The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 03, 1962, Page Page 3, Image 3

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    Wednesday, April 4, 1962
The Daily Nebraskan
Page 3
Glendinning: NSA Aids
Students to Think, Act
Scotsman James Glendin
ning, in a short visit to the
University campus, brought
forward a service feature of
the United States National
Student Association (NSA)
only slightly noted in recent
discussions of the organiza
tion. This feature is a program
for travel abroad emphasiz
ing contact with students and
natives of the various coun
tries. Glendinning, the West Coast
travel director of Education
Travel Inc. (E.T.I.), a divi
sion of NSA, graduated from
Oxford University last June,
and has worked and studied in
England, France and Ger
many. He has traveled throughout
Europe for most of the last
10 years, and came to the
U.S. in September to work
with NSA.
Necessity Evident
Concerning NSA, Glendin
ning explained that it is self
evident to him that there
should be a national stu
dent association "Those
who will be future citizens
should learn as early as pos
sible to think, speak, and act
for themselves.
Speaking as a studnet out
side the United States, the
blond-haired Scotsman said
he sometimes gets "tired of
hearing students on many
campuses ask what it (NSA)
does for THEM . . . The
whole idea is not just that
you pay your money, and get
something for it
"Yon join not just to get
something, back, but to give
ideas as welL"
Glendining noted that at
Stanford University the stu
dent body president said the
school didn't need a national
program of help to campuses, 1
but that he would like to see
Stanford join NSA to do some
thing on an international scale
to help in formation of
the American image abroad.
Sister Association
In the same wav. con-
tinued Glendinning, that NSA'jsA's expression of opinion
ii its ui gamer siuueuus num
all over the country in an
association, "to discuss among
themselves . . . similarly
NSA's travel programs pro
vide the contact with students
abroad through sister as
He pointed out that "we i
are regarded in the Inter-
national Student Travel Con-
ference as speaking as the
representative association or ing tnat 'the owy oners oi
American students. i help to Algeria have come
"Consequently we are able from Communist countries
to work through the national j and the OAS."
student association of every ' Does it not seem that
non-Communist country, and NSA's offer to help Algerian
to provide students who tra-j students would better re
vel abroad with the oppor-! lations between the U.S. and
tunity of meeting, socially
and academically, students in
each country."
On every ETI program, ex-
plained Glendinning, social
contact is provided such ,
as an evening party or danc-
ing, as well as educational
program discussion groups wait responded by question
wilh foreign students, semi-Jg now Algerian ques
nars, and talks by professors. ; involved "partisan poli
two forms
Classified ad tor the Daily
Nebraskan must be enter!
two days in adyanee and must
be paid tor in advance. Cor
rections will be made if errors
are brought to our attention
within 48 hours.
ti Fw4. m Mr V, titoA
tm Okcvr. Pet txxxSxxx U art
Goal car tar aiaaeat. CD Ve,
HE 2-XM, at XXI m IV
Si r4 rarta. Mw, nal Mm.
15 RenaaS DmUm. better.
torn . IMtrtwc HE 24UV7. KKfct
Uk at fraaeur.
me Blue fctttwM DwwbiM, warn fW.
besMr, MUwauc dam, UU mow-
Can w-mt.
1951 Ciwhwi Ccwotfr. HP HuU. Call
IS -M,ii. M Sunk H
4jUuo. ItMtoer not 4CKENS -wtr
vakiiUM. OOI after ra
Cik Uf M m beaac tewl tor VMCA
Caaw itoi'Mm at Cwwna. hnoJi.
Pimiiil staff wt,iu4 be tut 1-U
area an eaamKtau atari waM he
far mx twti SoJaiv avaateMe awa) 6eo ail jaajairti'a te iim
mjO. tm Haraor, OmthK '
trmt. fattric tracavitcr. Mr. frraatfa.
Turn l aflhc wmrk. Fw tar ad. Cal
iS 7-117.
Df hnmtmmt 0mm In fcnwa
if band daane otrtem tmv fimHr
came to tt anm; JIM HERBERT
A HIS OIM.HXl RA fer tt urn m
tne aauArt wntid. T- t M.'
ETI tour programs gen
eral interest tours and study
The general interest tours
include programs from bicyc
ling and hosteling tours to
work camps, and to such
filaces as Southern Europe,
srael, and behind the Iron
Prices for these tours
range from $650, New York
to Europe for an eight-week
stay, to $2,185 for the around-the-world
The average cost for a 50
day, stay in Europe is $800.
