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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 20, 1962)
o UNIVERSITY O? Nb LIBRARY 20 1902 V? Vol 76, No. 4 The Daily Nebraskan . Thursday, September 20, 1962 fill C J CONCENTRATION Pastry chef Jim Chlngas puts the finishing touches on one of his masterpieces cake wise, that is. Chingas, a part time students from Greece, is the answer to many questions asked by curious students no ticing the "wedding-type" cakes in the Crib. (Photo by Pixie Smallwood) Wedding Cakes For Coeds? New Union Chef Services Off, ers By BOB BESOM Dally Nebraskan Reporter "IH even be glad to make wedding cakes for any of the campus coeds," chuckled the new Union head pastry chef Jim Chingas, with a hint of a Greek accent Breads, cakes, pies, french pastry, fine pastries, rolls . . . well, just any- Activities Mart Set Wednesday Associated Women Stu dents (AWS) Upperclass Activities Mart will be held Wednesday from 2-5:30 p.m. In the Student Union party rooms. University activities will be represented by m e m bers at individual tables. They will answer any ques tions concerning their or ganization. AWS will bold an orienta tion session on its rules Tuesday at 4:30 p.m., in the Student Union for all sorority housemothers, standards chairmen, presi dents, and AWS representatives. thing," Chingas went on, list ing his specialties. "With Chingas in charge of the pastry department," com mented Union Foods Service Manager Tom Lovgren, "we are offering to extend our service to any of the campus organizations for such things as birthday parties, teas and dances." "Chingas is one of the fin est bakers I've ever seen," said Lovgren, another of the new Union personnel who completed hotel-restaurant management at Denver University. Chingas, a part-time Ne braska student in speech and music, says he will need at least a 24-hour notice on orders. Twenty-five year old Chin gas came to the United States seven years ago from Greece where he picked up the trade as a baker's ap prentice. Relatives in Lincoln brought him to the Nebraska capital where he finished high school and continued work as baker. During the past three yean he has worked in Gold's Bakery Shoppe and was head pastry man in the initial year of the Nebraska Center of Continuing Education. Many Cars Cause Jam On Campus By JIM MOORE Nebraskan Staff Writer "What! Area 2? But it's eight blocks from where live," exclaimed one on-canr pus student as he received his parking permit for the "Elgin lot." "We've been gettinz auite a few complaints about the parkmg situation this fall.' commented Captain Eugene Masters, director of the cam pus police. "Not only stu dents but also the faculty has been complaining of a lack of parking space." Masters continued. 'One thing most people don't realize is that the heav iest traffic of the year comes at the beginning of the fall semester. After November the situation will be better," said Masters. Campus parking lots have been full for the first time in campus history. Although new lots are available, the number of cars on campus has increased beyond the projected limit. The campus police reported that Monday morning the Elgin lots and Area 2 parking lots were full. Employee Lot Switch Carl Donaldson, director of the planning and construction division of the University, promotes student use of the lot directly south of the Elgin Building. The lot will replace the present employee lot which will be shifted to the north side of the building The biggest problem days are Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, especially during the peak hours of 9 and 10," commented Masters. "Al though outlying lots seem to be the only solution, the stu dents are not in favor of parking eight or ten blocks away from their classroom," he continued. Last spring a recommenda tion from the Student Coun cil Parking Committee was forwarded to the campus po lice suggesting that freshman be allowed to park only on the outlying lots. This was done with the hope that on c a m p a s parking facilities would increase. "The Council recommenda tion did not specify where we would put the freshman cars. With the exception of the seniors, the freshman drive more cars than any other class," explained Mas ters, "and there is lust no place they could all park off-campus." 14th Street Wider Another innovation this year in the parking situation is the widening of 14th street to a four-lane drive. "No Parking" signs went up on the west side of the street to permit an easier flow of traffic to and from the fac ulty parking lots at 14th and "S". "This has made the con gestion at the 14th and "S" corner much less, and it is hoped the traffic flow will! be increased," said Masters. New Dean Tells Policies Student Affairs Office To Stress Participation By KAREN GUNLICKS Nebraskan Staff Writer Deep from the heart of Texas comes the new dean of Student Affairs, G. Robert Ross. The tall, husky, handsome Dr. Ross believes his first job here is to learn the "what and why's" of the University. "As far as policy is Con cerned, the staff of Student Affairs, the faculty and ad ministration through the Fac ulty Senate and the students will participate in any changes," he explained.' The native of Kerens, Tex., expressed his anxiety