UNIVERSITY OP NEBtf I l J I jr Vol. 75, No. 83 The Daily Nebraskan Wednesday, March 21, 1962 ft . I ft iisnnfjf nsfrjitifni Questions About Disaster, God Compose Central Theme of 'J.BS Can man pvnlnin natural disasters through an acquaint anceship with God? Where does man find God? According to Fred Gaines, who will play the leading role in "J.B.," these questions form the" central theme for the Pulitzer-Prize winning play by Archibald MacLeish. "J.B." opens at 8 tonight in Howell Memorial Theater. Presented by the Univer sity Theater, the play will run through Saturday. Di rected by Dr. Dallas Wil- r1 0 1 V. "Zuss" Dr. Oberholtzer Is TV Library Policy Chairman Dr. Kenneth E. Oberholtzer, superintendent of schools in Denver, Colo., was elected chairman of the policy board created to set up guidelines for the development of the Great Plains Regional Instruc tional Television Library. Dr. Oberholtzer will be as sisted by vice chairman Rich ard B. Hull, an executive of the North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools. The standing committee will be made up of Dr. Fred H. Harrington, vice president for academic affairs at the Uni versity of Wisconsin, Dr. Mil ton W. Bierbaum, superinten dent of Maplewood-Richmond Heights school in St. Louis, Mo., and Elaine Markley, of the Sioux City, Iowa Public , School system. The library, one of three of its kind in the U.S., will be the repository and central control point tot educational television material produced by the educational television networks in the midwest. PR Assistant Attends Science Convention The University's assistant director of public relations, Edward Hirsch, is one of 60 United States college and pub lic information writers select ed to attend a science-communications seminar at Northwestern University, to day through Friday. The "Northwestern meeting, financed by the National Sci ence Foundation, will bring together a number of the na tion's top scientists and the information specialists who do much of the science writ ing for lay readers. KNUS Announces Direct Crib Music KNUS, the University radio station, announced its "Study to Music Show" every Mon day and Thursday from 9 to 10 p.m. live from the Crib at the Student Union. The broadcasts are part of KNUS's new programming for its listeners. " " n : lt " 'aiww'W'i''""""' 1 liams, associate professor of speech and dramatic art, the play is MacLeish's treatment and commentary of the theme of the "Story of Job." "J.B." has been hailed by nearly every critic of poetry and drama as a work of fresh morality and a lasting achievement of art and mind in the 20th Century, said Dr. Williams. In the play, two unem ployed actors traveling with a circus interpret the story of the suffering of the Biblical Job, and cast themselves as "Zuss" and "Nickels," repre sentative of God and Satan. They find, after their acting has begun, that the ancient tale has a "life and move ment of its own." The two players take on themselves the wager of the "Book of Job," Satan's bet that if God will strip Job of everything he has, Job, the perfect and upright man, will curse God to his face. "I feel I am lucky, a fa vored one of God, in the play's beginning," said Gaines. Then, he continued, J.B. suffers total disaster for no reason except to test his faith. He feels he must be guilty of some sin, and cries out to God for the answer. "When God refuses to tell him, J.B. must find the an swer within himself he must realize his inner spiritual strength, placed there by God when he was born. "In the end," said Gaines, "I Know longer have a blind faith. I know that God will give back everything if I de serve it. But there is no guar antee of no misfortune along the way." According to Gaines, the Dr. Robert Ross Becomes Third Candidate for Dean The third candidate to be interviewed by students and faculty for the Dean of Student Affair's position is Dr. Robert Ross, Dean of Students at Ball State Teachers College, Mun cie, Ind. "Usually punishment is not a good learn ing process in disciplining students," said Ross, who holds a Ph.D. in psychology from the University of Denver. "A professional counselor. I psychiatrist or rdministrator trained in this area should normally handle cases of stu dent misconduct, as .drink ing, where emotional factors might be involved," said Ross in an interview today. Taking his undergraduate work in Ag economics from Texas A & M, Dean Ross holds a masters degree in so ciology from the same school and has served as assistant Dean of Students at Denver University for four years be fore going to Ball State. "Students should participate in policy formation in de fined areas," said Ross, who is "not sold on students tri bunals recommending penal ties for student misconduct." "College fraternities have a tremendous potential," said Ross, "but we have a real job to show the public that fraternities are a successful part of the University pro gram." "I believe that the Division of Student Affairs should be made up of dedicated per sonnel trained to provide sit uations where the interac tiors among students of dif ferent backgrounds and val ues are possible," he said. "Students only learn to be mature, responsible citizens by being treated this way," Ross concluded. "When one man punishes another, he is admitting that he has failed and does not understand the problem." CORRECTION The Independent Spring Ball will be held on Friday instead of Saturday as was stated in a previous issue. Photos by Wendy Rogers idea evolved in the play is nof that Gcd is "above," but ruiher a "part of us there is divinity in every man all he needs to do is find it, and believe ii it." Dale Holt, who plays "Zuss," differs with Gaines in his opinion on the relationship between God and man. "Through the play, you can not assume the innate good ness of man himself. If you see man as a depraved indi vidual, nothing