Many Countries
Study p r o g r sun tours in
clude travel to France, Italy,
Latin America, and Japan.
Also featured is a politics and
economics tour concerning the
Common Market.
According to Glendinning,
the philosophy behind NSA
tours is to "treat students as
adults ... no herding . . .
freedom to leave the tour
when desired ... a week
free time allowed at the end
of the tour."
Independent travelers may
Fifty Students Attend
Council NSA Forum
"Can the University reform the present
National Student Association, or do we want
to wait and form a new national union of stu
dents?" This was the question raised by one of
the 50 University students who attended Tues
day's Student Council panel discussion of the
National Student Association (NSA).
Young Republican members
Steve Stastney, Gwynn Show-
alter and blame uibtn spoke
against NSA affiliation.
Herb Probasco and Roger
Wait, both of whom had at
tended NSA National Student
Congresses, spoke for NSA
NSA Expression
Debate first centered on
and its actions on political
and international issues.
"Article 10 of the NSA con
stitution states that no NSAtional Student Congress as a
officer shall take part in any protest to the Communist
partisan political activities, or
jany activity which does not!
concern me roie oi suiaems,
831(1 Stastney. j
An international student
quoted Time Magazine as say- J
Algeria?" he queried.
Prevents Expression
Miss Gibbs pointed out that
the NSA constitution prevents
expression of the NSA on any
political issues, which would
ruje 01it expression or aid to
tics . Do not government
activities concern the 'role of
students ", Wait questioned.
When VR representative
Showalter asked what NSA
' had done for member schools,
Probate responded:
"NSA has sponsored numer
ous seminars on campus
government and provided re
search material for these
NSA Publications
"NSA publishes studies on
student leadership and activi
ties, student self-discipline
through student tribunals,
leadership training programs,
course evaluation, honor sys
tems, freshman orientation,
campus international student
programs, student role in pol
icy making, and programs
for work, study and travel
"NSA has sponsored a
Peace Corps conference, the
Southern Human Relations
ii I'oiU:
ivie oooons
On saeea or off, Natalia Wood is a
Star with a capital In this
week's Post you'B read ho Katafie
carries on in the flittering tradition
of Poia Negri. Ham she makes box
offic hay out ot unsavory scandals.
And what was behind the breakm
of her marriage to Robert Wagner.
Tie Saturday Erxmimf
also benefit from ETI serv
ices, explained the West
Coast travel director. For
them ETI offers the Interna
tional Student ID card for $1.
This entitles the holder to
free or reduced entry into
mnseums, art galleries, and
theaters; entry to student
hostels and restaurants; and
tickets for student charter
planes, trains and buses.
The travel division qf NSA
also offers a student nostel
handbook at $1, and a gen
eral student travel informa
tion book "Work, Study,
Travel Abroad", also $1. -Block
Through the Council on Stu
dent Travel and the Dutch
Student Association, NSA has
block bookings on one-class
student boats crossing the
Further inquiries about the
travel service may be made
to Mrs. Gail Sherman, Pro
gram Director of the Student
Union, or write direct to: Ed
ucational Travel Inc., NSA,
20 West 38th St., New York
18, New York.
Conference and an annual
International Foreign Rela
tions Seminar (which more
than 150 student leaders at
tend). "It has published a detailed
study on the progress of in
tegration in the Sooth.
"NSA has made it possible
by scholarships for 84 foreign
student leaders to study at
NSA members schools since
Communist Protest
NSA formed the Interna
dominated International Stu-
dent Union," concluded Pro-
"However," said Miss
Showalter, "Kansas . . . with-
drew from the NSA because
it did nothing for the cam
Young Republican president
Ted Munster invited "mem- !
ben of the YR's on the panel
to attend the upcoming YD
meeting to express their
views on NSA affiliation.
' Expression of YR in op-:
position to NSA affiliation has i
made affiliation a partisan
issue," said Munster, "and
will compel the YD's to ex
press themselves on the same
A question of the minimum
costs of affiliation with NSA
was answered by Student
Council NSA study committee
chairman Jeanne Garner:
"With regional dues esti
mated at $77.50, national
dues now set at $150 and
travel expenses for sending
delegates to the NSA con
gress at 8570, we reach a
bare minimum of $302.50,"
she answered.
rs . ,-,.-.,, nir
"He has your ears, Bernie."
Is Only
Greeks, Goldwater
Bask in Spotlight
Cupid appears to have tak
en a back seat to the Greek
Week . activities on campus
this weekend. Or maybe ev
erybody's too busy recover
ing from Goldwater.
