Tuesday, June 26, 1962 Summer Nebraskan Page 3 J 1 xwkl SfT V""'1' " '''"'''"W"''''""-'mv.''i'ixwww 6 A olQL 1 WHAT WILL I BE? Sixth graders at Bancroft School are studying careers. Gary Steffens, 12, whose "one ambition is to be a soldier," and Laurel Gerlach, 12, look for information about their career choices. Laurel is eyeing three careers actress, author an artist. Elementary Children Attend Classes For Summer Enrichment Program iYl Dept. of Education Holds Sesssion for Over 400 Youngsters What would I do if I ran the roo? What will I be in 1972? How do children in oth er lands live? These questions and others are being answered for over 400 Lincoln elementary school children who are enriching their educational programs by going to summer school The University's Depart ment of Elmentary Education Is operating summer session programs for grades kinder garten through six at two ele mentary schools Bancroft, the University's lab school, and Pershing. The summer program is not i? 'j fit': 1M , v TALK, TWEETTE Rebecca Sharpe, 7, and Bradley GreU, 7, talk to Tweetie, the parakeet ia the first grade class at Bancroft. The chMrea are studying a unit "If I Raa the Zoo." Coiif erence on Two noted aahoriJaes on Jrosiness edijcaliaB hitSOiElhted the third Tmnai summer cou f erence last Thursday and Friday on business education act the University of Nebras ka. The guest speakers were: Dr. Ham den L Forfcner, professor emeritus of educa tion at Columbia Lte'ersity, who was founder of Future Business Leaders of America and co-author of the text books, "20& Century Book keeping and Accounting' and ii CaplainV Irialh SB Inn -rx Jpiesskns f I CLASSIC f ' J lh ntrturol man i. y v maiumUt tote I .,. ! 5 i4 'S ummerfitn. V pL -J f v ! ! rotlHiontll. . ' 5, 5) i 5 Th. important. Hii , - I blendins rf itw-p1)fc ' t I A ighfouno. 1 f ( j Cwcron ni , . . J If JS-I l; moretBl fibers imoke "f i .vlll 5)1 ini the mMt I : f fm Z( '1 ipmciical uH m- I ' j) ! ;j your Jwordwis. ' I ' " I j I lil I 1 I V NN v X tMt V .N . .. i just more of the same thing, nor is it geared to remedial problems, said Dr. O. W. Kopp, department chairman. "The program emphasizes en riching experiences for the children," he said. They ex plore the problems and areas that perhaps they don't have time to explore during the regular school year it's a chance to travel the addition al mile." ' We go to various parts of the country to bring in the most outstanding teachers we can find for this summer pro gram," Dr. Kopp said. Ban- Bus. Ed. Held 'Correlated Dictation a ad Transciption., Dr. Dons H. Crant, pro fessor of business education at Illinois State Norma Uni versity, who is past president of National Business Teach ers Association and co-editor of the 1953 Yearbook of the American Business Education Association. Dr. Crank spoke on "The Best in Secretarial Training'", followed by Dr. Forkner's talk on '"The Best in Book keeping and Basic Business Education.' croft school is staffed by teachers from Missouri, New York, Iowa, Michigan as well as various parts of Nebras ka. They are assisted by Uni versity student teachers. Zoo Unit Miss Lois Johnson's first grade class at Bancroft school is learning about animals as thev pursue their current unit, -If I Ran the Zoo." In addi tion to watching over their hamster, turtle, guinea pig and parakeet, the children are planning a trip to the zoo. But first they will hear about all the animals from the Lincoln zoo director, James Ager, who is coming to visit them. Climaxing the Latin Ameri can part of their unit on -Children Around the World," -Mrs. Aherta Coo per's second grade class members took turns swinging a club to break a butterfly pi nata, which was hanging in the hallway. Not everyone got a turn, however. It took just two -hefty" whacks, and the blue butterfly split open, sending the childrea scram bling for the candy and gifts which fell to the floor. The pinata was made for them by Miss Clarice Bryan, a student teacher from Pan ama. Careers Study The sixth grade children at Bancroft are studying ca reers. Last week they studied about "working to feed peo ple" and "working to shelter people." They were visited by an agronomist and an archi tect, who took them on