The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 20, 1962, Page Page 2, Image 2

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Page 2
Where Lies The
It is very difficult, in
fact, it is well nigh im
possible, to inculcate in
the average human being
a sense of responsibility
to the common good. As
soon as we approach a
fellow-man with the pro
posal that on him as an
individual, and on us as
a group of individuals,
rests the destiny of our
nation, he immediately
protests, that he has no
. such influence. "What
am I," he wails deprecat
ingly, "in the face of so
many thousand others?"
This reaction strikes
most of us as being very
untypical of our decidely
egocentric race. It nor
mally requires extraordi
nary persuasive power to
convince us that we are
really not the center of
the universe; we feel
that we are all impor
tant, the axis on which
the world revolves; if
anything goes wrong with
us, Nature must sit down
and weep.
Well, then, why the
sudden, profound humil
ity? Why do we persist
in talking and acting as
if we believe ourselves
all powerful and yet,
when called Upon to vin
dicate our claim we hide
nnder a cloak of self-depreciation?
Is it a ques
tion of expediency or do
we really not believe in
the power of the crusad
ing individual? ,
WOMEN . . .
Are They Weaker?
The weaker sex?
Let's see they die at 68 we
die at 63 they have twice as many
minor illnesses but hardly any ulcers
about the same number are insane
but we beat 'em 200 per cent on sui
cides. They arc seldom color blind - or
stutter and you'll never believe it,
but they don't change their minds as
much they take longer to make it
up and wild horses won't change them.
She can't throw a ball she sticks
out the wrong foot looks like she'll
sure fall flat on her face but she's
built so she can button up the back of
her dress. Of course she talks a bit
Beginning with Inside
Intramurals, continuing
with Backpage Buckshot
now this ! It's the
same old stuff but a new
Due to previous heri
tage the nature of this
column may be sports
but we'll try to take a
poke here n' there too.
Our purpose will be to
increase readership and
create confusion.
Newest things for NU
in '62:
The batch of females
residing in Selleck. (Saw
barefoot Tuesday night.)
New Library check
out system. (Stamps
available at cheap
New freshman crop.
(Question: Which way is
Andrews Hall. Answer:
Out on Ag.)
1 a.m. Friday night
hours for girls. (More
time to mouse before go
ing back to house.)
All joking aside, b i g
gest and best to hit Hus
ker campus is the 1962
football team. New Coach
Bob Devaney will field a
team Saturday which
has the size, experience,
speed and attitude to go
all the way. Only draw
backs could be lack of
depth and a rugged tail
end conference schedule.
The injury which h i t
Thunder Thornton at first
looked like the factor
which would kayoe Ne
braska out of the Big
Eight race but if the To
ledo bulldozer can return
to the lineup by the Iowa
State game all may end
well. With Thornton out,
other Huskeri will be
called upon to carry the
attack in the NU openers
against non-conference
14th & R
Telephone 432-7631 ext. 4225, 4226, 4227
Member Associated Collegiate Pre;.
International Press Representative Na
tional Advertising Service, Incorporate!.
Published at: Room 51, Student I' nun,
Lincoln 8, Nebraska.
History has many les
sons to teach us in this
regard, but some of us
do not wish to learn. We
persist, in refusing to un
derstand that one indi
vidual make up a nation.
Instead we argue obsti
nately "Who am I among
thousands? What can I
do?" They do not seem
to realize that just one
spark starts a fire, one
raindrop a tree to grow,
one man a race and one
termite a ruin.
St. Francis
College (Indiana)
(Editor's Note: The
above guest editorial is
the only crusade this ed
itorial page will take
against selfishness on
this campus. Editors and
other campus leaders in
the past have constantly
harped on apathy and
lack of student participa
tion or interest. It is
hoped that many of the
readers of this page will
see the message that the
editorial has. Apathy is
such a warmed over sub
ject that it has become
a cliche, but it has also
caused the failure of
many fine programs.
But these programs have
demanded national and
international awareness
and responsibility among
the students this the
student body lacks.
In the last few semes
ters, however, this editor
has seen the pressure
more has greater word turnover
she's a better reader she has more
education but she lets us believe we're
She holds 29 per cent of the paid
jobs and gets 60 percent of what we
do on the'same job but she owns two
thirds of the property we say she's
a lousy driver still we have nine
times more accidents.
