The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 24, 1962, Image 1

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    .Homecoming; Display Rules Revamped
Vol. 76, No. 6
The Daily Nebraskan
Monday, September 24, 1962
After tryouts as members
of the three University bands,
183 musicians have been se
lected, accordingto Professor
Donald Lentz, over-all NU
band director.
The Cornhusker Marching
Band made it's first appear
ance in new uniforms at Sat
urday's game.
During the second semester,
the Symphonic Band and the
Collegiate ind will be formed
for concert work.
Members of the Bands
Plata Gail Oliver. Bin Carlson, Jud
ith i?rs. Bettr Merrill. Joan McCuire.
Chutes Smith, Ann Marie Semin, David
Ratfuen. Ardith Slepicka, Sheila Thomas,
Sharaa Dnmler, Jan McCane, Sandra
Stark, Carolyn Ahischwede, Linda Hen
line Lila Haiscb, Evtfya Loedeke, Steph
anie Menke, Sharon Mae Harris, Nancy
Jo Hickman, Sarah Shaw, Cheryl Snnder
nan. Sarah Renaud.
Ofcae Carole Kramer.
Clarinet Bob Force. Margaret Bohl.
Gary Winketbauer, Sharon BinfieM.
DwusM Overtorf. Keith McCreisht, Linda
Haisch, John Kissler, Sara Wagoner, Eric
Rasmassea, Karen Galbreath. Joyce
Baomann Sharon Stevens. Dorothy
Kuppert. Mary Alice Wasoner, Jarvis
Green. William Pageler. James Mlnnidt.
Eliiabeth McCrory. Nelson Carter. Larry
Veorbecs, Cheryl Hinds. John Adams.
Janette Stotheit. James Cada. Charles
J oars. Lorea Bonderson, Margaret Von
ForeU. Sharon Morrissey, Robert Ross.
Gary Campbell. Victor Groth, Roger Srn
wabaoer, a ark Edwards, LeRoy Hutzen
biler. James Niexneyer.
A. Saisaaaae - Cal Carlson, Doug
las Krlelels. Linda V. uTiams, C o a n ie
Wall Dong Paine, Norman Duba, Mary
SS-SSd. Ber Rela. CaLefW
arttaae Saiaafeaae - Carotya Inn.
?Sli!f"warre HOI. Bill Hunter,
TjcifrMobort Keson.
Bah Person. George Eydraer, Lyte Jtotol
4ml Charles AixVrsoa. Roger Sadroan.
SeVager, Dale Jan. Betty Bauer.
it BoSi. Ken CarGarr Hu
bert, Letand Lamberty. James J"00
iert AeraT Sieve. H alter. Carol Mckm-
aae Parker Drams Cos, Bruce Betoa.
rjTw Pater Salter, Sandra
Kariakeika. Jim Wicsiess, RosaBnd M4n
aea. Robert Caldwell. Sharoa Gefaler.
Daa TWasoa. Roger Qoadhammer. Naa
ty Keller. Tim Fischer. Mark Jorgeaaea.
iaditfe Aaa Baooer.
T ' i - Jim Herbert. Scott Hea
aferasa. Joe Edwards, Joha Da
ScaoH. Hoger Fenner. Cordon Mfldrmn.
It C. Keai. Richard Scatiiord. Edward
Matackallat. Doa BeBosrs. James Conker.
RanH Ttwnwa. Robert Corofik. Gary
Keakaas. Doa Niesums, Daval Lee War
rea. Carl Rueter. Joha Michael Jew. Ra
bat Vaagaa, Grass Peceraoa. Bodaey
Facat, Fred Waneasade. Marhael Veak.
Gary BJomstrwn. AmHIe Kratoctavfl. Car
la Bagea. Andrea Miaswa, Fraa Suite
vaa. rack Johaaoa, Gene GoBdersoa. Boa
aid Roberts. Claade Jeaara. Cteyd Cart
Mike Mathews.
Take Duaae StehUk. Roger Hudaoa.
