The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 28, 1962, Page Page 3, Image 3
Friday, September 28, 1962 The Daily Nebraskan Page 3 Derby Day, Functions Highlight Weekend The Nebraska football team meets Michigan in the Wol verine's opening game tomor row at Michigan. Another weekend headliner is the painting of pants and stealing of derbies for Sigma Chi Derby Day tomorrow morning. TODAY JAZZ-N-JAVA will feature the Sig Ep Combo at 4 p.m. in the Union. UNICORNS will meet at the north end of the Union for a hayrack ride party. All members and interested per sons are invited. ALPHA DELTA PI pledge hour dance with Acacia, 7-3 p.m. GAMMA PHI BETA pledge hour dance with Alpha Tau Omega pledges, 4-5 p.m. KAPPA ALPHA THETA pledge hour dance with Delta Tau Delta pledges, 4-5 p.m. GUSTAVSON HOUSE (Sel leck Women) hour dance with Benton House, 7-8 p.m. TERRACE HALL hour dance with Cornhusker Co op, 7-8 p.m. BURR HALL (Women) hour dance with Pioneer Co-op, 6:30-7:30 p.m. THETA XI Stomp House Party, 9-12 p.m. BROWN PALACE house party, 8-12 p.m. AG PREMIER, 7:30-11:30, p.m., Ag. Student Union. SATURDAY SIGMA CHI Derby Day, 9-noon. CHI OMEGA State-wide Get-together, all day. ACACIA house party, 8-12 p.m. BETA THETA PI hayrack ride, 8:30-12 p.m. CHI OMEGA pledge hour dance with Beta Theta Pi, 2-3 p.m. PHI DELTA THETA hobo house party, 8:30-12 p.m. TRIANGLE house party, 8-12 p.m. SUNDAY ALPHA PHI pledge bridge function with Sigma Nu, 2-4 p.m. DELTA GAMMA pledge pizza party with Phi Kappa Psi, 3:30-5:30 p.m. TRIANGLE open house, 1:30-5:30 p.m. ' k Chi O's To Hold 1st State Meeting Participation in the annual Sigma Chi Derby Day will highlight a meeting f the Chi Omega chanters of Omaha University, Kearney State Teachers' Co'lege, and the University of Nebraska this weekend. The get-together of the chapters is the first meeting of this kind in Lincoln. The program includes participa tion in Derby Day, a picnic at Pioneers Park, and a slum ber party. Religious Activities UNITED CAMPUS CHRIS TIAN FELLOWSHIP supper Sunday at 5:30 p.m. followed by Rev. Ralph Hays and Keith Stevenson of Cotner College speaking on "Sex, It's History, Literature and Inter pretation," the second of, a ELVIS RiHGS THE BELL t, WITHISWIHStr ?l i SOUS KITS J I F T RCA Victor IP Rtcr4 ELViS Presley ..kid j Galahad COLStstKUK AT THE The Daily Xehrakan freed You As A Writer ! series on "Sex, Fertility, and Birth." LUTHERAN MISSOURI SYNOD CHAPEL will fea ture the Gamma Delta speak er, Nigerian Imoh Ikpe. at 5:30 p.m. WESLEY FOUNDATION will show the film "White Pa per on AngQla" at 6:15 p.m. Sunday. Supper at 5:30 p.m. LUTHERAN STUDENT HOUSE speaker Dr. Loren Halvorson, tonight at 7:30 p.m. Retreat Saturday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. for the Cabinet and Council. EPISCOPAL CHAPEL Can terbury Club supper Sunday at 5:30 p.m. following evening praver at 5:00. NEWMAN (. JB supper Sunday at 5:30 p.m. at the Newman Center. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH banquet at the Cornhusker Hotel Friday evening at 6:30 p.m. Film Ticket Tickets for the 19624: Film Society Festival of Films will be on sale at the "S" street entrance of the Student Union a a til Wednesday. Of the 850 $5 f t n d e n t ticket remaining to be sold, 350 are for the 7 p.m. and 500 for the 9 p.m. performance. Gluek Type Continued from Page 2 the annual homecoming actiyities. Sounds like plenty of activity. Cobs President W e s Grady explained the pur pose of the rallies as: "to generate spirit among the student body and have a carry over of student enthusiasm from Friday night to cheer the team on to victory Saturday." The rallies are planned at a joint meeting of chairmen from Corn Cobs, Tassels and the Cheer leaders but the Corn Cobs actually carry out the execution of the event, ac-, cording to Grady. Grady saicLJhat in the future the rallies will be held on the south steps of the Student Union to per mit visibility by more people. Other proceedure changes may also be . made in upcoming rallies. The Cobs' fine