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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 21, 1962)
Page 4 The Daily Nebraskan Friday, September 21, 1962 Football Weekend Filled With Fun Spunky and spirited Univer sity organizations will roll into full swing for the first football weekend. FRIDAY Kappa Alpha Theta-Sigma Phi Epsilon pledge rally func tion. Kappa Delta-Farm House rally function. Sigma Kappa-Triangle rally function. Piper Hall-Brown Palace hour dance, 7-8 p.m. Burr Hall (women )-Ag Men hour dance, 6:30-7:30 p.m. SATURDAY Alpha Chi Omega-Kappa Sigma football function, 2 p.m. Alpha Omicron Pi patio dance house party, 7-11 p.m.; football open house, 4 p.m.; Alpha Tau Omega football function, 2-4 p.m. Alpha Phi-Beta Theta Pi pledge football function, 2-4 p.m., football open .house, 4 p.m. Ahoba Xi Delta-Farm House football function. 2-4 p.m. Alpha Delta Pi-Beta Sigma Psi pledge football function, 2-4 p.m. Chi Omega-Sigma Phi Ep silon football function, 2-4 p.m.; footbf.ll open house, 2p4 p.m. Delta Delta Delta football open house, 4 p.m. Delta G a m m a-Sigma Nu pledge football function, 2-4 p.m.; football open house, 4 p.m. Gamma Phi Beta-Phi Delta Theta football function, 2-4 STUDENT ACCOUNTS WELCOME Citizen's State Bank 2500 North 48 "l'onr bank omnr from home" Member' FDIC p.m. football open house, 4 p.m. Kappa Alpha Theta-Theta Xi football function, 2-4 p.m. Kappa Kappa Gamma-Phi Gamma Delta pledge football function, 2-4 p.m., football open house, 4 p.m. Pi Beta Phi-Sigma Chi foot ball function, 2-4 p.m.; foot ball open house, 4 p.m. Sigma Kappa-Triangle foot ball function, 2-4 p.m.; foot ball open house, 4 p.m. Zeta Tau Alpha football open house, 4 p.m. Alpha Tau Omega house party, 9-12 p.m. Sigma Chi parking lot par ty, 9-12 p.m. Traingie football open house, 4 p.m. Selleck Quadrangle record hop, 8-11 p.m. Inter Co-op Council picnic and dance with Terrace, Bun East, Love Memorial and Fedde, 5:30-11 p.m. SUNDAY Sigma Delta Tau open house, 3-5 p.m. ,Ui REPRCftCH PBftffifc TALKING ABOUT THEMSELVES; BOTITI6THE5U&Jcr JHEV TREAT BEST 1 Ti XW TREAT BEST" UHATs) I 60T IT OUT OF A THW?50C OF FAMILIAR GU0TATlONg, WHAT DO m WEAN."FAM!LlAR QlU0TATI0N5?IF rfe so familiar, HOu) COME I HAVENT HEARD IT? HOuJ CANTHEVSAV ITS FAMILIAR IF I HAVENT HEARD IT?: If IT (d AS SO FAMILIAR. I'D HAVE HEARD IT, UO ULDNT I?j -SO FAMILIAR IF I... Coriihusker Slates Staff Interviews Interviews for open Corn husker positions will be 3 to 5 p.m., Wednesday in the Cornhusker office. Interested persons must pick up the application blanks and sign the interview sheet Tuesday. Positions open are: section editors of women's houses and halls, student scenes, military, fraternities, student government and a panel assistant. ci oj s RIGHT AFTER THE RALLY Pan American Room NEBRASKAN WANT ADS ' . i i ixeorasitan POLICY ads for the Daily must be entered two davs in advance and must . be paid for in advance. Cor . rections will be made if errors are brought to our attention ; within 48 hours. ! ROOMER WANTED ' )ba warned ta slur J bedroom apart ! ma a Colleee Virar. paoae 22 aiier P-m. iiiuiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiuiuii!ini!