Jua Misser. Charles Sweet, Dennis Barer.
James Weir. Larea Stadt. Rjchard Joca
ea. Bill Laadsay. Gatyaa Ferns, Gary
Kuipxabeig. Gene Brdirat.
fin an ha RisaaM Erioa. Thomas
TawRfaoa. Rxfcard Packmood. Gordoa
Sraoiz. Roger Canoichael. Jerry Terjne
arr. Carat Usurtark. Joaa Kaaes. Saacy
Mi a a & w
RUSSIAN MSITORS LISTEN INTENTLY Russian Agriculture Institute director G. A. Nalizayko, Federal
agriculture experts listen attentively to their interpreter Extension Administrator Dr. E. F. York, University Agron-
in soil science discussion. Round table panel is (left to omist Leon Chesnin, Soviet Ag. Attache E. Emelyanov,
right): University Agronomist Harold Rhoades, Siberian University Agronomist Thomas McCalla, and an interpreter.
Three Groups; Meet
Fraternity, Sorority
May Combine Entries
Six Russian Agronomists Fire Questions
At NU Plant Breeders During Visit
Daily Nebraskan Reporter
Nine University plant breed
ers held class Saturday morn
ing on the Ag campus with
a group of wide-eyed Russian
The Saturday meeting was
one stop for the Russians who
began a five-day visit to the
state. Their tour is part of a
cultural exchange between
the United States and Russia,
Today's itinerary calls for
visits to farms near York
and Seward with stops at
Fairmont and Exeter. Tues
day the delegation will tour
the State CapitoL confer with
State Agriculture Director
Pearle Finigan and then tour
Gooch Food Products. From
Nebraska the Russians go to
North Dakota.
During the two and one-half
hoar discussions, the Russian
delegation of six split into
three groups basic genet
ics, forage and field crops,
and soils. In these small
round-table discussions, the
foreign visitors used every
opportunity to quiz the Ameri
cans on specific issues.
Corn and wheat were the
main topics of the discussion
led by William Kehr, Donald
Hanway, and John Lonnquist,
all agronomists at the Uni
versity. 13 Stalks?
"From one kernel of wheat,
you grow 15 stalks of grain?"
questioned A. S. Shevchenko
of the Soviet Academy of
"It varies," answered Kehr
and Hanway, "sometimes we
get as many as 20 stems,
sometimes as few as 10."
"What is your main direc
tion of Kokaruza research?"
was another of the answers
being sought by the Soviets.
(Kokaruza is Rnssian for
The University has been
studying corn with high amu-
Dtrk Sseaeer.
at Jia Mirair.
Med Students
Students planning to enter
medical colleges next fall
most take a Medical ODege
Admission test this falL The
deadline for application to
take this test is October S.
Full iafermatisa b tke
Med School Entrance ex
am is available from Dr.
Thomas B. Tborson, 214
Bessey HalL
r " x --. V..
4, 9. " I '
Ml ,
question on Cuba's sugar crop failure.
iU Poll Taken
Student Opinion Condemns South
For Detaining College Integration
Dally Nebraskan Reporter
Recently, the problem of racial inte
gration was brought sharply into focus by
the incident of James Meredith, 23-year
old, enlisted Air Force man who attempted
to enter the non-integrated campus at the
University of Mississippi
Refused admission after a Federal
Court order directed University officials to
allow him entrance, Meredith's case
brings integration out of the grade school
and onto the college campuses.
On Friday, Sept 21, Meredith, es
corted by federal fficlala, entered the ad-.
ministration building at die University of
MlsvlisfppL Meredith was informed that
fcij admission was refused by a special
enactment of the state legislature.
Nebraska, lying several hundred
miles from this hot-bed of racial and edu
cation controversy, is nevertheless af-
Tbe actions of any part f the educa
tional or political community affect not
only these fasti tntions,lirt all people under
their jurisdiction and influence. The Daily
Nebraskan fcas taken a surface poll of
pinion among students and educators, in
an attempt to analyze tbe campus atti
tude concerning this timely problem.