The stomach is larger she eats
more for her size she is never bald
(that we know of) and she can't run
and hardly ever whistles. Still and all,
they are rather nice to have around (weak
or not).
foes South Dakota and
Michigan (quite a con
trail here). This early
season experience could
prove extremely benefi
cial in the latter stages
of the season.
Key game of the year
has to be the Iowa State
game. If Nebraska wins
it, the Cornhuskers will
be off and running in the
Big Eight race. A loss to
the Cyclones could knock
the Huskers out of the
close race early.
In fact, Nebraska may
win five of its first six
games and take a 3-0
loop record into the Nov.
3 homecoming clash
with Missouri. The Hus
kers should be able to
handle South Dakota,
Iowa State, North Caro
lina State, Kansas State
and Colorado in the early
season firing.
From there on it's a
tough road with Missouri,
Kansas, Oklahoma State
and Oklahoma rounding
out the '62 slate.
Daily Nebraskan
LnwrVa aa aecand
tt afflre j JJarxta. Nebraska.
The Dally Nebraahaa la aoMlifced Mwaday, jradaeaday.
Tow Mff i and rtdy tana the aebawl fear, eirerl dnrl
yaratiwi aod nam arrdt, aad mr darlar Aaroot.
Indent af In llalerlty M oekraaba nnder Uu oHmH-.
lion M the Committee i Miiaegi Affair a aa -xarrcoton
at atadent opinion Publication under tbe lurlcdir-tien at
the ueemmllt-e an Htadent Pabllrallnn bll be free
from editaria) rcoirohln on tbe nart of !'' ftubf-ominl'tee
or on the part 9 any peroon an'old the finlyerdtt The
mem'er af ft!- Ilollt Web abpn loft aeronnaltr
rr.. ' for wbal they aay. ar da, av iuh la be erlultd
February , lata.
September 20, 1962
constantly building on the
students to look from
themselves and give of
themselves to others. The
result has been a gradual
increase of interest
among students in just
these areas. CCUN,
P-T-P, USNSA - all hit
the campus almost at the
same time. Each ended
in failure, but with the
presentation of each to
the students more inter
est developed. The last,
NSA, stormed over cam
pus and in the Student
Council chambers for
weeks (after months of
preparation by its back
ers); finally ending in de
feat by a Council vote of
Last semester the Ne
braskan was glad that
the measures were de
feated because we knew
the students here could
not fulfill the obligations
and responsibilities mem
bership in these organi
zations demanded. We
hope that the issues are
not brought up this year
for the same reason. But
the day is coming when
Nebraska will be able to
join and do her par t.
Council opened its year
yesterday afternoon and
plans many outstanding
programs that deserve
student backing. Again,
this is the continuing
pressure being applied by
student leaders to move
us beyond ourselves.)
Optimism is always
high before the season
starts but this corner is
of the opinion that this
year will be something
for Scarlet .fans to re
member. We'll tag the
Huskers 7-3 and don't
count that Miami trip
out yet!
Wins will be over South
Dakota, Iowa State,
North Carolina State,
Kansas State, Colorado,
Kansas and Oklahoma
State with setbacks to
Michigan. Missouri and
Watch for Bud Wilkin
son's Oklahoma Sooners
to rebound from a rugged
first half of the season
and come on to win the
conference crown with
one loop defeat. Missouri,
pre - season favorite by
most reports, is this writ
er's choice for second
with Nebraska third.
Remember though it's
always easier to predict
a winner so let's wait
and see.
ltAL...uje'ftE NOT EVEN
daae mallet, naalafe ald. al Ike
r t ' ' a, i a).. w ,
liia ,L 1
1 1 jo
By Roger L. Wait
I First a bow to tradition: a statement of purpose.
As this column's title implies, the writer's purpose
during the semester's course will be to discuss public
issues and express opinion on them. To borrow a couple
cliches, this column will be pointing with pride and view-
ing with alarm, with variations on theme.
It is, only fair to let the reader know the writer's
viewpoint He is a registered Democrat (although he vot-
ed for Eisenhower in 1956) and, he hopes, an undoc-
trinaire liberal. However, kind conservatives, fear not.
