The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 19, 1962, Page Page 2, Image 2

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And Things
I vhv not have a Phi Delt
Page 2
By Way of
NSA has been decided.
Rightly or wrongly, the
issue is closed for now.
But we hope not forever.
We repeat our position
stated yesterday and
hope that affiliation win
be in the near future.
Vacation starts tomor
row. There win be bo Ne
braska! Friday, so we
want to nrge all of yon
to drive eaVefuIly oa your
way borne. The readership
tn save will be wt Be
fore ;h go borne, look at
tow closest friend, think
of bow much yen might
miss bin should there be
u accident We think yon
might be esconraged to
slew dtwn a bit.
SPEAKEASY is out. It
is a very fine effort and
we wish the magazine the
best of success. Oar cam
pus has had a place for
fcy Dr. Benjamin Spock
frwfmor of Chili DeoHopmmot. Western JUoero Vmlwtflt
SrkmoJ ml Mrdtdme. author of "Babg amd Child Car."
JLs a pediatrician, it is my job
t help patent gift their chil
abnahealihy start in life. This
fm otto of the reasons why I
Strongly support President
Kennedy's health insurance
ytaa for the aged C r wgfc So
cial Security.
Yoa nmay wonder what the
CoeaeetioB it between health
care for the aged and the cM
airea f tiiii country. Actually
there is a very ctasa one.
As a doctor, I hare gone into
the hocaes of yoanf parents and
im what Use tremeadocs hos
pital costs of a graadpareBtean
do to the cafire Bs2y. These
fetus are a financial Etraia oa
too faarfl bcigri. They also
xestdt ia easotittl stress for
the parents who are raiting
their own families and paying
for their children's edaeataon.
The harden mast often falls
oil parents ia their thirties or
forties, when their ehUdrea are
SrowiBjr ap hat are not yet self-npiwitiag-
The bffi for food,
cfatajBt; boosing are at their
aaxinmni asd caairct be easSy
related. Fertwnately a naajor
f2y of ebffldrea are healthy at
teas age. Bat some of tinea need
expensive long-term treatment
for atihonedae, ocnlar, dental,
me eihsr cowditions. Maay f am
ilies bar teenagers gettiat
ready for tnUege or already
there. At tMa stage in a faat
yS dervfapBMfit a vbopp'mg
awepital ISH lot aa aged trraiwS
yareat seffering- from a strtsSce
mr a f rsetere or one t the
chretaie SHaesses affaetaisg ahtsat
percent of or olAer ptpala-
ha ahattcrsiia
To ao the proh3eat ia its
tttsfte foms, tslsa the eace ef a
faasSy hero there is a cMd
nrh descTTto braces on his
teeth or aa eye operatic or, t
jbm he shoms moA pnasiM,
SNuie Ibwobs. S41oe!t, his
ac4 gnsdsastiytr breaks her
hiy and requires areeks ef bes
yttalizatien and sshfe$iieBt
rf kBaa can. Hat pti-
Dear PecfJe,
ytfr yon or someoDt
else St payisf fI22 per $e
laesler so tiat yoa may
attend this t&stitidko.
What are jou geii' for
ywr sBooey?
() Tm are aitesdls;
Kebraska Uairersay, a
member of the Atsoda
tlca cf Ajserkai l ither
tl&s, aa eKlasJr grwp
el fovrty-ose cc3ao4s, fav
ftejffffg arrar aal Tale.
SeMastk exttZeact Is
ae ef &e pmesisites
far isembmhl'p.
(2) Yoa are atteafi a
sjool wiJ3 aa exception
2y paUle4 tacuSy. Ac
cerdisj to a study tcade
by the CansesSe Fouoda
ti,u, tie average lerel et
prtfeucrs wilh P2s.D. U
41. At NeJjnufca, the
permjlaf e it 1, acl aa 23 Lave maJ
tm (6gree-
(S) lere ITbrarr ha
twea tfescribei la the U
ferarr Qaartetij ai the
Mefts&m4tlMt ekmeot
asa-g sMrertay thra
jir. (4) OuUkSe tie dast
reota, Easeaey is purcita-t-g
enic such at tbb
D-i2j Xtto-aihajL Yoa
jxile it pc(lt! to t2je
VtS'ja to bricg Barry
Gol3walr to ty.t camjij .
