r ' t Page 4 The Daily Nebraskan Wednesday, April 4, 1962 Nebraska Set For Loop Tilts Pitchers Havekost, Sieck Slated To Start in Husker Home Debut By RICK AKIN Sports Staff Writer Coach Tony Sharpe's base ball team moves into a three game series with Kansas this weekend after sweeping a three game set from Tulsa injlast season. strong pitching staff in the past two seasons, but its por ous infield and weak hitting left the Jayhawkers in the Big Eight cellar last season. The. Jayhawks were 5-14 a preconference warmup The Huskers take on the Kansas Coach Floyd Tem ple now has the services of Jayhawkers in a doublehead-j transfer Hubert Bumgardner cr Friday with a single game! who is expected to plug up slated for Saturday. Both! the leaky infield, games start at 1:30 p.m. j Leading the Kansas hitters Ron Havekost and Keith Sieck will be the starting moundsmen in Friday's con tests. Havekost, who will start in the opener, started the second game at Tulsa. He gave up five runs in his four inning stint. Sieck turned in a sparkling performance in his debut as a Cornhusker. Starting the se ries opener at Tulsa, Sieck pitched two-hit baseball but showed signs of wildness be fore being relieved in the sixth. i "Our starter Saturday will will be catcher Keith Aber crombie who led the Jay. hawkers with a .345 average last season. Coach Temple feels that the squad is improved but states that how high tne team finishes depends on how fast his numerous sophomores ad just to Big Eight Baseball. This series will be the con ference opener for both squads. Don Schindel and Steve Smith are leading the Husk ers in hitting with .583 and .538 averages respectively. Sieck, Tom Ernst and Ern ie Bonistall have 1-0 pitching depend on what happend Fri dav." Sharpe stated. Kansas has relied on arecords. . Husker Baseball Statistics H.TTING UK H 2B SB hhulJ- TVm 12 4 7 Smith, Sieve 13 5 7 Anderson. Dale 9 4 4 My. Dave 5 0 J Ernst, Tom 5 12 Myers. Dve 4 11 Redmond Bill 10 0 2 Purcell, Don 1 1 Becber, Dick 9 0 1 Morris. John 7 14 McCUtchey, Dave S 0 0 Douglas. Ron 2 0 Sieck. Keith 2 1 Havekost. Rod 1 0 .Bonistall, Ernie 1 9 Salerno, Pat 1 1 Swett, Rex 0 2 Johnson, Ed 0 O LandKren. George O O Tata is 0 0 e 0 0 0 0 0 4 21 VI i 4 FITCHrNG IP K ER HR SB RBI Bi 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 .583 .S3 .444 .400 .400 .250 .200 .125 .111 29 .000 1 .000 .000 .000 .000 .ono .000 .000 .000 .000 0 .287 A E FA 0 l.OOO 1.000 .889 1.000 .667 1.000 .895 .750 1.000 .750 .500 .857 1.000 1.000 1.000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .905 r i i p $3 1 I ft, . . J ly 1 ft vjJki -: n pi-xi -Srv Jxri Ex-NU Star Enters Grid Hall of Fame ERA B BB SG WP W L PCT. Sleek, Krth C 1 1 1.50 2 4 2 Johnson, Ed 4 3 1 2.25 S 1 0 Bonistall. Ernie S 4 3 5.40 4 1 3 Ernst, Tom 5 3 2 S 00 4 0 1 . Havekost. Ron 4 5 4 9.00 7 I S Landfrrn, George l 0 0 000 0 0 0 Tetals 2J IS U 4.30 22 7 11 l.oon .000 1000 10O0 .000 .000 1.000 . . Photos by Don McCartney ROLL, MEN, ROLL Is the cry from assistant coach George Kelly as the Husker gridders hit the turf in Monday's opening spring football practice. Pigskin Leather Starts Popping; 2nd Husker Drill Slated Today By BOB BESOM Sports Staff Writer Fair weather greeted Bob Devaney and his 85 eager grid men as spring football practice kicked off with a bang Monday. All indications point to another good prac tice today after the players took a rest Tuesday. Spirits "were high as Bill "Thunder" Thornton led cal isthenics and conditioning drills during the initial ses sion. It was a typical first-day with lots of group training and conditioning exercizes in A; r' BACK PAGE BUCKSHOT By Bullet America's Favorite The great American pastime. That's what it's called. Home runs, strikeouts, fancy fielding plays and action on the basepaths are some of its ingredients. There's nothing quite like a red-hot baseball game. What's the magic in this sport? What Is it that made the oldtime Brooklyn Dodger rooter one of the stauchest back ers the sports world has known? Every summer baseball manages to create mil lions of stove-pipe debates in homes across the country. Last year Maris hit 61 in '61. This year the big question seems to be will he hit as many in '62. How about the excitement the world series arenses in every loyal tube-watcher of the sport each year? Wohlfarth It's a mighty good form of relaxation to sit back and watch a ball game. In the past the game has 1 earned the title of America's favorite sport and, while j some may aispute mis title, the diamond sport is stiu right up there among spectator sports. Baseball Still Available The fact that Lincoln will have no organized pro fessional baseball team this summer has disheartened many local baseball fans. These red-blooded, umpire hating, die hard bleacher managers ought not to wail yet for there's a mighty good brand of ball being played right in their back yard Husker style. Coach