The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 15, 1962, Page Page 2, Image 2

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    B t?j7 SmS fltrer nninir ' wia"
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Page 2
Thursday, March 15, 1962 f
!l MOST i7&fLArtt s
. Si
Birth of a Newspaper
It wasn't too many
years ago that the field
of journalism was so com
petitive that one news
paper would not even
give an
other the
time of
day; in
fact, if
it had the
chance, it rf
would r
j u s t as I J t "
s o a n I
smash I
the oth-
e r s Forrest
clock. It even got so bad
that papers would never
print the name of another
newspaper or radio sta
tion. Well, things have
changed, and for the bet
ter. Today, one newspaper
will recognize the exist
ence of other forms of
journalism, both printed
and aired, with the pos
sible exception of adver
tising and public rela
tions. It is in this frame
of peaceful coexistence
that we would like to call
to the attention of o u r
readers the existence of
a revolutionary addition
to the field of mass com
munications. Some five weeks ago,
Dow Jones and Com
pany, publishers of t h e
Wall Street Journal, initi
ated a new kind of pub
lication for this country
The National Observer.
It is a newspaper, by def
inition from its editorial
staff, and, as was said
in their, first edition, de
signed to tell you (the
reader) what is going on
now in the "whole wide
The Observer is per
haps the best thing that
has happened to the read
ing public in this country.
It is a weekly national
newspaper published on
Sundays. You can read
the whole news and un
derstand it better through
the Observer's remarkable
depth of reporting and
readible display on pages
with wide columns and
headlines. The news is not
broken in bits and pieces
as is so common in met
ropolitan dailes. Because
it is a weekly the edi
torial staff has time to
lift the news, to put it in
Member Aoociated Collegiate Press,
International Press Representative: National
Advertising Service, Incorporated Published
' at: Room 51. Student Union, Lincoln,
14th & R
Telephone HE2-:631 ext. 4225. 4228, 4227 -
SnhMripiia r W '
iTfM wean ""'wr at rh poii orflc la
a' D.ilT Nrbraakan la punHine Monday. Weane.daj,
mmi rrtdaj duiinf the mhool rear, eirml during
wattooa awl Irarloda, itadenti vl the Unlver.lir
perspective and to pre
sent it in a manageable
package for the reader.
The most striking in
novation by the Observer
is its size. Though pages
are actually deeper and
wider than the standard
page, the number of
pages has been greatly re
duced as compared to the
normal Sunday edition of
other newspapers, yet the
news content is equal if
not superior to these other
Sunday papers. How did
they do it? They simply
cut down the number of
advertisements, on each
page. If you would pick
up a Sunday edition of
New York, Chicago, or
Los Angeles newspapers,
which have two or three
hundred pages, you would
find the back pages
filled with ads or nearly
so. It would take a reader
a long time to read all the
news. Even Lincoln and
Omaha papers have
many pages where small
stories are laced in among
mountainous ads. The Ob
server has every page
wide, open to its news
columns with only a small
percentage of each page's
space taken up by adver
tisements. How can a
newspaper afford this?
The Observer is an ex
periment. The answer to
this question is still to be
answered. We hope that
the answer will be yes for
it will certainly revolu
tionize present practices.
In the Observer's first
edition the editors stated
that they "will treat
news exactly the same
way for readers in Port
land, Maine, and for read
ers in Portland, Ore."
This they have done and
can do with the Dow
Jones seven printing
plants around the c o u n
try, with both wire serv
ice (AP, UPI, and Reut
ers) and correspondent
coverage of news, and
with the organization that
already successfully pub
lishes the Wall Street
Journal in seven cities.
The editors have, also
stated that the Observer
is a newspaper, not a
magazine. Though this
statement is true, the Ob
server will most certainly
give the weekly magazine
field a run for its sub
scriptions. We have found
Daily Nebraskan
of Nebroaaa under autharlaatlon of Ihe Committee on
Student Mfaln ar an einrraalnn at atodeat opinion.
P .Miration under the Jnrlidlrtlao of the Subcommittee on
Student Publication! ahall bo free from editorial eeniorship
on the part of the Subcommittee or on the part of an;
nerjoi oulaide the inlverilty. The member! of the Dallr
Ntbraakan itaff are perionallj reiponaible for what the?
aat, ar do. or cauae to be printed February I. 195S.
