The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 11, 1962, Page Page 3, Image 3

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    Wednesday, April 11, 1962
The Daily Nebraskart
Page 3
Chancellor Hardin Wins
In '56 Spring Day Faculty
Daily Nebraskan
Copy Editor
Spring Day, May 4, 1962,
marks the seventh year that
U has been sponsored by Stu
dent Council as a recognized
In 1956 Administrative offi
cials and students decided to
have a Spring Day in order
to allow students to let off
steam, thus preventing a rep
etition of the riots which took
place in 1955.
The Spring Day that year
featured a street dance, bar
beque, games and carnival.
The carnival, held in the Un
ion parking lot, featured such
rides as the merry-go-round,
ferris wheel, boat rides, army
tank rides and kiddie auto
rides. There was also a Un
ion photography contest.
Chancellor Clifford Hardin
won tOD honors in the baby
bottle contest while other
faculty members participated
in golf, horseshoe ana dowi
ing "contests. Deans of the
various colleges entered pie
eating contests.
Ivy Day Off
Officials also gave the stu
dents the day before Ivy Day
for these events.
In 1957, Spring Day lasted
from 8 a.m. until midnight.
Lope De Vega Play
To Be Presented
"Fuente Ovejuna," by Lope
De Vega, a classic Spanish
play, will be read in its or
iginal tongue by 16 romance
language students.
The reading, a special pre
senttaion for the public by
the Spanish Club, will be
given tomorrow at 7 p.m. in
the Indian Suite in the Stu
dent Union.
The play tells the story of
a small Spanish village, its
struggle for freedom, honor
and respect during the feudal
age of Europe.
Only one of the sixteen stu
dents giving the play speaks
Spanish as a native tongue.
Dep, Deep, and forever
Into some ordinary and
nameless grave 1A..P0E
Buying life Insurance can
fee a simple procedure if cer
tain cardinal rule are follow
ed. 1. Get a profesional life
insurance agent to help
you; don't try to do it
X, Understand what you
want your policy to do
for you.
I. From the many plans,
elect the amount and
type that best fits your
We have helped many peo
ple do just this. Why not let
V help you?
Suite 707
Lincoln Building
Mutual life
It was held on Ag Campus
in connection with the Uni
versity Rodeo. A Typical
Cowboy and Cowgirl, Whisker
King, and Goddess of Agri
Worker Interviews
Spring Day Worker inter
views will be held tomor
row night at 7:30 p.m. in the
Student Union. All interest
ed students should sign
their name, address, phone
number, average, year in
school and affiliation on
the list posted outside of
the Student Council door.
culture reigned over the
Legal problems started the
Spring Day m 1958 off to a
big start. Students were plan
ning to raffle off a 1941 Lhcv
New officers and board
members of the Women's
Athletic Association were in
stalled Sunday, April 1, by
Fran Johnson, past WAA
Judy Luhe was installed
president; Carol Ostiguy,
vice-president; Judy Knapp,
secretary; Patty . Knapp,"
treasurer; Judy Skinner, in
tramural coordinator, Sara
Rankin, assistant intramural
Edith Koziol, social chair
man and office manager;
Joan Novak, Publicity.
Sportsheads: Jean Tillman,
basketball; Barb Nelson, vol
leyball; Barb Bosse, fresh
man soccer baseball; Kaye
Wagner, archery.
Sue Elliott, swimming; Hal-
ley Hafner, soccer baseball;
Mary Jo Mays, bowling;
Rosemary Long, co-recreation
a 1 volleyball; Sherrill
Geislinger, tennis.
The Mabel Lee Scholarship
Award was given to Judy
Luhe. The Gamma Phi Betas
were awarded the participa
tion trophy for having the
highest percentage of their
house members participate in
intramural activities.
Mechanical Engineers
(ASME) will meet tomorrow
at 8 p.m. in the Love Library
auditorium. Gov. Frank Mor
rison will speak on "Building
Nebraska" and Christy Jonn
son will sing.
ing will meet at 4 p.m. today.
The final reports of several
committees will be given.
i r H
meet at 7 p.m. today in 348
Student Union. There will be
a discussion on the responsi
bilities of leadership.
hear Dr. A. T. Edelmann
speak on "Why Young
People Become Democrats"
tomorrow at 7:00 p.m. in room
235 Student Union.
ir 4
IVY DAY SING chairmen
are reminded of the songlead
ers meeting Thursday at
5 p.m. in 235 of the Student
Union. They must bring
three copies of their songs
and a $3 check to Associated
Women Students (AWS).
