The Daily Nebraskan Page 3 Monday, May 7, 1962 Nolon Tackled As Innocents 'President Group Taps 3 Honorary Members Thirteen Nebraska male students were tackled Satur day, announcing their election as new members of the Inno cents, the senior men's hon orary activity society. Nabbed first as president in the climax of the Ivy Day probram was John Nolon of Imperial, giving him the di stinction of the top male in the junior class. Other officers are: John R. Myers of Grand Island, vice president; David A. Scholz of Bellevue, secretary; Donald F. Burt of Lincoln, treasurer; and Howard B. "Chip" Kuk lin of Lincoln, sergeant at anns. In addition, three faculty members were tapped as hon orary members of the society. Ofaa J. Phllls Colbert, who win re tire as deaa of Student Affairs July 1. after cervine m Umi first dees of the Division mnce 1952. Re joined the Uni wraity's faculty in 1925 in the College of Engineering and Architecture. Dur ing World War n. he served as director of veterans affair. Upon his retirement from administrative duties, he will re sume his teechini as professor of end leerins mechanics. f)r. Henry E. Baamsaitea, professor of chemistry who this past week was announced as one of 270 scholars in the Western Hemisphere receiving die covet ed Guggenheim Fellowships. A member of the faculty since 1949. he is an author ity on synthesisiag small-ring compounds. Prof. James 8. Blaekman, assistant dean of the College of Engineering and Architecture. A native Nebraskan, be has been a member of the staff since 1941. One of the most popular teachers on the campus, he is professor of engi neering mechanics. He is an authority on cement and the author of several articles in this particular field. These new Innocents, all University juniors, were chosen on the basis of leader ship, scholarship, and serv ice: Nolon, who is enrolled in College of Arts and Sciences; president of Interfra ternity Council: member of Student Coun cil: vice president of Big t Student Gov ernment Association; assistant business manager of Cornhusker yearbook; secre tary of Phi Delta Then social fraternity: and 1961-65 Outstanding Collegiate Man. Myers, son of Mr. and Mrs. John My ers; enrolled in College of Arts and Sci ences; president of All University Fund; vice president of Interfraternity Council; finalist for both Prince Kosmet and Out standing Collegiate Man: and president of Beta Theu Pi social fraternity. Senate, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence W. Scholz; enrolled in College of Engineering and Architecture; member of Student Council; president of Residence Associa tion for Men; and member of Union Ad visory Board, University Band. Gamma Lambda band honorary. Engineering Ex ecutive Board, Phi Eta Sigma, Pi Ms Ep silon, and Eta Kappa Nu. Burt, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd H. Burt; enrolled in Colleee of Arts and Sci ences: member of Student Council: chair man of both Student Council Faculty Eval uation Committee and Registration Com mittee: chairman of lnterfrateraity Coun cil PuMic Relation Committee: and alum ni secretary of PM Delta Theu social fraternity. Knklhi. son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry H. Kuklin; enrolled in College of Engineering and Architecture; treasurer ofSiudent Council; member of Sigma Tau. Pi Tau Sigma, and Lincoln Project; representa tive to the Governor's Youth Conference; chairriisn of People-to-People program; and viee president of Sigma Alpha Ma so cial fraternity. ILarry M. Hammer of Greevwooa, son f Mr. and Mrs. Morris Hammer; en rolled in College of Agriculture: member a..,, i... -, .... , STEWARDESS INTERVIEWS UNITED AIR LINES Moy 10 If yon desire a Public Re lations position and inert the batae requirenwnts: 9 Pleasant disposition Well-groomed, neat oppearonce Age 20-26 Height 5'2"-5'8" Weight proportioned to height You may qualify for thi rhallf tiding und reward ing carew CONTACT: OCCUPATIONAL FLA CEMENT OFFICE 109 ADMINISTRATION BLDC. FOR APPOINTMENT STEWARDESS INTERVIEWS fh itafti irf -UNITED '4 James Hansen '11 fl! m Sid (kj LKJ cffil w QUI Lai) Nolon Myers Scholz Burt Kuklin Hammer Cass