of about 300 in last June's high school grad uates over 1961. Dr. Hoover believes that the University's enrollment increase is slightly higher than the national average. Last year, the University showed an eight per cent climb, compared with national average of 7.5 per cent. Also, the University has re ported an additional 944 stu dents none of whom are counted in the regular en rollment in the evening classes; 215 at the Nebraska Ag High School at Curtis; and 272 at University High School. The Extension Divi sion expects to match its last year's off-campus enroll ment of 720 for the first se mester. This year's off-campus courses are now being organized throughout the state. Including off-and on-campus and evening students, the total enrolled at the Univer sity is 12,542. H.C. Queen Applications Are Available Applications for 1962 Home coming Queen candidates have been delivered to all or ganized women's houses by Tassels members, according to Nancy Sorensen, Tassels president. To be eligible for nomina tion by her house, a girl must have junior standing, a cum ulative grade average of 5.5 and carry at least 12 credit hours. The application blanks must be placed in the Tassel mail box in the Student Union by October 10. Two glossy pic tures are to be stapled to the application forms or brought to the interview. Interviews will be Tuesday, Oct. 16. A seven-member board will judge the girls. Ten finalists chosen from the girls who, are interviewed, will be announced at the ral ly Oct. 19. Homecoming Queen elec tions will be held Oct. 3L