The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 03, 1962, Image 1

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    uutvatstir of NE3R
Twenty-one sorority and
fraternity members at the
University were honored
Tuesdayjjifternoon for scho
lastic "and "service achieve
ments as part of the annual
Greek Week observance.
Recognized as the top three
scholars in sororities were:
Nancy Carroll, Kappa Alpha
Theta, 8.514; Karyl Rosen
berger, Chi Omega, 8.477; and
Ann Walker, Alpha Xi Delta,
The top three senior schol
ars in fraternities are: Wil
liam Holland, Theta Xi, 8.621;
Alan Plummer, Phi Delta
Theta, 8.319; and James
Samples, Delta Tan Delta,
Six men were honored for
outstanding service to the
Dick Shrugue is a member
of Phi Kappa Psi and en
rolled in Law College. He was
a member of the runner-up
Moot Court team in the na
tional competition. He gave
the best oral argument in the
nation at the national Moot
Court competition in New
York City in December.
Steve Gage is a member
of Sigma Chi and is second
System Honors 21 for Scholarship, Service
in his class of mechanical
engineers. He was co-editor
of the Interfraternity Council
.XIFC) Rush Book in 1960-61
and is co-editor of the 1961-82
Rush Book. He is past public
relations chairman of the
IFC and past secretary of
the Big Eight IFC. He is an
Outstanding Nebraskan and is
presently serving as president
of the Student Council.
Roy Arnold is a member
rolled in the College of Agri
culture. He is past president
cf Builders, Corncobs and
FarmHouse. He has held a
Fairmont scholarship for four
years and is serving as pres
ident of Innocents Society.
Don Ferguson is a mem
ber and past president of Phi
Gamma Delta and is in
Teachers College with a dou
ble major in political science.
He is past president of Young
Democrats, past business
manager of the Daily Nebras
kan, past president of the
IFC and is currently serving
as editor of the Daily Ne
Faculty Honored
Dean J. P. Colbert and Dr
C. Bertrand Schultz were the
two faculty members honored
at the banquet
J ,AXr ""IS
Warren Study Indicates
Students in Teaching
Are Less Socially Mature
Students in Teachers College are "more
authoritarian, less aesthetic, less socially ma
ture and less oriented in theoretical ap
proaches to problems than students in other
colleges on campus."
In a unique study of 438 freshman stu
dents, Dr. Jonathan Warren of the University
counseling service reported, however, that
most students taking a non-professional
course in arts and sciences are completely
comparable to students at the University of
California at Berkeley,
The study also shows that
"the farm boy's feeling that
he is more socially introvert
ed than others does not hold
up," said Warren.
"Also, the engineering stu
dent who originates from a
farm background generally
has a higher academic apti
tude than the engineering stu
dent not from the farm," he
"However, students in agri-
more" conservative than stu
dents in a test group of se
lective liberal arts colleges
in America," said Warren.
Social Maturity
"There is a great differ
ence in social maturity be
tween students at the Uni
versity and other schools in
the U.S., and even between
students in different colleges
at the University," said War
ren. Social maturity is defined
as the ability of an individual
to think for 'himself, to rely
less on the standard routine
in facing a given situation,
and to be more tolerant Jto
ward others.
"Sixteen per cent of the
students tested are as social
ly mature as other high-scoring
college and university stu
dents across the United
States," said Warren.
"University students as a
whole, however, are less so
cially mature less liberal po
litically, and less able to ap
proach problems in a theoreti
cal way than students at three
moderately good and three
highly selective liberal arts
colleges where the same test
has been given," Warren
Significant Differences
Warren emphasized the sig
nificant differences among
students at the University in
scoring in the various person
ality catagories.
"For example, students who
rate highest in social maturi
ty come from the arts and
sciences college (non-professional
course) and from engi
neering college (non-farm
"Students who rate lowest
in social maturity, however,"
said Warren, "are found in
the business administration,
agriculture, and teachers col
leges." Usually students who scored
highest in the tests, came
"from families where greater
importance is placed on intel
lectual activity and where
more books are found in the
home," added Warren.
Theoretical Approaches
Students who rated highest
in theoretical approaches to a
problem came from arts and
sciences (non-professional
course) and engineering
(non-farm background).
