A 1 Page 2 EDITORIAL Wednesday, April 4,-19621 Goldimter Majority Disappointed, But... There is an air of general and wide spread disappointment and, perhaps, dis illusionment among most students who attended the All University convocation to hear Sen. Barry Goldwater speak. In fact, as one person quipped, his speech at the University excited no vis ible emotionalism among the listeners. However, this feeling was certainly vanquished for the fortunate minor ity of students who were among the Arizona Sen ator's audiences at later and smaller conferences and meetings. The key word to the change of feeling from dis appointment to adulation is "smaller." it Forrest The student who attended only the con vocation should try to remember that a controversial man such as Goldwater, who is often misquoted because he is not afraid to state his position in no uncertain terms almost to a fault when addressing 9,000 students and citi zens, must speak in generalities and broad terms, or else he would have half the audience on stage. During the remainder of his day in Lincoln at Wesleyan before an audi ence of about 1,000 students, at a noon luncheon, at a visit to the Law School here and the Sigma Chi house, at an aft ernoon press conference and at an over flow Republican dinner in the evening Goldwater dropped his previous barriers of generalities and got down to specifics. The audiences at these other meetings were more receptive to his comments and in general conducted themselves in a proper manner as would be expected college students which the convocation audience most certainly did not! During the question and answer ses session at the convocation, students were restless and many of them got up and walked out before the convocation ended. A good deal of the trouble was the fault of the convocation committee. They should have allowed students who didn't want to remain for questions an oppor tunity to leave. Also, some more reliable method of asking the questions should have been used. Students in the back two thirds of the auditorium could not hear what the questions to the Senator were. Much of this could of been solved by doing as previous convocations had done allowed Sen. Goldwater the entire hour for his speech and then take extra time for those persons who wanted to ask questions or listen to answers. This was the proceedure used by the convocations for Victor Riesel and last year for Jus tice William O. Douglas. Both these con vocations were much more successful. And on and on he went throughout the day. His visit here was not just a pleas ant side trip between tough and import ant speeches to be made elsewhere. The national party is concerned over the sit uation in Nebraska. For the last sev eral political campaigns in the state the GOP has been divided by intra-party feuds that have resulted in a split front and a Democratic governor in the state house. With the spring primaries com ing up and the elections in the fall, the GOP is bringing in some of its biggest guns to try and unite the party again. Goldwater spent a good deal of his speaking time at the fund raising din ner, which was billed as his only political speech, trying to impress upon the state GOP leaders present, and they just about all were, to campaign hard for their in dividual candidates before the primaries and if their candidate won, fine; but if he lost to get out and support the win ning Republican candidate in the No vember election. "We can not afford the luxury of an intra-party fight," he pointed out. And it is the lack of this luxury that the na tional Republican leaders are trying to show to the Nebraska GOP. Goldwater drew a comparison to the ' Democratic party and their campaign practice of saying "he may be an SOB but he is ours" and they will work together to get their candidate elected. It is likely that this same tone or emphasis will be again voiced by anoth er one of the GOP "guns", William E. Miller, National GOP Chairman, next week at the Nebraska Republican's 27th Founders Day. It appears that Nebraska will be getting quite a bit of the party's attention in trying to regain the state house. This should be a common objective of of entire state party since, as Goldwa ter said, any Republican who wins a gubernatorial race this year will be is a rather contending spot for the 1964 GOP presidential nomination, including Fred Seaton, wbo appears to be the only serious GOP candidate for the job and the partly doesn't seem to be very in terested in finding competition. After all Seaton is a home boy made good. So Goldwater's visit, though disappoint ing to the majority of people who could only attend the Convocation, was signifi cant and highly interesting, as can be attested by the number of press corres pondents from local and national press and wire services who follwed him throughout the day. Meet Sheet Dear Students: This response if pre sented for the purpose of clearing up any mis conceptions which might be held by members of the Student Body as the result of the "H from H" column written by Miss Herbie Nore, and appear ing in the Rag on March 3G, 1962. It will include deserving 'H' from Build ers. There are just a f e w facts which I would like to state to eliminate some possible misunderstand ings. First of all, the comment in last week's Builders' Meet Sheet, con cerning the Alpha Gamma Rho fraternity, has been apologized for, and it ad mittedly was in poor taste. The individuals re sponsible have been made aware of this. This type of comment does not and will not belong on t h i s Sheet in the future. The next point I wish to make is that the Builders' Meet Sheet is anew idea. Granted it has not been perfected in two weeks. The main idea, however, is basically a good one. Many