Pat Mullen, Kappa Alpha
Theta junior in Teachers
from Omaha, to Mike Mac
Lean, Phi Kappa Psi junior
in business administration
from Lincoln.
Lana Kuehn, Alpha Phi
sophomore in speech therapy
from St. Joseph, Mo., to Bill
Krumme, Sigma Chi junior
in business administration
from St. Joseph, Mo.
Engagement ,
Nancy Wilson, Alpha Xi
Delta senior in Arts and Sci
ences and Teachers from
Omaha to John Christiansen,
fourth year architecture from
meet today at 4 p.m. in the
Indian Suite.
American Society of Agricul
tural Engineers will meet at
7 p.m. today in 206 Agricul
tural Engineering HalL
u iz -i
WILD LIFE CLUB will meet
in Ag Union lounge 7:15 p.m.
UNIVERSITY RODEO' instruction provides prpara
CLUB will meet at 7:30 p.mjtion for junior-level German
tnnieht in As Union TV room, 1 taught courses at the Lniver-
will hold initiation ceremonies
7 p.m. tomorrow in the Ag
Union lounge.
THE 0Tf!? ISAM i&t $2 IAT
Hz6 02.KS AND 0EAT MM V?...
key; MrvAee?,Dow no, it
rre ahJfx 10 m to be was
'jttJ MAE5 Alt THE C0515
iCwIiw OnuAa Kond Heraid)
i a nvi m M4ftfeE i N I j
I i
NU Plans Poultry Complex
The University poultry de-i The University is asking all the work involved, includ
partment is planning a new I for sealed bids on twelve as- i"E general contract, mechan
$2,000 complex at the College sembled, framed . buildings, j ical, a"d electrical wiring
of Agriculture. ... ... . n. . work. Financing wiU come
Listed as the maior causes
are a change n the svstem
of poultry management -and;
the slow crumbling of its 50 -
year-old poultry houses.
Applications Are Due
For European Trip
The application period for three 1962-63
European study programs offered by the In
stitute of European Studies began this week.
The programs, located m Vienna, Paris j acres of land north of the
and Freiburg, West Germany, are limited to ; present tractor testing labor
undergraduates. The applications period williS T which" SfS
run through June 15
conducted at the University zation which has been con
of Vienna for sophomores and J ducting overseas study pro-
Classes are taught
in German, anJ in English
for those without facility in pean Studies, 35 East Wacker in lne ard- Tne '"door sys
that language. Three study! Drive, Chicago 1, 111. !tem' he explained, confines
trips, covering England,;
France. Belgium, L u x e m
bourg, Switzerland, Austria,
Germany, Italy and Spain,
are included. !
The program in Fans is
an "honors program" limited
to sophomores and juniors
with some ability in French.
To sharpen this ability, in
tensive language sessions are
conducted in Paris before
classes open. Two study trips
take students through the Low
Countries, France and Italy.
German fluency is required
for "Das Deutsche Jahr", the
institutes program in t rei
Iburg. Pre-semester language
silv of Freiburz. Students
visit various cities, and his-
toncai lanamarKs in wesi jiau, a iot uuc 6
Germany, on an introductory" The poisionus aspect of air 'type elevator and mixer for
"field-study" trip. dilution will be discussed to-1 experimental mixing of feed;
Study trips are conducted day at 4 p.m. by the head of four brooder houses arranged
bv academic guides. Tbey!a toxicology section of the j with a series of pens; experi
are timed to occur during J U.S. Public Health Service, j mental house for studying nu
the normal vacation periods (Dr. Herbert Stockinger. bition, physiology, and ge
of European universities. j The topic of "Ozone Toxi- inetics; turkey breeding house
While in Europe, students j city" will be held in 201 Bes-' for studying nutrition of birds
hve in private homes and dine i sey Hall. during breeding season; and
either in institute dining Since 1951. Dr. Stockinger" turkey brooker and rearing
rooms or in student restaur- j has conducted research in oc- house,
ants. Costs including round- j cupational health problems j i '
I trip ocean transportation, tui
tion, room, board ana sway
trips, range from about $2,000 ;
to about $2,500.
Robert T. Bosshart, presi-
'dent, said the institute se-.
I Iects applicants for enroll-!
jment on the basis of their
academic achievement, intel-!
j lectual and emotional matur
'! ity, and recommendations by
faculty members of the col
lege or university.
! The Institute is a non-profit
Miller Elected
Sigma Xi Head
Dr. Dwight D. Miller has
been elected president of the
Nebraska chapJer of Sigma
Xi, national honorary science
society in the University
College of Arts and Sciences.