to learn how the Student Tribunal op' erates, since he has never worked with this type of stu dent discipline system. Foremost Goal Dr. Ross stated that the foremost goal of Student Af fairs is to create learning situations for students in every way, since the com munity, country and world are placing such high de mands and pressures on how much the individual knows Consequently, each has less time to spend on unproduo tive, non-learning situations, he continued. "The second duty of the di- ' - If ':$pL (ft If I u 1 ' v DEAN ROSS-" close liaison with the academics needed." Student Affairs Directs Five Additional Areas Several new areas will be under the direction of the Stu dent Affairs office this year. Adding to the division are housing, admissions, regis Why Don'tcha Quit Complaining? The Grass Jsn't Really Greener NU coeds complain about closing hours. NU gentlemen complain about calling "Ain't She Neat" for a date two weeks in advance. NU students complain about the pro fessors who make their classes "dig" for fact to use in addition to class notes for the approaching honr exam. NU "grill rats" complain about the lack of time in their schedules for a "beer with the brothers." In other words, the NU citizenry COMPLAINS! But, bow many of the Con nie and Gem Complainers realize how "good they have it?" CLOSLN'G HOURS Male students attending universities in Oxford, England are required to be in their dormitory rooms by 11:00 p.m. each evening. ' If found walking the streets or not in their rooms by the designated hour, the stu dents are jailed for a number of hours. (And 1:00 p.m. closing hours for NU coeds are frowned upon?) DATE ARRANGING PROBLEMS Heidelberg, Germany boys find that it REALLY takes time to get a date. Be fore escorting a girl to the local soda shop, the interested male must make ar rangemens to meet the girl through a mutual friend, and then he must call on her parents in their home before even arranging a date. (And NU date seekers dislike fighting for a line in Builder's Calendars?) CLASSROOM RESEARCH Oxford, England students find that their educa tion necessitates individual effort with out professor aids. They are required to do all the year's work on their own with only occasional conferences with faculty members. Examination times comes and they must have every fact well in mind. (And final crammers complain about having to memorize 50 pages of the in structors notes so that they can throw his words right beck at him?) GRILL RATS American tourists traveling through Italy and France are constantly plagued by thirst, but most al ways keep in mind tbat the water in "them parts" Is chock full of mysterious matter. As would be expected, tbey are forced to find a thirst-quenching substi tute. The answer ... a wine jug con stantly in reach, and a swig to combat thirst as early as ( a.m. in the morning. Their promise on returning home; "I'll never settle for anything but water again!" Yes, Complainers, you've never had it so good. But, keep right on contributing to the gripe department so that the des perate Rag reporters have some more information for the comparison and con trast area of news reporting. And, the first chance you get, take a jaunt across the ocean to convince yourself that the grass is REALLY greener in the U.S.A.U 'First Glance' Is Revamped "First Glance," a Builder's publication depicting campus life, has recently received a face lifting, according to Ka ren Rasmussen, editor. The 26-page magazine is distributed to all Nebraska high school seniors who rank in the upper quarter of their class, and to all college trans fer students. Miss Rasmussen said that this was the first major change in the publication in over six years. New additions to the book are a full color cover, duotone photographs inside the pamphlet, and a revised question and answer section. A new section, Campus Cul ture, features material on the new Sheldon Art Gallery, the state house, Nebraska State Historical Society and the Ralph Mueler Planetarium. The purpose of the publica tion is to give the new stu dent an overall view of life at the University. Over 6,000 copies of the new "First Glance" have been printed by the University print shop. Debaters Meet All students interested in intercollegiate debate are to attend the first meeting of the year tonight at 7:30 p.m. in 210 Temple Build ing. Dr. Donald Olson, direc tor of debate, said all in terested people are urged to attend this meeting in order to become acquaint ed with the program. He added that previous experi ence is not a prcrequisle for college debating. The national question to be debated this year is: Re solved: That all non-communist nations should form an economic community. tration, health and Student Union. The office of Student Af fairs supervises the general relations between students and the University, as well as being a liaison with stu dent activities and organiza tions such as the Union, fra ternities and sororities. Under its direction is the Junior Division and Counsel i n g Service, Examinations Service and Scholarships and Financial Aids. Discipline situations, records, foreign students and the placement service are also handled by the office. It coordinates the activities of the University Health Serv ice, other than