The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 28, 1962, Image 1

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    J 7TT
Leaders Pursue Active
Us V.
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Head Wants
fin Election
Special to Dally Nebraakan
A tall pleasant man, about
45, with streaks of graying
hair, knocks at a home in a
typical Nebraska village.
Inside, a young housewife
scurries to finish vacuuming
4 the carpet before answering.
(Thoughts of just another
salesman come to mind as
; she opens the door.
However, she is greeted by
the friendly smile of a stran
ger who announces, "I'm Rob
ert Denney, state Republi
can chairman. I'd like to en
courage you to vote in the
primary election."
"Vote." replies the woman,
"I hardly know the candi
dates and ' I knew so little
about the government."
Republican Party
Denney responds, "I'll be
glad to tell you about the Re
publican Party and the can
didates running in this
year's election. May I take
only a few minutes -of your
This is the approach that
GOP workers must take in
the state-wide campaign,
Denney told state Republican
leaders at a Dec. 21 meeting
of the executive committee.
As Denney presided over the
meeting, committee members
could see new ideas develop
in the man they had elected
as their chairman scarcely
more than , a month earlier.
As he stood before them, his
6 ft. 3 in. 200 pound frame
had the ruggedness of a col
lege football tackle. But the
words came softly, clearly
and with assurance. His plans
were as evident as the deep,
left-center ''part" of his hair.
Committee members 1 i s
tened attentively as Denney
talked. They knew his role
was coordinator and organ
izer of the state party. He
was elected by the state cen
tral committee at the p o t
primary convention to make
party decisions, plan activi
ties and select members to
the executive committee. Hie
Job also calls for him m pre
side at meetings of the state
convention, state central com
mittee as well as the execu
tive committee. He also at
tends the Republican National
Committee meeting and works
in cooperation with the state
committeeman and commit
teewoman. At that Dec. 21 executive
committee meeting they ex
pected to hear something
about his party plans. They
did. His first words told of
the need to analyze each
precinct so that each poten
tial voter would be contacted
by a worker of a s i m i 1 a r
ethnic, cultural, religious or
educational group. Contacts
are more effective when
made by individuals with a
common interest, he said.
Ail-Out Campaign
"In the efforts to cam
paign throughout the state, I
want to encourage each of
you to endeavor an all-out
campaign. L, would like noth
ing more than a clean-sweep
of the statehouse and three
Republican Congressmen," he
told them. Then he raised
his voice and cited his favor
ite joke, "the definition of a
camel," he said, "is a horse
designed by a committee."
Republicans do not want a
committee government, he
added, they want a governor
With a little initiative.
Denney then pointed on
that the executive committee
of 11 was too small to handle
state politics. He encour
aged the committee to allow
him to add the national com
mitteeman, national commit-
teewoman, vice chairman of
each Congressional district,
president of the women's or
ganization, immediate past
president, assistant vice
chairman and executive sec
retary to the committee. Pre
viously, the executive com
mittee consisted only of party
chairman from each Congres
sional district, three mem-
bers-at-large, state chairman,
vice chairman, finance com
mittee representative and
head of Young Republicans.
The committee approved the
Jusi what is a politician?
When asked this question,
Denney leaned back in
a chair at his law office and
paused a few moments. Then,
he lifted his head and said,
"A politician is a dedicated
American who believes poli
tics is a science of good gov
. eminent accomplished by pol
iticians. The rewards are not
great financially, but the
(continued on page 3)
Vol. 75, No. 87
Area 1
New Dormitories
Necessitate Shift
Construction of the new
Twin Towers dormitory com
plex is going to require the
moving of the Area 1 parking
lot on March 30.
At the present the Area 1
lot is located at the southeast
corner of the Women's Resi
dence halls and, according to
University Business Manager
Carl Donaldson, is accommo
dating between 50 and 60 cars
at maximum periods.
Area 1 cars, most of them
operated by women students,
are to be placed in the new lo
cation at the southwest corner
of the 16th and Vine lot, effec
tive 8 a.m. March 31. Captain
Eugene Masters of the Cam
pus Police Department said
the new location will be
posted at that time.
All but about eight or 10 of
the cars now being placed in
Area 1 have student stickers.
