The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 19, 1962, Image 1

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Hcli SSfcolfl62
Gymnists Are
See Page 4
See Page 2
Vol. 75, No.82
4 The Daily Nebraskan
Monday, March 19, 1962
.No' Action Yet
Fbfe Invalidated:
. .
Afeitf Elections Set
Elections for' May Queen and the Independent Women's
Association (IWA) board, held March 14, iiave been in
validated by the Judiciary Committee of the Student Coun
cil, and new elections slated for Thursday on both city and
agriculture campuses.
The elections were officially contested March 15; by IWA
and Mortar Board.
Committee members Jim
Samples, Al Plummer, Sukey
Tinan, Don Burt, and John
Abrahamzon voted unani
mously to invalidate the elec
Their decision was based
, on the fact that "both or
ganizations (Mortar Board
and IWA) were in favor of
invalidating the vote," and
the following Constitutional
Article 7, Section 2, Sub
section D of the Student Coun
cil Constitution: "To decide
on the validity of Student
Council election and all Elec
tions supervised by the Stu
dent Council"; and .
Article 4", Section 1, Sub
section H of the By-Laws:
"If a special election is not
.invalidated within seventy
three hours after the closing
of the polls, the election shall
be considered valid."
The following letters were
submitted by Mortar Board
President Nancy Tederman,
and IWA President Alfreda
Stute contesting the elec
tions: May Queen Election
"In checking the number of
May Queen ballots against the
number of junior and senior
women who signed their
names as eligible voters at
the polls, we found a severe
discrepency. A total of 583
May Queen ballots were cast.
Approximately 417 junior and
senior women signed the note
book as eligible voters. This
is a difference of 166 ballots."
IWA (boart) Election
"The IWA ballot for board
consisted of sophomore, junior
and senior boards. Members
of IWA were to vote for their
choice of board members in
EACH of the three classes.'
It is understood, however,
that IWA members sitting at
the polls at different times
during the day were not con
sistent in informing the vot
ers of how they were to vote.
(A total of 233 votes were
cast, of which 64 had voted
for members of one class.)
Some voters were being
told to vote ONLY for mem
bers of their own class, which
is incorrect.''
According to Council By
Laws, student IDs must be
presented at the election,, and
a faculty? member will have
to be present.
Sky Show Depicts
Ways to Use Stars
The opening of the new sky
show, "Signs in the Sky", of
fers viewers a chance to tell
time without the aid of clock
or calendar.
The show opened Sunday at
the Ralph Mueller Planetari
um in Morrill Hall.
Dr. John Howe, director of
the planetarium, shows the
discovery of the "signs" and
how they can be used for
limited weather forecasting.
The show will also explain
wliat the sky signs mean
and when they can be effec
tively applied in telling time
and Erection.
"Signs in the Sky" is 45
minutes long and can be seen
at the following times: 2:30
and 3:45 p.m. Sunday, 8:00
p.m. Wednesday, and 2:45
p.m. Saturday.
PTP Applications
Available at YWCA
Application blanks for the
People-to-People Brother-Sister
Program are available at
the Young Women's Christian
Association office on the third
floor of the Student Union.
As soon as names of foreign
students planning to ' attend
the University are received,
America ii "brothers and sis
ters" will be assigned. Those
chosen will communicate with
the foreign student during the
summer, meet him at the air
port, and help him register
and become familiar with the
Finalists for all Independent Queen are (left to right)
Alfreda Stute, Bev Gray, Bonnie Wahl, Sandy' Ahlman and
Clare Vrba.
Independent Royalty
To Reign Saturday
The All Independent King
and Queen will be selected at
the Independent Spring
Dance Saturday night.
Finalists for All Independ
ent King: Jim Cawthra,
junior in Engineering, is a
member of Pioneer House
and president of Inter Co-op
Council; Essie Mortazavi, sen
ior in Engineering, is so
cial chairman of the Iranian
Club, a member of the Un
ion Advisory Board and Ne
braska International Associa
tion (NIA).
Allen Olsen, junior in busi
ness Administration, is a
counselor in Selleck Quad
rangle; Dale Pohlmann, jun
ior in Agriculture, is a mem
ber of Student Council and
the Burr Hall Bar-M Coun
cil; Dave Scholz, junior in
Engineering, is vice-president
of RAM Council and a mem
ber of Student Council.
