The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 16, 1962, Page Page 5, Image 5

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    Wednesday, May 16, 1962
The Daily Nebraskan
Page 5
i mi
I iiikoc jl ability 9 jl
Miss Mary Jean Mulvaney,
assistant professor of physi
cal education, has been added
to the faculty category of
nominees for the Outstanding
Nebraskan Award.
"Miss Mulvaney is an in
structor whose guidance has
reached far beyond the class
room," the letter read in
"She has proved herself an
excellent adviser to student
activities and a friend of
many students on the cam
pus," it continued.
Miss Mulvaney has been
the faculty adviser to the As
sociated Women Students,
Student Union Board of Man
agers, Women's Athletic As
sociation and Mortar Boards.
She also has been on the Fac
ulty Senate subcommittee.
All at Once
The letter of nomination
pointed out that she has par
ticipated in all of these ac
tivities at the same time.
Miss Mulvaney, having
been on the faculty for 12
vears, has been active In the
women's Intramural athletic
When off the campus, she
participates in PEO and the
Trinity Methodist Church.
Leaves Nebraska
"Next year Miss Mulvaney,
known by most friends and
students as M.J., will be leav
ing Nebraska to head the in
tramural program for wom
i at Kansas University.
There is no doubt she will be
reatly missed on the Nebras
a campus," the letter con
tinued. "The respect and esteem
faculty and students hold for
her was shown on Ivy Day
when Miss Mulvaney received
a standing ovation from the
May Queen, court and crowd
when presented with a spe
cial plaque by the Black
Masque Chapter of Mortar
Miss Mulvaney is known
for her personal atmosphere
in the classroom and her con
stant attention to the students
both in and out of the class
room. Loyalty to NU
The letter of nomination
concluded, .'Jalthougb she will
be leaving our campus,
M.J.'s loyalty to NU, of
which she is a graduate, can
not be mistaken.
"This summer she will
chaperone the Union Euro
pean tour before leaving for
our neighboring state. And
when she leaves, she will
leave behind her 12 years of
service and hundreds of
friends. Miss Mary Jean Mul
vaney's selfless, untiring serv
ice to the University of Ne
braska certainly merit her
the title . of Outstanding Ne
braskan. Another recent letter of
nomination for the Outstand
ing Nebraskans on the faculty
places Dr. William E. Hall,
professor of educational psy
chology and of history and
principles of education, on the
list of candidates for the
The letter of nomination
noted Dr. Hall's concern for
the welfare of his students.
Honors Convocation
"Dr. Hall was honored at
the 1959 Honors Convocation
as being one of two outstand
ing teachers on campus," the
letter read in part:
"Not only has he advocat-
IWA will sponsor a "Spring
Fling" Friday at Antelope
Park. Organized games be
ginning at 5 p.m. will be fol
lowed by a picnio. Tickets
will be sold at 75 cents by
Unicorns in the Union
Wednesday, Thursday and
meet Wednesday at 5 p.m. in
116, Administration, to install
officers. Members may sign
"P for publicity, publications,
projects, historian, new
FBLA Chapters and member
ship committees.
t ir
meet in room 416, Adminis
tration, at 5:00 p.m. New of
fers will be installed. Mem
bers may sign up for these
-ammittees: publicity, publi
cations, projects, historian,
new FBLA chapters, and
BUILDERS "Black Out"
rpring picnic will be held at
Pioneer Park this evening
from 5:15 to 7:30 p.m. The
cost is fifty cents. In case of
rain the picnic will move to
tixa Antelope Park shelters.
ed excellent teacher-student
relationships as means of rea
lizing more completely the
educational potential of stu
dents, but he has exemplified
such relationships in his own
"Dr. Hall's influence has
been felt far beyond the con
fines of his classroom," it
continued. "His work as the
director of the Nebraska Hu
man Resources Founda
tion has been widely ac
claimed in his community,
state, and the nation. This
foundation has been actively
engaged in finding ways to
realize the maximum poten
tial of our human resources
through positive approach
which focuses on the
strengths rather than the
weaknesses of people. A fa
vorite quote of Dr. Hall's is
"the most important natural
resource in the world is man,
and the most significant way
to develop it is through hu
man relations." Dr. Hall has
worked very hard at devel
oping these human resources
through NHRRF, and In
his classrooms.