a tour of a chape! he had designed. Sixth grade is taught by Herbert S. Meyer, one mem ber of the fourth, fifth and sixth grade all -male staff. In addition to the regular morning classes, a ,new fea ture has been added, which "seems to have stimulated quite a bit of interest on campus, aeconlmg to Dr. Kopp. This new feature is the showing of special education al television programs in French and primary science each afternoon at Bancroft and Pershing schools, respec tively. Tw o Purposes The purpose of the educa tional programs is twofold, Dr. Jvopp said. First, they of fer a rich learning experience for the children, and second ly they give the opportunity for an objective evaluation of the effectiveness of television instruction, be said. The students for the Uni versity's summer elementary program are selected by writ-, ten application on a first- ( come, first-served basis. Dr.! Kopp said. s Nebraskan Want Ads S routs a rJ: IXfi miiA tnum. Adl tm be lrinted is the gammer Xvbrw&n snout be WH'.iKmpKiiidd S-T be Bunr v! the ftemta pi twine Hid I a brought tm room SOS Burnett. Need Extra Money? ilk HUNGRY? Why not Have a delicious pizza from v THE PIZZA HOUSE CtHRwnMMl Sommtomm lenatiom 1324 -OT S. 432-6BS6 Retired Answers uii,i in thor men in this world and not just animals? Why, since there are peo ple do they wear clothes? tv Twin r. Whitney, re tired chairman of the zoology department at the University of Nebraska, has sought the answers to these questions and nthpr nupstinns related to life in general, ever since he began his science career m 1893. To answer these questions and others concerning gene tire th 4-vpar-old ex-chair- man has written two books. His first book, published in 1M3 pntitled Familv Treas ures, contains many pictures of various hereditary traits such as ears, hands, noses, hair, skin and feet. IWcn't Like heel I Hnn't like feet." Dr.. Whitney chuckled in a voice ornoklp'il hv 43 veaTS of leC-1 turing to almost ten thousand j students. "But, feet do indi- cate a hereditary trait." Many of the pictures in Familv Treasures ana aiso in his second book. Family Skel etons, published in are of former students of Dr. Whitney. There are also many pictures of his ances tors. -I used to give a student $2.50 to have his picture tak en to show his nose or hands TLRSiyiry, i roN'r Psychologist Gio-en To Read His Paper At England Congas Dr. William J. Arnold, pro fessor of psychology it Hhe University of Nebraska. i3 j read a paper on the effects off KradoalaoiD at Jibe iMad I t e rnatiana! Congress off Radiation Eesearcto ait Harro gate, England, in August The paper discusses "The , Effects of Brain Irradiation, Femur Irradiation and Star-: vatoom m Maze LeamiBg asm ; Rats." It was co-a.utlored by j Dr. Aradlid and James B. Oho, : assistant m the irraiaikwa pTOTect and a farmer graduate fndent at the Cuaveretty. The paper is ne f e studies dose this y ear K Dr. : ArnoSd asd ic a cwilrad wits ; tbt Atomic Energy Cwnmas noBu He Congress, wteib wil be beid Aug. S-U, mil hrktg to-: getaer aad smnmariae the knrwledge and eff ects xhF ar radiiaticm cm organisms. Psy cbotogistE, biologists, pibysi osts arad dhemists Srotui al ; war Kbe world are expected to attend. Participants in Congress are chosen an the basis off papers submitted to be read before the Congress. Read Nebraskan Want Ads Zoology Chairman Seeks to Questions in Genetics or any other defects or ab normalities," Dr. W h i t n e y said. "My first book cost me $1000 and Family Skeletons cost $2,000. Students were also called upon in class to show their various inherited characteris tics to their classmates. Dr. Whitney once called upon a certain male student to stand up and show the class his re ceding hairline. After calling attention to the fact that re ceding hairlines are a hered itary trait, Dr. Whitney again called upon the same student to show his even, white teeth. Teeth characteristics are also inherited, Dr. Whitney ex plained. But when he said that certain persons also in herit dimples in their hips. the student quickly sat down and the demonstration ended. Personal Interest Not only did Dr. Whitney have a genetical interest in his students, but also a per sonal interest, according to