wan Thursday, March 29, 1962 The Daily Nebraskan Page 3 Conservatives; Liberals Ask 'What's Man's Basic Nature?' By WENDY ROGERS Both the conservative and liberal, if their philosophies are to be anything more than crude opinion, must ask them selves: "What is man's essen tial nature?" Dr. William Reichert, assist ant professor of political sci ence, presented 'a nonpartisan analysis of "Liberalism vs. Conservatism" Tuesday aft . ternoon In the Student Union. Rough Principles Said Dr Reichert, quoting Raymond English, "Conserv atism and liberalism are working sets of rough princi ples for dealing with political affairs." He noted that in point of time liberalism precedes con servatism as a political phil osophy, arising in Western Europe during the 15th and 16th centuries. Dr. Reichert continued that later liberals proclaimed that liberalism is an "attitude of mind toward life and politics which rests on the proposition that freedom for the individ ual is the highest possible hu man good." "If there is a single idea which sums up the liberal philosophy it is the belief that human nature is essentially good ... the liberal holds the deep conviction that hu man beings are capable of rational conduct within socie ty. Liberal Viewpoint Reichert said the fundamen tal liberal viewpoint is that Athletic Grants Equal Success For Big Eight Conference Teams (Continued from page 1) But, he cautions, "That would be Utopia and could not be reached unless everyone in a conference agreed to t h e terms. One school could not give up recruiting and still ex pect to compete in sports with the others." Nebraska Athletic Director Tippy Dye is satisfied with present conditions. "The game is better today because of re cruiting," he says. "We could never go back to the previous days, because competition for top athletes is too great." More Athletes in School Dutch Lonborg, Kansas AD, agrees that teams are better now because, "There are top-notch athletes able to go to school. "Of course, there are some problems connected with modern-day recruiting prac tices, but it has helped many fine athletes who wouldn't have gotten an education oth erwise," Lonborg adds. Bebe Lee, athletic director at Kansas State, explains that VM.MC.MM COj atMhUi ntncuMt Ml m bbi iMf tk. Exttl lwif Mi supply. lH Itef-lHtlK- You Mvtr refill. Uftf flint or m4um) pint. You Mt what yon write. MnctiMt, ttt) topitton ac tion, fix ciliri. Color of tht ptn t color ( thi ink. Ftrfict kalMC. No writ mt fatigue. IMttt-writint. No imudglnf , no tUpphif, M hist suits, Tt lirty UTMCWM. It miatWM up. to mak I long story shorts niMlscln'K '" liner Pta Ca. Im. Cslnsr Cilr. CslH. V IA 41 government itself is neither good nor bad but must be judged according to its effect upon the personality of the in dividual.. "Today," he continued, "most liberals accept the view of empirical-collectivism, which holds that the power of the state should be employed to serve the public welfare wherever this leads to the in creased freedom of man." Modern, liberalism, he not ed, envisages progress as an inevitable aspect of mankind. "Reform has been the pas sion of liberalism." ( Liberal Principles Reichert cited three funda mental principles upon which liberals generally agree: 1. The oppose privilege of any kind because it stymies the, personal development of the individual within society. Therefore they oppose all dif ferences based on birth, wealth, race, creed or sex. 2. As far as social and po litical equality are possible, liberals believe they should prevail in society "freedom is not possible where social and political differences are too great." 3. Freedom is essential to the development of individual personality. Like the liberal, the con servative also seeks to dis cover "What is man's essen tial nature?" Dr. Reichert also divided conservatism into three cate gories: 1. Instinctive conservatism he does not favor a return to previous conditions. "It would merely encourage under-the-table dealing," he observes. The question also arises re garding out-of-state recruiting All Big 8 schools recruit out-of-state, but some put more stress on it than others. )ampuA akndaA Housemothers' Mad Hatter Card Party will be held from 2 to 4 p.m. Thursday in the Pan American Room of the Union. The housemot It ers are to mate nais under $1.00 and prizes will be given for the most unique. Ag Union Spring Dance will be held frc-m 8:30 to 11:30 p.m. Friday in tne Ag union Activities Bldg. The Mark IV Combo will play and a trophy will be awarded to the win ning couple in the twisting contest. The tickets are 75 cents per person if purchased before the dance and $1 per person at the door. r ft "Equal Time" will present "Do We Need Changes in our Aid to Dependent Children Program?" Sunday from 8 to 9 p.m.. Participants are Dr. Garnet Larson, John Gage, the Rev. Everett Reynolds and Lotus Nicholas. Mrs David Dow will be the moder ator for the program. W ft tt GAMMA ALPHA CHI will meet tonight at 7:00 in room 340 of the Union. Alpha Lambda Delta pledging at 4:30 p.m. today in the Union. NEBRASKAN WANT ADS JOB OPPORTUNITIES DUhwaahen wanted tor mornina anoi soon meala. Contact Dtrnll Bum. HES-MM. Ztmp Uff la