Greatest discovery since the comb!
ici3cics giuummg uisivvcij. rvcc(Ji jruui nan ucai an uoj
without gre3se-and prevents dryness, too. Try Vitalis today. .
rolet, but found that this was
against state laws. The con
test was changed to award it
to the student who gave the
car its hest name. Six out of
the nine trophies disappeared
before they were awarded.
Students also held a car
caravan parade which went
from Ag to city campus. The
Varsity Inter-squad football
team played a game. Corn
Cobs and Tassels donated.the
traveling trophies.
Three-Way Tie
That year also marked the
three way tie for the pushball
contest due to the deflation
of the ball.
Chariot races, ping pong
pushing contests, peanut
pushing contests for faculty
Disapproval Means Loss
Of Tuition, Apportionment
(Continued from p. 1)
member of the Association."
Thompson explains.
"If they could find enough
schools outside the Associa
tion to make up a schedule,
then they could play," he
adds. "But if any school in
the Association were to play
a non-approved school, then
the Association school would
be subject to discipline and
would probably be sus
pended." The schools also would not
be permitted to compete in
any of the state champion
ship meets, because all such
meets are conducted by the
The education department
feels this is one of its strong
est weapons in forcing schools
to redistrict or to send the
students to another school.
The department has stated on
Alter Rules
(Continued from Pg. 1)
town sisters and daughters
may remain overnight."
Under the change, the
phrase "and daughters" may
remain overnight would be
cut out, and the phrase "of
house girls" would be added
to "out-of-town sisters and
Thus, alumnae daughters of
high school age would not be
allowed in the sorority, and
sisters of pledges living in the
women's dormitories, dorm
counselors, etc. girls not liv
ing in the house would not
be permitted to remain in a
sorority house overnight.
No Legacy Week End
Since legacy week-end has
been abolished, a formal
change of section c of the
same article would allow only
"Each group may have a
party for children of mem
bers under the eighth grade
once yearly in addition to the
one other function.
Use of favors during rush
week would be eliminated,
under the proposed change of
article VI, section a, sub-section
Not only former University
of Nebraska students, but
DENTS must have attained a
Panhellenic Average of 5.000
or the equivalent, and must
have no delinquent hours, un
der a proposed change in the
"eligibility" section (d) of the
same article.
In other proceedings, Pan
hellenic delegates indicated
committees they would like
to work on, although the
committee system is now be
ing revised. New committees
will be announced at the next
MM nilliUUI untAot! j; y,,'
Vitalis with V-7, the f jV
members, a rodeo, barbeque
and street dance were a few
of the events at Spring Day
in 1959. Lincoln businessmen
donated the prizes that year.
Spring Day, 1960, featured
the greased pole contest and
a bicycle race. Sweatshirts
were awarded instead of tro
phies for most of the events,
but the winner of the bicycle
race received two tickets to
Ben Hur and dinner for two
in Omaha with any Univer
sity coed he chose. The
Spring Day committee guar
anteed the datt.
' Spring Day for 1961 fea
tured a jousting contest, cow
milking contest, in addition
to the traditional push ball
and tug-of-war,contests.
numerous occasions. "T h e
main reason for many schools
existing is their basketball
No Entrance Difficulty
Thus far students have had
no difficulty gaining entrance
to state - supported schools,
such as the University of Ne
braska, because they were
graduates of a non-approved
high school.
"We have never discrimin
ated against students from a
non-approved high school,"
says officials in the NU Re
gistrar's Office. "But in many
cases, the student has had
trouble keeping pace with his
counterpart from an ap
proved school."
. NU officials explain that
all credits are accepted from
those students coming from a
non-approved school, but since
the student may not have had
some of the basic courses,
he runs into difficulty adjust
ing to studies at the Univer
sity. C ue're behind''
. v
I- J I I, M J -r.. i lj
" - p-- - - theflavor..j
!liilii!rT ifFI-if DVAL FILTER DOES IT!
'Tareyton's Dual Filter in duos partes divisa est!
says Virgilius (Vinegar Virgil) Cassius, noble Praetorian
guardsman, as he prepares for another glorious parade.
"Don't run around in Circus looking for a good smoke," says
Vinegar Virgil "lareyton's one niter cigarette that really
deliver? de gustibus. Be one of the cohorts and carpe diem
with Tarey ton."
Report Says
Costs Going
Up for Aids
A report given before the
April meeting of the Faculty
Senate yesterday revealed
that the cost of scholarships
and financial aids at the Uni
versity is going up.
Dr. Keith' Newhouse, re
porting for the committee on
scholarships and financial
aids, said a total of $440,000
was given in scholarship as
sistance. The sum includes
athletic awards.