Dr. Eugene F. Powell, asso ciate professor of zoology and anatomy. "Dr. Whitney still keeps in contact with many of his ex students." Dr. Powell said. "He keeps a large file of the students' addresses. Some of them still write to him." Dr. Whitney had his own method of shocking students cut Notches For at ROYAL O TROUSERS Offer I lit 3S2 N. 27rfc One of the patronizers of your store does your message reach him? Advertise in the Summer Nebraskan! into doing their own thinking, Dr. Powell explained. During the first ten minutes of ge netic class, the retired pro fessor would give students a written examination over class material. He would also throw in such questions as "Why do men wear clothes?" Thus the students were re quired to use their own imag inations and brain power. This short, white haired man came to the University of Nebraska in 1916 as a full professor after serving on the faculty of Wesleyan Univer sity at Middleton, Connecti cut for eight years. He was promoted to chairman of the department in 1934, and served until his retirement in 1948. As a boy in Brookfield, Ver mont, he liked and studied nature but never thought of zoology as a career until his sophomore year at Wesleyan University. He majored in classical languages in his boarding school and univer sity alma maters. "You have to have a good memory, though, if you ma jor in languages," Dr. Whit ney commented. "I decided to change majors and chose zoology." The study of rotifers, mi croscopic animals who live in water, was Dr. Whitney's pet KOS UMEEfc twelve. CLEANERS 49c ftrtr. Jeff 5 HE 2-1339 L project when he was a prac ticing zoologist. Since he be gan his study at Columbia University before the turn of the century when he received his doctor's degree, he has published many papers on the reproduction habits of the tiny animals. A widower, Dr. Whitney lived in Lincoln until last year when he moved to Col fax, Calif, to reside with his daughter. Grant Helps Finance New Physics Lab Facilities Will Allow Special Research The National Science Foun dation has approved a $600, 000 grant to the University of Nebraska for use toward the construction of a $1,250,000 physics research laboratory. Chancellor Clifford M. Har din said the grant, together with the earlier announced $400,000 gift from the Behlen family of Columbus, will al low the University to do high ly specialized research in atomic and nuclear physics an area which has been lim ited by lack of facilities. Three-Story Structure He said the two grants, plus some $250,000 from the University building levy, will finance a three-story struc ture plus basement and un derground laboratory space. The latter will house low-energy particle accelera tors. To be named after the Beh len family, the physics re search lab will be built di rectly west of and connected by corridors to the present 57-year-old physics building. Brace Laboratory, 10th and S. The new laboratory will measure 132 feet long by 50 feet wide. Business Manager Carl Donaldson said preliminary plans are now being prepared by the Omaha architectural firm of Steele, Sandham, and Weinstein. The University ex pects to call for bids next spring. rn the construction, footings and columns will be designed to support two extra floors for future expansion, Donald son said. Research Areas The structure will be de signed to house research areas in nuclear reaction and neutron physics; and solid state programs, including X-ray diffraction and studies of radiation effects in solids. Tentative plans also call for a library, departmental of fices, and seminar rooms. Permitting the University to seek the matching funds from the National Science Foundation was the Behlen familv's gift of $400,000, which Dr. Hardin described as "of far-reaching impor tance to the state of Ne braska." A COOO TEACMOtt A"CY DAVIS School Serrice CMKOU. NOW Established 198 Sewing the tDurn Volle o the WeSf Coast. 501 Suont fiiog. Ltwln ft, Netr. AT STEVEN'S 10 DiSGQUfJT To All Students Ca Any Merrtadis In The Store Wofchef Diamonds Wetdi Bonds Transistors Record Myers . Cameras Porteble TV Watch Reoolring Top Recorders YOUS CHDIT tS GOOD! Kb Iifcney Dewn Jzlt Any Pirrcta Yitb Yea Open Monday nd lk .11. I-' - 'Ml- H J