Editor Don rerfumn
Managing Editor Jim Forreat
N'w Editor Eleanor Billing
Sports Editor ... Dave Wohlfarth
A ra Editor Anda Anderaon
Night Neva Editor Bob Beeom, Wendy Kogera
Cup; Editor Nancy Whltford. Sac Hnvlk, Gary Lace;
Stpff Writers Mike MacLean, Tom Kolouc. Wendy Bogera
Junior Staff Writera Karen Gunilcka, Bob Beaom
Staff Phologrppher Doug MoCartnea
that the Observer is
easier to read than the
magazine while still giv
ing the same complete
coverage that is charac
teristic of national weekly
The Observer is an ex
periment, yes, but one
that is and will continue
to have an increasing in
fluence on the area of
mass communications in
news coverage, make-up
and style of headlines and
pictures. It is a new con
cept on the American
scene to compete for your
money. It goes without
saying that the Observers
standards for selecting
news are their own and
the success of the experi
ment will rest upon its
integrity in setting these
If you like to be in on
the beginning of a new
pardon the expression
frontier, get a copy if not
a subscription. It won't
replace your copies of
Playboy, but then every
thing has its place.
Union Thanks 1
I would like to express
the sincere thanks and
appreciation of the Ne
braska Union manage
ment and staff for the
fine show of cooperation
on the part of the regular
students and faculty cus
tomers during the High
School Basketball Tour
naments. We here at the Union
realize the inconvenience
that this has caused you
and feel that you have
done the University a
service in showing the
High School students the
fine treatment which they
I should also like to add
a word of thanks to the
ROTC MP's for their help
in our building, and to
the University Police
force especially Sgt. Mar
ket and Officer Ditch for
their calm, effective ef
forts in handling extreme
ly large crowds.
Again, thank you all
for helping us in serving
our campus guests.
A. H. Bennett,
Managing Director
Letter Presented
(Editor'! Note: The following letter
5 was presented to Student Council mem-
hers at their meeting yesterday. A
copy was also submitted to the Cam-
pus Forum.)
Dear Student Council
I member,
I As a non-council mem-
I ber, of the University of
Nebraska Student body,
I would like to make my
feeling on the NSA situ-
ation known. These are
I my own personal opinions
I along with influential
statements from indi-
viduals I know well.
I The essence of my feel-
I ing Is .to agree with the
I majority of the council in
that neither the student '
i body njr the council is
I ready to decide whether
I or not to affiliate with
I I do not think we can
1 attempt to decide this
f question of joining until
we know what NSA real-
ly is. Until such a time I
I feel it is our duty to find
out what NSA is and
stands for and to keep
alive this desire for know-
I ledge, not through such
1 discussions as the stu-
I dent council is now en-
1 gaged in to create cam-
f pus interest, but by the
carrying out of your ong-
inal plan of study and re-
ports trom wis study. .
And please, study com-
mittee, use the tool of
progress reports don't
wait for a final report.
1 How about it, study com-
mittee??? The committee,
could, in the several
i weeks left, give at least
one progress report which
I would be invaluable. This
1 progress report should, I
think, include a general
outline of what areas the
committee is exploring,
and what questions they
are attempting to answer.
The report should not be
binding on the final re-
port, but rather should 1)
I provide the campus with
an official report, and 2)
stimulate students to sug-
gest new areas the com-
mittee had not considered
I and possible questions
1 that should be answered.
I Right now, all we, as a
campus, know is that NSA
I takes the following
s stands:
1) A student shall not
take part - in acitivity
I which does not affect
students in their role as
Z) No one shall put
1 forth propaganda to in
1 fluence legislation.
1 3) It is okay to call
for a letter writing cam
s paign to support a bill.
1 4) NSA is against the
I House Un-American Ac-
tivities Committee,
s 5) Congress should not
make any law imposing
restriction on freedom
of speech. (No "propa-
ganda" should be re
i stricted.)
1 6) It attacks loyalty
oaths in the National
I Defense Student Loan
Act of 1958 and wants
loyalty oaths on state
and city levels to be re
I pealed.
1 7) The National Exec-
utive Committee has as-
sumed the right to ex
1 press t he i r views on
subjects that could not
I be brought to discussion
and vote as though the
entire body of students
1 belonging to NSA '
I agreed. There is no dis
i tinction made as to
whether the subject was
carried by a 51 or a
90 vote. The public is
not told how many vot-
ed, or whether it was
just the executive com
I mittee 's .views.
1 It supports inte-
gration of public facili-
ties and pro-integration
sitting movements.