now beta hired for YWCA Camp Sheldon at Coiumbua, Nebraska. Perritanant ataff would be for 10-11 weeka and counaelin ataff would be for all weeka. Salary available upon request. Send all Inquiries to Jim Knight, mi turner, Omaha. Nebraeka. LOST AND FOUND Lost bottom of Blue Snorkel Sc buffer pen. Reward offered. Name on pen Carofra L. Premo, 432-67M. A red leoJogy notebook with Ron, Gould's name en front. Beward offered. Phone t-2414. ' Attention everyone, who do you think is the moat absent minded Person In the world .... Check out the ad above!! FOR SAL! tt Chevy. Bel Air, four door, two-tone, automatic transmission. Radio, neater. Must be soM Iravtnf country la 10 daya. Call Ray HES-M45, 310 No. 17th. 1950 Renault Dauphine. Radio, neater, low mileage. Daytime HE 2-1007. Nlaht time and Sunday 483-8W1. For saleciew charcoal b later. Size 42. 4JS-SWI. YYPING Typiii, electric typewriter. Mrs. Swanda. 4J4-4743. DAN CI tANDS Bi( band dane atylinaa have finally come to the campus! JIM HERBERT AND HIS ORCHESTRA for the tops in the modern sound. Twelw of NU'a finest musicians. Call 4ZJ-83U. COLLEGE Donee to the EAST HILLS ... Saturday, March 31-9 to The human inclination to cling to the known and ac customed. " 2. Economic conservatism the inclination to cling to one's economic privileges. 3. The political attitude of philosophical conservatism. ' Quoting Professor Francis G. Wilson of the University of Illinois, Dr; Reichert said, "Conservative prediction has usually rested on the basic evil of human nature, and the improbability of fundamental social or moral change com ing in a short time." Tradition Emphasis There is "great emphasis placed upon tradition, institu tions, and, authority in the po litical writings of conserva tives," noted Dr. Riechert. "When conservatives face liberals in America," said Dr. Reichert, "the issue in ques tion is not whether man is basically good or evil. "What American conserva tives have sought to conserve are the 18th century ideas of individual freedom as an es tablished tradition!" "American liberals: on the other hand, haye sought to re interpret and to expand these ideas in the light of changing conditions." Most Americans, according to Dr. Reichert, are primarily dedicated to the principles of liberalism. , ' "Even American conserva tives agree with these main values, although they never quite feel easy about the thought of giving man his complete freedom." Nebraska's Dye explains, "The backbone of your-team has to be home state boys, but in many cases you have to supplement with out-of-state material. This is espec ially true where population is scarce." Missouri Athletic Direct or Don Faurot believes it is possible to win with home state material, "If you get your own good state boys." At Kansas State, Lee says, "The emphasis is on recruit ing in the state. Other recruit ing is limited to neighboring states. "We feel this is the only sound method of developing a winning spirit." Growth of Grants The growth in grants-in-aid has grown greatly since 1956-57 with most schools now spending as much on football as they did five years ago on all sports. Many questions arise when discussing athletic recruiting and scholarships. Among them are: Where will it all lead? Is there a point beyond which it cannot go? Is it all worth it? Those questions probably will remain unanswered for many years as proponents of both sides debate the issues. But one thing is certain. The program is growing. Spanish Club Film Stars Maria Felix The Spanish Club will spon sor the film, "Dona Barb ara", based on the novel by Venezuelan author R o m u 1 o Gallegos at 7 p.m., Thurs day, in Love Memorial Li brary auditorium. . The film is in Spanish with English subtitles. "Dona Barbara" was filmed a Vene zuela, and stars Maria Felix. Admission is 50c or a Span ish Club membership card. Live Coverage , The only live, coverage of Senator Barry Goldwater's address will be by the cam pus radio station, KNUS. The live broadcast will be at 11 a.m. Friday, while a taped rebroadcast will be aired by ' KNUS Friday, and Monday, at 8:00 p.m. Ak-Sar-Ben Knights Give $500 to Clinic The Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben donated $500 to finance a statewide livestock judging clinic at the University April 15-16. The main purpose of the clinic will be to bring about more uniformity hi judging of 4-H and Future Farmers of America livestock entries and showmanship contests. NIGHT Eccentrics or 70 & SUMNER 1 $1 per person 'Spring Fever' Effects Evident The effects of "Spring Fever" have begun to show themselves on the campus. Pinnlngs Ann Symonds, Alpha Omi cron Pi junior in Teachers College from Omaha to Dale Larkin,. Sigma Alpha Epsilon junior in Business Administra tion, i Nancy Thomas, Kappa Al pha Theta junior in Teachers College from Omaha to Jeff Amsler, Phi Gamma Delta sophomore, in Arts and Sci ences from Sioux City. Jan Volpe, Alpha Omicron Pi junior in Teachers College from Lincoln to Steve George, Alpha Tau Omega junior in Arts and Sciences from Lincoln. ' Engagements' Heather Wilhelm, Terrace Hall alum from Villiska, Iowa, to John Masi, Selleck Quad rangle sophomore in Dental College from