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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 11, 1962)
Page 4 The Daily Nebraskan Friday, May 11, 1962 Four Teams Slated for Sports Day Duty By BOB BESOM Sports Staff Writer Take a small, fury ball beat with racket ... a sight ly bigger, harder ball hit with bat ... a leather ball smash with feet . . . and add a 'leisure' noon snack of an exhibition on the cinders and you have the ingredients for a day of college sports enter tainment. And that's what the Ne braska Athletic Department has in store for visitors to morrow at the 13th annual All Sports Day. The action starts at 9:30 a.m. Saturday morning with the Iowa State-Nebraska ten nis match. At 10:30 a.m. Coach Tony Sharpe's baseball club squares off with Colorado in a rune-inning battle. And at noon, the Husker cindermen meet Kansas State in a dual, followed by the spring football finale an intrasquad contest. TEXMS for the Huskers and Higgin botham will probably go with Gibson-Wohlf arth and Fowler Johnson in the doubles. Making the trip for Iowa State will be Tuck Bosburg, Tom Line, Dave Scheiding, Lou Counter and Dainis Kvie sitis. All but Scheiding were on last year's team which whitewashed the Hsskers, 7-0. BASEBALL Six Husker seniors will be making their final home ap pearance this weekend as Col orado invades for a three- game series. The seniors include Steve Smith, who is leading the Big I Eight with a .449 batting aver age, Don rurceu, dick tsecn er, Pat Salerno, Bill Red mond, and Dave Myers. Ron Havekost and Ernie Bonistall will take the mound this afternoon for a double header at 1:30 p.m. at the NU diamond. Tomorrow the Huskers will meet CU in a single game at 10:30 a.m. as part of the All TRACK A perfect Husker outdoor cinder record will be at stake in the Kansas State dual. But Nebraska shouldn't have too much trouble hand ling the Wildcats in the noon affair. A dual in the century be tween Nebraska's Ray Knaub and Dale Alexander of K- ALL-SPORTS DAY PROGRAM 9:30 a.m. Tennis, Iowa State vs. Nebraska at Uni versity courts. 10:30 a.m. Baseball, Col orado vs. Nebraska, Uni versity diamond. 12:00 noon Track, Kan sas State vs. Nebraska, Sta dium track. I p.m. Football, Intra squad game. Stadium. Wildcat David Walker are ex pected to stage a real battle in the pole vault. Both have cleared 14-0. FOOTBALL For the third time in the 13-year history of the Sports Day affair, Husker footballers will square off against Hus kers. Coach Bob Devaney and staff have made an effort to divide the 81 gridders into two units as equally as possible. The staff of gridiron in structors has also been divid ed for the intrasquad affair. Mike Corgan, George Kelly, Cletus Fischer and Tom Os born will handle the- Whites. Carl Selmer, John Melton, Harrv Tolly and Dal Dyer will be in charge of the Red unit. The depth charts for the two squads: Rro UE Larry Tomlinwn. John Kansas, Pat Fisher. Robert Lock wood. LT Tyrmw Robertimt. Monte K if II a, Clarence Osentowski. LG Dwaln Carlson, Gary Gray, Charles Gamer, Jerry Payne. C Ron Mtchka, Don Stevenson, Mike Faritt, Al Supilck. RQ Gary Toofood. William Rofera, La Vane Johnson. RT Lloyd Voss. John Strohmerer, Cal vin Reehl, Gene Cnnnitvham. RtWim Hure, Curtis Bryan. Den Goos. Jerry Spears. OB Dennis Claridie, Ron GUbreata, Jeff Shafer. LH-Willie Rosa, Marnard SraMt. Jeas Vajsvich. RH Rudy Johnson. WUHe PascnaO, John Sebastian. FB Bill Thornton, Noel Martin, Brace Smith. Whites LE Bill Comstock, Mike Eicr, Steve Johnson, Gary Warden. LT Bob Jones, Larry Kramer, Ross Ba- rone, Jim Weir. la John Kirby, John Derrin, Richard Ashman. C Duncan Dram. Lyle sutler, Dave Banks. RG-Joha McDermott, Je4 Rood, Boh Brown, Ulysses Brown. RT Al Fischer, Ron Griesse, Dave Baas, Brace Craif. RE Larry Donovan, Richard Callahan, Omck Doepke, Gary Lucas. OB-Ooog Tucker, John Faiman, Gary Graham, Jerry Fischer. LH Dave Theisen. Warren Powers, James Little, Bill Johmon. RH-Dnmis Storwe, Kent McCWhan. Ken Simondmes. FB Gene Vount. Mike Koehler, Joe Me- Nolly. taKaaaaatanwawaaaVaVawXaaaaa Nebraskan Sports SPORTS SLATE Today BASEBALL Nebraska vs. Colorado (2) at NU Dia mond, 1:30 p.m. RODEO NU Rodeo at Fairgrounds, 8 p.m. Saturday ALL SPORTS DAY NU tennis, baseball, track and fotball teams in action. RODEO NU Rodeo at Fairgrounds, 