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiuiMiiiiiiMiiiniiiiHnHiminiiiiiiiiii Crest Service Station 1545 CORNHUSKER HWY has 1 1 PERMANENT I I ANTI-FREEZE I! $1 S,) REGULAR CIGARETTES 21 GALLON PER PACK ROOMERS NEEDED Rratar rtmpirte kaasr- Need ra man rwjrute. Cal ZWM m ra 23N Sxwth SL DANCE BANDS Personal Checks Cashed with Proper I.D. DOORS OPEN 12:4S tdfMMM 140 N 13th HEM465 NOW I LH SUSAN PETER M,,Vm I m HAYWARD -FINCH ffi & LMJS 1 DIANE CYRIL A FREE for Stuart & Nebraska theatre patrons after 6 p.m. at State Securities Self Park. lMn PARKING pirih Gorage' 13th M and the Auto DOORS OPEN 12:45 H44 p" HI 2-3126 NOW 1 ,-aaa UivwMl-irerimwttltf.iTiw;sir "iJ lifflffinawiiimuwwiaHmnimniimmiinHmmiHHiiBmiimi!iii!(i!inHiiiuiHiiis i m boe tau baad. r ant i book tfce beat? I"-- aara Jim Herbert 5 Orrfcessra s back au tor aeU9er ennrx' yzr Call rxrtr pet uje date rvu raaL. Call 43S-SZ1. LOST Sack faS af tnofci msmiared' back af Mac car. Herod. Call HE 2-XM. 1 Biack. rlws. Left m admsmstrauw s3a Veorwlar aftTroaa. 1 m4 eml Be . MMTt Cal i3-i CU MISCELLANEOUS ' like la Snr? Tar SunntiJ Vxuted Pnc BrKnaa Ctarck. Sick A; P Su. an rs VOL ". ana us rsnar. Bxkearaaa, T M M aa eaacsdii' maax. I ,;s.y "niiriiwiir- 1 I yH..HT " 1 i I 4 .'.. lk!pa(( get L ots I 71 T Vlo re from 1 I The Church ... For A Fuller Life . . . For You CALENDAR OF CHURCH SERVICES INVITED CAMPIS amisnw FELLOWSHIP (mkrtcnaa, ViM Chan af Canst. Ia9flttat Val Bictam A Dice af Cknst) Aa" J. Pers. Roih How, Dew W. Poreson, Powers 9 30 a.m. Crossroods Semjar 10:5 a m. Corporate Worship 5. 3D p.m. Feikwrshia Forum 6:30 pm Forum Discuuon 1 BAPTIST STUDENT FELLOWSHIP M. M. hm. Director af Staat Wark j 9:30 a.m. Bible Study ! 10.45 OJn. Morning Worship J 6 00 p.m. Fellowship Hour j 7:00 p.m. Evening Worship 8CO p.m. After -Church Fellowship j Groups Meeting I Firsr Bcptist Church ' 14th & K Sts. ST. IRKS OTRE-CAMPLS (EPISCOPAL) 19tfe m-4 I Stv Scaraa H. Pack. Vint 8 00 c m. Ho'V Ccnmuron 10.30 o m Hoy Comrrunoi UMTRS1T' LUTHERAN CHAPEL lTh latttiai Caavca Mi ri tf-4i IStfc A O Sis. A. J. N antra. Paatw A. P. Vamactkii. Vaca 5 9 30 C m. Wsrsr-io 1 1 03 c m. WarK,s 5 33 p m. Gototo Dtta ST. THOMAS AQUINAS CHURCH (Carkiln Sh-a Cnkfi IM A "C" Stv Rofaet F. Sr-txv. J Row ley Meters, Tromos M Pjc ii., Chx; iors Moisei; 8 03 cm., 9 33 pm, II M om. !? !5 pm Sonjrdjr Cornesiiwn: 4 33-5 33 p m. 7.33 8 33 pm. I WESLEli" FOUNDATION ! ) 40 Na. lath St. C tirkani Mam, tmy A jcaiia ta 9.00 am. Holy Cornrnunion 10.00 am. Morning Worship, (oiksmed by discussion 1 1 00 a m. Morning Worship 5.00 pm. Fellcwship Supper 6 00 pjn. Vespers 6:15 pm. fce'tgeus Roundtobies LUTHERAN STUDENT FOUNDATION fWatiaaat Urkcraa Cacii tlS Na. Itrk AKia Prtaina. Paacar Cava Jcrtkna. nitaa. 