The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, June 19, 1962, Page Page 4, Image 4

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Summer Nebraskan
Tuesday, June 19, 1962
KUON-TV Summer Programming Union Shows
Incoming freshman students
have the opportunity to im
prove their English skills to
prepare for college English
courses by turning on their
television sets for a course in
basic English on KUON-TV,
Channel 12.
Previews in Freshman En
lish is offered nightly June 18
through July 13 at 7 p.m.
President Kennedy joins
Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt in a
discussion of the problems
facing women and the state of
women's education in the U.S.
on Prospects of Mankind
Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. The
recently created Commission
on the Status of Women is de
fined as to its purpose, future
recommendations and dealing
with women s problems.
KUON - TV Friday night
viewing features uninterrupt
ed dramatic performances in
cluding tragedies, comedies
and satires as examples of
some of the world's varied
theatrical forms.
William Shakespeare's Juli
us Caesar, the story of Cae
sar's conspiracy and death,
can be seen this Friday night
at 8:30 p.m.
A complete listing of Chan
nel 12 programming for this
week follows :
ToesduT. Jane 11
f:W Evening PrHude
:30 Art and Artists: "English Lakes."
The Lake Country of Great Bri
tain has Inspired many famous
writers i well as painters. The
lesson it still teaches today is dis
closed and some famous paintings
7:M English:
7:S0 Reading Out Lond: "C. H. Percy."
"Poor Richard's Almanack," a col
lection of witty and prudential say
ings written by Benjamin Frank
lin over 200 years ago, still car
ries much esteem. Charles H. Per
cy, successful business man and
supporter of such programs as the
Boys Clubs of Chicago, reads these
proverbs in the final program of
the series.
1:90 Japan The Changing Years: "The
United States and Japan." Japan
met its first defeat in 1500 years
with the U.S. occupation of 1945.
Tonight's concluding program up
dates U.S. -Japanese relations and
shows the tension on both sides.
Whether Japan will be our ally,
a neutral, or a communist sup
porter, is discussed.
: Survival in the Sea: "The Life
Cycle." The perpetual source of
plant nourishment is revealed in
tonight's under water action Pho
tography. Viewers see plankton
eaters, parrot fish, sting rays,
octopus, needle fish, and barra
cuda providing lively demon
stration. 9:00 Velhardt: "Lyric Poet." Several of
his enticing lyric poems, "Hymn
Before Birth," "Easter," and "Let
Me Live Out My Years," are read
tonight by the distinguished, vivid
' personality John G. Neihardt. His
showmanship and sincerity abound
as he recites his poetry.
:39 Meet the Professor: ABC's cam
eras present an intimate look at
the nation's leading university and
college professors.
Wednesday, June 20
6:00 Evening Prelude
6:30 Alex Sihreiner at the Tabernacle
Organ: In the concluding pro
gram, the skillful organist presents
some familiar and favorite selec
tions to entertain viewers.
7:00 English
7:30 Prospects of Mankind: "What Stat
us for Women?" (See KUON-TV,
Monday, June 18, 9 p.m. for de
tails.) 8:30 Freedom to Learn: "To Be Con
tinued." There's no reason why a
good mother cannot be a good
engineer, lawyer, writer, or teach
er twenty years from now. This
is the idea which is the basis of
the Minnesota Plan, a realist at
tempt to resolve the conflict be
tween the roleB of a woman as a
career woman.
9:00 Meet the Organ: Porter Heaps is
featured In the new series as he
describes and demonstrates organ
music and organ playing. Tonight
classical and popular examples of
organ music are presented in the
introduction to the instrument and
9:30 Face to Face: "Augustus John.'
A man known for his ready, acid
ulous wit, unconventional behavior
and appearance is featured in to
night's interview. Augustus John,
a portrait painter, has done pro
traits of Emperor Hirohito of Ja
pan, Thomas Hardy, Queen Moth
er Elizabeth, and Tallulah Bank
head. The interview, conducted in
the artist's studio, discloses his
personality. Individuality, and
ideals concerning his brilliant ca
reer. Thursday, June 21
Evening Prelude
British Calendar
Contemporary Crafts
English , a
Dr Posin's Giants: "William and
Caroline Herschel." This sister
brother team made vital contribu
tions to astronomy. They discov
ered the planet Uranus and its five
moons and drew up a table of stars,
according to proximity to the sun
Hitnrv with Herb Hake: "Bullet
Capitol." Dubuque, Iowa, tags the
rontiight tonight as Herb Hake
f :r l,lstnn, n( He ripvel
gives tt unci ii.a.uw v. rVt
T , A .tienlneaB Its Slgnifi-
cance. How men began exploiting
the mineral resources there, and
and how Junen Liuouque came
OK W iuuiiugi - -
Freedom to Learn: "To Be Con
i a . ic viinN.TV. Wednes
t..u on nm for detailb)
NET Drama Festival: "Le Malado
Imaginairo," Argan, t h e hypo
chondriac, wants his daughter to
marry a physician so that there
...:n ni...n.rA Ha a riwHnr in the
house. The girl, however, prefers
another man. ner lamer u w
i h.,niiiii a rirw-tnr him.