Yoa are ittL&Zj $v.?pjsir
a humor-literary magazine
for several years now we
have it
The Residence Associa
tion for Men (RAM), has
pulled the most worthless
stunt of the semester.
They have withdrawn
funds from support of the
SCBC much as the angry
vousg men who feel they
were slighted. Had there
been more active support
of the program before it
was started and during its
development possibly
there would have been
more happiness in RAM
and more peace in the in
dependent camps.
We congratulate the
SCBC for its stand in
fun interest of the Uni
versity and a strong Coun
cil. Dean Eldoa Park has
been oa campus now for
Tate healUi insurance premi
itms are so ooeCj- and the bene
fits are so limited for those over
65, most of the elderly don't
have this protection. What do
yon do as the breadwinner of
the family to meet this crisis?
Do yoa aHovr your retired
parents to go on public relief,
which wiU subject them to a
hnmiEatzBg "means test"? Or
do yci exhaust your own sav
ings, mortgage your home, dip
into the fond for year childre-'a
education, or even use some cf
the money intended to pay for
the special medical needs of a
handicapped child?
Xeither yoa nor anyone else
would choose to do any of these
things. And yet yoa might hare
Dr. Beajaaaia Spodk
to face such facts. A situation
hike tMs often arises 'ri peo
ple are least prvpsri for iJ,
and many have to sacrifice the
jntererta of eitfoer their chil
dren or Ihear parents to mahe
trith eais BMet.
Fortmabely, there nov Is a
tuxmi and twmsiiJsSe aaswer to
some f t$Me ptxMem. Vr&A
de&t Ectmenly's h-eaJth mmx
ance plaa for the agd throogh
Sadat Eecoraty wEl he!p the en
tire family. Actaalily, St is a
piafl for "t asmiJy seiirity.' It
w3 enalJe ya as a yoocg pa
rent to more easily carry oat
year rspKTsffitaes to ywar
nra partsslU, to your ettSdras
and to ywarwlf az"i,at the same
time, lesiwM tl draia on the
aa32y badU
irf Ctiassxe! 12, tlse eda
calmLal TV sta&ga,
The list eoaM be Umger,
tmt the poiat is tMs:
uiacb eritkiciB is kr5ed
agalart the tfrerStj,
aahvst tnid-wetlem xtti
tades, aai a&ai&tt oar
basScaHy eoaerati e A4
mteditrtlw. This erttS
eism shottli aot taake
people lose siht of the
fact that this is oae of
the Guest academic tasti
tstioas ia the eonrtry. A
stodest at this University
has a better chance to
emerge from coBege a
brUer-ixJrtaed, a tsore
fcotaledbie iaJltidaal
thaa people ia Wm of the
ether colleges across the
The proMera f apaUsy,
of oarrw-iniii4edaess, of
o!tra-c6tueiTa1ivi(m to
the poist of stilling toi
fcaSire is not a restalt cf
aa tsjtitutUoa. Tie aimos
phere of resistaace to
change, of general lack cf
interest in erects oeltide
of the campus, aM of aS
cvoct dall nttpem.3&n from
readily is &e product of
a baci:gro!sn.d, a baefc
groTmi of parects rU
LvLng te dieprestion, of
a state cevtaper vLkh
fJIs ill ed;"uial pages
-jlh verbal pjctares of tie
red dragons i-jrfcicg
trvn.l every corner,
Thursday, April 19, 1962
three days. His impact on
the IFC wiU not be known
possibly for a few weeks,
but the immediate reac
tion was very favorable.
He is here to evaluate the
pledge training program
on the University and to
promote changes that all
of as agree are so neces
sary. Dean Park h.s pointed
out a need in itcx admin
istration for a Dean of
Fraternities. Dean Park
accomplished more for the
fraternity system in four
days than administration
has over the past ten
years in-so-far as direct
aid for a building pro
gram. Think, then, what
the benefits would be if
there was a full time staff
member in this area? As
MAW would say, Why
It is needed because hospital
costs have more than tripled in
the past IS years jumping
from $9 a day to $32 a day.
and because the Tast major
ity of this country's 17 million
elderly cannot afford to pay
these mils. Half of them have
Jess than $100 a year, which
is scarcely enough to eorer their
food and boosing.