Denver, Colo. Opal Schlueter, a junior in elementary education from Hardy to Dennis Frye, a jun ior in secondary education from Byron. Panhellenic To Discuss Committees Greek Week Details Given by Anderson Members of the Panhellenic Council this week heard Ro ger Anderson of the Interfra ternity Council give details! on Greek Week activities. Next year's rushing was discussed by the group, and a meeting of sorority rush chairmen and tneir advisors was scheduled for 7 p.m. April 3, according to Karlene Senf, vice president of the Council. ' ' ; "m- . The day's business also in cluded a thorough, discussion of the committee system, Miss Senf added. The discus sion was the result of last week's decision to have the committee system revamped. Miss Senf said the members evaluated the function of com mittees. They also raised the question as to what new com mittees should be formed, which ones should be made standing committees, and which . should be s p e c i a 1 ones. Two Amendments A motion was made for two amendments to be made to the constitution, continued Miss Senf. Representatives took copies of the proposed amendments to their houses to be voted on. A roll call of the vote on the amendments will be taken at the April 17 meet ing. The constitutional changes involve the selection of dele gates to the Panhellenic Council. The amendments read: Delegates Selection "I move, that section 3 of Article III, Delegates to the Panhellenic Executive Coun cil from any one fraternity are to be one junior and one sophomore duly elected by their group. It is recom mended that .whenever pos sible the sophomore delegate of one year be the junior delegate of the next year,' be amended to read 'Delegates to the Panhellenic Council from any one fraternity are to be the president and one voting delegate selected by their group.' "I further move that sec tion 4 of Article HI, 'These delegates elected by their respective chapters are to serve for one college year, and are required to be in at tendance at every Panhellenic meeting. If illness prevents attendance there should be designated a duly authorized substitute who will make the report to the group, be amended to read: These delegates selected by their respective chapters are to serve from the third week in March of one year to the third week in March of the following year, and are re quired to attend "jvery Pan hellenic meeting.' " I THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL 20 off Show roar University I.D. SUIT OR DRESS, REG. 11.25 fl fill LESS 20 (25c) r . )i.wU SKIRT OR TROUSERS, RES. Sa K LESS 20 (13c) ... 3C on oil University Cleoning Open Evonlngs til t:30 ROYAL CLEANERS 432-1339 Bentley Warns University Not to Try To Take Shakespeare Out of Theater By MARGY MARTIN "Don't try to take Shake speare out of the theater when you read him." That was the crux of a Home Ec. School to Host 'Hospitality Days' at Ag The home economics school at Ag College will play host to over a thousand sopho more and senior Nebraska high school girls 'April 5 and 6. 'Desigii For Living' Is Home Ec Topic Nebraska home economists will turn their attention to Design for Living" at the Nebraska Home Economics Association conference Fri day and Saturday at the Ne braska Center. Speakers from various areas of design are scheduled to appear at the conference, which is open to the public. Among the speakers will be former Nebraskan, Erma Bamesberger, Wichita, Kan. A graduate of the University, Miss Bamesberger is a colcr and design consultant. She will speak on "Creating with Color." Lincoln speakers will in- teaching, or homemaking ca- clude Mrs. Clara Gebhard Snyder, consultant in con sumer services, and Dr. Frank A. Court. Brother-Sister Incorperates New Ideas j By TOM KOTOUC The Brother-Sister program ofPeople-to-People (PTP)has been modified to make it eas ier for those international students already on campus to meet and make friends with University students, ac cording to Jan Jeffery, Broth er-Sister chairman. The coffee hour planned for Saturday at 3:30 p.m. in the Student Union will be but one of many means through which American and interna tional students can become acquainted informally with the modification that no spe cific brothers or sisters will be assigned to students on campus now. "Friendships between stu dents on campus should grow spontaneously and not be as signed," said Brother-Sister social co-chairman Tony Ras sakh. "Thus, at the Brother-Sister coffee hours and picnics, an American student will be as signed no particular interna tional brother, but will be en couraged to meet many stu dents from abroad whom he does not yet know," said Su sie Pierce, co-chairman of the Brother-Sister social com mittee. "As friendships begin to develop over coffee or at the picnic, American students are encouraged to plan to meet with their- international friends again, perhaps for coffee in the Crib or to study together during the week," said Miss Pierce. "American and internation al friends are encouraged to introduce their new friends to students they run around with," said Rassakh, "then a natural and sincere friend ship can really grow." "A new student from abroad next fall will meet his first American friends under the regular Brother-S i s t e r program," said Miss Jeffery. "How can an American girl get acquainted with a fellow from another country (as by askin,' him for coffee) with out ieing too forward or breaking American social customs?" was' one question asked at Saturday s commit tee meeting. Kassakn suggested this tac- OOUBLE EDGE RAZOR BLADES, Finest srsjicsl Steel, honed m oil. Full money keck sjuorantee. 