Don Francis, sophomore transfer from
Omaha University felt, "Tbe South is dif
ferent Colored pressure groups and white
sentiment has created an atmosphere of
"pushing" on both sides."
Ralph Grotelnescben, FartnHonse
sophomore feels that, "the university
community is open to all students. It is
relatively tragic that color should control
knot: Sedge."
' . Milton Schmeeckle, Theta Xi senior
stated, "Meredith seems to be a 'rabble
raiser,' he's forcing the issue."
Dr. Curtis Elliott, professor of insur
ance at the University, asserted that in
tegration is here to stay and that respon
sible individuals should face the' problem,
and solve it"
Nancy Campbell, Kappa Kappa Gam
ma sophomore, feels firmly that "the col
ored student is entitled to integrated edu
cation, and if the federal government rules
this into existence then colleges should
Richard BoDi, of the Ag Mens Gub,
wondered "Why is there such an objection
to other human beings?"
For More Comments
On Russians
See Page 2
lose content for plastics man
ufacture, Lonnquist explained.
Shevchenko and B. A. Tol
akov's faces lit up when two
big ears of corn were brought
in. They busily counted ker
nels on each of the 16-inch
long ears and found about 600
grains apiece.
"If only we could grow two
such ears on our plants!"
they commented. The Univer
sity agronomists explained
that rarely did one plant
produce more than one huge
ear. Often the combined
weight of ears from a multiple
fruiting plant was more than
that of the ear of a single
fruiting plant.
Short Season
"What would you plant in
such a short season as we
have in Siberia?" they asked.
Lonnquist cited Quebec's
"Gasby Flint' corn as "the
earliest ripening corn I've ev
er seen." This type is grown
on the Atlantic coast west of
Hudson Bay.
Nebraska Preference
Tolakov, editor of the jour
nal "Farm Life" wanted to
know which Nebraskans pre
ferred to grow, corn or sor
ghum. The Nebraskans' answer
was, corn in the East mflo
in the West.
Eastern farmers don't seem
to like milo because its naked
head weathers badly in t h e
humid land along the Missouri.
Nebraskan Staff Writer
The 1962 University Home
coming display rules have
been changed so that one
fraternity and one sorority
may combine to build a single
display at a cost of not
more than $300, according to
Steve Cass, member of Inno
cents and Homecoming chairman.
The display contest has
been divided into three new
sections 1) the combined
group, 2) the men's group
and 3) the women s group,
Trophies will be given in each
group. The maximum amount
of money which may be spent
by the single houses compet
ing is $200.
Cass said that if two small
er houses wish to go togeth
er with a large sorority or if
a residence hall wishes to
combine with a sorority or a
fraternity, it will be legal with
the rules the Innocents Soci
ety has set up.
The decision as to where the
displays will be located will
be left up to the houses in
volved unless they become
too centralized. If this hap
pens, Cass said, the Innocents
Society will have the right to
select display sites.
Reasons for Change
Cass gave three reasons for
the display revamp.
1) Other schools such as
Colorado University, and the
University of Iowa have done
it with excellent success as
well as an overall increase in
homecoming spirit.
2) Monetary savings result
because the houses will split
the costs of production.
3) Savings in study time,
Art Library
Lends Prints
Students may check out
prints or originals from the
Art Lending Library Wednes
day and Thursday, 9 a.m. to
5 p.m. in the music rooms
of the Student Union.
Students may check out
only one picture per semes
ter. A deposit of $2 at the
time of renting is required
for a print and $3 for an
All pictures are due Jan.
10 or 11, 1963. When the pic
ture is returned, $1 of the
deposit will be returned to
the renter. Of the $3 for the
original, $2 is for the deposit
and the other dollar goes into
a revolving fund used to pur
chase more originals.
No pictures may be re
served before the library
nnpns exnlained Joanie
Graves, chairman of Arts
and Exhibits committee. A
student or facultv ID must
be presented to check out a
picture. 1
especially for pledges, since
much of the basic work is
done by them.
