The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 28, 1962, Image 1

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Siudtent Affairs Deans
VOL. 76, No. 9
The Daily Nebraskan
Friday, September 28, 1962
jRwies Given
On Drinking
At Functions
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Nebraskan Staff Writer
Policies on standards are being em
phasized by the two Associate Deans of
Student Affairs.
"A big part of our education is hav
ing cultivated manners and standards of
refinement," stated Miss Helen A. Sny
der, dean of women.
"If students do not learn standards
here, then they will have difficulty in
their later business and social lives be
cause college graduates are expected to
nave attained certain standards in their
dress, manners and social graces," ex
plained Frank M. Hallgren, dean of men.
Students should develop a discrimina
tory judgment of standards, for so many
situations and acts are not necessarily
wrong, but are in poor taste. They must
learn when and where certain actions are
done or not done, continued Miss Snyder.
She explained that some students fail
to realize their responsibilities in certain
areas and underestimate the impact of
some of the decisions they make. The
standard of fun should be more at the
college level. A standard of excellence
should be created so that the individual
should want to do what is a good thing
to do.
Standard Rules
"Our rules on standards are as much
educational as they are rules," concluded
The Deans' combined policy on drinking
is illustrated in three points:
1. The University expects all students
to obey the laws of the state which pro
hibit the possession and consumption of
alcoholic beverages by all who are under
twenty-one years of age and prohibits the
consumption of these beverages by all
persons on public highways, roads and
state property.
2. The University expects an students
to obey the University regulations which
prohibit the possession or consumption of
alcoholic beverages at all events spon
sored by any University organization or
3. The University does not interfere
with the legal possession or consumption .
of alcoholic beverages by students so long
as legal consumption and possession is not
at an event sponsored by a University
organization or group and the possession
or consumption does not result in conduct
beyond the limits of propriety and good
"These laws are enforced by the po
lice agencies," said Hallgren. "This office
takes action only on the basis of report,
whether it be by the agencies, by chap
erones or by citizens," he continued.
"We have no policy of snooping," re
lated Miss Snyder. "The rules are for
the protection of the students and the
"We entrust the officers of an or
ganization with the responsibility of its
parties, not the chaperones," she said.
"I feel very strongly that students
should respect their responsibility to obey
the state laws, since they cannot choose
which laws to obey. As soon as the
Greeks realize this, they can defend their
system better," she added.
IFC Control
As a member of the IFC Board of
Control, Hallgren explained that IFC is
free to exercise and control all internal
affairs of the fraternity system as long
as they are in accordance with the rules
set forth by the Faculty Senate Subcom
mittee on Student Organizations, of which
he is chairman. The fraternities may
be more restrictive, but not less restric
tive than this committee.
In relation to Panhellenic and A.W.S.,
Miss Snyder said that she feels the elect
ed representatives of these organizations
have assumed a great responsibility and
exercise good judgment. Sometimes
though, she said, the members at large
let their leaders down by failing to sup
port them.
Miss Snyder received her BA degree
from Lawrence College in Appleton, Wis
consin and her MA degree from North
western University. Hallgren received bis
AB and MA degrees from the University
and bis IA (Industrial Administrator) and
MBA (Bachelor of Business Administra
tion) from Harvard University.
Student Health Reports
Number of Flu Cases
Not Increasing at NU
Despite numerous rumors
of organized houses being
sick with the flu or colds,
Dr. S. I. Fuenning, medical
director of Student Health, re
ported yesterday, "We are not
aware of any marked in
crease." He explained that there
have been the usual number
of upper respiratory infec
tions, but that there had been
nothing out of the ordinary.
However, he added that
they are always on the look
out for any flu cases.
In regards to the U.S. Pub-
Sigma Nirs
Will Donate
Pints of Blood
Sigma Nu fraternity has
announced that it will donate
19 pints of blood to aid a
stricken patient in Colorado
as its first community service
project of the year, accord
ing to Vice-President Bill
The nearly Vk gallons of
blood will replace that used
by Mrs. C. E. Mason, mother-in-law
of Mrs. Genette
Mason who is currently the
professional secretary of IFC.