You often hear this question: What is a liberal'
This on page 47 of "The Reporter" magazine for Sept.
s 13, 1962, is the best two-sentence definition I've seen of
what a "liberal" is.
I In the blurb's quotation of its editor and publisher,
1 Max Ascoli, "a liberal is a man who cultivates the
s skills that make freedom operational. He is always a
man on special assignment."
Now for the business at hand . . .
In this fall's fltmoenhora nf nnlifial
h rhetoric, the charge of "procrastination" has been and
Undoubtedly will continue to ha louoloH at ttia i
I power in Washington and Lincoln. There is some merit
s to such charges. The state-level charge made recently
I against Gov. Frank Morrison will be discussed in a later
In Geneva, Switzerland, the disarmament conferences
drag on and on and on, just like they have the past
few years. Consider these witty lines from the Sept. 13
"We state; they negate.
"They accuse; we refuse.
"We concede; they recede.
"They decry; we deny.
"We propose; they oppose.
"They test; we protest.
I "What score? Battledore,
"Shuttlecock; deadlock."
Enough said?
On the national scene, President Kennedv, so far has
I not acted in his customary fine turn of a phrase, urged
Americans inaugural address:
"Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what
; you can do for your country."
Many people are waiting for him to do more for the
general good of the country in the field of civil rights,
specifically, discrimination in housing.
On Aug. 8, 1960, he made a notable speech in which,
he said that discrimination in federally assisted housing
would be outlawed with the "stroke of a pen."
Perhaps the presidential pen will stroke the signa
ture of John F. Kennedy on an Executive Order this
Saturday. This weekend?
Outside of the hoped-for Cornhtisker victory over
South Dakota, this Saturday marks the 100th anniversary
of the signing of the Emancipation Proclamation by
President Abraham Lincoln.
That significant document's words did not take effect
until Jan. 1, 1883, but this coming centennial Saturday
lets us ponder the great Illinoisan's words:
. . by virtue of the power In me vested as
Commander-in-Chief of the Army and Navy of the
United States In time of actual armed rebellion
against the. authority and government of the
United States, and as a fit and necessary war
measure for suppressing said rebellion ... I do
order and declare that all persons held as slaves
within said designated States and parts of States
are, and henceforward (hail be, free ..."
"And I hereby enjoin upon the people do declared
to be free to abstain from all violence, unless In
necessary self-defense; and I recommend to them
that, in all cases when allowed, they labor faith
fully for reasonable wages.
"And I further declare and make known that
such persons of suitable condition will be re
ceived Into the armed service of the United
States.,. .
"And upon this act, sincerely believed to be an
act of justice, warranted by the Constitution upon
military necessity, I Invoke the considerate judg
ment of making and the gracious favor of Al
mighty God."
Great words, but they stirred up a mighty fuss in the
war-saddled North as to whether Lincoln had acted with
in the scope of his constitutional powers as commander- '
in-chief. Some years after his great proclamation, all
(Continued an Page 3)
About Letters
5 n Daily Nebraakaa InTlten 2
reidrri to aw H for cxamafoaa
s af opinion aa current toairi retard- ss
ss In of rlcwpotnt. Latter moat be
5 lined contain a verifiable add-
n and be free af Itbelno ma- IE
aerial Pea namea may be to-
rinded and will be releaaed anon s
written reqaest.
H Brertty and legibility tacreaaa 3
5 Ibe chance af oabllcatloa Lenfthy
H letter may be edited ar emitted
Absolutely nana will be retarned.
(Author of "1 Wat a Twn-agt Dwarf," "The Many
Lovei of Dobie Gilli$," etc.)
With today's entry I begin my ninth year of writing columns
in your school newspaper for the makers of Marllwro Cigarettes.
Nine years, I believe you will agree, is a long time. In fact,
it took only a little longer than nine years to dig the Sue
Canal, and you know what a gigantic undertaking that was I
To be sure, the work would hare gone more rapidly had the
liovel been invented at that time, but, as we all know, the
shovel was not invented until 1946 by Walter R. Shovel of
Cleveland, Ohio. Before Mr. Shovel's discovery in 1946, all
dijreing was done with sugiir tongs a method unquestionably
dainty but hardly what one would call rapid. There were, natu
rally, many efforts made to speed up digging before Mr. Shovel's
breakthrough notably an attempt in 1912 by the immortal
Thomas Alva Edison to dig with the phonograph, but the only
thing that happened was that he got his horn full of sand. This
mi depressed Mr. Edison that he fell into a fit of melancholy
from which he did not emerge until two years later when his
friend William Wordsworth, the eminent nature poet, cheered
him up by imitating a duck for four and a half hours.