2S-!Oc, lOO-Sie, 200 $1.50, iOO-Jl.30, 1000-S5.7S Post paid. Packed S blades to package, 20 packages to carton. .COD. orders ac cepted. Postcard brings general mer chandise catalog. EMERSON COMPANY, Oo So Second, Alhombre, Calif. Good thru Wed. April 4 352 N. 27 warning made Monday at the University by Gerald E. Bent ley, one of the nation's lead ing Shakespearan authorities Bentley, Murray Professor The occasion is the 12th annual Home Economics Hos pitality Days. Highlighting the program both days will be guided tours of the various divisions in the home economics de partment. All programs and exhibits will feature the pos sible careers available in the field of home economics. The girls will see how thpy may prepare . for business, teaching, or liomemakingca reers through college study. Carrying through the gen eral theme of "Home Eco nomics on Parade," will be a style show. Each costume will be modeled by the stu dent who made it in home economics classes. The girls modeling their creations will be: Connie Sterner, Gaylyn Nelson, Bon nie Wahl, Cathy Thomazin, Jeanette Broz, Kay Mar quardt, Sonja Erickson, Bev erly Gray, Carol Berndt, Sara Springer, Joyce Thomas, Viv ian Longmore, Delores Ost diek, Kay Pierce, Juliann Smith, Virginia Sterner, Joyce Baumann, Carol Mad sen, Del Rae Beermann, and Marilyn Ringland. Program tic: "Plan to meet your in ternational friend at the Un ion at a certain time, but show up for your meeting several minutes early. When your international friend comes into the Union, walk over to him and greet him. "If he asks you to have coffee with him, accept his offer," said Tony. "However, if he thinks that you wish to date him by your asking to meet him, and you would rather just remain his friend, simply refuse the date as you would refuse an Ameri can fellow who asked you out." SPECIAL STUDENT DISCOUNTS BETTER QUALITY DIAMONDS WATCHES JEWELRY GIFTS CHARGE ACCOUNTS WELCOME EXPERT WATCH - JEWELRY REPAIRS KAUFMAN JEWELERS 1332 "O" ST. UNIVERSITY FLYING CLUB ii Meeting Thursday, March 29 at 7:30 P.M. Union Airport For Information or trantportation tail: Joe Hultquist ID 4-2004 Neil Thomssen 466-0160 What touches off the vicious vacation riots in resort towns from coast to coast? What madness causes the drunkenness, open immorality, violent battles with police? What sudden mob impulse can moti vate a crowd of 30,000 educated young men and women into a rampage of destruction? Perhaps it's a new way to "let off steam" ... a savage kind of self-expression. But why are so many college students presumably the nation's most "adult and sophisticated young people involved? Why do they knowingly risk their futures, even their lives for. a few hours oi wild abandon? In the new April McCall's, don't miss the unbelievable, yet true, report on the spread of this insane activity . . . the terrible price you may have to pay if you're involved . . . and how you can help stop the insanity. . in the new April HOW Oil SALE AT of English at Princeton Uni versity, delivered two ad dresses of the 1962 Montgom ery Lectures at the Univer sity. "To understand Shake speare and what he intended to say, you must never for get that he wasn't writing for the reader. He was writ ing for the theater audience," he said. Visual Images Professor Bentley said it is best to allow the mind to pro vide running "visual images" of the stage, setting and characters when reading Shakespeare's plays. "This extends to visualizing every thing you might see if you were seeing the play includ ing even such details as the props." Speaking of the public's un derstanding of Shakespeare generally, Professor Bentley said, that like most geniuses, "he is distorted in their minds, but remains great in spite of it." "That quality of being dis torted but coming out looking all right is the same for Shakespeare as it is for all great artists," he said. Painter's Work "The way people look at Shakespeare is something similar to the way they look at a great painter's work," he said. "Perhaps they talk about the way the painter has done a pair of hands in a portrait, but the painter wasn't just interested in the hands," he said. Like the work of great painters, he said, you should look at all of Shakespeare's "canvas". Entries Due April 1 In Song Competition The deadline for submitting an entry in the Nebraska song competition is April 1. The purpose of the competi tion is to select a new state song. The competition is open to anyone. Entries must include a copy of words and music, prepared for piano accompaniment, and be submitted to Em manuel Wishnow, professor of music at the Music Building. The final selection will be submitted to the next session of the Legislature. OPEN MON.-THURS. NITES ALL NEWSSTANDS