High School Program
Through the facilities of the
oundation, and in coopera
tion with the University, he
has initiated the program of
bringing outstanding high
school seniors from different
Nebraska communities to the
campus for a day's visit.
This provides the students
with the opportunity of visit
ing classes and consulting
with people representing the
fields to which he is inter
ested. "Professor Hall, who re
ceived his Master of Arts and
Doctor of Philosophy at Ohio
State, has been a member of
the University faculty since
1945. Beside Dr. Hall's teach
ing and foundation activities,
he has been engaged in doing
research for the NROTC de
partment, the school of Nurs
ing, and for Bankers Life of
He also is writing a book
and writes psychological ab
stracts for a research maga
zine published at Ohio
Dr. Hall is married and
has two sons and a daughter.
He is a member of Sertoma
Club and the Eastridge Pres
byterian Church. He also
teaches a course at the YWCA
in marriage relations.
Dr. Hall's letter of nomi
nation concluded: "I am
firmly convinced that Dr.
Hall's work has reflected a
high degree of credit upon
the University and that he
merits careful consideration
for the 1962 Outstanding Ne
braskan award.
Professor Forster
The third recent faculty
nominee is Professor Robert
Forster. His letter of nomi
nation read: "Professor Fors
ter has been on the staff of
the University since 1958. He
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as Outstanding
was awarded his MA at Har
vard and his Doctor's at
Johns Hopkins. Forster was
awarded a Fullbright scholar
ship to France and has ap
plied his studies to not only
a brillian lecturing career at
Nebraska but also to the pro
duction of several articles
and scholarly journals deal
ing with the critical problems
of French history as an en
tity and its relationship to
the currents of events in
western Europe.
His book, "Nobility of Tou
louse," was published by
Johns Hopkins press and has
been well received, winning
the Baussaill prize. Forster
has proved himself as an his
torian of high significance.
He is considered one of the
top few outstanding young
experts on French history in
the country.
And Forster has also been
a truly outstanding Nebras
kan. This year he headed the
Faculty Round Table, open
ing the doors to all inter
ested citizens of the Univer
sity community. He is a mem
ber of the graduate faculty."
Human Side
These are the facts on Rob
ert Forster. What can not be
recorded in statistics is the
human side of the man. His
door is always open to the
student with a problem as
well as the talented student
who needs special guidance.
Those who have taken cour
ses under Forster are aware
of the unusual stimulation,
the excitement that the man
instills into the most dormant
Robert Forster is an out
standing young Nebraskan on
his way to the very top of
the intellectual world. I re
spectfully submit his name
for the award of the Out
standing Nebraskan among
the faculty."
Suzanne (Sukey) Tinan has
been nominated for the stu
dent award.
The letter of nomination
stated that Sukey is noted for
her help and enthusiasm
which go wherever they are
AWS Board
"Sukey has served on the
Associated . Women Student
Board for three years, an
honor indicative of the sup
port given her by all women j
students since tnis is an
elected position. When rep
resenting Nebraska at the na
tional AWS convention during
her junior year, Sukey was
elected Intercollegiate AWS
"During Sukey's two years
ss a Student Council mem
ber, she served as secretary,
Student Council Associates di
rector and director of the Big
Eight Student Government As
sociation convention. A senior
holdover member, Sukey
was a member of the coun
cil judiciary committee.
"Sukey was a member of
e&c ir.u A TUipvst ene
the Spring Day Executive
Committee during her sopho
more year, and she is also
a member of Phi Sigma
Iota, Newman Club and Peo-ple-to-People.