But I digress. For nine years, I say, I have been writing this
olumn for the makers of Marl!oro Cigarettes, and for nine
years they have been paying me money. You are shocked. You
think that anyone who has tasted Marllwro's unparalleled
flavor, who has enjoyed Marlboro's filter, who has revelled in
Marlboro's jolly red and white pack or box should be more than
willing to write about Marlboro without a penny's compensa
tion. You are wrong.
Compensation is the very foundation ttone of the American
Way of Life. Whether you love your work or hate it, our system
alwolutely requires that you be paid for it. For example, I
have a friend named Rex Glele, a veterinarian by profession,
who simply adores to worm dogs. I mean you can call him up
and say, "Hey, Rex, let's go bowl a few lines," or "Hey, Rex,
let's go flatten some pennies on the railroad tracks," and he
will always reply, "No, thanks. I better stay here in ctj
someliody wants a dog wormed." I mean there is not one thing
in the whole world you can name that Rex likes better than
worming s dog. But even so, Rex always sends a bill for worm
ing your dog Ijecause in his wisdom he knows that to do other-
wise would be to rend. pomiMy irreparably, the fabric f
it's the same wiUi me and Marlloro Cignrette. I think
MarlUiro's flavor represent the pinnacle of the tobacconist's
art. I think Marlboro's filter represent the pinnacle of the
filter-! linker's url. I think Murllioro's pack and box represent
the pinnacle of the put 'kiig--r's art. I think Marlboro is a pleas
ure and a treasure, and I fairly hurst with pride that 1 Uva
been chosen to sjxwk for Marlboro on your campus. All the
same, I want my money every week. And the makers of
Marlboro understand this full wr-ll. They don't like it, but they
understand it.
In the columns which follow this opening installment, 1 will
turn the hot white light of truth on the pressing problems of
eampus life-the many and varied dilemmas which beset the
undergraduate-burning questions like "Should Chaucer class
rooms be converted to parking garages?" and "Should proctors
be given a saliva test?" and "Hhould foreign exchange student
be held for ransom?"
And in these columns, while grappling with the crises tliut
ex campus America, I will make occasional brief mention of
Marlljom Cigarettes. If I do not, the makers will not give ma
any money. - imm..m
The maker of Marlboro irtll bring you tht unrenfored,
(ree-fyle column t8 time throughout the nchool year. Dur
ing lhi period it It not unlikely that Old Max will nttp on
tome toe principally our but we think Ifi all In fun and
hm liope you will loo.
notes in protest
Why does the Union
charge the same price
for a grilled cheese sand
wich as a hamburger?
Why is a peanut butter
sandwich the same price
as both of them? Why
are the prices in the Crib
so-o-o-o high? Why are
the prices of food in the
Crib higher than the
prices of food in the Ag
Campus Union? Isn't it
all the same University
and purchasing depart
ment? Is this why the
city campus Union makes
more money in a day
than the Ag Union makes
in a month? Why is the
service friendlier in the
Ag Union? Why are the
lights dimmed to near to
tal darkness in the Crib
during and after the sup
per hour? Why are the
tables always so messy
and almost unsanitary in
the evenings when there
is no big mob of students
crammed into the Crib?
Is that why the lights are
dimmed? Couldn't the
Union put in another soft
drink tap south of the
cash register pennisula
where the third coffee
pot area is or is it really
necessary to spend 15
minutes in line to get a
soft drink?
Just wondering ... the
Attention Wives!
All wives of married stu
dents are invited to attend
the first "Games" meet
ing tonight at 7:30 p.m.
in the north and south party
rooms of the Student Union.
Games is a social organi
zation for the wives of mar
ried students.
Additional informat i o n
and request for rides may
be obtained by calling Dona
Linscott, GR-79406; Barby
Larsen, IV-93562; Karen
Noel, GR-72851 or Peggy
Pesterfield, 435-7519.
"v V'V' y
if. i