The finalists for All In
Finalists for all Independent King are (left to right)
Dale Pohlmann, Dave Scholz, Allen Olsen, Jim Cawthra
and Essie Mortazavi.
Former brace-wearers may benefit
from a new approach of orthodontics den
tistry being started at the University.
This approach is a result of the joint
research and development by two Univer
sity professors one in engineering me
chanics and the other in dentistry.
Dr. Sam Weinstein, chairman of the de
partment of graduate orthodontics, and
Donald Haack of the department of engi
neering mechanicSj are responsible for
what is now known as the "theoretical me
chanics approach" to orthodontics.
In their laboratories they are investigat
ing the movement of teeth with such de
vices as a simple gold "button," no bigger
than a small pea, attached to the tooth.
Dr. Weinstein explained that - dentists
for years have used appliances in the
mouth to move teeth, but without a full
understanding of mechanics the science
of force action.
What it all amounts to is that the men
are studying the mouth &nd the teeth in
somewhat the same mannef us an engi
neer solves the problems associated with
the design of bridges or large buildings.
The researchers also are handling de
taled and precise measurements of pres
sures and forces on teeth from cheek,
tongue and other facial muscles. So math
ematically exacting is their work that they
are able to exert such small pressures as
three-tenths of an ounce on a tooth and
meausre the tooth's movements in units
as small as a ten-thousandth of an inch.
In the case of the little gold "button"
attached to a tooth, the scientists found
that they could use the faint pressure of
the cheek against the tooth to move the
tooth itself. '
No action will be taken by
the Interfraternity Council
(IFC) on the Alpha Gamma
Rho (AGR) pledge scaveng
er hunt incident until the
IFC executive committee dis
cusses the incident with the
fraternity, said John Nolon
IFC president, Sunday.
Four AGR pledges were
arraigned in Municipal Court
Friday on charges arising
from the death of a pet
rabbit taken to complete a
scavanger hunt list.
The youth were charged
with trespassing and disturb
ing the peace as one of the
Photos by Doui McCirtney
dependent Queen:. Sandy
Ahlman, sophomore in
Teachers, is a member of
Women's Residents Halls, a
Tassel, and a member of
NIA; Bev Gray, junior in
Agriculture, is president of
Love Memorial Hall; Alfreda
Stute, senior in Teachers is
president of Terrace Hall and
president of Independ
ent Women's Association (I
WA). Clare Vrba, senior in Agri
culture, is a member of East
Burr Hall and vice-president
of IWA; Bonnie Wahl, sopho
more in Agriculture, is a
member of Fedde Hall, com
mittee chairman for Hospital
ity Days and publicity chair
man for 4-H Club.
The Independent Spring
Dance will be from 8:30-11:30
p.m. at East Hills Saturday.
Tickets are now on sale at
$1 per person.
Engineer Combine
The proper or optimum force to exert on
the teeth and the best and most accurate
appliances to use to do the job are just
a part of the approach. They want stu
dents to understand when, why, where and
how teeth can be moved as well as a
sound, scientific background. i
Professor Haack participated in earlier
research with University dentists that re
sulted in a technique that is now very
widely adopted by dentists.
The engineer teamed with dental pro
fessors several years ago to study stresses
on certain types of restorations in chil
dren's teeth. The men developed, as a re
sult, what a layman might call the "round
cornered" preparation technique.
There are good indications that the most
recent effort will have also a widespread
impact on dentistry. Shortly after Dr.
Weinstein and Professor Haack began
their research on moving teeth, the Uni
versity of Indiana, Texas and California
followed suit with similar programs built
around a liaison with engineers or physi
cists. Professors Haack and Weinstein
" have already received requests for infor.
mation from throughout the U.S. and
While the research and slowly develop
ing techniques of the men seem exciting
and a little revolutionary, both point out
that engineering alone will not solve all
the problems of orthodontists and their
patients with misaligned teeth.
"The answers of the future is a multi
disciplined approach," TJr. Weinstein ex
plained. "No single branch of basic sci
ence can be sufficient support for under
standing all the problems involved."
