Friday, May 4, 1962 Daify Nebraskan Election Edition Page 7 No Campaigning Election Day "Curing voting day, Mon day, May 7, there is to be no active campaigning, according to Don Witt, Student Council Election's Committee Chairman. Witt stated that this Romance Language Scholarship Offered The University Foundation has announced the establish ment of the Agnes Gordon Simons Memorial Scholar ship Fund. The Fund was set up by Daniel Simons in memory of his wife Agnes, who taught in the romance languaga de partment for 35 years. meant that there is to be no campaign literature passed out or any other active efforts to influence voters. He also pointed out that the Council elec tion rules require that all posters, within 15 feet of the building in which the voting takes place, be re moved before the elec tions start. "Candidates are also to have all of their posters VOTE removed from University bulletin boards before 12 noon the day following the election (Tuesday)," he added. Dr. McKinney Gets Achievement Award Dr. Florence McKinnek, chairman of the school of home economics, has been named the Woman of Achieve ment of 1962 by the Nebraska Federation of Business and Professional Women's Clubs. Presentation of the highest honor the state federation can give to any individual was made during the group's state convention held in North Platte GGXlD Student Council Betterment Committee Presents these Candidates ARTS & SCIENCES r r f 06, f ' s .-I -:-9i Jerri Olson Dennis Christi TEACHERS " 4 mkt -A Tem Kotoiic TEAOIERS ENGINEERING and Architecture r V: Mike Barton Tn'sr. ..,. I Judy Pierce Cindy Tinan i ! ARTS & SCIENCES 5c-;-- i Rod MorshoSI Jim Hansen I' 1 c ' -1 4 1 Dile Redman J3 BUSINESS ADMIMSTRAT10N 1 Bill Gunlicks I' - y I Sandy Biwn Frank Morrison For a dynamic Student Council an Expanding University 3 3B0 ARTS & SCIENCES Ann Wohl ENGINEERING and Architecture ARTS & SCIENCES AGPICULTURE