9) It believes that dis
I criminatory clauses in
Greek constitutions
I should be done away
1 with.
What if the executive
committee came out say-
ing, "We support the fol-
lowing: The United States
should leave Berlin, Indo-
nesia should get West
I New Guinea, and we
i shouldn't have troops in
South Viet Nam. These
i are the expressed views
I of 500,000 college students
i across the nation." What
would every reader of
i newspapers in Nebraska
say when they read this
! with the statement tacked
e on at the end: "People
i of Nebraska, your state
j university in Lincoln is a
j member of this organiza-
tion." What would this do
i to us as persons and in-
dividuals, the university,
I the state of Nebraska,
j and our nation? How
j much are we bound to
to Student Council
these decisions of the
executive committee? Are
we pledged to support ev
erything they say and how
far does our commitment
These may be lop-sided
views, but information in
general is obscure and
hard to procure. I had
to obtain the information
by hook and crook and
paraphrasing the writer
in the Daily ' Nebraskan.
There is a set of NSA
resolutions stating some
of NSA's stands, but this
is not available at this
time. When I called a
non-council member of
the study committee, I
received the following re
ply: "As a member of
the committee, I am not
allowed to tell you any
thing concerning NSA,
except that information
can be obtained in the
library or through the na
tional organization." But,
another person interested
in finding out something
about NSA spent three
days in the library ask
ing, hunting, and trying
to find cross references,
and did not come up with
an ounce of information.
And I am sure this search
er knows how to use our
I could say more, but
I am looking forward to
hearing a progress re
port of the NSA study
committee within the next
couple of council meet
ings which I shall attend
as I have for the last few
weeks. I hope it will be
filled with observations,
good and bad, which will
help me as a campus
member to define and
take my stand. Right now
I have to refuse an af
firmative stand because I
do not know what I am
getting into. For all I
know, NSA may be sub
versive. The tone of this letter
may seem to be mostly
negative. However this
only reflects upon the type
of information I have ob
tained thus far and does
not mean that I am ei
ther for or against Ne
braska affiliating with
NSA. '
We as a campus can
not settle for the word of
a couple of writers in the
Daily Nebraskan. They
write a short resume of
what they feel is impor
tant and then evaluate the
content of the council
meeting as they see it.
The maturity of the
campus and in particu
lar the Student Council is
on trial in the handling
of this vital issue.
E. Eugene Baillie
Book Snatcher
Dear "Friendly" stu
dent: I understand you've
been quite busy these iast
few weeks busy show
ing the high schoolers
how friendly you are.
Yes, you're so friendly
that it breaks you up to
see text books not in use
lying in a carrel at the
library, so you immedi
ately "remove" them
(while no one- is looking,
of course, because they
wouldn't understand that
you were just being
friendly) and quickly
rush over to the book
store and sell them so
that they can be put on
the shelf with the other
books (so they won't be
lonely) which you have
"removed" from other
areas in the library.
I must say, you cer
tainly do your best to live
up to all of the high
qualities that the BUILD
ER who wrote Wednes
day's editorial says all
good University students
have. I am quite sure
that you are the perfect
example of one who is
extremely interested in
educational endeavors
Purse snatching and book
stealing 103, shoplifting
229, refurnishing your
fraternity house in one
easy robbery 162, and
many more courses
geared to your education
al interests.
By this time, I am
sure that the rest of the
students are wondering
just who you are, you
wonderful, friendly, higher-education
minded per
son. After all, we're so
indebted to you for giv
ing the high schoolers the
perfect picture of a good
college student and set
ting an example for all of
ns to follow. How can we
ever thank you?!!
"A Grateful Student"
Council Shows
To the Editor:
Now the Student Coun
cil is showing signs of
maturity. They are meet
ing on othec days than
the official Wednesday
session. They even tried
to make last Saturday's
get-together a secret ren
dezvous, instead of keep
ing it open.
Maturity? Sure. Long
ago, the U.S. Congress,
our state's Legislature,
and Lincoln's City Council
learned to make use of
the outside-the-chamber
tete-a-tete to discuss what
they were going to do.
Whether or not s u c h
meetings are right or
wrong I'm not concerned
with here, although try
ing to purge the press is
antithetical to the Bill of
Editorially, you took
after those "thinking lead
ers" who so far have not
shown their mettle. Three
cheers !