In Kafobit Incident
youth took a rabbit from the
back yard of Lester Gertsch,
3218 T, police said.
A hearing to determine the
facts of the case was held
with Dean J. P. Colbert,
Dean of the Division of Stu
dent Affairs, Sunday after
noon. The four youth involved in
the rabbit incident; the presi
dent, pledge trainer and
alumni advisor of AGR; the
executive committee of the
IFC and the president of the
Interfraternity Board of Con
trol were involved in the
Dean Colbert declined to
discuss what action will be
taken on the AGR incident,
or whether or not it would
be referred to the IFC.
Chancellor Clifford M. Har
din declined to comment on
the incident.
"The University has no of
ficial rules against hell week
because it has been ruled
against by the fraternities
themselves through the IFC,
through the national Inter
fraternity Conference and
through their national frater
nities," said Colbert.
"However, if these rulings
do not accomplish their pur
pose, then the colleges and
universities concerned must
rule against it," he said.
"I am not saying by this
that we are planning to rule
against hell week, however,"
Colbert added.
"Personally," he said, "I
am dead set against hell
"If nothing more than the
irresponsible action of four
individuals is involved, and
not the fraternity,, the Divi
Carl Hansen to Speak
At Honors Convocation
Dr. Carl F. Hansen, super
intendent of schools of the
District of Columbia, will be
speaker for the April 17 Hon
ors Convocation, according to
Prof. Robert Stake, chair
man of the Faculty Senate
honors convocation commit
tee. Superintendent of schools
in a city where 80 per cent
of the students are Negro,
Hansen has avoided a poten
tial integration crisis by "con
centrating, not on the explo
sive potentialities of the situa
tion, but on providing the
best education program pos
sible for every child," in
Stake's own words.
A Nebraskan by birth, Han
sen completed his undergrad
uate and masters work in the
field of education at the
University. He holds a Ed D
degree from the University
of Southern, California.
After experimenting with
educational television for five
years with 35,000 students of
a total of 125,000 in the
Washington, D.C. system,
Hansen removed administra
sion of Student Affairs willr
take action against the indi
viduals," according to No
lon. "Any preinitiation cere
mony held outside the chap
ter house which brings dis
credit to the individual fra
ternity or the fraternity sys
tem as a whole will be
handled by the IFC under the
authority of its constitution
and the Interfraternity Pledge
Training Creed," said Nolon.
"Thus action would be tak
en by the IFC against AGR
fraternity under this author
ity only if we determine It
is involved in the incident,"
he . added.
"I am opposed to the high
school antics of hell week,"
said C. Bertrand Schultz, IFC
"All fraternities claim they
do not have hell week," he
said. "Only the IFC is able
to handle certain pledge train
ing activities, or they will go
"Only by education of the
fraternities involved through
cooperation with the IFC can
the problem be solved," he
In the rabbit incident, a
neighbor had noted the li
cense number of a car seen
in the alley near Gertsch's
house. It was traced to a
pledge at the fraternity.
Two of the youth pleaded
innocent to both counts, an
other innocent to trespassing
and guilty to disturbing the
peace, and the fourth pleaded
guilty on both counts.
.The judgements have been
deferred by Judge Richard
O. Johnson until the trial of
the youths who pleaded inno
cent is held April 26.
tive pressure on teachers to
use TV, whereupon students
and teachers alike promptly
rejected its use. Poor test
results and a "deadening ef
fect on instruction" prompted
the decision.
A four-track system of pro
gress which is extensively
used at all levels in Wash
ington D.C.'s 138 schools is
another of Hansen's innova
tions. The four-track system di
vides grades and the work
assigned to students into four
levels of instruction, allowing
the student to advance in a
given subject as rapidly as
his ability permits.
Residents of Washington
feel that the four-track sys
tem has not only proved it
self by effecting an above
normal rise in test scores
for each grade, but by serv
ing as an effective instru
ment for dealing with the
massive academic problems
created in 1954 by integra
tion, according to James
Koerner in the Dec. 16 issue
of Saturday Review.
'T A v
Dental techniques of the future ... Dr. Sam Weinstein,
chairman of the department of graduate orthodontics, (left)
and Donald Haack of the department of engineering me
chanics, are combining their skills to learn more about the
movement of teeth.
Board of
Rules Out Bonus
Construction of the Twin Towers dormitory complex is
now underway, with completion scheduled Sept., 1963.
In action Friday, the University Board of Regents ac
cepted combined low bids totaling $3,059,P8, ruling out the
bonus which they were prepared to offer if the low bid had
come from a single contractor.