Joynt Imperial Grand Island Bellerua Lincoln Lincoln Greenwood BavenM Lincoln Thornton Stevens Toledo, O. North Platte of Cornhusker yearbook staff, German Club, Agronomy Club, Alpha Zeta, Phi Eta Sigma and Student Council; presi dent of University's Wildlife Club; and secretary of Corn Cobs and Farmhouse social fraternity. Rteren C. Cass at Rarenna, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lyman P. Cass; enrolled in Holmquist Weatherspoon Oakland Dei Meineg Miller Jacobson Jeffery Plum Christensen Sorenson Tekamah Seward Lin eels' Llneslsr Uneola Hardy I .1 1 , - iifsMisrtirr lujiiiiiii iniiiiiisii" mm Nancy Miller Chosen Head Of Mortar Board Group Nancy Miller, junior in Teachers College, was tapped as the new president of Black Masque chapter of Mortar Board Saturday during the annual Ivy Day activities. Eleven other members were masked as members of the senior women's honorary ac tivity society. The other officers are: Nancy Jacobson, vice presi dent; Janice Jeffrey, secre tary; Margrethe Plum, treas urer; Cynthia Holmquist, historian. Selection of new members was based on leadership, scholarship and serv ice to the University. Mias Miller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Miller. She is president of Nebras ka Union Program Council; a member of Union Board ot Managers, Pi Lambda Tneta. Student Education Association; past treasurer of Alpha Lambda Delta; among the top 5 women scholars in her class: 1962 Ideal Nebraska Coed; and first NEBRASKAN WANT ADS FOR SALE lm Red MGA'600 Roadster. Wire wheels and white sw. Call HE S-4134 between WI and g OO P.M. MSB betta-300. New brakes and engine. Excellent condition. 47. mpg. :i5u. GA J-1S after P.M. L0 50X10 2 bedroom Melody Home. Bui ft -in Stereo, distawasher, aquarium. Carpeted. Like new, exceptionally fine home. Phone Wahoo CI 3-3732 or CE 9 4253 tor appointment. Owner. 1958 Barley Davidson Sportster K. 1201 W. O Street, lot W. Call 432-77?S. One set of Americana Encyclopedias val ued at MKi 00. Wjll sell for 00 and furnish book-stand. Call 43S-40S3. PERSONAL Riders w anted ea route to San Francises. Leaving after commencement. Call Har vey Ladeboff. tbb-WSt. Wanted Riders to Detroit, Michigan ar points en route. Cj2-7va. Need i men to work as soon as school is out. Car will be needed. Call M. J. Anderson, 432-f ia.. Coming In three weeks 1 Was A Teenage Editor." Position available. Applicants must be tired old men. If not ther soua will be. LOST Sigma Delta Tau pin P.E. Dept. Contact 32-7m reward: gold sweater at Dorothy Dale Redman For STUDENT COUNCIL Engineering & Architecture Endorsed by 1FC Dehart Omaha College of Engineering and Architecture; vice president of Kosmet Klub; member of Student Council and American Society of Civil Engineers; chairman of Student Council's Parking Committee; treasurer of Delta llpsilon social fraternity. Stephen M. Joynt ef Lincoln, son of Mr. and Mrs. i. R. Joynt; enrolled in Spilker McDonald Lincoln- McCook vice president of Alpha Chi Omega social sorohty. Miss JaceVsM, daughter of Mr. and Mrs V. C. Jjvobsi'n. m Teachers College, she is vies president of Red Cross; a member of ri Lambda Theu and Alpha Lambda Delta; pa4 member of Union Program Council and Board of Managers; Home coming Queen attendant; president of Al pha Omicron Pi social sorority. Mist Jeffrey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Jeffrey. In College of Arts and Sci ences, she is president of VWCA: chair man of People-to People housing commit tee; member of National Student Council of YM-YWCA; dorm counselor at Burr Hall: past vice president of Alpha Lambda Delta: among top 5 women scholars in her class: member of French and Spanish ("luht. Ideal Nebraska Coed finalist; and Panhelk-'iuc "...legate and service projects chairman of Delta Delta Delta social so rority. Miss Plum, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Morens Plum. In Agriculture College, she is vice president of Ag Nebraska Union: member of Nebraska Union Board of Managers: alternate lor the Student Council-sponsored United Nations trip: presi dent of Phi L'psilon Omicron ; a member at Theu Sigma Phi, University