It is needed almost as much
for the benefit of children and
parents as it is for the grand
parents for whom it is directly
intended. Today there are some
75 miHton children in this coun
try who are tradtr 21. By 1970,
this fire re wiU rise to 95 mil
lion. Xone of these efc:Mren's
opportunities should be sacri
ficed because of crises, which
can easily be insured against.
Under the President's plan,
health care for the aged weald
be self-financed, with fret
choice of -doctor mud hospital
fftummteed fry law. For only 1
a month added to bis Soesal Se
curity deduction, the average
wage earner eoold insure his
own hospital or rrarsirig' home
care after he reaches the age of
65. He, in tern, would not hare
to he dependent on his children
for this care.
Wkit'; srrzrz with this plan?
As a doctor and a prhrate d Si
ren, I see nothing wrong: with
it. It does act affect the pa
tient's doctor or the treatment
he wiU reeesre. It is not "social
ized medicine."' It is simply old
age hospitalization insurance
paid for gradually daring' the
working: years. It eaa be
thonght of as family security
through Social Security.
Tear Coagrtnna wasis to
fcawar how ya slaad om the
Kcaaady Profrua for HeahJi
Iswaraace thraagh Social
carity.Write to BtauAlaaior
farther irfersatMia ahoat
rr.iaal tLtmrntdft proposal
for beahh care far lb aged,
rite to the "atmil Canal
of ftnior atitwJwXrSC,
S&Washatgtoa 1,DX
and of cheap p&liiMans
1m gain votes by feret
fcg out "lanpatraotk fac
Gity numbers.
Someday perhaps these
factors vill . OTerconse.
Soraeday, perhaps there
wiU fee a cunpas-w i i e
Hberallzatka of attftmde.
Someday maybe people
wta aot be afraid to faS
if they try somethfaf ailf
ferest. H.
Member Asvoctated Cot
icctMe Press, fjrternattoaal
Press aVimoratallv: Ns
ttoauUI Adrerttateg SerriM,
laearpof tted. rahlhihei ate
Zoom SI. Stalest CaWa.
liacota, Xearatha.
'! mmmw Mti fciiiiw at aw
(mw a OmaiaS Mm M aa
aapwaaap af fMaaraa1 aiainall. ra
anaiaa anftnr m lMM T aw
mm t-wmtat. Tw aiatw l
mm -r auiC ar mm
vault? i miiIwi Sw oaat fc-
ttaraarr S. SMii.
mmom mm tt Iwm 4. Mt, g
iaiiaai M M s
water or m fm mm aOaaa me. S
Why not publish the rota
tion order of the Panhel
lenic officers?
Why not let 21-year-olds
. establish their own hours?
Why not.
Why not have Panhell
committees composed
solelv of Panhell dele
gates? Why?
Whv not take a look at the
Why not have an Inter
Greek Council to discuss
common fraternity and
sorority problems? Why
Whv not buy the SPEAK
EASY? Why not have compulsory
voting in Student Council
elections (like European
and Communist countries)?
Whv nnt kMn vnur par
"M; - r j ,
and eyes open uiese nen
weeks? Why not
r ill mil Vurn mmm a s
3 Mwl caatato a miKlnHi E
1 am ac tn at !Mai -
1 tonal In mommn mot a av
The Student Council
election campaign this
year is seeing a marked
change from past years. I
believe it is a marked im
provement. This year's
candidates are not being
allowed to depebd cm
gimmicks or a flood of
posters to pot their name
across. They are being
made to depend on per
sonal contacts. Tbey are
being put on the spot to
speak well and have
something substantive to
A campaign of this na
ture is harder oa the can
didates than aaother
might be because more is
demanded of them. Ex
perience with the Cooa
efl becomes almost a pre
requisite. It trill not be
etwegh this year to ac
cprire a shallow familiar
ity with the ovtstandiag
favsaes the Graril has
created or expeneaced.
Candidates trul be open
continuously for direct
questions, and wiU have
to give specific, detailed
answers. Tbey wia have
to show a knowledge cf
the mechanics of student
government, and be w ill
ing to commit them
selves with reference to
scope of action. Because
the Student Council As
sociates Program needs
organizational revision to
become effective, they
should be able to offer
suggestion in this line.
Becaese the CooacS's
fjjtaaees UmK its activi
ties, tbey shoshf deffl
strate that tbey know hy
this CfcnsdTt bedget far so
law, and saggett a point
(rem which tbey could
work to increase tends.
