Page 6 Daily Nebraskan Election Edition Friday, May 4, 1962 Stormy, Smooth, Passion, Conflict Council Execs Still Have A Job To Do And Do It Editorial By WENDY ROGERS ' Meet your Student Council executives Steve Gage, Jim Samples, Don Witt, Al Plummer, Sukey Tinan. Sometimes stormy, some times smooth from the impassioned controversy over the National Student Associa tion to the allocation of funds for a turtle race entry YOUR Council executives do their job, and do it well. Not too long ago, could heightened interest and heat ed controversy have led the Council president to call a special semi-closed session to let members organize their thoughts? Leading the Council through its first year on a new basis of organization, Steve Gage has seldom hesi tated to treat people rough, when the course of action made it necessary. Rough but not stubborn, not unwilling to listen to anoth er's reasoning, Steve's most valuable contribution to Council has been his leader ship a combination of en thusiasm with intelligence. He has been a different Idnd of president. As a chosen associate on the executive council noted, "his leadership has not only concerned the structure of the Student Coun cil, but also idealogically." More than once President Gage has stepped down from wielding his gavel to partici pate actively '."t the debates. "As chairman of the exec council," said one of his as sociates, "Steve is very per ceptive of people's abilities he' can fit the right people in the right places." Another of Steve's asso ciates pointed up his ability to maintain good relations be tween administration, faculty, and the Council. As an Individual, he has largely been able to do this through his. personal accom w TO STUDENT COUNCIL From Business Administration College i plishments. Recognition of those accomplishments came when Steve was named the "Outstanding Nebraskan" last semester. Believing that the Council should be more concerned with national and internation al affairs particularly when they affect students Steve spearheaded the move to the public issues area. "He believes the university student's world should not end with the campus bouna ries," explained an associate. "He feels we should take stands on issues concerning students outside our own com munity." Not afraid of controversy, Steve's goal has been to build a good Student Council, not just make friends. But through his sincere ef forts, President Gage has earned many friends and the respect of all. First Vice-President J i m Samples also serves as chair man of the judiciary commit tee and as a member of the commencement committee and the committee on student organizations a long list of responsibilities. And an exec council asso ciate had a much longer list of Jim's qualifications. He quickly cited Jim's great in terest in Council, his "wis dom and forethought as shown in his actions," and his "tremendous personality." Quiet and unassuming, Jim analyzes consenses then presents with a well-planned statement. "He's not mouth before thought," commented one as sociate. Jim's ideas and view points are among the most respected of any Council member. Glance back through cop ies of the Daily Nebraskan Jim speaks on just about ev ery issue. "He speaks once but his view is usually one of the most persuasive and illuminating," said an associ ate. His toleration of other view points, and his treatment of people of other views with utmost consideration reflect a friend's statement of his phil osophy "To Jim, a fully responsible student must be aware of what's going on, and he must try to make a contribution to his univer sity." "Jim's main contribution has been through Student Council." When others might hes itate, he never fails to bring up what he feels might be important. Then those others follow his lead. Trouble-shooter Don Witt, Second Vice-President of the Council, heads one of the toughest Council committees the elections committee. He's kidded a lot about "murdering the English lan guage such as a couple of pairs of two people" to work an election shift, but he gets his ideas across. He's working now on revision of election by-laws with the goal of stricter enforcement of election rules. As director of the Council associates program, Don has worked hard at solving anoth er knotty problem. To Al Plummer, senior hold-over member of the exec council, "A man doesn't have to talk all the time to show a great benefit to the community." And without wasting words or efforts, Al tackles the toughest problems. When problems developed concern ing the Big Eight Student Government Association con vention here over Christmas vacation, Al took over smoothly and efficiently as chairman of the convention. Chairman of the nominat ing committee and a mem ber of the judiciary commit tee, Al is a combination man meticulous in working out projects, he keeps the overall idea in the fore. Tabbed on the campus as "murder on an interviewing panel", Al is a strong, out- STUDENT COUNCIL ELECTIONS QHDAY WAY 7 liip:tPi k hm SSIfe-ife-) ill ARM Three members of this year's Student Council ex ecutive council (from left) Al Plummer and Sukey Tinan, senior hold-over members, and Don Witt, sec ond vice-president. going personality. He jokes, but he knows where things have to stop. An "outstanding worker who can always be depended on for generous help and selfless devotion" that's Sukey Tinan, says a close as sociate.: A senior hold-over member of exec council, Sukey's proj ects have included the Coun cil associates program with Don Witt, the PBESGA con vention with Al Plummer, and VOTi For The PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO ARTICLE XII, STUDENT COUNCIL CONSTITUTION For a realistic AMENDING PROCESS IN ARM special secretary on t h e jud iciary committee with Jim Samples. "I don't think she's ever said "No to helping some one," said an associate. "Anything that needs to be done, just ask Sukey she'll do it gladly." One associate tried hard to describe Sukey's personality "she's sparkling . . ; sin cere . . . honest . . . very out going . . . well, she's just Sukey."