Sukey has worked on the
Lincoln Project show for two
years as a skit director. Al
though the work was volun
tary, Sukey entered into it
enthusiastically, giving of her
time to help influence the
lives of high schoolers.
"During her junior year,
Sukey was, selected as a Ne
braska Sweetheart finalist and
she was also recognized for
her leadership and service to
the University when she was
selected a junior member of
the Ivy Day Court."
Sukey is a member of Kap
pa Kappa Gamma sorority
and has served as intramural
chairman, social chairman
and pledge trainer.
She is a secondary educa
tion major and has helped
with extra curricular activi
ties at University High
She was presented as the
1962 May Queen on Ivy Day.
Distinguished Nebraskan
She was featured as one of
the ten Distinguished Nebras
kans in the 1962 Cornhusker
and was selected as an Out
standing Greek at the Greek
Week recognition luncheon.
"Perhaps more important
than the long, impressive
list of activities is Su
key's sincere love for and
loyalty to people all peo
ple. Without hesitation she
smilingly offers red licorice
to everyone from the Student
Council members to Dr.
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W -r I the letter concluded. &
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Baumgarten and a first se
mester freshman.
"With :io doubts that she
is deserving, it is my pleas
ure to nominate Suzanne
Tinan the Outstanding Ne
braskan. Student Jim Samples has
also been nominated for the
twice-yearly award. The let
ter placing him in nomina
tion read:
Samples' long list of ac
tivities and interests, honors
and awards, hard work and
resultant successes is headed
by his efforts to remedy and i
improve tne operation of the
Student Tribunal, the first
such effort since the Tribunal
was organized. The signifi
cance of this work in regard
to the Outstanding Nebraskan
award is that Samples ap
pears nearly unique in his
efforts to do something for
the average student in his
capacity of campus political
Samples' other activities in
clude membership in Inno
cents, treasurer of Delta
Tau Delta (and assistant
treasurer, rush chairman and
scholarship chairman), secre
tary of IFC, vice president
of Student Council, selection
for the mock UN participa
tion, master of ceremonies
for the Kosmet Klub fall
show and membership in sev
eral honoraries. His scholar
ship success is manifested by
his 8.4 overall average in Po
litical Science major and his
recent election to Phi Beta
' "We urge the selection of
Jim Samples for Outstanding
Nebraskan, on these grounds.
Seldom has a student been
so sincere in his concern for
the University and the indi
vidual student, and seldom in
campus politics and activity
has a man been held in such
high respect by both pro and
con activity interests. H i s
scholastic success proves his
initial interest in education."
"His attitude towards the
extracurricular and its proper
prospective is regarded as a
shot in the arm for Univer
sity by both faculty and stu
dents. His concern for the
University's role in the pres
ent times of worldwide crisis
exemplifies the attitude es
sential to our generation,"
the letter concluded.
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Barbara Bell Ka-en Bentint Sherrlll Gehtlinger Jeanne Morriton Mary Raltton
Gives ADPi
Faculty Committee
Action Is Next Step
Panhellenic Council has vot
ed unanimously to recom
mend to the faculty commit
tee on student affairs that Al
pha Delta Pi sorority be con
sidered for colonization.
The faculty committee will
meet soon to consider the
possibility of colonization on
the Nebraska campus by the
national sorority. The recom
mendation by Panhellenic is
in accordance with the re
quirements of their constitu
tion. In other action, Jean Carl
son reported that a tea hon
oring new housemothers is
planned for Sept. 16. Whether
or not the tea will be jointly
sponsored by Panhellenic and
the Interfraternity Council
is yet to be decided.
The suggestion was made
that sororities with new
housemothers, who would
normally sponsor an individ
ual tea, might pool their
funds for the event.
Concerning limitation of
campaign funds for the many
campus elections, Linda Lue
king reported that the prob
lem of a common limit has
been discussed with the house
presidents. It was then sug
gested that Panhellenic con
tact other concerned organi
zations such as Independent
Women's Association (IWA)
and the results forwarded to
Associated Women Students
(AWS) for a general ruling.