BUUUCU 1111.., u.iwi"-', -----
self, and the daughter marries her
Friday, June
:0 Evening Prelude
6:30 News: Featuring Bob Van Neste
l.flA Vntrlieh
(See KUON-TV, Wednesday, June
20, 9:30 p.m. tor aeiaus.;
6:00 Neihardt: 'Lyric Poet. (See
KUON-TV, Tuesday, June 19, p.m.
for details.)
NET Drama Festival: "Julius Cae
sar." The story of Caesar's con
spiracy and death is told in
Shakespeare's famous drama. The
plot unfolds, Brutus Joins in with
the conspirators, Caesar is slain.
Afterwards. Mark Anthony deliv
ers his famous speech to the Ro
man mob, telling them that Julius
Caesar was their greatest benefac
tor. Monday, June 25
Evening Prelude.
Past, Present, Future: "Rudy Poz
latti'' Mr. Poizatti Is a former
University of Nebraska art profes
sor who visits with Hostess Rita
Shaw concerning his recent trip to
Russia as a cultural emissary.
Previews in Freshman English
Troubled Lives: "The Suspicious
Mother" The social case worker
serves as a liason between a sus
pecting mother and her daughter to
help them meet their problems.
Backyard Farmer: Experts in the
lawn and garden category are
brought to the Channel 12 screen to
dissolve the garden and planting
problems of local backyard farm
ers. Invitation to Nebraska Wesleyan:
The University Place Symphony
from Nebraska Wesleyan Univer
sity provides an hour long concert
prepared especially for the Chan
nel 12 audience.
Phys. Ed. Dept. Offers
Swimming for Men
The Department of Physical
Education is offering summer
recreational swimming for
men from 12 noon to 3 p.m.
and 4-5 p.m. Monday through
Friday, according to Richard
L. Klaas, swimming coach.
Greek Drama
The documentary film Night
Journey will be shown today,
tomorrow and Thursday at 3
p.m. in the Nebraska Union
Martha Graham's Night
Journey, a work of remark
able unity, power and beauty
provides an enormously val
uable document of one of the
star's most celebrated Greek
Sophocles' great tragedy
Oedipus Rex tells of the day
when the Hero-King of Thebes
and Jocasta his Queen learned
from a blind seer named Ti
resias that they were son and
mother. When the tragic day
ended, Jocasta had hanged
herself and Oedipus had put
out his eyes and fled the king
dom. Martha Graham's Night
Journey takes place at the
moment of Jocasta s deatn
The blind doomful seer the
chorus and its leader, who
suffer with her, and Oedipus
appear as she relives her des
Night Journey is a Special
Award Berlin Film Festival.
Kaledioscope Aetors Present Comedy
Summer Calendar
Teachers, Administrators
Study Vocational Education
Five guest speakers will
present a series of speeches
on vocational education be
fore approximately 100 school
administrators and teachers
this summer at the University
of Nebraska.
The administrators and
teachers are actively engaged
in education in Nebraska
and are members of the na
tional professional fraternity
for men in education, Phi Del
ta Kappa.
The national concern and
Interest in vocational educa
tion and the relationship of
work and education has
prompted the fraternity to
present the series entitled
"Vocational Education, Yes
terday, Today and Tomor
row," said Phi Delta Kappa
president Dr. James Horner,
associate professor of voca
tional education at the Uni
versity. Guest speakers will include:
Dr. H. H. London, pro
fessor of vocational educa-J
tion, University of Missouri,
Columbia, Missouri;
Cecil Stanley, assistant
state commissioner of voca
tional education, Lincoln;
Dr. Floyd Miller, state di
rector of vocational educa
tion, Lincoln;
Philip B. Gilliam, juve
nile court judge, Denver,
Cheaper by the Dozen
Cheaper Bv The Dozen
will be shown June 28, 7 p.m.
in Love Library Auditorium.
This NU Film Classic fea
tures Clifton Webb and Jean
ne Crain in a funny, domes
tic comedv. Clifton Webb is a
pater-familias of the Twen
ties who lives by his wits
among his twelve children.