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. NU Golfers Win The Nebraska golfers did not appear to be handicapped by the loss of Bud William son who was sidelined with a hand injury yesterday. Nebraska romped over Creighton 13'4 to lt. The two medalists of the meet were Huskers Jerry Overgaard and Bill Hemmer, each betting his opponent, 73 74. Overgaard beat Tom Schac hart 3-0 and Hemmer beat Denny Houlighan 2-1. Bill Gunli'cks with 75 strokes beat Pat Ducan with 79, 3-0. Bill Encell with 76 beat Fred Wuree with 80, 2Vt to 1. Stan Schrag was awarded a three point forfeit. State should add color to the meet. Alexander has posted a .-09.6 as his best time in the 190-yard dash while Knaub has clockings of :09.4 and :09.S nnder his belt. Kansas State also has a top flight two-miler in John Mc- Arrangements have been innings 'eaI wn0 couW give Nebras-. made by KOLN-KGIN TV of Pa a av.c .-u-ivc itrumig a i uu juiiiwiii ivi uic him live for his money. ! telecast of a Husker spring iSU Football Tilt Will Be Televised The Nebraska tennis team t Sports Day acitivites. Keith will be seeking its second con- Sieck will get the nod for the ference win against one loss! single game, when it mwts a talented Iowa j Plagued somewhat by w ild State crew tomorrow at 9:30;ness this season, Sieck has a.m. at the NU Courts. ! nonetheless amassed a 2-1 rec- The Huskers have won six ord. He is third in and lost two on the vear and pitched with 25 innings. V. A -1 i 1 A 4. b PaoaVi TAntt CtiTTYA taC lit ft- ', nave lurnea in lour snuunus. v-' Je . ..j'fth,!! ,m th. c,t, .. In Big Eight competition, igled his lineup somewhat to "usKers uon uegnan ana . "-"T " X Coach Ed Higginbotham'sstrj' and match Colorado's po-, Steve Pfist?r are al! b I S wf nf P souad edged Kansas State, tent batting attack. .for appearances in the All Sports Day. 6as Smith, the Huskers' leading dashes. Tom Saunders, Gilj The telecast is on tap for The veteran-loaded Iowa hitter with a .453 average, i Gebo and Dick Hoelscher, 2: 15 p.m. Saturday afternoon. State team has won eight and has moved to the second slot ( make up the NU entry list pat Fischer. Ron McDole, lost two this vear. The Cy-jwith Becher moving to third , tor the quarter mile. ; Mick Tingelhofff and Don Pur- clones finished fifth in the and Purcell taking over the j Nebraska's 440 yard relays cell Wjn be on hand for a loop meet last year and are j clean up spot. quartet of Fred Wflke, Pfis-' color commentary and Bob considered a darkhorse team The probable batting order ;ter, Degnan and Knanb could Zenner will do the play-by-' again this year. reads, Don Schindel, cf; be pressed, also. The Ne- play account. Dick Gibson, Dave Wohl- Smith, rf; Becher, lb: Pur-; braskans have posted a time xme ebraska mentors f arth. Jim Fowler, Tom John- j cell, c; Salerno, If: Dale An- of :41.4. pus Athletic Director Tippy son and Jack Lausterer will j derson, 3b; Tom Ernst, ss;j In the field events. Juris,rjye are scheduled for half play the five singles matches . and Redmond, 2b. (Jesifers of Nebraska and ; time appearances. SOMETHING DIFFERENT! SOMETHING NEW! HAVE YOU DRIVEN A KART? EMGCrS II DEM V Karting Track 14TH & CORNHUSKER HIWAY Super Modified SSEX (SAQ Lit o Now Open Eve. & Sundays First- Race 8 Pallia puss Lincoln Speedways Capitol Beach fc Buffs Play NU Today By RICK AKIN Sports Staff Writer Colorado visits Lincoln for a three-game series with Ne I of the campaign. The Buffs meet NU in a doubleheader i today starting at 1:30 p.m at tne Husker Diamond. The Buffaloes, riding the crest of a three game sweep over previously league lead ing Kansas, are in fourth place, one-half game ahead of Kansas. Colorado stands 8-6 in the conference and 12-8 overall. Jim Westervelt, Rav Mel yin and Don Gnnsanles com bined for Colorado's three wins against Kansas. Ounsaules was a surprise starter but pitched six-hit ball in winning. 7-1. Gun- saules has seen little action on the mound since being shelled bv Oklahoma State in the second inning of the Buf faloes' second conference game. The b i e pitcher also slammed two home runs in the Kansas series to up his season total to seven. I But the big gun in the Col oraao Darting oraer iasx weeic- end was centerfielder Gale Weidner who banged out eight hits in 11 trips to fha til n't n TV i c iiitSiirct irnruaH ' ' ' V- TlUlVi A 111. V U L 1.1 U 1 . U1J1VU A new event will invade the j Weidner's average to .397 lot T , I X"I 1. Rodeo this spring. Called the i the season and .434 against i4Ctltl JL"CWrtlvau frat-rnitv wiM cttw rsrA H j conference pitching. n7 . , s- -i Weidner, a footballer in the Want Ads i three men against a M UU, was an All-Big Eight and "pr - J I B J ' il i :' f f-'W 111 i i fi 0 ' 11 ! 