job on Friday's rally may have been an indication that the red-coats are accom plishing something. The group is organized as a men's spirit and service organization and, according to Grady, "of fers service to the Admin istration anyway we can." In the past this has in cluded such duties as guiding and helping out in New Student Week, direct ing rallies, and selling "N" flowers and Corn huskers. Interested workers join the group as sophomores. No more than a maximum of per year, can be: iniZ tiated at the end of their ' soph year, Grady pointed out. In the past, this group has failed to accomplish anything toward building team spirit, but may have the right formula this year. Odds 'n ends around the campus: The era of the bigtime Kings dances seems to have ended as the rope continues to tighten arund social activities. A political election of note: Through hard cam paigning and on the basis of a solid platform, Ol Kiff captured the v i c e presidency of Canfield. Finally, the sports out look. Hurt by injuries, Huskers will fall to Michi gan by one touchdown after a scrappy battle. Keep your eye on O k 1 a homa, this corner's pick for the loop titlist. -bullet Niemano's WHERE DINING IS A PLEASURE 620 No. 48Hi .jdEMMMWMW UiltlWIIIIIII III IIHI jmLM m Sr HI iAt- I ., 11111 IP.... Tenight! Opea 7:03 mm 1 Itfb U ft If mhiftm 7V f iitUtiOTirsr. Child rea Umier 12 FREE 8WiTiijrBiM5 wow! TUic UuEATEST THRILL CLASSIC CF ALL Vttii Mill smmmmmi tmkm. HERBERT LOMV HEATHER SEARS mm THORLEY WALTERS for Stuart & Nebraska theatre patrons after FREE. 6 p.m. at State Securities Self Park, 1330 ,nim- it Car Park Garage, 13th & M and the Auto PARKING Park, 13th & Q. DOCKS OVEX 12:S 1144 "P--KE2-3125 Rita TutiHaja Viaeer lest Performance swars Csjinw Film Feitfval 19SI Mad m ln k 1m KliM Vimier f 4 Brrlisk NOV! HoneU yf..-j. t -... awnvi wumjiHUAif Insufficient Hp m The True Quality An Exteot Of Butmm StrtlnUiTtoPictiireT NEBRASKAN" WANT ADS POLICY Classified ads for the Daily Nebraskan must be entered two days in advance and must be paid for in advance. Cor rection will be made if errors ere brought to our .attention within 48 hours.- APARTMENT FOR RENT Apartment for rent to collect ftudent, 21 or over. Cuouet Kenneth Hmijeki, 477-4455. MUSICIANS NEEDED Small wuvertutr eumlw ixwdi bui rUrr . and drummer wiub b txL. CaU WITH at 477-744K. HELP WANTED Warned umito aa4 wajtreeiief. Wrk II a.m. in 1 vm. 6ee Mr. Baiaea, Sou UL Nebraska UawB. WORK WANTED WhU. ironing aod trpinr to tor tome Aeawmable rates. 466-71111. MISCELLANEOUS Attention Trailerile: SlumLt-ftrk row Mubiienume m Lincoln' mint mutovm uuk. Laige kiti. W utter to AuOentt. Cuter Court. OU Conmusker. 4W-ZT77 W 41W-C417 Liikc U Siogr The Seeund VxuLei rVeabr terua Chun, JWt k F St. iwttef VOU t m it t-btar. Befaearaala, !.: urn Wediieadar rvrtuou. PERSONAL H there am tar Chi Phi'a ttw t ni vwaity Campui or in tile Lincoln vx-m-ity. please call tlie liitej-f ratenutr Council Otlk. BKt-mt. WANTED Wanted: The few OandMiaa Wine br Kar BrdiHUT. Call 477-ttiM atler 1AH LOST AND FOUND FOCfCD: fair f flaw at KinCa ea Setiuwlier W Claua a tiailf Abra Itas lMjr. LOST: Brown to Burma biUtutd. Mon la noun, if ruu reallr fund . (I K. But yleaar retui'a die futures and Ll.' i 4'S, Oirl !lorr. FOR SALE tJ.M. Cta Taw tteourder add a track aud th biult in. 1 rear at Cbean. Pn. UMIla. DANCE RANDS When you Im a danoe band, wbr M book t)w beat? K.V.'t turn Ian Herbert Or4iietia m back asaui tor another wiogjn' rear. CaU carir to dU ti at f want Call 4&-mL A 1 s Can Hear Myself Think9 x DonY., X HAT Ducks C5o a pirx I at J- Regents Exams Scheduled Nov. 7 Monday is the deadline for Nebraska high schools to sub mit names of students quali fied for the 1962-63 University of Nebraska Regents Exam ination, Nov. 7. Dr. Aubrey Forrest, direc tor of scholarships and finan cial aids, said that 5,300 sen iors were expected to take the exam. The students, in the upper third of their classes at some 450 Nebraska high schools, will be compet ing for 325 freshman Regents bcnoiarships