The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 07, 1962, Image 1

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MAR 7 1962
University Prepared for High School Invasion
Spring? Vacation?
"Spring Vacations" have
been conveniently scattered
throughout the state's prep
scene this week in time for
a mass migration to the
University campus for the
1962 high school basket
ball championships.
And as part of the com
plex planning which has
been going into the annual
affair, an emergency wea
ther program, "Operation
Mattress," has been car
ried over from the '61 ses
sions. In case of inclem
ent weather, the "Mat
tress" headquarters at the
Union can provide sleeping
quarters for over 1,000 prep
"vacation" fans.
Advance ticket sales
seem to indicate that the
1962 tournaments will
draw as many spectators
as the 55,000 gate last year.
It all depends on the wea
ther, was the report from
the office of secretary of
Karen Long, NU Grad,
Reports After 3 Months
Teaching in Philippines
ior thrpp months in the I
Philippines, Karen Long, Ne-
braska's first Peace Corps
woman and a graduate of the
University, is still involved
In a two-way give and take
learning process.
She is doing her job
teaching in an elementary
Philippine school, but her as
signment calls for much more
than tnat. sne is pai uupai
in? in the community life
there and is learning a great
deal as well as telling tnem
what they would like to know
about American ways, people
and customs.
Karen states in a letter to
Mrs. Dorthea Holstein, asso
ciate 4-H leader at the Uni
vcrsity ;
"It is quite encouraging to
see the enthusiasm shown by
the youRe? people. One of the
first things I did was to show,
or rather, demonstrate the
way we give the 4-H pledge,"
she wrote. .
"They had been doing it
word by word and repeating
after a leader. They were
very Impressed with the
meaning that comes when
vou are really saying it from
the heart. I think it has given
them a new insight into the
four H's. There are so many
simple things like this which
can be done to strengthen the
Simple things, but big
things, this is what Karen is
Besides teaching elemen
tary school, she also has two
classes in adult education.
One of these is in "home
"My school hours are from
7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., and
Russia Lags Behind
U.S. in Biochemistry
... Says Dr. John Pazur
A University biochemist
said that during a visit to the
Soviet Union he found that
Russia's achievements in bio
chemistry were considerably
below those of the United
St jutes.
Dr. John Pazur, speaking
before the honorary chemis
try society, Phi Lambda Up
silon, said the talent of the
Soviet Union has gone more
into the physical sciences,
such as mathematics, phys
ics,' and engineering, and that
the biological sciences have
received less emphasis.
Dr. Pazur visited the Soviet
Union last August to attend
the International Congress of
Biochemistry held in Mos
cow. "I also found," he said,
"that the American biochem
ists are not nearly as well
informed on Russian biochem
istry as the Russians are of
the U.S. accomplishments. In
the Institute of Biological and
Medical Chemistry, the Rus
sian researchers were quite
familiar with the biochemical
work being done at the Uni
versity." The Nebraska biochemist
said that in the democratic
countries biochemists are-generally
agreed that the prime
function of biochemists is the
discovery of biochemical
knowledge which eventually
may be used to Improve the
welfare and well-being of
In the Soviet Union, it
was my impression that bio
chemists were concerned
with proving that biochemis-i
the H'. h School Activities
Association, C. C. Thomp
son. Indications show that
press coverage will be thor
ough. John Bentley, Husker
publicity chairman, has
Which Team
WOl Win
What Class?
On page 4
been swamped by requests
for press passes to the ses
sions. The count was up to
over 150 late yesterday and
they were still coming in.
all means of public transpor-
tation stops at 6 p.m. This
vel has to be done on Satur
days and Sundays. Often we
are involved in speaking en
gagements on those days."
This schedule, according to
Karen, gives her little time
and makes it difficult for her
to do things on the spur of
the moment.
She also works with the ag
riculture agent there. One
aspect of this work is to "en
courage young high school
people to think about major
ing in agriculture in college.
"The country has an over
supply of lawyers and many
of them are not employed,"
she continued. "Yet it is a
status symbol to be able to
hang out the shingle, and the
society is so conscious of sta
tus. This also accounts for
the many people who are
working in areas other than
their field of training.
"And from my observation,
the agricultural people do not
have a very easy road. Farm
ers are hard to convince that
they should change their ways
of planting, etc. Families
have such strong ties that
changing any pattern in their
way of life is something that
requires a lot of education.
"There are two f a r m e r s
unions to improve their meth
ods," she added.
"Sunday I am speaking to
one of them on farm life in
the States. It will be interest
ing to find out more about
the activities of the group."
There are other aspects
which she makes a note of
"CARE sent some big cans
of vegetable oil, and the past
try can flourish best under
a communistic system. This
concern for proving the su
periority of the communistic
system was evident in every
walk of life in the Soviet Un
ion. One does not appreciate the
intenseness and the magni
tude of the competition be
tween political and social
systems of the countries un
less he hag visited the So
viet Union, Pazur explained.
There leaders have in
stilled in them the desire to
outdo America in all walks
of human endeavor. Unfor
tunately, it is the type of driv
ing force, though effective for
a short time, that cannot be
the basis of a lasting society.
Rather a deep concern for
the welfare of man and a
desire to provide the most
satisfying life for the larger
number of people are the
types of force which move
man in his search for the
better society.
Dr. Pazur found the Rus
sian laboratories not much
different from those in the
U.S. He said the equipment
was not as plentiful as in
this country but it was ade
quate for their needs.
"About half of the equip
ment was made in the So
viet Union. There was no
American equipment, but I
was told that they were at
tempting to work out an
agreement for the procure
ment of an ultra-centrifuge
from America. This is one
type of equipment they do
not have, Pazur said.
