Poge 12 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN SCRIP WEDNESDAY, MAY 23, 1962 arguments against abolishing clothes by helen iancHs . . . men would have to resort to carrying pocketbooks In civilized countries throughout the world a new movement is springing up nudist colonies. Found within these cloistered -colonies are fanatic believers in nudity for everyone. These disciples of back-to-natare are converting tradition al clothes-wearers at an increasingly rap id rate. Their tantalizing proposals of removing all outer obstacles to class equality, reducing signs of economic sta tus, and providing an opportunity for a complete suntan prove to be powerful incentives as more and more of the tra ditional world reverts to its natural bare state. I, for one, would like to point out some of the dangers that are embedded in this theory if it should ever become a nation wide movement. The structure of Ameri can economy would collapse overnight. Bathing suit industries, textile industries, and mink farms would have to cease operations. The stock market would im mediately drop, because the clothing in dustries would disappear. Millions would be jobless and thus, eventually, home less. The country would be involved in the greatest of all depressions known to mankind. Furthermore, the govern ment would have to bankrupt itself in order to pay all of the unemployment pensions. Without clothes, we could not maintain our foreign policy. Ambassadors could not be distinguished from the masses by their American clothes. We could never take a stand on any issue that might lead to war. Any war-like action would have to be abolished because war would be impossible. No one would dare fight because there would be no way to tell who was on which side. Being unable to distinguish people by their clothes would mean that football, basketball, and all major team sports would be impossible. Standing armies THERE ARE UANY KINDS OF LOVE ...BUT IS THERE ANY WITHOUT GUILT? T"' ' I HI Ii llp7frT amuum ai.ii... M rjj " Dm, , JT I """ A I . a, , i mm I Tin? mi BUSSEU, IUMHS WWII SGML BEYHEfi limit 3 would have to be abolished because in subordination is inevitable if rank cannot be distinguished. Charity would suffer; the Salvation Army would go unrecog nized. How could children tell who street corner Santa Clauses were? Nudity is an insurmountable obstacle to those wishing to raise their social standing in the eyes of the community. Women could not take the wonderful op portunity now provided by churches to display their new hats and dresses oa Easter morning. Teenagers could not be come part of their peer group by keep ing up with the latest fads. Sororities and fraternities would have to be abolished because there would be no where to pin pins. Our First Lady could not be chosen as one of the Ten Best Dressed Women in America. Another main objection to nudity is often overlooked by our bare friends. Vis ualize, if you can, what would happen to the masculine and feminine roles that are now practiced in America. Men would have to resort to carrying pocketbooks for loose change, pens, and whatever else they wish to keep with them. Women would simply be lost Destruction of tra ditional male and female roles would lead to a frenzied chaos; no one could tell who was wearing the pants in the family. If nudity becomes an international re ality, civilization as we know it will perish. Masses will be jobless. With so much leisure, the world will become j?o over-populated that starvation will wipe out mankind. Yet, obvious to the approaching doom of society, nudists happily invite us to join them in de nouncing clothes. Beware, America. Clothes wearers, unite! You have nothing to lose but your shirts (collectively speaking). DANDELION Drops of split sun-paint on green grass spaces Where tired butterflies make resting places Can brew a draught of Bradburian wine That looks and tastes like liquid sunshine. A thousand petals cut short and trim Supported by a narrow stem Over lawn and meadow they are thrown; Thus the seeds of spring are sown. w. b. napier GRADUATING. Positions available in Lincoln, Nebraska, and Pueb lo, Colorado for mechanical and electrical engi neers. Duties consist of equipment design, layout and product flow, various aspects of equipment maintenance. For interview call Dan NeumeMer. AMERICA!) STORES CO, 320 "N" STREET LINCOLN, NEBRASKA Sketches The I. Youth She came of fire, And blood beneath The fingernail , In sharp relief Showed her desire Leaped out of lace And lingerie Past gleaming teeth Into the blood And bone beneath. II. Beauty The wide forehead, The turned-up nose, The neck and chin That gathered pride At up they rose, Were fashioned for The grand lady Who struck the pose Learning Look, mine eyes, and perceive; Listen, my mind, and understand; Open, my heart, and accept. Perceive, understand, and accept, till all be comes a part of me. anda anderson of Song: Lady And wore the mask That grandness knows. III. Age Then dread age came. Bred to marvel, Silent-mouthed, She stayed inside And changed her name, But kept out for Her flagging pride The memory Of what she was Before she died. by roy scheele Everymans wish I yearn to speak but my lips are clay and my heart is afraid to sing Many ovens I wished to fuse into one with realization and all but the words are stayed within me Where are the scissors that can cut, open this soul of mine and what is the chick that can crack the shell Stephen abbott "A Goo4 Teacher Agency" DAVIS SCHOOL SERVICE Established 1918. We place teachers coast to coast unroll now. 501 Stuart Btrfg, HE 1-4954 Lincoln, Ncbr. V NORTHWESTERN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE TEN CONSECUTIVE DIVIDEND IjZSJk IJ INCREASES IN PAST TIN YEARS Cart BarttoH LET US TELL YOU "WHY" TIME AND AGAIN NORTH WESTERN MUTUAL HAS BEEN THE INDUSTRY'S LEADER IN A WIDE VARIETY OP ADVANTAGES TO POLICYHOLDERS INCLUDING LOW NET COST, YOUR COLLEGE REPRESENTATIVES FOR A COLLEGE INSURANCE PLAN Phone HE 2-4281 438 Stuart Bldg. YOUR C deserves the benefit of professional counsel. We are qualified to provide this and offer a wide selection of opening Is many fields. Write, Phono or VMt t random -tifelcfi personnel service four hundred heme tavlnfi bvttlftg 1004 grand Victor 2-2W3 . kantei Jty, isJMSwrt