Singers, and honors program in Home Economics: winner of a Journalism Gold Key and among top 10 srholastieally in home ec onomics in her freshman year: and vies president of Chi Omega social sorority. Miss Helmeaist, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Holmquist. In Teachers Col lege, she wa recently selected editor ot the 1963 Cornhusker; member of Pi Lamb da Theta. Sigma Alpha Eta, and Alpha Lambda Delta; past Coed Counselor; Ac tivities Oaeen finalist; and vice president of Delta Gamma social sorority. Mtrr WralherKPoen of Des Moines, la., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Weather spoon. In College of Arts and Sciences, she is photo editor of W(i3 Cornhusker: All University Fund chairman; Panhellenic representative; co-editor of "Speakeasy magazine; part secretary of Alpha Lambda Delta; member of Pi Sigma Alpha; and recording secretary of Kappa Alpha Theta social sorority. Patricia Kpilker ef Lincoln, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Spilker. In Col lege of Arts and Sciences, she is president of Associated Women Students; vice presi dent of Nebraska Union Program Council; member of II ton Board of Managers; past president of Alpha Lambda Delta; past member of Student Council; Activities gueen finalist; and recording secretary of Alpha Chi Omega social sorority. Hones Lou McDonald of McCsok. dauchteg of Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Mc Donald, la leacners ooiiese, T president of Builders; pauel editor of 13 Cornhwswtr- president of Theta Sig ms Phi; vice president of Pi "-"""ios Theta; member of Governors White House Youth Committee; past chairman of Builder's Husker Handbook; and sec retary of Kappa Kappa Gamma social BosMCbristenM of Lincoln, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Christensen. In College of Pharmacy, she is secretary, treasurer of Nebraska Union Program Council; member of Union Board ol Man agers; Kappa Epsilon, and American Pharmaceutical Assn ; past chairman of Red Cross; Activities Wueen finalist; Homecoming Oueen finalist; and soua! chairman oi Delia Delta Delta social so- "fciLy SsresMB of Hardy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nels Sorenson. In Teachers College, she is president of Tassels; vice president of Mu Phi Epsilon; member oi pi Lambda Theta and University Sing ers; oast member of Associated Women Students Board, junior board of Tas sels. Women's Athletic Assn. board; past president of Raymond Hall; past secre tary of Junior Pathellenic; Homecoming Queen attendant; and standards chair- Bob Seidell Graf Republican City r JV Colbert College of Arts and Sciences; member of Interfraternity Council as House Dele gate and member of Expansion Com mittee; member of Student Council and PI Sigma Alpha; chairman of Kosmet Klub Fall Show; and president of Delta Tau Delta social fraternity. William "Thunder" Thornton of Tole- Kokes Lincoln Moffitt man of Kappa Delta - social sorority. Mary st unco, adusnin n t vo. in r-nlle ft Arts and 71 la. I. 1 - , , T.,duM ( nlloff aha m sciences mini ' J " president of Builders; recording secre tary Ot StUOeni COUncil. llirmw, ' Lambda Theu ana spanisn imu. ivii . . 1 : -f 1 inml. PmimM: lunciions ciiamiiiu u, tuiw". .w. . was philanthropic chairman of her soror ity o-mcn won national diu program; and vice president of Alpha umicron i-i Suraane Moffitt of Lincoln, daughter Of Mrs. I King MOIIIl. in leacneia iaj,- lege, she is a member of Varsity Debate Team, Associate Women Students Board, Student Council, Pi Lambda Theta; pres ident of Delta Sigma Rho; and personnel chairman, of Chi Omega sorority. Tareyfon's Dual Filter Lundak Lincoln says turf king Virgilius (Big Wheel) Plutarch. "Try the Appian Way to fine tobacco taste -Dual Filter Tareytons," , Bays Big Wheel. "From the Alps to the Aqueduct, we smoke them summo cum gaudio. Try Tareyton, one filter cigarette that really delivers de gustibus !" Baumgarten Blaekman do, O., son of Mrs. Roxie Thornton; en rolled in Teachers College; member of Phi Epsilon Kappa; sergeant-at-arms of N Club: volunteer for All University Fund; member of People-to-People pro gram: past