without God, you can't accept this theory." "Nickels" NU Band Concert Set for Afternoon The University Collegiate Band's annual Spring Concert will be held today at 4 p.m. in the Student Union ball room. Instrumental solos by vari ous sections of the band will highlight the program. Duane Stehlik will playa tuba solo in "ScheVzo Pomposo," by Walters. The University's Clarinet Choir wBl play "Study in Lavender " The Choir mem bers are: Margaret Bohl, Karen Galbreath, Gary Campbell, Carol Coffman, Clark Edwards, Elsie Sejkora, Keith McCreight, Gary Win keibauer, Linda Haisch, Nan cy Johnson, LeRoy Hutzen biler, Jack Watkins, Bob Force and Dwight Overturf. A trumpet ensemble will be featured in "Cornet Carillon," by Bing-Werle. Members are: Dale Jundt, Betty Bauer, Rob ert Bogard, Keith Carlson, Gary Kubert, Steven Halter, Leland Lamberty, James Johnson and Bert Aerni. The "Trombone Trouba dours," by Bennett will be performed by a trombone en semble composed of Roger Fenner, Robert Frisch, R. C. Mead, Robert Vaughn, Judy Leeke, Gordon Meldrum, Bri an Kolterman and Kathryn Jkha. Other numbers on the pro gram are: "Moor side March," "Court Festival," "Tamberlane," "Divert i mento No. 8," selections from "The King and I," and "Burst of Flame." V. i Panhetl Receives Evaluation From 12 Sorority Critiques By MIKE MACLEAN ' "We have here a brief summary of the results of the evaluation reports turned in by 12 houses, we have cut them some, but they do not make a nicey nice picture," said Nancy McGath, presi dent of Panhellenic at an evaluation session on Mon day. The evaluation reports that were tuned in included suggestions that Panhellenic should place more emphasis on scholarship, .making the organization's e f f o rt s more consistent, including helping the academic adjustment of freshmen and utilizing the University's resources. More emphasis should be placed on cooperation with such programs as People-to-People and Collegiate Coun cil for United Nations (CCUN) and that the quality of dele gates should be improved. The delegates are often of poor quality and lack leader ship the report said. Also, they are not informed as to the feeling in their respective houses. One part of the report stated '.hat there is too much emphasis on the purely social functions of the organizations and not enough on scholar ship. When this organization says it is going to support some thing, continued the report, it must do it. "Panhellenic is lacking in unity and it is suggested that the members cooperate as a group instead of as individual houses. Evi dently the girls don't con sider the Greek system im portant," said the report. One evaluation suggested that there should be more frequent meetings with dele FTP Holds Disarmament Discussion The People-to-People forum committee will launch a ser ies of panel discussions of contemporary international problems this Friday with a program on "Disarmament As Seen by a Quaker and an Air Force Officer." The forum will be held at 7 p.m. Friday in 232-34 Stu dent Union and is open to the public. Participants in the discus sion will be Dr. Edgar Z. Pal mer of the University faculty and U. Walter Reibau of Lin coln Air Force Base. Each will present his point of view, and a question and answer period will follow. Dr. Palmer is professor of statistics and director of the University's bureau of bus iness research. Lt. Reibau is a B-47 navigator-bombadier and is a career officer. He has a bachelor's degree from San Diego State College. Forum discussions will be held every two weeks, accord ing to chairman Jagiit Nngn. The formal program will us ually last about an hour and then will break up into in formal discussion. Singh noted that the disarm ament topic is especially timely because of the current seventeen-nation disarmament negotiations at Geneva. UNICORN University, Organizing all off-campus independents into a unique group called UNICORN is well under way, according to UNICORN's president pro tempore, Bruce Hoiberg. "UNICORN has a potential member ship of 2000," said Hoiberg, who is await ing approval of the UNICORN's constitu tion by the University and the Student Council before official organization is be gun. UNICORN" will provide social activities for off-campus independents, promote par ticipation in University activities, pro mote and recognize high scholarship of its members, participate in worthwhile community service projects, and act as an information center to keep off-campus independents informed on campus issues and speakers. "UNICORN is looking to the future when it can combine with, other inde pendent groups as Independent Women's Association (IWA) and RAM in forming an all-independent grouping," said Hoi berg. "The Independent Student Association gates seated at a round table and that roll call votes should be taken. ' The groups committee sys tem came under criticism in one report saying that each WIWIIIMIIIMIMIIIMmWkM'S . W 1 . l ? nL. cimr mum r"rn SECRETARY LELCHOOK Hardin Outlines Role In Educational Training The role of the University in state and national educa tion leadership was outlined by Chancellor Clifford Hardin Monday evening. Speaking before the month ly meeting of the local chap ter of the American Associa tion of University Professors, (A ALT) he pointed out the recent program of giving all colleges of the state an oppor tunity to further develop their science faculties. He also list ed achievements such as the new English Curricula Work shop and languages and sew ence teacher institutes. "It is worthv of snecial note that all these activities are financed with non-tax funds and are the result of faculty initiative. All are directed toward increasing the compe tence of state educational agencies." Dr. Hardin commented that a signficant increase in un dergraduate enrollment in the next decade would be inevita ble. "Until student financial