The others carry employee
stickers and these will be as
signed to a small newly
opened area east of 17th, Don
aldson said.
"We recognize," said Don
aldson, "that placement of
Area 1 in reserved spate in
the 16th and Vine lot will
force students who have been
parking cars there to move
farther to the north or east
where space is still available
ir ihe Nebraska Hall lot or in
tae 17th and Vine area.
"We have planned the
move as it is," he said, "to
keep women student holders
of Area 1 permits as close to
the dormitory and sorority lo
cations as possible. Given a
choice as to who is going to
have to walk a little farther,
the men or the women, we
have given the break to the
Donaldson said that .usage
of the new Area 1 lot will be
checked carefully after the
shift is made to see how the
arrangement works in prac
When Twin Towers is com
pleted a parking lot will be
built to the north of jt, Don
aldson said,- but the area in
volved now contains struc
tures which will be used by
contractors engaged on the
dormitory project.
Peace Corps
Sends Grad
To Ecuador
Milton Thomson, mid-year
graduate in Civil Engineer
ing, has been accepted for
dutv with the U.S. Peace
Corps in Ecuador.
His work will consist
mainly in ' stimulating intia
tive in the field of engineer
Leaving Lincoln on Tues
day for New York, he will
then travel to Puerto Rico
and receive an additional four
months training at Camp Rie
Abajo in Arecibo and at the
Inter American University in
Beginning in August, his
actual assignment will cover
a period of two years. In ad
dition to expenses, his sup
port will include $75 a month.
Thomson attended Nebras
ka Wesleyan and graduated
in February from the Univer
sity, receiving bis bachelor
of science degree in civil en
gineering. He is a member
of Sigma Tau ana urn ts-psi-lon
engineering honoraries.
Coed Takes Honors
In Ag Talent Shotc
Karen Edeal of Love Hall
won first place in the Ag
Union Talent Show.
Second place went to the
Farmhouse Quartet, com
posed of Bill Ahlschwede,
Doug Downs, Ron Meinke,
and LeRoy Svec. Linda Lana
reth received honorable mention.
Dr. Lane W. Lancaster
professor emeritus of politi
cal science at the University,
died Monday in Bruges, Bel
gium. He was 69 years old.
Dr. Lancaster, one of the
University's foremost schol
ars, retired from the Univer
sity in June, 1960. This past,
school year he has been a
Fulbright lecturer at Univer
sity College, Snasea, Wales.
Coming from Wesleyan Uni
versity in Middletown, Conn.,
he joined the Nebrask? fa
culty in 1930. His field initial--ly
was state and local govern
ment, but later he devoted
most of his attention to po
litical theory.
He was the first winner . of
the University Foundation's
Distinguished Teaching
award in 1954. Dr. Lancas
ter served as chairman of the
political science department
and was a visiting professor
to various institutions includ
ing Yale, Northwestern, the
University of California at
Berkeley, Penn State, Syra
cuse, the University of Ala
bama and the University of
Among his extensive con
tributions to the literature of
the political science field was
one of a three-volume series
entitled "Masters of Political
A native of Bellaire, Ohio,
Dr. Lancaster earned his
bachelor's degree from Ohio
Wesleyan, his master's from
University of Illinois, and his
Ph.D. in 1923 from Univer
sity of Pennsylvania.
Who's Who Lists
NU Professors
Seven University professors
are among the 40 Nebraskans
listed for the first time in
Who's Who in America.
Selected were Deans Walter
K. Beggs, Teachers College;
David Dow, Law College; and
Elvin F. Frolik, Agriculture
College. Clifford M. Hicks,
professor of business organi
zation and management, and
Adrian R. Legault, civil engi
neering, are chairmen of
their respective departments.
Also listed were Richard
Guilford, director of the Grad
uate School of Social Work,
and Raymond C. Dein, pro
fessor of accounting.
Joan Chenoweth, newly crowned Miss Midshipman,
receives her trophy at the Navy Hall from the current
Miss Navy, Marty Elliots
Joan Chenoiveth Named
Miss Midshipman at Ball
Miss Joan Chenoweth, Kappa Kappa Gamma junior
in Teachers College, was crowned Miss Midshipman of
1962 at the annual Navy Ball, held last Saturday at
East Hills Country Club.