As an industrial engineer, an
exponent of "motion study,"
Papa Gilbreth tries to intro
duce efficient organization in
to his own teeming household
with unpredictable results.
Aoadomy A tvare! VJlnnorJ
Hutlmm ScAe
Box Office
I2:4S P.M.
Si .00 Till 6 pm
Then $1.25
Children 50
"Exclusive Special Engagement!
Tuesday, June 19
1:30-3 p.m., State Hospital Tour.
3 p.m., Fine Art Film: American Ballet, Nebraska Union
4 p.m., Bridge lessons, Union Indian Suite.
7:30 p.m., All-State Student Recital, Love Library Audi
torium; All-State Student Reading Hour, Ne
braska Union.
Wednesday, June 20
12 noon, Phi Delta Kappa luncheon, Pi Lambda Theta
luncheon, Nebraska Union.
3 p.m., Fine Art Film: American Ballet, Union Auditoriu-
8 p.m., Union Artist Series: Under Milk Wood, Union
Thursday, June, 21
12 noon, Administrators luncheon, Nebraska Union.
3 p.m., World Affairs Preview, Department of State Brief
ing Team, Union Ballroom; fine art film: Amer
ican Ballet, Union Auditorium.
7:30 p.m.. All-State party. Union Ballroom.
8 p.m., Contemporary Music Symposium, Nebraska Union.
Friday, June 22
Girls' and Boys' States end.
7:30 p.m., All-State Student Reading Hour, Nebraska Union,
All-State Student Recital, Union Ballroom.
Saturday, June 23
All-State Art Exhibit, Union Art, Gallery.
All-State Journalism Exhibit, Union.
4 p.m., All-State Picnic.
Sunday, June 24
3 p.m., All-State Ensemble Concert, Union Ballroom.
7:30 p.m., All-State Movie, Union Ballroom.
Mondav. June 25
12 noon, Elementary Education Grad Club luncheon, Union,
Secondary Education luncheon. Union.
4 p.m., Duplicate Bridge, Union Indian Suite,
fi and 8 n.m.. Cinema 62. Union Auditorium.
7:30 p.m., All-State Recital, Union Ballroom.
Four actors who call them
selves Kaledioscope will pre
sent Dylan Thomas master
piece of comedy Under Milk
Wood tomorrow at 8 p.m. in
the Union Ballroom.
By the end of this year,
this group of touring players
will have appeared in over
half of the states in the
United States and the group is
not yet three years old.
Headed by Bill Fegan, the
small group is dedicated to
presenting unusual theatrical
works "on the road." Their
appearance here marks the
start of the second year they
have been offering the Thom
as show.
In a lengthy tour last year
a reviewer seeing the show
at the University of Florida
wrote, "Sometimes the four
indulge in choral speaking
the likes of which you never
heard before. It's four parts
without music, and just when
you're thinking how terribly
good it is, it comes to an
end and you wish there'd be
Aside from Fegan, who has
over one hundred roles to his
credit in professional theater,
the cast includes Yvonne
Dell, Joanna Hawkins and
David Novak. The four repre
sent varied theatrical back
Fegan has managed and
directed stock and touring
companies throughout the
east and southeast. Yvonne
Dell has two college degrees,
one in speech and dramatics
and the other in English, and
has taught at a number of
universities aside from act
ing in a lengthy list of plays.
Joanna Hawkins is presently
teaching classes in oral in
terpretation at Northwestern
Union Begins
Bridge Lessons
Free bridge lessons for be
ginners and "experienced, but
need help" will be given on
Tuesday afternoons, starting
today at 4:00 p.m. in the Ne
braska Union Indian Suite.
Jim Hornby, a professional
instructor, will give the les
sons. Anyone who enjoys playing
will not want to miss Dupli
cate Bridge on Monday after
noons at 4:00 p.m. in the In
dian Suite.
Climaxing the Summer
Bridge Lessons and Duplicate
Bridge will be the Nebraska
Union Bridge Tournament on
Monday, July 23 at 4:00 p.m.
There is no entry fee for
the tournament and it is open
to all members of the Univer
sitystudents, staff and fac
ulty. Prizes will be awarded
to the high scorers.
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UNDER MILK WOOD Mr. and Mrs. Butcher Bey
non have their "every morning hullabaloo" over the
breakfast table in this comic scene from UNDER
MILK WOOD by Dylan Thomas. Mr. Beynon has just
told Mrs. Bevnon that they have eaten cat's liver for
their meal. The four actors, comprising Kaleidoscope,
are Joanna Hawkins, Yvonne Dell, Bill Fegan and
David Novak.