the medical aspect, with the activities of other subdivisions within the Student Affairs office. vision is to provide certain services to the students con cerning the mundane details of living," he said. "This pro vides the student with the knowhow to accomplish his various tasks at the Univer sity." Research functions are the third duty of the office, ac cording to Dr. Ross. Studies are constantly being made on how well students are pre pared for college when they enter, ratio changes in the enrollment of men and wom en, where the students come from, and other student char acteristic descriptions. Aims of Office Dr. Ross, in a recent issue of the Nebraska Alumnus, ex pressed his opinions and aims of the divisions of his office. "To better realize the needs of the students, the counseling service must have close lia son with the academic de partments," he advised. As far as discipline is con cerned, he noted, a process of re-education is needed. Since testing is a method of obtaining additional infor mation about students, Dr. Ross believes this area will aid in his discoveries about learning processes. Placement Area Through the placement area, he hopes that studies can be used to determine what happens to Nebraska grad uates, how they could have been helped more and the relationship of placement to the, curriculum program. "Because activities offer the opportunity of coming in to contact with people of oth er races, financial back grounds and interests, our in terest in providing experi ences for getting those with different backgrounds togeth er may be realized," he feels. Increased scholarship activ ity, through the scholarships and financial aids office is needed," Dr. Ross noted, "be cause of the increasing com petition for top scholars. Active Programs The new dean believes that the University needs active and aggressive dormitory and fraternity programs. Fraternities provide an or ganized way of getting to gether. There is no question that significant experience at the college level lies in the fraternity and sorority sys tem. With the dormitories strengthening, fraternities and .sororities will be strengthened," he continued. Dr. Ross received bis B.S. degree in agricultural eco nomics and his M.S. degree in sociology from Texas A&M. His Ph. D. in psychol ogy was obtained from the University of Denver. With his wife Bulye, son Mark, 6 and daughter Robin Laune, 5, he enjoys reading and fishing and is also an amateur handball player. Ross Gives 'Pep Talk' To Council Appearing before the Stu dent Council in his new posi tion as Pean of Student Af fairs, G. Robert Ross ex plained, "Strengthening the Student Council is the most important part of student government on this canjpus." "I will help the Council to strengthen its position where ever I can be of service," Ross continued. "The Student Council should be aware of my willingness to work with its programs and represent them to the administration of the University," he added. Don Burt, newly-elected Student Council president in troduced Mrs. Beth Nicker son and Dr. Robert Hough as the new Student Council ad visors for the coming year. In other business, the res ignation of Cathy Farner, for mer Tassels representative, was accepted. Susan Pierce will assume duties as the Tassels Council member for the coming year. Dave Scholz, chairman of the judiciary committee, commented, "It is hoped that the student referendum of 1960, in which the resolution to give the Student Tribunal final decision conerning all cases except suspension or explusion, will be acted npon by the Faculty Senate early this fall." Chairman of the elections committee, Steve Cass, re ported that interviews for the Publication Board will be held Sunday, Sept. 30. Final selections for the post will be decided by the Stu dent Council on Oct 3. One person from each of the sophomore, junior, and senior classes will be chosen. Dick Weill, treasurer of the Council, noted, "The budg et for the coming year is nearly $1,200, an increase of $400 from last year. A part time secretary will serve the needs of the Council through out the coming year." Positions Vacant On IWA Board Applications are now being accepted for two senior and one sophomore position on the Independent Women's Associ ation (IWA) Board. Interested persons should contact Katherine Ollenburg at 489-3207 or Marian Cast at 466-9946. Applications must be turned in by 6 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 25. Applicants will be contacted about interviews. IWA, whose members are chosen from all independent coeds, promotes activities, such as the Hello Girl Dance held in the fall, for non-sorority women. The governing board is composed of in dependent house representa tives and sixteen board members. - l - v tic' v. ' P - I Mil' . .'V A v 1 $ ' l y a . . ' 4 . , GOOD LOOKIN" Pin PSIS Tbe beany tradition continued for Phi Kappa Psi pledges this year. Duchess (center fore ground), a 14 semester pledge, has had a little trouble making her grades for ac tivation, so remains right in there with this year's pledge class. Tbe beany tradi tion has been carried by tbe Phi Psis for at least 60 years and many other frater nities on campus require freshmen pledg es to don beanies for campus wear. (Photo by Pixie Smallwood)