Buckley, chairman of the
campaign, commented, "We
are proud to be able to help
Mrs. Mason. She is certainly
a credit to the Greek system
at the University and we are
happy to assist her in any
Mrs. Mason requires one
pint of blood each day. With
the amount given by the Sig
ma Nu's and that donated in
a radio campaign in Colora
do, a sufficient quantity will
be available.
lie Health Service prediction
of a wave of influenza of the
Asiatic variety, Dr. Fuenning
said that it will be nation
wide and there is no reason
why Nebraska should have
any higher incidence. Noth
ing has been stated about Ne
braska in particular, he ad
ded, although the incidence
of influenza usually goes up.
Dr. Fuenning stressed that
students should be encour
aged to get flu shots as they
have in previous years.
Literary Club Meeti
The Delian-Union Liter
ary Society will bold its
first meeting of the year
tomorrow at 8 p.m. in Stu
dent Union 345. A lecture on
"Glimpses of Pakistani Cul
ture" will highlight the
meeting, followed by enter
tainment and refreshments.
Regents Convene
Here Tuesday
A luncheon Tuesday with
the legislature's budget com
mittee will climax a b u s y
three days for the six-members
of the Board of Re
gents. Sunday and Monday the
Regents will be in Omaha
as guests of the Nebraska
Board of Education for Nor
mal Schools. The men will
visit the College of Medicine
and attend cornerstone-laying
ceremonies at the Eppley In
stitute for Cancer and Allied
The luncheon with the
members of the budget com
mittee will follow a formal
session of the Board at 10
a.m. Tuesday in the Admin
istration Building.
Members of UNICORNS
will meet tonight at the
north entrance of the Stu
dent Union at 7:45 for trans
portation to their fall hay
rack ride. All persons inter
ested in joining are invited
to attend.
NU Teacher
Will Lecture
On TV Show
Dr. Campbell R. McConnell,
associate professor of econom
ics at the University, is one
of the guest lecturers in the
CBS network's program "Col
lege of the Air."
"The American Economy"
will be 6een locally on KOLN
TV at 6:15 a.m., and KUON
TV at 5:30 p.m., Monday
through Friday.
Dr. McConnell will appear
on the program next spring
and is the only authority to
appear in the series from the
Great Plains region. His text
book, "Elementary Econom
ics: Principles, Problems,
and Policies," is listed as one
of the four approved text
books for the course.
"The American Economy,"
consists of 160, 15-minute pro
grams and will be taught with
the assumption that the view
er has no previous knowledge
of economics beyond that
which any alert citizen might
have through normal reading.
Over 400 colleges and uni
versities in the United States
will offer undergraduate and
graduate credit for the course.
Major figures in economics,
labor, commerce and indus
try, agriculture and govern
ment will appear on the pro
gram. They will include Presi
dent Kennedy, former Presi
dent Eisenhower, and repre
sentatives of the Bureau of
the Budget and the Federal
Reserve Board.
High Schoolers Visit
NU Over Weekend
To Discuss
U.S. Trade
Daily Nebraskan Reporter
More than 600 high school
students from 41 Nebraska
high schools will take part in
the University of Nebraska's
annual debate and social
studies institute tomorrow.
The all-day event is planned
to stress the educational as
pects of debate, said Dr. Don
ald Olson, associate profes
sor of speech and dramatic
Dr. Olson believes that the
increase of participation,
from 200, when the institute
began, to over 600 in recent
years, is a testimonial to the
effectiveness of this ap
proach. The. debate subject for the
institute is United States
Trade Policy.
The institute will begin with
a talk on the Trade Policies
of the United States by Dr.
Wallace Peterson, associate
professor of economics in the
school of business administra
tion. Following Dr. Peterson's
talk the students will break
up into groups to discuss
three debate questions on the
basic theme, United States
Trade Policy.