Select Partners Tonight .
Cass stressed the impor
tance of the houses making
their selections in meetings
tonight. All decisions must
be turned into Cass at the Del
ta Upsilon house in writing
before 6 p.m. tomorrow. Those
houses which fail to comply
with this rule will automatical
ly be placed in the single
house divisions. If questions
arise Cass may be reached
by phoning 435-8673 tomorrow
"We expect some confusion
this year," Cass said, "but it
has worked well in other
schools and will soon become
a tradition at the University.'
The Nebraska Homecoming
will be November 3.
Karen Bush
Hikes, Kicks
Karen Bush, daughter of
Nebraska basketball Coach
Jerry Bush and a member
of Delta Gamma, was named
Miss Quarterback 1962 at
the football rally Friday
The basis of selection cen
tered on passing, catching,
hiking and kicking ability as
well as "athletic beauty."
Athletic Director Tippy Dye
and Head Football Coach
Bob Devaney were the judges.
Three other girls were
named finalists: Marian
Fischer, Pi Beta Phi; Suzan
ne Trammel, Kappa Delta
and Sandy Lane, Kappa,
Alpha Theta.
"Thines were pretty bloody
during the parade before the
rally, said Wes Grady, presi
dent of Corn Cubs. "Some of
our Corn Cob workers who
were trying to protect the
band from the herd of stu
dents were unnecessarily beat
en up, he continued.
Grady also noted that there
were numerous fights be
tween members of the vari
ous fraternity pledge classes,
but this is traditional for the
first rally of the season.
Things will calm down dur
ing the rest of the rallies.
In response to the rumor
that the administration might
crack down on the remaining
rallies, Grady said that he
didn't think they would do
anything, but there was al
ways the possibility.
Two students checked into
student health because of mi
nor injuries suffered at the
Gods of Strength?
Londoner Finds Game Excitement Contagious
Fishenden of London, Eng
land, became acquainted with
Myrt Munger of Lincoln
while the two were studying
in Switzerland. Miss Fishen
den came to stay with the
Monger family in Lincoln in
July and she is now a fresh-
Builders Meeting
Interviews for Builders
assistants in public rela
tions and sales win be held
Wednesday starting at 8
p.m. Anyone who has been
a member of Builders for at
least one semester and has
Wednesday nights free may
apply. Students can sign up
for an interview on the
sheet on the door of the
Builders office, 342 Union.
man at the University and a
pledge of Chi Omega soror
ity. Saturday at the Corn
busker's first game, Jane
saw her first football game
and noted the following im
pressions: By JANE FISHENDEN
N-E-B-R-A-S-K-A ! ! ! With
this chant and the cheering
spirit of the student section
of the crowd, even a new
comer could not help being
caught up -in the excitement.
Saturday I saw my first
American football game; this
in itself is not very extraor
dinary, but what an atmos
phere under which to see it!
In England, the home of
soccer, we have no cheer-
leaders, no popcorn, coke or
hot-dogs, and no giants of
men struggling and fighting
for a touchdown. And, believe
me, tbe Englishmen don't
know what they are missing.
One notices immediately
the huge size of the players;
at home they trot onto the
Held mere men, weak and
puny; here they are gods of
strength. Or at least they
are worshipped like gods.
Whether or not the cheer
leaders, (poor exhausted
souls, after IVt hours, I'm
sure) do anything for the
team by way of encourage
ment, (can they hear any
thing beneath that strange
garb?) or not, I don't know,
but it certainly excites the
crowd to a greater pitch of
excitement and lunacy.
Had you been in my posi
tion, you too might have felt
a secret fear of being tram
pled by these fanatics leaping
up and down, and waving red
and white things in your
face. However I must admit
it is very contagious.
But it did leave a great
impression of team spirit and
who would want to miss see
ing a few people get beaten
up under a heap of bodies
anyway? Certainly not I, as
I loved every minute.
Well done, Huskers, you
couldn't have played a nicer
game for a foreigner's intro
duction to American football!