10 33 am. Worship 11:33 am. Discuswon 5 33 pm. Lutheran Student Association TIFERETH ISR AEL SAACOCLX J21 SkwMaa rti Maariw A. Piaiii U Servces: rVi , 8 03 p m : Sot., 9:00 on. Hiiiei Meetmgs Moncby ANDERSON'S CAFETERIA OPEN 24 HOURS Complete Choice of Foods Continental Trailways Bus Depot, 10th t P t? ITT ' ST i I . j f ' ft -4 Mtffci.'"' i- : a ! a3(fV 1& I mono body in tlie blend more flavor in the smoke cxp mono taste through the filter IT lie rirL-flaror leaf thai does Jl! Aiwwig LA Me choJce tobaccos iLr'e more of tH ltnger-itged, extra-cxired Jeif than even in boice unfiltered cigarettes. And mitb LAM1 roodn filter the MirvcJe Tip orJy pure while tiradbes your lips. Get lots more froxa LAM ihtjiher cigarette for people uho really like to tmoLe. r-' LlJ i M I j J j f i ' --r , ' -i" ' t The road pictured here bears the time-worn marks of va&nj travellers. Appar entlj it leads to some dis tant village or serves per haps as a lirJt between more vital tborougfcfares. Eat in reality this road does neither. Once, m doubt, it had a destination, bet to day it fades away into tbt woods a few miles beyond a "dead end." How many lives are like this road? They have prom ising beffincing-s, but instead of continair.2 to worthwhile t oals, they wander aimless ly to cal dead 'ends. The Church teaches us to build useful lives and jruides os toward coble achieve ments and ambitions. Regu lar attendance at church services gives greater assur ance that our pathway of life win not lead os astray. On the contrary, it leads straight to the house of the peaceful mind and the con tented heart DICK'S WATCH SERVICE Watch & dock Repair 1-2 Day Service Student Price ! Caatpas Boolutare 1245 R Street THE EVANS LAUNDERERS CLEANERS 333 No. 12 Selleck Quod. l 4 I ' I. ! I if ' . 4f K STEVE'S HEIVSTAIID Headquarters fon llagazioe Tohan-o Paprrbarks Candies Ope T3 11:00 fJA. Eery NigStf Contiwenrsd Tra3weyv Cat Cept, 10 & p T cm joh rem i TW Cbufdfa il tia aMwlMt jaalw a ar W a button ti 4um-m-Jmr md aao1 cataeaaiif. Il a a ataMWHMr af tfmmti aianL Wiai. am a amng Ouneii. aei&ar ae. Mai?r aor niUia4aa cm aup TiiDir am ioar Miadl aeawca aerwiow MKularlf aaj 9a 4ha CWdk. Ttor av-. HI) ( !ka aaie. Cj Far ha ila aaW. 3 Fat tU aw af raw awnittf aa ana. (14V Fat a aa af k Qaa . 4 aauii aa anial aa4 akalrrial a aart. Pin a ( a cmni aaja larla mi tad roar U abil. Simdax Mwi Majraar louab 7mMar MatlMr dialar haiaa Tnimaar iMnnaj fridar inmost tmam I 7 f K t-4 14 11-21 - j-a Ml Suede's Coffee Shop Umckes Siocb "Where Cam put Friends Meet" NEXT TO NEESL BOOKSTORE 't9TiCtat IKt, Eeiatar Admrtiiui tmvtat, tuc. MtxMburf, ta. 1 ala:aM . ,. fcia-t.,, .g,,,.., ... ., n i i ., i iia,.w,(aw1Wi..a)iajiia " '"' 1,1 '"','"'''"'-''7" ' -''" '