Tony Sharpe's Nebraska nine is one of two spring squads (the other being outdoor track) which has an excellent chance of ending a long drouth of con ference titles for Nebraska. Nebraska has not Von a conference title for eleven years and has never won a Big Eight crown. The last loop top spot for the Huskers was in 1951 when NU won the Big Seven indoor track meet under Coach Ed Weir. The last baseball title came in 1950 under Sharpe. Eleven years is a long stretch for a school to go without winning a conference championship in any one of nine sports (gymnastics is not a competitive Big Eight sport yet), but Nebraska has done just that. Basfballers Start Fast The Husker diamond crew hope to break this skein and certainly started out last weekend like they meant business. Nebraska swept a three-game series at Tulsa to start off the '62 campaign. This week the Huskers meet their first Big Eight opponent, Kansas, in a doubleheader Friday and a sin gle game Saturday. The weekend will mark the home debut for the Cornhusker nine and, just to alert the po tential fan, watch for some fine pitching from the Husk er moundsmen and some timely hitting from the bats men as the veteran-loaded Nebraska team is set to go this year. Nebraska will be a favorite in its three game set against KU, as the Jayhawkers finished last in 1961 and have not improved much. The toughest league competi tion for Nebraska will come from defending champ Oklahoma State and Oklahoma. First Trip to Omaha The scene is set for what could be the first appear ance by a Nebraska team in one of its own state's top sports attractions of the year the College World Series (NCAA Series) in Omaha. For those of yon who are idling on Friday after noon this weekend, a quick jaunt over to the Husker diamond should provide an enjoyable afternoon as well as an opportunity to watch a top-notch ball club in action. There's plenty of baseball right at home for the rabid fan and a roost of rooters neve hurt any team. Thj "old ball game" starts at 1:30 p.m. Friday. Meet the Coach Series New Grid Aide Praises NU Spirit and Attitude (Ed. Note This is the fifth story in the Daily Nebraskan's Meet the Coach Series, which will feature stories on NU coaches and assistants.) By JIM MORGAN Sports Staff Writer "The attitude and spirit are real good. The boys want to win as much as we (the coaches) do," said new as sistant football coach J i m Ross. A native of Michigan, Ross will coach the ends and de fensive secondary. He has been associated with head coach Bob Devaney for 12 years. He was Devaney's grid assistant and head basketball coach at Alpena High School in Michigan for seven years and an assistant at the Uni versity of Wyoming for five years. Although he's only been here a short time, Ross is very happy at Nebraska and says, "The people and their enthusiasm are very impres sive, at least in football. I think this will turn out to be a very good job and we can win football games." Although last year's lead ing pass receivers Don Pur cell and Dick McDaniel won't be back, Ross still has two experienced ends in Larry Tomlinson and Jim Huge. Backfield men Bill Comstock and Dick Callahan and guard Larry Donovan have been picked to bolster the ranks at end. Ross went to college at Eastern Michigan, then a teachers college, where he competed in both football and basketball and was an out standing end .He received his masters degree from Wayne University in 1956. just prior I to going to Wyoming. I Ross was a staff sergeant during World War II. He served in the South Pacific 'and was awarded the bronze i star for gallantry in the Phil ippine campaign. I i ' , " x' A I i A ' i 1 -' v; ? jry iii i I the 3:15 and 7:00 p.m. prac tices. Devaney split the squad to give maximum attention to all members. The lettermen and experi enced footballers went at 3:15 while some of the sophomores and red-shirts were under the lights for the evening drills. The split will probably not hold over to today's session. The drills today may be stag gered, with one group report ing early for fundamentals and the second unit joining later for team work. Devaney had the squad divided into seven teams for the two Monday practices. The Husker head man passed out eight plays for the open ing affair and expects to have the players working with 40 to 50 by the end of spring training, May 12. Dennis Claridge piloted the number one backfield unit, handing off and passing to Rudy Johnson and Dennis Stuewe at halfbacks and Thornton at full. Stuewe was going at half-pace late in the session with leg trouble. Doug Tucker, a promising young freshman quarterback, ran the show with the fourth team and worked with Cla ridge's gang. The backs and linemen worked separately at first but combined towards the end of practice for full-team drills. On hand for the initial prac tice were former Nebraska star Pat Fischer, now with the St. Louis