Students in agriculture, bus
iness administration and
teachers colleges rated low
est as a group in theoretical
orientation to problems.
"A tendency toward athe
ism was most pronounced in
arts and sciences (non
professional course) and en
gineering (non-farm back
ground) and lowest among
teachers," said Warren.
"The most original groups
were from arts and sciences
( non - professional courses )
and engineering (non-farm
background)," pointed out
Warren, who added that, the
test for originality was not
very sound.
"The least original were
found in agricultural college,
as were the most conserva
tive (politically) students."
"Students most pronounced
in non-authoritian character
istics are in arts and sci
ences (non-p rofesjiional
course) and engineering (non-
farm background).
Most Authoritarian
"Although the differences
are small, students with the
most authoritarian, least tol
erant personalities are found
in agriculture and teachers."
Dean Colbert
Dean Colbert joined the
University staff in 1925 after
receiving his B.S. in civil
engineering at the Missouri
School of Mines and Metal
lurgy and his M.S. in civil
engineering from the Univer
sity. He became Dean of
Student Affairs in 1952.
He is a member of Pi Kap
pa Alpha social fraternity and
Tau "Beta Pi and Sigma Tau
honorary fraternities, and the
Engineering Club of Lincoln.
He helped establish Phi
Eta Sigma freshman male
honorary and the Student
Chamber of Commerce
He has been a member of
the Board of Directors of the
Lincoln Chamber of Com
merce and is active in West
minister Presbyterian
Dr. Schultz was a member
of Theta Xi fraternity. He re
ceived his bachelors and mas
ters degrees from the Uni
versity and his Ph.D from
Columbia University. He has
been director of Morrill
Hall of M u s e u m for twenty
years and a full professor of
geology for many years. .
He is active in the Lincoln
chapter of the Chamber
l ;
Dr. Schultz
of Commerce and is a mem
ber of the publicity commit
tee of that group. He is past
president of the Belmont
Community center, which he
helped to organize. He is a
research associate of the
American Museum of Natural
History and the Frick Lab
oratories of New York. He is
vice president of Sigma Xi
honorary science fraternity
He has been the adviser of
the Interfraternity Council for
over 25 years.
1 Nine Coeds
Nine coeds were honored
for their contributions to the
Greek system:
Angie Longe's activities in
clude rush chairman Alpha
Omicron Pi, Red Cross chair
man, dorm counselor, Pi
Lambda Theta vice p r e s i
dent and Alpha Lambda.
Joan Myron is past presi
dent of Gamma Phi Beta,
public relations chairman of
Builders, Student Union chair
man and Children's Project
Gretchen Shellberg is past
managing editor of the Daily
Nebraskan, Ideal Nebraska
Coed, vice president of Build
ers and a member of Mortar
Board and Delta Gamma
Ann Sowles is pledge
trainer of Delta Gamma and
-is editor of the Cornhusker.
Nancy Tederman is presi
dent of Mortar Board, and
past president of T a s s e 1 s,
AWS Board and Alpha Chi
Sukie Tinan is pledge trainer
of Kappa Kappa Gamma, a
member of Student Council
and national vice president
of Associated Women Stu
dents (AWS).
Jeannie Garner is AWS
president, 2nd vice president
of Delta Gamma and Best
Dressed Coed in 1960.
Pat Johnson is past presi
dent of Panhellenic, Chi
Omega and a member of
Mary Knoll is a member
of Pi Beta Phi, an area di
rector and vice president of
Union, president of the music
sorority Sigma Alpha Iota,
a member of AWS Board and
secretary of Mortar Board.
Vol. 75, No. ,91
The Daily Nebraskan
Wednesday, April 4, 1962
Spring Day
Spring Day for 1962 will
be held on the Intramural
Field, Ag campus on May 4,
announced W e s Grady,
overall Spring Day chair
man. Interviews for worker
positions will be Thursday,
April 12 from 7:30 p.m. In
terested students should
sign up on the posted sheet
outside the Student Council
office. The following infor
mation should be included:
address, telephone number,
affiliation, average and year
in college.
Fine Arts
Agenda Includes
One-Act Plays
Approximately 1,000 stu
dents from 83 Nebraska high
schools will attend the Uni
versity's Fine Arts Festival
Thursday through Saturday.