About $390,000 was loaned
during the 1961-62 year. That
is an increase of $10,000 over
a year ago, with 100 more
students borrowing this year.
Freshman scholarship ap
plications for next year total
870,170 more than were re
ceived this year.
Upperclass Scholarships
Upperclassmen scholarship
applications remained at
1,000, added Newhouse.
The University's student
employment service filled
1,225 job vacancies.
Dr. Knut Broady gave the
report on the progress of the
new Nebraska Center for Con
tinuing Education since it
opened last summer.
The Hall of Youth has host
ed 20 organization meetings,
with 3,800 young people par
ticipating, and sponsored two
Midwest Institute for Young
Adults (MIYA) sessions.
MIYA is an eight-week course
for young people who have
graduated from high school
and want to continue their
education, but who do not
plan to attend college, ac
cording to Dr. Otto Hoiberg.
Adult Conferences
Reporting for the adult sec
tion of the Center, Dr. Arthur
Ward, said 144 conferences
have been held there to date.
The Center has 205 confer
ences scheduled by the end
of June, with a total attend
ance of 11,155.
(Courtesy of Omaha World Herald)
Greek -Week Leaves
Engagements in Wake
During the wake of Greek
Week, ten coeds have become
engaged or pinned.
Pat Heumann, Delta Gam
ma sophomore in Arts and
Sciences from West Boxford,
Janice Luschen, Pi Beta
Phi sophomore in Arts and
Sciences from Columbus to
John Osborn, A3c in the Air
Force Academy from Colum
bus. Lynn Williams, Delta Delta
Delta junior in Arts and Sci
ences from Lincoln to Norm
Schafer, Sigma Nu senior in
Pre-Med from Lincoln.
Barbara Milford, freshman
in Teachers from Lincoln to
Steve Knee, Delta Sigma Phi
sophomore in Pre-Med from
Letty Hubka, Delta Gam
ma senior in Teachers Col
lege from Beatrice to George
VanCleek, Sigma Chi senior
in Biz Ad from Omaha.
Diane Ankerstar, Delta Del
ta Delta sophomore in Teach
ers from Norfolk to Dave
Hamling, Sigma Alpha Epsi
lon senior in Bis Ad from
Kathy Snook, Towne Club
Australian Scientist
To Give Lectures
Dr. Martin Glaessner, . an
Australian scientist, will give
a series of lectures at the
University today and tomor
row. Serving the American Geo
logical Institute, Dr. Glaess
ner is a visiting professor
from the University of Ade
laide. Today's lecture, "Strati
graphy and Biostratigraphy,"
will be held in room 3 Morrill
Hall at 3 p.m.
Dr. Gloessner will give two
lectures tomorrow: "Geology
of South Australia," at 11
a.m. in 219 Morrill Hall, and
"Fossils in Modern Science,"
at 8:30 p.m. in 20 Morrill
489-2465 Free Poking 4707 Van Dorrn
Tarey ton
freshman in Teachers from
Lincoln to Jack Wheeler,
freshman from Lincoln.
Judy Johnson, Chi Omega
sophomore in Teachers from
Valley to George Woodward,
Delta Chi, sophomore at Mid
land College, from Valley.
Marlys Lane from Platts
mouth to Dan Wehrbein, Al
pha Gamma Rho senior in
Ag from Plattsmouth.
Phyllis Mills, Alpha Xi Del
ta junior in Arts and Sciences
from Lincoln to Larry Mit
chell, Zeta Psi senior at Wes
leyan in Biz Ad froin Lincoln.
Connie Miller, Pi Beta Phi
junior in medical technology
from Holdrege to Larry Schu
ster, Theta Xi senior in me
canical engineering from
Quintette Performs
For Jazz, Poetry
Jazz and Poetry to be pre
sented this atfernoon at 4 p.m.
in the Pan American room of
the Student Union, will feat
ure the John Marshill Quin
ette. The Quinette has traveled
to 40 states, Cuba, Mexico and
Canda. The program will in
clude poetry by Frost, Jef
fers, Auden, De Vega and
poetry written especially for
the concert by Larry Kim
mel. Readers will be John Mar
shall, Kimmel and Don Sobo
lik. Musicians in the Quinette
include Marq Ann Marshall,
piano; John Mills, trumpet;
Marshall, base; Ron Robin
son, sax; Paul Leacox, drums.
Jan Ames, vocalist, will
sing three songs.
"LIBERALS" who are will
ing to spend more of their
own money and let of ev
eryone else's. Make applica
tion at the White House,
Washington 1, D.C.
Look Your Spring
Time Best j
With A I
Hair Style by