Nominated by the junior class of midshipmen, Miss
Chenoweth received her trophy from the current Miss
Navy, Marty Elliott.
'Attendants were Mary Volberding, representing the
sophomore class, and Gail Giala, freshman candidate.
Miss Chenoweth, escorted by Midshipment 2-c Kent
Hildreth, then reigned over the festivities of the 32nd af
fair. Also honored were 19 Midshipment 1-c who will re
ceive their commissions this June.
The Daily Nebraskan
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RAM Tables Motions
On Elections, Salaries
The weekly Residence Association for
Men meeting took on a new note of interest
RAM president Roger Dodson gave up
the gavel for the business meeting and took
issue in two constitutional changes; (1) the
election of house officers and (2) elimination
of the salary of the president and the publicity
Dodson proposed in a mo
tion that the $280 ($180 to the
president and $100 to the pub
licity director) be put into a
floating fund to be used by
the executive committee un
der the supervision of the
president for the benefit of
Dodson pointed out that pres-
I "
ently the money, taken out
of the $4,000 RAM budget is
not necessarily used for the
benefit of Selleck Quadrangle.
He said the money could be
used for such as correspond
ence, public relations, busi
ness, entertainment, and sec
retarial work, he said.
At present, the Publicity di
rector is appointed by the
president and has no voting
power in the RAM council.
Dodson would also make the
position an elected office.
George Peterson, Student
Council representative, rebut
ted Dodson by accusing him
of not being prepared and
"not knowing what he is get
ting himself into." Peterson
made a motion to refer it to
a committee 'for study and
Social Chairman Bennie Nel
son called for four different
votes before Peterson's mo
tion was defeated.
By the rules of the constitu
tion, Dodson's motion had to
be tabled for a week before
it can be voted on.
A tabled motion by Benton
House President Rod Mar
shall on the election of offi
cers was carried 18-14. The
motion states that all house
presidents be elected in the
spring while all other house
officers be elected either in
the spring or after the sec
ond week of the beginning of
the fall semester.
"There would be two bene
fits," said Vice-President
Dave Scholz in refeience to
the amendment: "(1) Fair
ness to new freshmen, and
(2) Advantages of house or
ganization during the summer
so that plans can ne maae
for the coming year."
Bennie Nelson pointed out
the, example set by Benton
house which put summer con
tact into use and is now a
hiehlv organized house. Ben
ton was congratulated earlier
by the Quad manager Alfred
Calvert and Dodson for its
outstanding first semester
scholastic average.
Wednesday, March 28, 1962
PE Materials
Among Missing
"Three per cent, of the
books in the Central Reserve
room of first floor Love Li
brary have been stolen sinced
September," said Richard
Farley, associate library di
The loss of these 54 texts
is "not so great yet that it is
alarming," said Farley, who
noted that the losses are pri
marily in the fieids of edu
cation and economics."
"In order for a student to
take a book from the Reserve
room past the student check
er, he must hide the book un
der his coat or with his books
as he passes through t n e
gates," said Farley.
"Many text book materials
are taken in the physical ed
ucation courses, or in courses
where the library stocks a
book which is required read
ing for a course," he added.
Not Stocked
'This tendency is one reas
on why we do not stock text
books used or past examina
tions given in a course," he
Asked what steps will be
taken in courses where there
has been a high loss of ref
erence material, Farley said:
"We will request that profes
sors ask their students to buy
these reference texts in the
coming semester."
"The loss is about the
same, however, as that en
countered when we checked
each book out separately
from the Central Reserve
desk on third floor .of
Love," said Farley.
"Students are the individu
als who suffer most from the
loss of reference material, for
they are unable to secure
needed books before an exam
or quiz," said Farley.
Stolen texts are ordinarily
replaced from fine money, ac
cording to Farley.
Alarm, Fear
"We try not to become
alarmed at people who steal
books for fear that our alarm
will cause these individuals
to feel that stealing is the
thing to do," he added.