awarded on the basis of exam scores. Builders Choose Five Assistants Five new assistants have been selected for three Build ers committees, Honey Lou McDonald, p r e s i d e nt; an nounced yesterday. The new assistants are Ann Wahl and Doug Thorn, sales and publicity committee; San dy Spangler and Fred Sweet, college days committee; and Ann K o s m a n, parties and conventions committee. Airways Will Issue Student Credit Cards Credit cards for college ton Braniff's rouies in the students will be issued by i United States and Mexico. No credit check is neces sary and any duly enrolled student in any U.S. college or university is eligible. Braniff International Airways for the third consecutive year. The cards will be acceptable for travel between any points STUDENT ACCOUNTS WELCOME Citizen's State Bank 2500 North 48 "Your bank away from homen Member FDIC The Church ... For A Fuller Life ... For You CALENDAR OF CHURCH SERVICES UNITED CAMPUS CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP (Presbyterian, United Church of Christ, Evangelical United Brethren & Diiciplts af Christ) Alan J. Pickering, Ralph Hays, Dennis W. Patterson, Pastors 9:30 a.m. Crossroads Seminar 10:45 a.m. Corporate Worship 5:30 p.m. Fellowship Forum 6:30 p.m. Forum Discussion ST. MARKS ON-TIIE CAMPUS (EPISCOPAL) 13th and R Sri. Ceorgt H. Peek, Vicar 8:00 a.m. Holy Communion 10:30 a.m. Holy Communion UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN CHAPEL. (Tr Lutheran Church Missouri Synod) lith 1 Q Sts. A. J. Norden, Pastor A. P. Vasconccllas, Vicar 9:30 a.m. Worship 11:00 o.m. Worship 5:30 p.m. Gamma Delta ST. THOMAS AQUINAS CHURCH (Catholic Student Center) 16th It "5" Sts. 'Robert F.'Sfceeky, J. Rowley Meyers, Thomas M. Puclik, Chaplains Masses: 8:00 am., 9:30 p.m., 11:00 o.m., 12:15 p.m. Saturday Confessions: 4:30-5:30 p.m. 7:30-8:30 p.m. BAPTIST STUDENT FELLOWSHIP Arthur L. Slaikeu, Pastor H. M. Burner, Director of Student Work 9:30 a.m. Bible Study 10:45 a.m. Morning Worship 6:00 p.m. Fellowship Hour 7:00 p.m. Evening Worship 8:00 p.m. After-Church Fellowship Groups Meeting First Baptist Church 14th & K Sts. WESLEY FOUNDATION (Methodist) 440 No. loth St. WHIiam B. Could, Duana Hutchinson, Ministers C. Richard Morris, Lay Associate 9:00 o.m. Holy Communion 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship, followed by discussion 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 5:00 p.m. Fellowship Supper 6:00 p.m. Vespers 6:15 p.m. Religious Roundtables LUTHERAN STUDENT FOUNDATION (National Lutheran Council) SIS No. loth Ahrin Petersen, Pastor Gwen Jacobsen, Assistant. 10:30 a.m. Worship 11:30 a.m. Discussion 5:30 p.m. Lutheran Student Association TIFERETH ISRAEL SYNAGOGUE 3219 Sheridan Rabbi Maurice A. Pomeranti Services: Fri., 8:00 p.m.: Sat., 9:00 a.m. Hi (lei Meetings Monday EDHOLM AND BLOMGREN Portraits Placement Photos HE 2-6686 318 South 12th ANDERSON'S CAFETERIA OPEN 24 HOURS Complete Choice of Foods Continental .railways Bus Depot, 10th & P '.Sa 7 "H f , BEDTIME ifC&STORY $i V' DICK'S WATCH SERVICE a Watch & Clock Repair 1-2 Day Service Student Prices In Campus Bookstore 1245 R Street THE EVANS LAUNDERERS CLEANERS 333 No. 12 Selleck Quod. t-t FO TMC CHUCW TV Oiuid ibe fetiMt i Actor mm rtfe r 4he Luiidiog A tmmt' der avecj ood ctKwnukiip. U m MKMcy mof cttUrkw cm hv. TtWsc mrt Ism cwi ccmpd Hbf pnaa tkvwU aMrBsl mma fs$ulrif wmd Mtpport mm ChmtsL mm-. 1 Fr hm mm. 0) F Am mm 4 U com uottf m& Miiom, 4) For b mm f lb OamAx iWrH, wWci mmt few mmmt m4 BtivleriiJ vj 1M4. Pin bkvd. fthv WHp m4 awfl fwr Btbk rfwrf. STEVE'S KEYSTAND Headquarters for: Magazines Tobacco Paperbacks Candies Open Til 11:00 P.M. Every Night Continenfel Trailwoys Bus Depot, 10 & P itaner Aertiitic Sm-in, Inc. rSiraiftun(, Va, 8uiidT Mnidar TwSs Wsdnwler Tborlr Fridw IjtBntar Deuterwiuav Isaa (nlitaas I Baawd Prrbi l a :IJ-S! 7 ;M X.U-M :7-U Stcedefs Coffee Shop LinCncS Snacks "Where Campus Friends Meet1 NEXT TO NEBR. BOOKSTORE fRMTT 1 3 Available at Ml ht Captain's ttfalh I i m - tmmmw Academjf swank