University where she is study
ing for a doctor's degree.
David Novak, actor-playwright,
has seen much off
Broadway stage action since
his graduation from the Uni
versity of Wisconsin. H i s
children's musical play The
Tiniest Town in Mexico has
just concluded a successful
Under Milk Wood, the hi
larious account of one spring
dav in a small fishing village
on" the coast of Wales, was
written by Dylan Thomas just
before his death in 1953.
The play, part of the June
Fine Arts Month, is free to
the public.
Law Students Attend Project
Thirty to forty prospective
members of the Nebraska
Bar from the law schools of
Nebraska and Creighton Uni
versities will attend Nebras
ka's first "Bridge-the-Gap"
project Wednesday through
Designed to "bridge-t h e -
gap" between law school and
practice, the institute will be
held at the Nebraska Center
for Continuing Education.
Dean David Dow of the Ne
braska Law College and Dean
James Doyle of Creighton
Law School are co-sponsors,
working with the State Junior
Bar section of, the Nebraska
Bar Association on the proj
ect. Harold Rock, Omaha at
torney, and Jerrold Stras
heim, Lincoln attorney are co
chairmen of the "Bridge-the-Gap"'
committee of the State
Bar section of the Nebraska
Bar Association.
Attorneys from Omaha and
Lincoln will discuss 10 differ
ent areas of the legal pro
fession: court mechanics,
criminal law, ethics and fees,
business organizations, di
vorce, real property, collec
tions, negligence, workmen's
compensation, probate admin
istration, and swearing-in
How's your average?
We're talking about your bat'
ting overage. IVanf to find
Come out to . . .
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Language Professor
To Travel to England
Dr. Roberto Esquenazi
Mayo, associate professor of
Romance languages at the
University of Nebraska, will
travel to Oxford, England, to
participate in the First Inter
national Congress of Hispam
ists Sept. 6.
He will read a naner. "Re
valoracion de Rodo," at Ox
ford. While in Europe he will
visit universities in France
and Spain.
NU Receives
Technical Aid
The University of Nebraska
is one of four universities to
receive a technical grant-in-aid
and one of 12 to receive
a technical fellowship from
the Minnesota Mining and
Manufacturing Company.
According to the company's
president, H. P. Buetow, the
funds were granted to assist
students in universities with
outstanding technical p r 0
grams. The four universities receiv
ing technical grants-in aid
will share $18,000 to be used
in the engineering, physics or
chemistry departments for
items such as guest lectures
and equipment.
The $51,000 to be shared by
the 12 schools receiving tech
nical fellowships is to be used
to assist graduate students in
the fields of chemistry, chem
ical engineering or physics.
The scholarships will be ad
ministered by the University.
Read Nebraskan
Want Ads
Medical Faculty Discusses
College Teaching Program
Members of the medical faculty at Omaha met at the
Nebraska Center for Continuing Education this past week
to examine and discuss the teaching program at the Uni
versity of Nebraska College of Medicine.
Approximately 30 representativess of the curriculum
committee at the College of Medicine attended the two-
day faculty retreat in Lincoln.
The faculty members heard
Spend your playtime at the Beach
9 A.M. 9 P.M.
introductory remarks by
Chancellor Clifford M. Hardin
and Dean J. P. Tollman, who
was in charge of the confer
Dr. John A. Gius. professor
of surgery at the university
of Iowa, and Dr.Ttobert Glas
er. dean of the University of
Colorado School of Medicine,
spoke at the conference.
The erouo sought to deter
mine subject areas that
should be brought up at tne
general faculty meeting to be
held later this year at the
Open Invitation
To Art and Air
For all students needing
fresh air, sunshine, and a
chance to use their artistic
abilities, a Sketching and
Painting session is planned
for June 27 at 3 p.m.
The group will meet at the
S Street entrance of the Ne
braska Union and will then
walk to the area between the
Mueller Tower and the Coli
seum. Anyone unable to be
with the group at 3 p.m. may
go to this area where an wm
be sketching and join them
anytime between 3 and a p.m.
Charcoal, paper, and other
supplies will be available at
no charge. Don't forget to
wear casual clothing as you
are now out-door-painters.
Amateur or expert, everyone
Is welcome.
College of Medicine In Oma
The following items were
discussed at the conference
Methods of teaching
Attitude of instructors
and students
Pre-medical education
and background of entering
Possible wavs to use fac
ulty and student time more
The conference was insti
gated by the College of Medi
cine's curriculum committee
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The cast is big the performances are bigger
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