aids are made available in vastly greater sums than we new have, it is necessary to exert every effort to hold down the cost of attending the University both in tutition and board and room." Discussing the improved ac ademic preparation of enter i n g freshmen, Chancellor Hardin said that still more improvement will come "as Constitution Awaits Student Council OK committee should be looked at objectively to see if it is accomplishing its purpose. Many of them are not doing so now, It stated. Following the evaluation re- (Photo br Wendy Rogers) PRESIDENT McGATH we gradually increase the ad mission standards for non-res ident students and work more closely with high school coun sellors." "As long as we have a wide range in student abilities, it seems that The hcDrs pro grams being developed in the various colleges should be given all encouragemenf pos sible." Turning to the graduate areas, Dr. Hardin said the in crease of graduate students "can be interpreted as a re flection of the improved stat ure of our faculty." Since t!ie University is the only institution in the state offering the Ph.D. degree, he said that some expansion in both areas and nambers of candidates w o u 1 d be neces sary. The honors programs programs are necessary for early identification of poten tial graduate students. Financial Course To Be Taught A broader understanding of financial statement analysis will be encouraged in a short course offered by the Univer sity. The series of, eight classes will meet at 7 p.m. each Mon day in the Nebraska Center for Continuing Education. (ISA), as the all-independent front would be called, would coordinate independent organizations in working toward the same goals for the benefit of the University. "The present Greek-independent com petition leads too much wasted effort," said Hoiberg. "For the independents to work effici ently for the University good with the highly organized Greek system they must combine in this all-independent grouping ISA," emphasized Hoiberg, - UNICORN will seek representation on the Student Council as soon as possible, according to Hoiberg, who pointed out that "independents today do not have very good Council representation with the present college system of representation " "One of the greatest problems facing UNICORN will be overcoming the social inertia of independents, which leads to dormancy in college life outside of aca demics," said Hoiberg. Expressing the group's feeling on th6 NSA affiliation question, Hoiberg said that "the Student Council should net vote for the students on this crucial issue." port Panhellenic presented a list of the suggested, goals for the coming year. The suggestions included to have a "good" Panhellenic weekend, to further common interests with independent groups, to increase the indi vidual delet; of rerp?rsioilities, to have the Panhelleuic Delegate position elevated to cabinet level, and to have more discussion going on at meeting among all of the delegates. Other suggested goals cited the need for more efficient method of selecting officers, and improving the meeting agenda. "We have discussed many things here, but what I want to know is how are they go ing to be formulated into motions?" said Marty Elliot. "That's up to you," replied president Nancy McGath. Vicky C u 1 1 e n moved that the president should appoint a three member "constitu tional committee." President McGath asked how this was to be done, and Miss Cullen replied, "It's up to you." ' A committee consisting of Miss Cullen, . Nancy Butler, and Karlene Seng was picked as their hands came up first when volunteers were asked for after the motion had been passed. Another motion was passed to have Panhellenic meet weekly instead of bi-weekly. Susie Moffit suggested that one of the possible changes to come would be the electing of the president instead of having it on tne rotation sys tem as it is now. President McGath com mented that she was glad to see the enthusiasm and irter est being shown. Mulvaney Resigns for KU Position Miss Mary J. Mulvaney, assistant professor of wom en's physical education, is leaving , the University after eleven years of service. Mills Mulvaney, who holds a baccalaureate degree earned at Colorado and Ne braska and a master's from Wellesley College, wiU take her pre Jut title to the" Uni versity of Kansas. At Nebraska she is advis er to the Women's AthWIc Association (WAA), Associat ed Women Students (AWS), and Mortar Board. She con ducted the Student Union foreign tour last summer and is planning to de the same this year. Miss Mulvaney was offered her position at Kansas with the understanding that shs develop the intramural p r o gram there.. She is known for her work on a national level: for four years she was executive secretary-treasurer of the Athlet ic and Recreation Federation of College Women, a national organization whose regional conference was the occasion for a recent visit by Althea Gibson. Miss Mulvaney has been a faculty member of the Stu dent Union Board of Mana gers for six years and was president during the years 1959-61. Since February, 1958, she has served on the sub committee on Student Social Affairs and Activities concur rently with her membership on the Student Affairs Facul ty committee. Miss Mulvaney, who sees the development of a new in tramural program as an ex cellent opportunity for cam pus work, said, "I have thor oughly enjoyed working with students on the University campus.',' Coed Wins Third In J Competition Judy Harrington, junior in journalism, has earned a third place rating in this month's national Hearst competition in the feature writing division! Her feature article was thp introduction to the problem of Nebraska youth exodus run this fall in the Daily Nebras kan. Her third place puts the University in third place, two points behind the University of Washington and ten behind the University of Kansas.