The festival will feature
competition in speech activi
ties and performance and
criticism in the areas of art
and music. More than 800
will take part in the speech
events, which will include the
presentation of 18 one-act
University High School will
present the first play of the
series at 7:30 p.m. Thursday
at Howell Memorial Theater.
Eagle-Alvo will preent a
play at 8:30 p.m. and Wilber
at 9:30. The other plays will
be presented at hourly inter
vals beginning at 8:30 a.m.
Festival participants will
attend a luncheon Saturday
noon at the Union. At 3 p.m.
Saturday trophies will be
awarded at Howell Theater to
class A and B schools in play
competition, and to class A
and B sweepstakes winners in
Offer Criticisms
In the field of music, Uni
versity staff members will
hear high school soloists and
groups Friday and Saturday,
morning and will offer criti
cisms of the performances.
About 100 art students from
15 schools will receive point
ers from a group of Univer
sity artists headed by James
Speech events will be di
rected by Professor Bruce
Kendall with music under the
direction of Professor David
Fowler. Dr. Maxine Trauer
nicht of the speech' depart-!
ment is general chairman. 1
Gage Emphasizes Need
For SCBC Follow-Up
Student Council president
Steve Gage emphasized the
need for a follow-up plan of
action by independent mem
bers of the Student Council
Betterment Committee.
In a speech to some 20
members of the University
Independent Cornhmsk
ers (UNICORNS), Gage
rapped the Residence Asso
ciation for Men (RAM) and
and Independent Women's As
sociation (IWA) for failure
to encourage their own pro
moted program the Stu
dent Council Associates Pro
gram. SCBC is responsible for the
Council Associates program,
of which Don Witt was placed
in charge "Of 150 parti
cipants in the Associates pro
gram, only two or three are
independents," said Gage.
He explained that there are
three types of Student Coun
cil representatives, but only
two of them are recognized
as such. Panhellenic Council,
RAM, Interfraternity Council
(IFC), and IWA "represent
living units but are not so
The SCBC campaign for
the coming election, noted
Gage, should not be just a
"springtime affair like last
year," but should be followed
up "last year, the big push
ended with the election."
He added that there was
some good done last year
through SCBC since IFC has
Pnoto ay Wendy Kueera
Workers have begun excavating land in
preparation for the construction of the new
Twin Towers dormatory project. The Uni
versity is salvaging shrubs, fences and
parking dividers from the old lot behind
the existing Womens Residence Halls.
This (Area I) lot has to be torn out to make
room for the $4 million project. People
who formerly parked in the old lot must
now park in the 16th and Vine lot.
Dodson Fights for Amendments
"Revolution," in the Resi
dence Association for Men
(RAM) Council, was a term
used more than once at Mon
day night's meeting.
It was President Roger Dod
son who, after passing the
gavel to Vice-President Dave
Scholz, fought for the amend
ments to the constitution and
"With the promoting of or
ganization, I think the time
will come when we are num
ber one on the University
campus," Dodson said in
leading off the discussion on
his tabled motion to strike
the pay of the president and
publicity director.
An 11-6 vote by the council
passed Dodson's motion that
the $280 ($180 for the presi
dent and $100 for the publi
city director) be put into a
floating fund to be used by
the executive committee un
der the supervision of the
president for the benefit of
Dodson Debates
Dodson used most of the
ten minutes alloted for de
bat; on the motion in point
ing out: TD the money should
not be used as an incentive
for prospective presidents;
(2) the executive does not do
enough to deserve the pay
and does not necessarily use
the money for the benefit of
RAM; and (3) there are
many instances in which the
President can use money for
such things as public rela
tions and secretarial work.
Dodson followed up with a
motion that the publicity di
rector be given a voting posi-r
tion in the RAM council:
"The time has come, if we
ars revolutioni.'.ing, to set a
new goal for the publicity di
rector - . "
Fifteen minutes were al
loted debate on this amend
ment fay way of a motion by
Secretary Nell Bateman. And
the present Publicity Direc
tor Byron Falleson used a
telephone book for a small
filibuster in order to run out
the clock.
The amendment passed,
Lack of Leadership
A house organization report
by Committee Head Ben Was-1
singer pointed that there ex-1
ists a definite :ack of posi-j
tive leadership in the indi-l
vidual houses. The report was
based upon the results of
house cabinate interviews
with the organizational committee.