The successful low bidders
General contract, Lippert
Bros, of Oklahoma City, $2,
051,558. Mechanical, , Ray Martin
Co. of Lincoln, $647,400.
Electrical, Common
wealth Co. of Lincoln, $232,
050. Elevators, O'Keefe Ele
vator Co. of Omaha, $128,000.
Had the low bid come from
a single contractor, the Reg
ents were ready to offer a
maximum incentive bonus of
$90,000 for completion of the
sky-scrapper facility by mid
August, 1963.
However, the lowest single
bidder was Olson Construc
tion company of Lincoln, with
an offer of $3,149,000.
The 13-story building plus a
dining facility is designed to
accomodate 960 students.
Located on 17th St., im
mediately to the east of the
present residence halls for
women, the dormitory com
plex will be of concrete slab
Complete and equipped,
Twin Towers is expected to
cost approximately $4.5 mil
lion. Construction costs are
being financed through reve
nue bonds. No tax money is
According to University
Business Manager Carl Don
aldson, the low bids were un
der the estimates by about
In further action the Re
gents gsve final and official
approval to the appointment
of Robert S. Devaney as head
football coach.
The Board hired Coach De
vaney on a five-year basis,
but on terms of appointment
rather than contract.
Devaney's annual salary is
$17,000, and the appointment
runs from Feb. 1.
Also made official was the
employment of Devaney's as
sistants on one-year appoint
ments, effective Feb. 1.
Assistant Coaches Michael
H. Corgan, James Ross, and
Carl F. Selmer Jr., will each
receive $10,000 annually. John
W. Melton will receive $9,000,
and Cletus Fischer and
George L. Kelly, $8,700 each.
The salaries of Fischer and
Kelly, the only two assistant
football coaches reappointed,
have been raised $700 over
last year.
To Plans
University Receives
$1,250,000 Library
University construction and
development projects got a
green light Friday at the
Board of Regents meeting,
when the Board gave its ton
sent on a $1,250,000 library
for Ag College and the pos
sible building of a $1.2 mil
lion physics reasearch labra
tory on city campus.
Lincoln architects Clark
and Enersen received author
ity to proceed with final
plans for the Ag Library.
University business manager
Carl Donaldson said con
struction bids will be called
this summer.
The library, a three-story
structure, will be locatsd
south of the Biochemistry
Building. It will be financed
with revenue from the state
institutional building levy.
The present library facilities
for Ag College are housed in
Ag Hall and plans for the
building have been on the
University's proposed con
struction list for years.
Construction of the physics
research laboratory is contin
gent on approval of a $600,
000 construction grant the
University has requested
from the National Sc i e n c e
Foundation, but the Board
authorized Omaha architects
Steele, Sandham and Wein
stein to proceed with plans.
Other action on physical
plant development by the
board included:
1.) The employment of
Howard Strong, Norfolk archi
tect, to draft plans for a
building at the Northeast Ne
braska Experiment Station
near Concord.
2) The accepteance of a low
bid of $36,000 from the Sides
Construction Co. of Omaha
for remodeling a research
area in the Nebraska Psych
iatric Institute in Omaha.
3) The authorization of the
letting of bids for an addi
tional segment of the Uni
versity's Power Plant cooling
4) The authorization of the
continued employment of
Lutz, Dailey and Brain, Kan
sas City Engineers, to assist
with campus utility develop-
ment plans, including possi
ble Power Plant expansion.
5) The authorization of
Unthank & Unthank, Lincoln
architects, to proceed with
final plans for a series of
small poultry buildings on
Ag College.
' 6) The authorization of the
proposed purchase, at $91,
000, of five Omaha lots and
three houses at 40th and Dew
ey streets to be held for nse
in future development of the
University's Medical Center
7) The agreeent to a con-,
demnation suit to determine
legality of a proposed trans
fer of a small strip of ground
at the Northeast Nebraska
Experiment Station to permit
construction of a state ac
cessroad from Concord.
Premedical Students
Need Applications
Premedical students plan
ning to apply for admission to
a medical college in the fall of
1963 must obtain a test appli
cation card from their ad
visers. The test will be given on
Saturday, May 5 and again
on October 20, 1962. The ap
plication and $15 fee must be
sent in at least two weeks be
fore the testing date.