Then the students will view
a demonstration discussion
by selected high school stu
dents. The student discussion
will be lead by Mr. John Gei-
er of Northwestern College in
Some of the students will
participate in rounds of dis
cussion. The remaining stu
dents will attend classes
headed by regular staff mem
bers of the department of
speech. The classes win be
in the fields of extemporane
ous speaking, cutting of read
ings, and case construction.
A debate between the Uni
versity of Nebraska and
Northwestern College will cli
max the debate and social
studies institute.
Linda Hillyer and Kathy
Madsen will represent the
University in this debate.
Sing Tonight
All reserve tickets have
been sold for tonight's and
and Saturday's perform
ances of the Highwaymen,
leaving only general admis
sion and standing room
tickets still available.
The folk singing group
will perform tonight at Ag
Union at the "Ag Premi
ere" in a program begin
ning at 7:30 and at the Stu
dent Union Saturday at
7 p.m. and 9 p.m.
The entertainers, all of
whom continued their edu
cation with their profession
al life, are Bob Burnett of
Boston, Stephen Butt of
New York City, Chan Dan
iels of Buenos Aires, Dave
Fisher of New Haven,
Conn., and Steve Trott,
raised in Mexico City.
Safety Conclave
Set for Saturday
Three hurdred student lead
ers from ail over Nebraska
are expected to attend the
Governor's Youth Safety Con
ference, tomorrow, at the Ne
braska Center.
According to Tom Carroll,
director of the Nebraska
Safety Council, the purpose
of this second annual student
safety meeting, is to encour
age 6afety-conscious youths
to organize accident preven
tion activities in the local
Keynote speaker for the
conference will be Michael
Manley of Worthington, Ohio,
president of the National Stu
dent Safety Program. Gover
nor Morrison will give tne
welcoming address.
Omaha, Bellevue Coming
To NHRRF College Davs
Daily Nebraskan Reporter
Students from Omaha and
Bellevue high schools will get
their first taste of NU college
life tomorrow during College
Some 293 students repre
senting Omaha Westside,
Central, North, Benson and
Bellevue will attend special
college classes in the fields
of chemistry, engineering, his
tory, political science, mathe
matics, English, journalism,
and dentistry.
Each student will be given
his choice of three classes to
attend and University pro
fessors will hold question and
answer periods after each
After registration in the
morning, Vice Chancel
lor Adam Breckenridge will
Daily Nebraskan
Positions Vacant
Three positions are open
on the Daily Nebraskan edi
torial staff.
Two junior staff writer
positions and a copy edi
tor vacancy will be filled
by interviews before the
Publications Board Thurs
day afternoon.
These positions are open
to any interested persons.
Applications may be picked
up at the Daily Nebraskan
office or the School of Jour
nalism office, 309 Burnett
Hall. They must be turned
in by 5 p.m. Tuesday.
A 5.0 grade average is
normally required of all ap
plicants. Previous journalis
tic experience is helpful but
not imperative. The junior
staff writers are paid $17.50
a month and copy editors
receive $35 a month.
welcome the students. The
students will then attend
classes. After lunch the Build
ers tours committee will give
the students a tour of the
The College Day program
is directed by Dr. William E.
Hall, director of the Nebraska
Human Reserouces Research
Foundation (NHRRF).
Susie Evans, chairman of
the NHRRF special functions
committee, pointed out, "Col
lege Day is not an attempt to
sell the University but an at
tempt to sell college. College
Day is an opportunity for
high school students to at
tend college classes for exper
ience and guidance."
College Day has been a
part of the University for
many years. Originally set up
to serve all high school stu
dents at once, the program
has since expanded to suit the
larger number of partici
pants. College Days will be
held during the school year.
