Visit us daily 9:30 to 5:30, Thursdays 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Lincoln I i (VALUE $116.45) HS I " f If! tMMdmucanmm . This is the exciting J66 Polaroid complete with handsome cose, film and bulbs. Just imagine taking pictures of your campus octivities in just 10-seconds. That's all it takes from the time you click the camera until your picture is ready. It's fully automatic no focusing, nothing to set. Even the flash gun is built right into the camera. SNAP! WE TAKE YOUR PICTURE FREE 1. Viiit Mill.r'i tomorrow, Saturday, 9:30 to 5:30 2. Coeds look for "Miss Polaroid" on our second floor of fashion 3. Men you'll find "Miss Polaroid" in the Men's Store, first floor 4. Register with your student I.D. 5. She'll toke a 10-second complimentary photo of you TVOTTITTVC TO RtTY CfVF A SLOGAN A TK J. l V 7 K mm.m l W m v m. ' 6. Simply join the winners circle by writino (logon about tho J66 Polaroid in five words or lets on one of Miller's "Miss Polaroid's official entry blanks. Second ffiigS 50 Miller & Paine Gift Certificate will be given to the "House," Sorority, Fraternity or Dormitory (with comparable number) which has the largest percentage of membership registered in the slogan contest. WINNERS WILL BE ANNOUNCED FRIDAY, APRIL 20 IN THE DAILY NEBRASKAN! t&24e SPnima ocMege 3nAicn Wa ownfa ! STEREO AND HI-FI ALBUMS i EACH This is the record event that's got the whole campus twisting, rocking, waltz ing and just plain running to Miller's. (It's a repeat of a sell-out!) Stop in early for best selection of Jazz, Pops, Classical, Show Tunes, Twist Albums and Latin beats. TUNE SHOP THIRD FLOOR Complimentary MAKE-UP For Coeds Only! Saturday, your Student Identification ' Card entitles you to make an appoint-, ment in our Circle of Beauty, for a comp limentary Jaqwet make-up in the very near future. It will just toke a second to visit tfie appointment desk Saturday, and schedule your complimentary make-up. CIRCLE OF BEAUTY SALON SECOND FLOOR Better Group Of Paperbacks DISCOUNT Just show your Student I D. Card in our book store and you'll receive a 10 discount on all better paperbacks such as Anchor, Dolphin and Vintage. You'll find material in all categories. (For ex ample, new in paperback Tender is the Night by F. Scott Fitzgerald, original text.) MILLER'S BOOK STORE 131 S. 13th ANNOUNCING March Winners Campus Rep. Contest First Ploce: Marilyn Severin, Fedde Hall Second Place Honorable Mention: Sally Dale, Alpha Omicron Pi Third Place Honorable Mention: Karen Lund, Kappa Alpha Theta Remember help your favorite Miller's Campus Rep win a trip to New York. Give her name whenever you make a purchase at Miller's. Your referral counts twice on all purchases Saturday. fjy J t W) V; V1 (l JjTi f? ' f - SPICE UP YOUR CAJIPUS LEISURE (Left) Carefree Crash by McGregor: It's time to discard the drab live in the vivid! It's the rich textured "homespun" effect of breeze cool, crease resistant Creslan acrylic fiber. Bermudas, 8.95. Sport Coats, 29.95. (Center) Sasafras Sport Shirts by McGregor in a palette of spicy colors cool cottons. Sizes S, M, L and XL. Brown, blue or olive. $5. MEN'S STORE FIRST FLOOR (Right) Shirt and Skirt by Lady Manhattan. Smart solid colors and carefree prints give you a wide fashion selection. The fabrics couldn't be "easier care". The sleeves roll-up, the skirts are slim or full. Sizes 10 to 18. 14.98 to 17.98 a set. Of course, there are many more newsy fash ions to see in our ... SPORTSWEAR SECOND FLOOR Blue Books buy anything money can buy ... at Miller's