RAM Nominates
Scholz for Prexy
Following the regular Mon
day night meeting, the RAM
council met as a committee
to decide on nominations for
next year's executive coun
cil. They unanimously picked
Dave Scholz for the presi
dential position.
Rod Marshall and Bonnie
Nelson were chosen as the
vice president nominations.
Dave Kittams, a freshman
was picked for the secretary
slate and another freshman,
Henry Krous, was chosen to
run" for activities director,
Mike Houghling, also a
freshman, is on the treasurer
ticket. LaTy Donelson, a jun
ior, is up for scholastic dir
ector. 1 Sophomores Bill Dunklan
and Eugene Baillie were
slated for student council.
High School Journalists
To Receive Silver Keys
Lincoln Journal and Lincoln Star Silver
Key Awards will be presented to 15 winners
in three divisions. Prep journalists whose
stories, columns or editorials have appeared
in their school papers are eligible to enter
them in the competition.
The Silver Key recognitions is considered
the highest journalistic honor available for
Nebraska's scholastic news writers.
The deadline for entries is
April 7.
The areas of competition in
clude news writing, news fea
ture writing, sports writing,
column writing and editorial
Entries will' be judged in
divisions according to the size
of the student's school.
A student may enter a max
imum of three contests. Any
School may enter as many
students as it wishes.
Winners will be announced
at the 17th annual Silver Key
Awards luncheon for high
school journalists from
throughout the state.
The program will be on the
University campus May 12
and will include a "J-School
in Action" tour prior to the
Student Council
Has Orientations
The Student Council is plan
ning orientations for all new
officers of campus organiza
tions and all candidates for
Student Council positions.
The new officers' orientation
will be held April 15, at 1:30
p.m. in the Pan American
room of the Student Union.
An orientation for all can
didates who are seeking posi
tions on next year's Student
Council will be held in the
Pan American room of the
Union April 12 at 2 p.m.
Applications may be secured
from the Dean of Student Af
fairs office, 108 Administration.
liberalized its view point on
elections by eliminating the
It was expected, said Gage,
that SCBC would start up
this year, push, and end its
efforts at election times.
"Their work and effort will
fail if not followed up."
He pointed out that it will
be two to three years before
UNICORNS can accomplish
much as an organization
that it will take a lot of time
and work.
He recommended that
is a member: ,
select the "best candi-
SCBC Interviews
Student Council Better
ment Committee (SCBC)
interviews will be held in
' 349 Union after 3 p.m. on
Friday. Every candidate
who intends to file as a
college representative is
eligible to be interviewed
and endorsed by SCBC.
An appointment to be in
terviewed by the SCBC
board, which will include
both Independent and
Greek Students Council
members, may be made
by calling chairman By
ron Almquist at IN 6-4526
any evening before Fri
day, after 6 p.m.
dates, greek or independent; .
rise above petty politics,
and go deeper into issues,
select good material for
a strong and new platform."
A good slate, Gage contin
ued, depends on the people
making the selections "they
must be well informed."
There will be both Greeks
and independents on the se
lection board.
Last year, he commented,
independent groups tended to
pick candidates whose inter
est died after the election.
"Prepare a positive plat
form that you can stand on,"
urged Gage.
In the future, he continued,
commuters will become more
and more common, and could
become a very vocal group
if they are organized, and
have good leadership.
"They may in the next
few years represent the ma
jority of the student body, and
have some of the best peo
ple on campus." Gage cited
as examples members of Phi
Beta Kappa, scholastic hon
orary, and students with
top averages.
"There is no reason why
UNICORNS can't have a mem
bership of several hundred.
But they must realize that it
is necessary to participate in
the entire curricular activity
of the campus they must
be identified more with the
Recommending issues to
UNICORNS for an SCBC plat
form, Gage suggested:
participation in the Coun
cil Associates program,
that they attend Student
Council meetings, and such
activities as the USNSA for
uim held Tuesday,
--promote the proposed
Constitution amendment.
"very vital to UNICORNS for
its representative possibility.
ouoting Abraham L i ncom.
Gage emphasized, 'To sin by
silence is to make cowards
of men."