1 Mm, -
LUNDAK? Above, Joel
Lundak, Sigma Chi presi
dent, takes a "longcut"
into the house via the fire
escape. Lundak discov
ered that it was the only
way to get away from the
screaming coeds who
have been stealing Sigma
Chi derbies in order to
add more points to their
houses' running score in
the Derby Day competi
tion. Below, Mic Dragoo
struggles through another
eventful noon hour with
the girls who have come,
not to visit Mic, but to
grab his derby. Derby
Day, an annual event
sponsored by the Sigma
Chis, will begin 9 a.m.
tomorrow with a parade
through the campus, fol
lowed by games and the
Miss Derby Day contest.
The events will be held
on the MalL
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Small Group Hears Priest
Redemptorist Says Amazons
Are Enslaved in Communism
Nebraskan Staff Writer
Only sixteen students and five adults
turned out yesterday to hear Father
Thomas P. Morrissey describe the in
roads of Communism in the Amazon.
The ideas of Communism are atheis
tic, he began. Freedom of religion and
education are prohibited; families are
split up so that the children can be trained
in military schools beginning at the age
of three, and the mothers can work.
Over one million people have been
enslaved in Communism in the past 40
years, emphasized Father Morrissey.
"This is more men and women than have
heard of Christ. Five children are being
taught communism for every one child
who is being taught Christianity."
Americans have acquired four basic
ideas which have resulted in their ap
pathetic attitude toward the war against
Communism, he pointed out. They are:
Christian Nations
1. America is exempt from defeat
because she is a Christian nation. How
ever, he said, most of the nations that
have been taken over by Communism in
recent years were Christian nations.
2. America is unconquerable because
she has never been defeated. People
must realize though, he continued, that
we are at war now.
3. Americans believe that their gov
ernment and way of life is best so the
Communists will inevitably realize it and
convert. Students and other Americans
just don't realize the devotion and loyal
ty of the Communist party members,
Father Morrissey related.
4. Americans think that all Commu
nist takeovers have been on the other
6ide of the world. But, he pointed out,
Cuba is our next door neighbor. Com
munists have already broken up families
and built up the military there.
Anti-American Ideas
In the Amazon, along the northern
border of Brazil, students are spreading
anti-American ideas to the people of this
area, he explained. This has been very
effective because 85 of these people
are illiterate. The communists find out
what the people want, then promise it to
The priests are the only stronghold
that the free world has in the Amazon
region, he said. No one else is spreading
the idea of democracy and anti-communism
there. The Communists' plan for
1962 is to take over all the foreign
priests, then all of the Brazilian priests.
They have employed 24 girls in one
town alone to seduce the priests, he said.
"If the Communists win in South
America, they will have taken a giant
step in the Western World," commented
Father Morrissey, "and if they conquer
Brazil, then all Americans there (Bra
zil's only contact with the free world)
will have to flee."
"Therefore, we must initiate an ef
fective educational system in BraziL
Once the people learn what Communism
actually is, they can defeat it."
Boat Communication
Their only form of communication in
the Amazon region is by boat. However,
Father Morrissey is trying to raise mon
ey for a radio station, which if why he
i6 now in the United States. Through the
radio, the priests could educate the people
since there are not enough priests to
cover the whole territory. So far he has
raised $1,050 for the $10,000 project.
If each village had a transitor, the
station could become a stronghold for de
mocracy in the north, he said. "If the
southern part of Brazil, where there is
more population and less being done by
the free world, fell to the Communists,
the northern region, if educated in dem
ocratic ideas, could hold out. The illiter
ate people have not had a chance to
know the importance of opposing the
communists. The communists have giv
en them the idea that there is no reason
for them to become educated since the
party will answer all their problems,"
he related.
"The radio station may be a small
step in our combat, but a little is better
than nothing," Father Morrissey said.
"Communism is at our doorstep,
he warned. "All must sacrifice in order
to promote the ideas that we are grate
ful for and want to keep."
Father Morrissey, a graduate of Oma
ha Holy Name, has served as a mission
ary priest in Brazil for eight years.
Fri., Sept. 28-8:00
Ag Union
General AdmiMtion $1.25
V v l- vA Li u v Li
e c & o.nn
Nebr. Union
General Admission $1.25
Reserved Adm. . . $1.50
Third Floor $1.00
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