"However, if students are
aware of the loss, they will
police themselves; for ex
ample, as they see a student
carrying a book with a yellow
band on it out of the library
or around campus," said
"I have been pleased with
the way students gather to
gether to protect their rights
to quiet in the library and to
stop students from mutilat
ing library books," he added.
"Although the loss from the
Reserve room has not as yet
reached alarming proportions,
the Reserve room is still a
pain in the neck, but the only
way we know of to keep losses
to a minimum.
Foreign Students
Form New Body
The Nebraska Arab Student
Association (NASA) has sub
mitted its constitution to Stu
dent Council for approval.
Plans for a NASA chapter
on the Nebraska campus were
made this weekend and of
ficers of the association were
Serving as president will be
Jamil Nammour from Le
banon; secretariat, Moham
mad Faddah from t erusalem;
treasurer, Kuhtn Yasiri from
The association would like
to function as a cultural as
sociation of regional charac
ter in introducing the Arab
world to students on campus.
The University association is
a chapter of the central or
ganization which has head
quarters in New York.
State Head
Has Interest
In Farmers
Special to Daily Nebratkan
Russ Hanson is still in the
In his youthful days tho
game was semi-pro baseball.
More recently it has been
that of politics. He has run
campaign bases and shagged
political flies for the Demo
cratic Party since 1958.
The party roster says it
simply enough Russell Han
son, state chairman.
But once in the field, black
and white answers about
Democratic management turn
to gray.
Democratic Progress
One thing is clear -cut, how
ever, and that, as some po
litical observers say, is that
Democratic progress walks a
tight-rope in Nebraska. They
suggest that what is termed
a party split has discouraged
some potential election can
didates and alienated a num
ber of party members and
that the forthcoming election
can make or break the Dem
ocratic party in Nebraska.
Some recognize Hanson as
a team manager. Others sug
gest he's not in charge and
that decisions released from
headquarters in Omaha are
only those of Bernard Boyle,
national committeeman since
Hanson's comment is this:
"I have a great deal of re
spect for Bernie and for his
judgment. However, he is not
a political boss as some have
"Bernie and I have disa
greed about a number of
matters, not necessarily in
public. We've been able to
sit down and talk out our dif
ferences. If he thinks my
idea is better, he goes along
with it." .
Boyle: Liaison
Hanson insists that Boyle
acts only as a liaison be
tween the state and national
committee and that within
Nebraska's borders, Hanson
himself is at the helm.
Gov. Frank Morrisons said
that "leadership, as such, is
vested in the state chairman
and the state central commit
tee. An elected official
shouldn't try to manage par
ty machinery, but the state
organization should support
and help explain to the pub
lic the program of the par
ty's nominees.
"A majority of people in
both parties will subscribe to
my philosophy that the job
of elected party officials is to
develop and implement poli
cy," Morrison said. "I be
lieve that when the people of
a state elect a man that he
must be independent, serve
all the people; thus, his poli
cies cannot be dictated by
party officials."
He said discussion of per
sonality conflicts within the
party is "press talk." "The
conflict is one of two basical
ly clean and clear-cut differ
ences in political philosophy,
not personalities, ne saia.
"The difference is irrevoca
ble. It's like saying that Ja
pan should be where Ger
many is. And it ll never come
Party Position
Regardless of position in
the party organization, Boyle
has been heard from consist
ently in the last decade and.
purposely or not, has been
involved in frequent rhu
barbs. Is there a reason for this?
Party history shows that,
traditionally, the Democratic
national committeeman's post
has been one of strong influ
ence. Boyle's predecessors,
James Quigley and Arthur
Mullen, too, were heard from.
As described on the editori
al page of the Lincoln Jour
nal, Dec. 21, 1961: "In the
Democratic party the nation
al committeeman has a
stranglehold on the party . . .
This dates back to the 30'a
when James C. Quigley ,for a
time held both the state
chairmanship and the office
of national committeeman."
Executive Secretary
Charles Hein, executive sec
retary of the state party, said
emphasis on the committee
man has come about neces
sarily. M
"in a state supposedly dom
inated by Republicans, the
Democratic national commit
teeman is an important fig
ure," he said. "This is true
in Nebraska, but it is also
true, for example, in South
Dakota. Traditionally, the
(continued on page 3)
8:00 P.M.