Vicki Cullen presented the
proposed changes to the Pan
hellenic Constitution, most of
which are technical revisions.
The major proposed
change was:
delegates selected by the
chapters will serve from the
third week in March of one
year to the third week in
March of the following year;
"A nice
IN 6-5624
Thursday 9:30 a.m.
Junior Dresses for
Afternoon and After
Gold's College
Twelve NU Coeds
Land Their Men
Twelve more coeds caught
their men and hooked a frat
pin to theirs Monday night,
while two others are wearing
new rings.
Mary Clare Aldrich, Sigma
Kappa senior in Teachers
from Amarillo, Tex., to
Bruce Williams, Acacia
senior in Mechanical Engi
neering from Lincoln.
Janie McVeigh, Alpha Omi
cron Pi senior in Teachers
from Herman to Tom Sim
mons, Delta Tau Delta senior
in Business Administration
from Park Forrest, 111.
Donna Hale, Kappa Delta
freshman in Teachers from
Blair to Leon Bragg, Sigma
Nu sophomore in Ag from
JoAnn Krohn, Kappa Delta
freshman in Teachers from
Hooper to Jerry Rathjen,
Beta Sigma Psi junior in
Electrical Engineering from
Connie Steiner, Kappa Del
ta freshman in Arts and Sci
ences from Red Cloud to Ber
nie Leonard, Phi Gamma Del
ta senior in Arts and Sci
ences from Kearney.
Jeanne Lichty, Alpha Phi
junior in Teachers from Oma
ha to Bill Suiter, Theta Xi
sophomore in Arts and Sci
ences from York.
' Connie Odden, Alpha Phi
junior in Business Education
from Fremont to Bill Braun,
Sigma Alpha Epsilon junior
Stop in and See Us About It
Buy Now, Pay Later
Triple Links
place for nice
Open noon to midnight
to 9:00 p.m.. Other Days to 5:30 p.m.
Advisory Board
in- Business Administration
from McCook. " .
Joan Anderstrom, A 1 P a
Phi junior in Arts and Sci
ences from Ashton to Brent
Kehn, Delta Upsilon sopho
more in Pre Med from Butte.
Dian Moody, Gamma Pm
Beta sophomore in Teachers
from Lusk, Wyo., to Brad
Williams, Sigma Phi Epsilon
junior in Arts and Sciences
from Spring View.
Kathie Madsen, Delta Gam
ma junior in Teachers from
North Platte to Chuck Deck
er, Sigma Chi sophomore in
Pre Med from Lincoln.
Diane Yost, Alpha Chi Ome
ga senior in Teachers Col
lege from Lincoln to Dick
Stuckey, Delt Tau Delta sen
ior in Arts and Sciences from
Gayle Blank, Fedde Hall
senior in Home Ec from
Franklin to Ray Preston,
FarmHouse alum from Lyons.
Patricia Schmunk from
J. Beldon, sophomore in
Arts and Sciences from Bayard.
Extra Yearbooks
There are 84 Cornhusk
ers left fol sale, according
to Mark Sorensen, Corn
husker Business Manager.
They will be offered for sale
at 1 p.m. today in the
South Party Room, Student
t Captain UJalh
220 N. 48
ft marr . . jt
Jeanne Thorough
Visit Gold's dazzling world of
spring dresses. A world of fresh,
airy fabrics flowering prints, deli
cate pastels ... in young-as-springtime
styles. Let your Advis
ory Board help you select.
FOR AFTERNOON . . . wer a
sample s hirtwaist style with full'
skirt and cardigan neckline by
Gay Gibson. Small button front.
Gold only with contrasting em
broidered tie belt. 5-15.
AND AFTER ... A whirl of nylon
sheer by Jeanne Junior. Lovely
sleeveless dress with scoop neck
cummerbund, and bouffant skirt.
Nylon lace top. White, yellow blue
Kit TJwmpion