In one of his novels, au
thor Robert Heinlein quot-
Writer Criticises Point System
To ihe Editor:
Recently the Daily Ne
braskan carried a story
concerning controver
sy over the AWS point
system. The only thing
that can be said is that
WILL WORK IF the "au
thorities" (Dean Snyder
and AWS hierarchy) con
The academic world, as we all know, b loaded wMi dSgntaatl
ethics, with lofty means and exalted eotk, with troth and buasat
In such a world a heinous thine; Eke faculty raiding coftogoB en
ticing teachers away from other colleges fa not even thinkabK.
However, if the dean of one college happens purely by
chance, mind you to run into a proieesor from another ecattege,
and the professor happens to remark just in passing, mind yo
that he is discontented with his present position, why, what's
wrong with the dean making the professor an offer? Like tba
other afternoon, for instance, Dean Sigafoos of Granmwa
Polytech, finding himself in need of a refreshing cup of oic,,
dropped in quite by chance at the Discontented Professon
Exchange where he discovered Professor Stuneroe from the
English Department of Kroveny A and M sitting over a pot of
lapsang soochong and shrieking "I Hate Kroveny A and Mtf
Surely there was nothing improper in the dean saying to the
professor, "Leander, perhaps you'd like to come over to ns. I
think you'll find cor shop A-OK." '
(It should be noted here that all English professors are named
Leander, just as all psychics professors are named Fred. All
sociology professors are, of course, named Myroa, all veterinary
medicine professors are named Rover, and all Geiman professors
are named Hansel and Gretel. All deans, are, of eturae, named
But I digress. Leander, the professor, has just been offered a
job by Attila, the dean, and he replies, "Thank you, but I
don't think so."
"And I don't blame you," says Attila, stoutiy. "I under
stand Kroveny has a fine little library."
"Well, it's not too bad," says Leander. "We have 28 voluine
in all, including a mint copy of Navy Drew, Girl DtUclwt."
"Very impressive," says Attila. "Us now, we have 36 million
volumes, including all of Shakespeare's first folios and the Dead
Sea Scrolls."
"Golly whiskers," says Leander.
"But of course," says Attila, "you don't want to ieava
Kroveny where, I am told, working conditions are tickety-boo."
"Oh, they're not Uy bad," says Leander. "I teach 18 houra
of English, 11 hours of optometry, 6 hours of forestry, coach tha
fencing team, and walk Prexy's cat twice a day."
"A full, rich life," says Attila. "At our school you'd be some
what less active. You'd teach one class a week, limited to four A
students. As to salary, you'd start at $50,000 a year, witk
retirement at full pay upon reaching age 29."
jb? ' Ssv
f fT 'm '.
i " c war
"Sir," says Leander, "your offer is most fair but you must
understand that I owe a certain loyalty to Kroveny."
"I not only understand, I applaud," says Attila. "But before
you make a final decision, let me tell you one thing more. Wa
supply Marlboro cigarettes to our faculty all you want at all
"Gloryosky !" cries Leander, bounding to his feet. "You mean
Marlboro, the filter cigarette with the unfiltered taste
Marlboro, the cigarette with better makin's Marlboro that
comes to you in pack or box Marlboro that gives you such a
lot to like?"
"Yep," says Attila, "that's the Marlboro I mean."
"I am yours," cries Leander, wringing the Dean's hand,
f Where do I sign?"
"At the quarry," replies Attila. "Frankly, we don't trust
paper contracts any more. We chisel them in marble."
8 1962 Ma SaiUmaa
Stonecutter cut it in tane, woodcutter cut it in wood,
$eamstresset embroider it in doiliet: you get a lot to like
in a Marlboro Alter, flavor, pack or box.
Signs of Maturity
ed Plato to the effect that
the universe is made up
of paired qualities. Along
with success (in getting
elected to the council),
the Greek philosopher
said, goes responsibility
(to take an active part in
, it).
By virtue of having
been elected, Student
Councilmen have acquired
a great deal of responsi
bility. Several of them
don't seem to realize it.
If they didn't want re
sponsibility, they should
not even have been can
diates. But now, for better or
worse, they have success
and its partner, responsi
bility. Let them either
show it and exercise it,
or let them be realistic
and resign in favor of
someone who will.
Success at the polls,
plus exercising responsi
bility, equals sound devel
opment of future political
Roger L. Wait
tinue to show favoritism
such as letting one wom
an hold two presidencies
(of an organized house
and a major campus or
ganization). BOTH the old
and the new point sys
tem prohibit this, but ap
parently the rules don't
always apply?
if VMM umm . iw,
J .