people are working hard to build this into a service from which all campus organi zations, activities, and events can benefit. The Daily Nebraskan itself admits that it cannot print as much, or as of ten, as is warrented, the information about all campus events. It is our interest then, to make this information avail able to as many people as possible in the best possible way. There is a definite place for a service like this on our campus. The Builders Publicity Committee has received letters from campus organizations, and comments from cam pus leaders, stating that there is a definite need here, and thanking us for initiating this effort. The Builders' Meet Sheet will be a service in proportion to the amount and frequency of the information we re ceive for publication. This includes information from all activities, organiza tions, events, publicity chairmen, colleges, spe cial departments, church groups, honoraries, etc. Our service is open to all areas of campus life. We encourage and request information to be sub mitted to the Builders Of fice by the Monday noon of the week preceding the Wednesday to Wednesday dates of the Meet Sheet. It is unfortunate that Miss Nore did not inves tigate nor inquire about the promising future of the Meet Sheet before she got on her critical high horse. We welcome con structive criticism, but realize that anyone can criticize another's efforts. It takes some real thought to continue to see the need for new things, cre ate a way to answer that need, and then continue SAVl THIS C0UP0H to work to improve th creation. This blind lashing-out at what can develop into a real service for the stu dents of the University of Nebraska, I feel, was on called for. I do hope that campus activities take ad vantage of the Meet Sheet and aid in its growth. Thank you. Sincerely, Mary Kokes Builders President oiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiinnnmiiniiiiiiiuinnii J About Letters J Tke Daily Nebraakaa tartlet 3 mn U ate K tm cxvmtteM 5 5 af otMot aa earreat leatea near les- f rtewtat. U mast , timet taataia verifiable aa rest, trt aa free af libeleas m ss ferial Pta umea mu? be ta ttot4 aa will a released area E vriltea reqont. S Brerttr " KflMHlr taeniae ffc, rauce ef eeMlcatiea. Leaftbr Mten mmy be tltti w H Abaotalelr aeae all! be Ntaraea. BimiiiHtiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiniiumiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiKB SAVt THIS COUPON One pair trousers or one skirt .... Student Conduct ee Dear Editor; I Last Friday the honor I able Senator Barry Gold- water, Republican senator I from Arizona, spoke to the Student body of Ne ll braska. Invited by the Faculty Senate Convoca- tions Committee, Senator Goldwater spoke for a brief half hour without financial reward. I It was quite a decent, s cultured, Nebraska -style I respect that Senator Gold I water received. The sel- fish citizens and students of Nebraska did not even pay this man the respect of remaining seated until 1 he finished. He has risen 1 far above any level these 1 people could ever hope to fumble to. At 15 minutes before the gorging hour, these people sensed the 1 animal growling of their 2 digestive systems and waddled off to their res pective eating areas. Now that this is past, and these "Nebraskans" have satisfied their pal ates and are happy with their SO pound earlobes and 40 pound eyelids, I hope that Senator Gold water will not feel all Ne braskans to be bumpkins. Sincerely Al Thomsen DEATHS 2 Party System of U.S.A. After a long illness, finally succumbed because of hy pocrisy. Survived by Young Demo crats and other "Liberals." Funeral burial pending miracle. trilh this coupon al ROYAL CLEANERS 352 N. 27th SAVE THIS COUPON SAVt IMS COUPON da! OQCLCI GBCa TTLX3E rJOELED SuEIDLs a new kind of love-story! -I- staiin I as'JS" TO 13 1 IX1U1XJ UTN AND Shop Mondoy and Thursday 9:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., Other Days to 5:30 p.m. The First Hints of lO Iff Spring-Costume Dresses I OF NEBRASKA jfcSk H MAS HOH Of jyftTTMIHO JL 2L I WW ijj ! U 1 hEi,m 8AO:l I EVEW-UJROTE IT All BOW on ll a -I ? '.ft' U ! ! CHARL6 fiROUNA A SQUASE OF gimE6WUKE I V U I AND I FOUND OtTT v j VOU TOLD ME 60 IF TH OTM(? I ) ,1 zlfXr lit- ftfSW ft TAMBaME$U5PICI0D5.IC0LLl i I'"" f . , ff MWkrtlai mum n w WV, f I 1 I 1 I u d i -!ZJXS!2Li iU fmV I 77 &V 1 - . i if " tl " ' i i m f Z f I 1 fitaf 1 .iuAt rxo urn cum II .! e i ? i ; QUI? WEKES fflUR gEruRT? I I -5? r 1 'lX!mt 'I Kmren Bemtuig A WIDE SELECTION OF SMART SPRING DRESSES IN GOLD'S CAMPUS SHOP THE SOFT LOOK OF UN PRESSED PLEATS I'nprcwc! pltait is aa Anidt trUceUtecotton blend ccfnM dree. i cltcve, V-nwk Jacket. Jew el neckline Aref wHh palent belt Black r bnw checks. 14.98 THE YOUNG LOOK OF SPRING'S NAVY -fiece CMtame irtm with betft briiee, riini skirt "villi mrrw belt rieere. cxriltxn ttfl Jacket wttk email brm bvttea trim. Jewel Beckline. Daily Nebraskan Unnola. Wcaraaka. af aacaat 4. UU Member Aeiae4 Coi leciavtc PreM. Intentatioiwl TresB JLepressjpUUve: Na tional AMrtrtinlnt Service. Incorporated, mblisbed at: SI. StMent UiwiB, liaoolm, Nebraska. TW Mr Hafcraaka fa MktMhfil BAi. W4MiHlar. '(1 iowi mn ankaal rr. amal aw w un i af ne Oahmrslta Am. MlMM4wrtiM M M Cownltbt a SurW ataM M aa iuimm m amai M mm nw IkiaUaa aar aha tarMHifta f aa ttubmoiminTC a (HaaKnl PauUcatloaa muril Iraa Iran ailtarial araaaa wa faa wt at ttw aaknaanalttaa ar aa ac aart f aw a"" aV ante lac lialraHr. Taa Mkara t 1M Hull ktiBraakaa ata ara kat 14.98 COLO'S Camp hi Shop . . , Second Floor USE YOUR HANDY CREDIT PLATE taoroanr Ufii. tJELL,tiWratWRMI Kit Thmpm y ewue Thmrtmih SaDf WOtvm Jmnet Borppner Shmron Anltrmn Barb BtU Gold's College Advisory Board CwurUw uf Ootaba Kuril Swh14 g