Cardinals, and Tom Osborne, a former Has tings standout now with the Washington Redskins. Chamberlin Is 5th Nebraskan To Be Selected Guy Chamberlin, oldtime Nebraska football great, was selected to the National Football Foundation Hall of Fame today. He becomes the first Nebraskan to be cho sen to this high honor since 1954 when two were named. Chamberlin, who lettered at Nebraska in 1914 and '15 as a halfback and a defensive end, went on to a successful career in the pro ranks after graduating from NU. He had the distinction of never play ing on or coaching a losing team in his days of gridiron glory. . Chamberlin coached and played for the Canton Bull dogs and the Philadelphia Yellowjackets in the profes sional ranks from 1922 to 1926. He is the third Husker player and fifth Nebraskan to be named to the Hall of Fame. Other Nebraska Hall of Famers include players George Sauer, Ed Weir, and coaches Dana Bible and Biff Jones. Sauer played for Nebraska in 1931-33 and was named to the Hall of Fame in 1954. Weir performed in '23-'25 and was selected in 1951. ' Coach Bible was head Hus ker mentor from 1929 to 1936 ' and was named to the Hall; of Fame in 1951. Jones, whoj guided Nebraska's f a m o u s j Rose Bowl team of 1941, coached from '37 to .'42 and; was picked in 1954. i Deck Tennis Scheduled j A new game deck tennis j doubles has been introduced, into the Nebraska intramural! program. i The objective of the gamej is to toss a six-inch ring back and forth across a net with out letting it touch the ground. Rules for the game can be obtained at the PE Building and the deadline for entries has been set at April 17. jr CHAMBERLIN Guy Praises Teammates "No one man is worth a darn without the rest of the team," commented Guy "The Champ" Chamberlin, the for mer Husker great who was named to the National Foot ball Foundation Hall of Fame today. "Football isn't a one man game and I think the other ten players should be honored also." Chamberlin, whose National Football League coaching rec ord still stands, presently works with the men at the State Prison in Lincoln. "I just help the. boys get along better with themselves." Chamberlin scored nine touchdowns in 1914 and '15 in his senior year, fn the pro fessional ranks, Chamberlin (a player-coach) won four pro pennants in five years with three different teams. Chamberlin was the first All-American wearing Husker colors. During his Nebraska reign, the Huskers received their first national recogni tion. "We whipped the tail off the Big Ten teams during that regime," joked Chamberlin, "and under coach "Jumbo" Stein, never lost a game in six years." ROSS Golfers Begin Qualifying For First Dual Meet Friday Bv BOB RAY Sports Staff Writer Nine Husker golfers started playing a 36 hole match yes terday to determine the team to meet Creighton's five Fri day afternoon. "The reason we're so far behind in our qualifying is the weather,' says Coach Harry Good. "We weren't getting anywhere trying to play and keep off the wet greens, so we laid off until last Sunday when everything was nice and dry, but then we had snow on the ground.' Despite the rain and snow, Coach Good did manage to qualify nine men last week. Bud Williamson led the team with a 76, followed by Bill Encell, John Elliott, Bill Gun licks, Cecil Heidtbrink, Bill IM Volleyball Slate 5:0041 Law College vs. Iranians 6 3rt-S E 3f) Phi Delta Theta-B vi. 7:) N D-31 Manatt vs. Martian 7:30 S D M Kieswlhach v.. B-nton I M N B-31 At Men vs. Beta Sterna Up-stlon-A. V'! Phl De, That-. . Sum Phi EpsiIob-a Hemmer, Dick Kistler, Jerry Overgaard and Stan Schrag. "In contrast to the wide open courses at Hillcrest and Pioneer," says Coach Good, "the narrow fairways at the Lincoln Country Club put a premium on straight tee shots. Fortunately, we have several players who know the course. Williamson is a mem ber, and Hemmer and Heidt brink have caddied on the course." 'Coach Good announced that last week's postponed dual with Kansas State has eea rescheduled for Tues., April 10. Twist with the sensational ELECTRAS KING'S BALLROOM April 6 9-1 Twist Contest Cosh Prizes NEW or OLD It makes no difference to CML whether your policy has been in force for years or whether it's brand new - in either case you enjoy equally favorable dividend treatment This year CML announced its 7th dividend increase in the last 10 years -one which represents an average increase of 12J per cent over last year's scale. There are many other ways you benefit as a CML policyhold er and I will be glad to discuss them with you. X RAY E. DYKEMAN Suite 707 Lincoln Building 432-3289 Connecticut Mutual Life INSURANCCQMPAMr Ah L t- X i ' i k u.r ::' . . ' ..y : . ( ',;: ;.v: College Queens choose Artcarved What makes a girl a College Queen? Beauty and brains. What doe the look for in a diamond engagement ring? Beauty and value. Smart girls! 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