Dr. Miller ;s proJessor ot
zoology and chairman of the
department of zoology and
Sthoai Service
tiWie!) 1918 Setvn? trie Mi
uri Vail' to the West Oxnt.
SOI Stuart i Lnwn 8 htw
. v, f ' -.:
y ; j V j
1 XI-M-i-
i. " 7 1 7. Z "r
" ' "
lng 0ffice in the Administra-
!tion Bldg.
One bid is being asked for
j grams since isou. Aaaiuonai
intormauon can De oDiainea
from the Institute of Euro
Gary Henderson has been! Among the teatures or tne
elected president of Triangle :"ew Pultry mPlex will be
fraternity ;tne management house which
Other officers are: Bob!wU1 experiment with the wa
D a v i d o w, vice president; tcr-P,,t Pm ( dropping s
Harry Childers, correspond- Psal; Lne? lhjs sytem, f,rst
ing secretary; Gary Schem- j introduced by the University
m el, recording secretary; of Nebraska, the droppings of
Joel Lederman, treasurer; ? fwl go through grates
Larry Cary, house manager
Jim Angelcyk, steward, and
'PoisOllOllS Ail''
j JQ J)e DisCUSSed
and the toxicological aspects
nf air nnlliitinn
oi air pollution.
His visit to the campus is
"being sponsored bv the In-
j stitute for Cell Biology and the
departments of zoology and
washing your sweaters
ia the nearest washing
machine (yon can, rf
they're "Orion" or
"Orion Sayefle")
sarirtg m cleaning bills
with great sweaters of
"Orion" and DrJoa
Say efle". They come
dean but tpickfy
m the wash.
alteason sweaters
freed from rituals of
BCthballing and
stnmBer storage.
bulky, good-tooking
knits that warn wit&
otrt Reigtit wash
wftbotrt worry.
classics pure and
simple pies new
fangled knits that
know bow to keep
their shape Niiii ho
assist from yoa.
the oewsy textares
and tweedy tones of
"fJrkw" acrylic,
DrfoB SayeCe"
br-cooqoseot acrylic.
um immo km if mt ihmc. . . wkuxm Mwtnr '
"0'1oo" it On Pom': rti :ifnt SfiiSmark tor ls ac-yfic hbtr.
""Ofkm ,tft m" a Du Pcnt'j tegmtrtd lfaemafk lof its bi-conipoiKnt auy hko.
jirom me Ag tonege s snare
i i" sla"J
building levy
Dr. John L. Adams, chair
man of the poultry husban
dry department, said the 12
buildings, all one-story and
ranging in size from 30 to 50
feet in width to 60 to 200 feet
in length, will be located on
5.4 acres of land on the north
edge of the Ag College cam
pus. The old poultry plant con
sisted of 112 buildings, 40 of
which were 8 by 10 feet in
i size.
and was located on 20
crumbling from age, were
first erected in 1915.
Dr. Adams said the old
poultry plant operated on the
outdoor system of poultry
management, which allows
the chickens to roam about
the chickens to a small area
and produces better layers.
"Instead of the chicken us
ing its energy in moving
about out-of-doors, the fowl
now uses the energy for pro
j during eggs," he said.
MUU lurec-iuui-uccji w a in
filled pits. These pits. Dr.
a j 1 4- 1
cleaned only every two years.
Othpr buildings, designed
if0T a capacity of 9,000 layers
, ana i.uuu lurxeys, are: an egg
! Mf?
doubu edge razor blades. Fmt
Sarqicol Steel, ho- m ail. Fall money
iock 9WWOBfee. jj-jot. ioo-tsc, 200-
si .50. joo-si.m, iooo-ss.ts. pt-
peid. racked Diaaet ra pocKoc, 211
packaoes fe carton. C.O.D. orders ac
cepted. Pottcord brntas general mer
chandise cataloa. EMERSON COMPANY,
404 So Second. Alnambra, Calif.
acrybc liber
sending your sweaters
borne to Mother for
fussy hand washing or
digging deep into fan
fends for seasonal
mishaps wrt& ncths
and sweaters ttat
hibenurte ta a box.
bttrdessome sweaters
too beary n over
beated classrooms,
too depesdest or
demanding care.
the old saggy-taggys
Gke Daddy used to
wear-and Mommy has
to fuss over!
almost anything else,
almost aaything efse!
(So start collecting
sweaters of Drkm"
and "Orioo Stytlk"
right row!)
R1hi tttxk Om WW WERE ataven.