With a change ia the of
fice of 9ea of Stadert
Affairs, oae would thick
thai next year weald of
fer reasoaable ehaaees
for aeeded isiprfnemests.
This year's campaign is
over last year's in that
the issues are objective,
and are genuinely relat
ed to the Stodent Coun
cil, not the social system
of the campus. As one di
rectly involved in last
year's campaign, I
would, caturaSy, defend
the actio taken to offer
to the voters an alterna
tive which had not exist
ed before. I would also
defend action taken to
pctlidie what many felt
were political abuses. On
the other band, I will be
the first to acknowledge
the correction cf the
things we fought against,
asd to state that there is
no longer a mid for the
type of campaign we
In respect to this, we
tbotiM recognize that
early aU of the work
dose ia the Covsdl As
aodates program was
djoae by Greeks, It is aha
rth moling that tMs
J About Letters
If TW cT SfacB ans
S if tin to II tor cuiimI ia,
m mjimm mm wM I win trmm4- s
MaiawSB Wast M fVUatSJntSJJl
tttkm fluty lw wir
itntolitf aato wM at uMia,
- . t'-a
L" ,',,
' 1 i
V f
4s Sec t
year's IFC slate is more
experienced thaa any be
fore it, and I think it
working harder to offer
something of raise and
make Its views. I believe
it will be rewarded for its
work. Certainly it de
serves to be.
Hard working, imagina
tive students will win po
sitions of leadership on
this campus regardless of
their social affiliation or
lack thereof. Student
Councfl candidates should
be forced to campaign
strenuously because of
The Student Council it
self, the Daily Nebraskan,
and the Student Union, as
well as the attitude dem
onstrated by student lead
ers involved in this elec
tion, are doing everything
they can to ensure such a
campaign. But for this
kind of campaign to be
successful, it also de
mands that the student
body participate. It must
follow the press releases
and listen to debates.
Students must not hesitate
to question the candidates
wiS mee. tonight at t p.m.
in room 232 Student Union,
The speaker wil be Rob-;
ert Harrison, ex-congressman
from Norfolk.
DANA K. BAILEY, central j
radio propagation laborato
ries, bureau of standards wi3
discuss arradiation hazards in
outer space at 211 Bruce at
1 4:15 p.m. today.
sored by international Chris
tian Leadership, wiU be shown
at 6:30 p.m. today in the T.V,
lounge of SeBeck, Open to all
TIONS CLUB will bold its first
meetisg Tuesday, May 1, at
7:3) p.m. in room 345, Student
Union, Ralph Beerman will
speak oa the admission of Red
China to the United Nations
and the problems concerned.
by joel lundak
from their college. If this
takes place, everyone
concerned will benefit.
The Student Council wiU
perhaps get the staff it
needs to continue and im
prove its attempts to of
fer constructive leader
ship to the campus.
i if-
4 fc P T-t
.' . - 1 .-. III I" 1
Which diamond is a girls
test friend?
Emy girl Iwows "a re is a rote is a roie." Uat is a die
mmd a diamond a diammd?
The smart girl who care (about beauty asd raise)
koows there more to a diamond thaa mem her eye. Even
aader SMgnifeatioa, a diamond reveals its huer secrets
only to the eye of a trained expert. That's why America's
College Queen have chotea their "best binds from
among the award-wtrming deugns of the world-faaKO
Artcarred mkciitM.
Eaj Artatvvd diamond fhe mmt diaa the beaary
hkh ft jmt eye. The quality and valaa of ' bwr
beamy m alo certiLM hf a written guarantee that is reeog
mmA and retpected by Seadmg jewder everywhere.
If yoa want to be avre of the maer beanty rJ valoe of
ytmt iliuxM, t yar Antarrtd ieeW. Ak him to iiww
yoa the yj choteo by Amerfc aSege Qsetas,
Two of the
choseo by America's
CoSeje Ooeen,
from $103.
Get your National
U cotiy for yoamlf or yow candidate tU
EAA' UP. ''
YWCA Will Start
Babysitting Service
A babysitting service for
foreign students is being
sponsored by the YWCA com
munity sen ice committee.
Any foreign family wishing
a babysitter may call Penny
Puree!! at HE2-5633. The only
; charge will be for transporta
tion. READ
4l iy A
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CoIWe Oncca Coc!t
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