memoer of Alpha Kappa Psi and Men's Glee Club; two-year letterman on University Football team and mem ber of All Hist 8 Football team. Ray A. Stevens, Jr., of North Flatle, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray A. Stevens; en rolled in College of Engineering and Ar chitecture; historian of Kosmet Klub; member of N Club and Interfraternity Council Rush Committee: president of Farmhouse social fraternity; two-year let terman on University Track team and re cipient of the Husker Educational Ath letic award. Jay w. Graf of Republican City, son of Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Graf: enrolled in College of Agriculture; member of Gamma Sigma Delta Alpha Zeta; sec retary of University 4-H Club, secretary of Block and Bridle; vice president of Corn Cobs; president of Ag Union; and president of Alpha Gamma Rho social fraternity. Harold G. Dehart of Omaha, son of Mr.and Mrs. H. L. Dehart; enrolled in the College of Engineering and Archi tecture; member of student chapter of American Institute of Architects, Student Tribunal: chairman of Kosmet Klub. Ivy Day Sing and Spring Show; activities chairman of Delta Upsilon social frater nity. Joel D. Lundak of Lincoln, sou of Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. Lundak. enrolled in College of Arts and Sciences: Daily Nebraskan columnist; co-editor of Ne braska Scrip magazine; delegate of Midwestern Mock United Nations; mem ber of Phi Eta Sigma; and aclivities chairman of Sigma Chi social fraternity. Dentistry College Seeks Relocation , Pielocation and expansion of the Dental College in Nebras ka Hall (formerly the Elgin Building) was recommended by the College's faculty and passed along to the Univer sity administrators. The recommendation para llels the U.S. Public Health Service (PHS) survey in many ways. The report suggested the entering class of dental students be upped from its present maximum of 34 to 80. The College's faculty, how ever, recomended a lower figure a capacity of near 65. Tareyton M I delivers l&M II the flavor. . . MJ DYAL FILTER D0ESItT -Lsd ' ' .jffT 1 M SSb r ' in duas partes divisa est!" Militzer Chosen Speaker For Honorary Initiation Dean of the University Col lege of Arts and Sciences, !Dr. Walter E. Militzer, will be guest speaker at the initia tion service of Pi Kappa Lambda, music honorary, to day. The program will begin at 7:30 p.m. in the Union. Dean Militzer will speak on "Bridg ing the Sciences and Humani ties." Six graduate students and seven seniors will be initi ated. The graduates are: Michael 0. Johnson, Max ine Stone, Annabelle Zikmund, Edward Carstens, Walter Ross and Jocelyn Sack. New senior initiates are: Gail Oliver, Judy Lawrence, Pat Mclntyre, Kay Green, l DON T THINK theres anyone in THE U30RLD WHO 15 DUMPER THAN I 'I MCRPflTUFCI OH, I I I DIDNT...IMEAN.L.L. V I jfi.iii 1 1 ii I I N I sT Hill I Iv.i iiU !i,i!.iin7illiiiiVii.';'; ffliiiiimnmiiiiiiiiiinwiiiiiiiiinimiiiiHiuiiiiiniiiN I Student Council I Betterment- Committee I S3 I . . I endorses these qualified candidates for I STUDENT COUNCIL I ARTS and SCIENCES Denny Christie Tom Kotouc Jerri Olson Ann Wahl TEACHERS Mike Barton Judy Pearce Cinv Tinan ELECT iiiimiimimiiinnuiimHWiiiiuiiiniiiwniiMUwmimiHiMm rUE!E WHITf DUAL Tareyton Donna Lilley, Robert Person and Sherry Pelton. Seniors accepted itto mem bership must be in the upper five per cent of their class. Graduate students must be in the upper ten per cent. Planetarium Begins 'Our Home in Space9 The new sky show at the University's planetarium deals with the universe as man knows it now and man's place in it. "Our Home in Space" places special emphasis on the physical conditions of sev eral planets, in particular those which man has a hope of visiting. HE 15 REALLY OUMBlW.jOST THE OTHER DAY I WAS TELLINS HIM THAT HE UA5 50 DUMB, HE DIDN'T EVEN KNOW EN0U6H TO COME IN OUT OF THE OH, (JELL... IF YOORc 6QN6 TO 60 AROUND (1JATCHIN6 EVW OjORD MDOgAV ALL THE TIME, VOO'LL NEVER GET MUCH fAlDi ENGINEERING Jim Hansen Dale Redman Rod Marshall 5 BUS. ADMIN. Bill Gunlicks I AGRICULTURAL Sandy Brown Frank Morrison 1 SCBC ACTIVATED CHARCOAl ''1 ' ''i''V'' 1 FILTER