1 fj - J I--- i-iii"' '"r'-JLn''infin-ii filtf'fi Trtr-"itrm-imrriiiiiiriiir-iii-Mni,J BIG COLORADO BATTERS Rigbtfielder-Prtcher Don Gunsacles and Centerfielder Gale Weidner (I-r) are the big power men in the Colorado attack. 151 Softball Slate Taaarat's Games MS A Mm vs. Winner Farm House .acacia ' Sm vs. Winner S I vs. Besse aK twa x i Ktsner nacma Cei Sicma Pas Eseiian New Event - For Rodeo ;COW. The three men teams MODELS Bettm Bonn I nlrmttinnajt I aw afprtW in "HARPER'S BAZAAR," Cmmrmm In rWcMienal MdlrM Outran I $ctt imnrwr. Scia)t cawrscs for cet- an km Lkwta! fm mm Msssr'l ?cswaV mm aaVaaaaaW aT mm mm BETTE BONN HI tA129 753 Stwm tUg required to saddle, ride. across the finish line and un saddle a wild cow. This is the first time the event has teen run and the only performance will be Sat-; urday night. There are eight: j teams vicing for the first j place trophy. j ine learns are: Aipna lau Omega. FarmHouse, Delta Tau Delta, Alpha Gamma Rho, Burr Hall, Delta Upsi- Ion. Alpha Gamma Sigma, j and Delta Sigma Phi j All-American in baseball last are ! season. Westervelt, another All-Big Eight choice last season pitched another six-hit effort for the Buffaloes, as they won 7-4. ISKiiKailHMHiliiasKM ' i dominations Nominations for the Daily Nebraskan Outstanding Varsity Athlete and Intra mural Athlete should be mailed to: Dave Wohlfarth, Sports Editor, Daily Ne braskan. Student Union. The nominations win close next Saturday. .-' '' ft W1TKESSED THE ATROCITIES IN ANGOLA A pregnant mother '$ clubbed to death. A laborer is thrown in prison for missing a day's work. Hundreds of Angolans are slaughtered in cold blood In this week's Post, an Amer ican missionary describes this butchery. He tells how the Portu guese keep 4,000,0011 Africans in near slavery. And how he himself was jailed on trumped-up charges. The Saturday Evening PIZZA TACO'S TAMALES DOG 'N SUDS orders to go IV 9-5745 48 tf NORMAL IS i! l i! : . I? jCP sFasTaal ll IMaOtW C3 S STAFF Ihese eleven Rog t ports wrtters bring yon ell the com pus sports news each day. In the future, worch for the Rog's special sport features, including Sror of the Week, Meet the Coach Series, complete coverage on all spring sports and interesting column sidelights. BOB PROKOP lr'"MaWaM vr in Organic in Organic, L-afZ 1 Sports Columnist jraduafe student Chemistry. Majors a Bio-cnemisrry, and o minor in Micro-biology Kappa Sigma, Phi Lambda Up- silon, Intramurals The Old Pro Column & Baseball coverage BOB RAY Sports Writer Sophomore in Agriculture r Journolism overing gymnastics, golf, ond intromurals mm, j RICK AKIN Sports Writer Freshman in Pre-Dent Phi Delta Theta Baseball JERRY BRUNK Sports Writer, Sophomore in Business Ad ministration Sigma Nu, sports writer for Builders Special Edition General assignment & features AL HANEY Sports Writer Sophomore in Business Ad ministration Sigma Nu, Young Republi cans, sports writer for Builders Features DAVE WOHLFARTH Sports Editor Junior in Journalism Delta Tau Delta, Sigma Delta Chi, Varsity Tennis, N Club General assignment, column JAN SACK Sports Writer Junior in Journalism ond Political Science Vice-President Theta Sigma Phi, sports writer for Cornhusker Track in BOB BESOM Sports Writer & Junior Staff Writer Freshman in Journalism Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Ker nels, Student Union Public Relations Committee Spring fotball, wrestling r general assignment MIKE MACLEAN Sports Writer & Senior Staff Writer Junior in Business Administration Vice-President Phi Kappa Psi, Phalanx Publicity Chairmon, University Frying Club Spring Footboll &, Football Features JIM MORGAN Sports Writer Freshman in Pre-Med freshman K I JL I A -f J Delta Tau Delta, wrestling Track & General ment assign- 1 AL SPORE Sports Writer Freshman in Arts r Science Delta Tau Delta, Jr. IFC representative Tennis, Rodeo Club, intra murals & features POST "WMKjm m .w mm mm mmmm