Thirty-three press tickets
were issued to the Omaha
World-Herald and Lincoln
Journal. Fifteen were sent
to HOLN-TV, and 27 went
to various radio stations in
the area.
The high school basket
ball action provides an ex
cellent rushing opportunity
for the Husker fraternities.
A revamping of sleeping
space will be in effect in
most of the houses as each
is taking advantage. The
..Phi Psi's and the Delts
are each expecting bet
ter than 40 prepsters to
move in while the Phi
Delts are marking arrange
ments for at least 35 and
the SAE's, 30.
The Residence Associa
tion for Men has a Satur
day night dance on tap for
the invasion.
Various staffs which will
be handling the fans have
been supplemented. The Stu
dent Union working staff has
been doubled and L. F.
few days the children have
built fires and fried camotes
The crisp ones almost taste
like freh fired potatoes."
Karen added that camotes
are the chief plants as both
leaves and roots 'can be used
for food, and that several
hours a day are spent work
ing in the school gardens.
She wrote, "In the barrio
schools, the children often get
out and pick bananas, coco
nuts, ana other fruits for af
ternoon marienda."
Karen stressed that the
i'eace Corps needs manv a?.
riculture people and asked
Mrs. Holstein, "if any college
grads or even non-college peo
ple have this in mind, please
encourage tnem to apply.
"A man here from Wash
ington reports that there are
many countries calling for
peopie witn farm Interests
ana experiences.
"One does not have to be
technically trained as there
are so many things that boys
learn from their fathers
which could be passed on to
the farmers here."
Up per class Coeds
Don't forget to vote in
the May Queen primaries
today!! Polls on Ag will be
open from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. and
on city, from 9 a.m.-6 p.m.
Ten finalists will be. chosen
by junior and senior women
in this election. The May
Queen and her attendant
will be selected March 14
at the All-Women's elections.
Cattle, Securities, Rings
Among Foundation Gifts
"We have received such things as cat
tle, typewriters, books, a diamond ring
and an automobile for gifts, but usually
donations are in the form of securities
and money," related Herb Potter, assist
ant director of the University Foundation.
The purpose of the Foundation, which
was organized in 1936 by Chancellor Ed
gar A. Burnett, is to solicit, receive and
administer gifts and contributions to the
University, its faculty and its students.
Donors include friends and organizations
as well as alumni.
The Foundation's goal as a non-profit
organization is to build a University dis
tinguished by the excellence of its schol
arship, by the force of its teaching, and
by the contribution it makes to knowledge
through research.
Starting with a gift of $5,000, the
Foundation has built up to assets of
approximately $5,000,000 as of December,
1961. It was inactive from 1936 till 1943,
when Perry Branch, director-secretary
assumed the duties of executive director.
The organization is a separate organ
from the University. It is governed by a
board of trustees which numbers over
130, most of whom are alumni. Honor
ary positions include T. A. Sick, presi
dent; Wheaton Battey, vice president;
and Howard Hadley, treasurer.
Contributions are made for scholar
ships, fellowships, assistantships, re
search projects and equipment, judging
teams for Ag projects, faculty and Uni
versity support, and travel grants.
Morrill Hall's planitarium, wild life and
health science gallaries and Mueller Tow
er were possible through Foundation con
tributions. Also about $1,200,000 was
"Pop" Klein has 75 persons
billed for concession jobs
in the Coliseum.'
Twenty-four members of
the Pershing Rifle military
police force will carry a
large portion of the law
enforcement load. The MP's
will be on duty from 9:30
a.m. to 10:30 p.m. at each
of the three-day's sessions.
The Union has many
things planned to entertain
and feed the onslaught of
students. A hospitality booth
manned by members of
the Union entertainment
Vol. 75, No. 75
Plant Facility Need
Projected 20 Years
A campus survey to project
the physical plant facility
needs of the University over
the next 20 years is now un
derway on Ag and city cam
pus, said Adam C. Brecken
ridge, dean of Faculty. .
The study will be present
ed to the Unicameral.
The study incorporates rec
ommendations from the Glen
ny report on higher educa
tion, and is being undertaken
by Clarke and Enerson of
Lincoln at the direction of
the Board of Regents.
The survey has barely
been completed on Ag
campus and will soon begin
on city campus. Breckenridge
said Clarke and Enerson will
soon be meeting with depart
ment chairmen to discuss
and project their staff and
classroom needs.
Breckenridge admitted that
a shortage of space existed
today within the administra
tive departments, a condition
which will be studied.
"The study will help us to
determine, for instance, what
departments or facilities will
be relocated as we move
some areas to Nebraska
Hall," Breckenridge said.
"In the past we have not
had as comprehensive a plan
as this to project our needs
for the future," he concluded.
Purebred Crown Will Go Unworn
A University Ag College
purebred set quite a record.
In fact, her record was so
outstanding, that she was
chosen to reign as queen.
But Bettian's Colonel Mary
won't be able to wear her
raised by the Foundation for the new
Nebraska Center.
Funds from this organization will also
aid Dr. Donald Pace, chairman of the
physiology department and nationally
known researcher in tissue cultures, to
attend an international congress on can
cer research in Moscow, Russia, this sum
mer. The Foundation has grown from 1,843
alumni contribtuors in 1948 to 6,458 con
tributors in 1961.
Besides educating students, one of the
primary programs of a university is its
research program, said Potter. In 1948,
the Foundation contributed $48,000 to re
search and in 1961, $138,000.
The scholarship, fellowship and assist
antship contributions have risen from
$35,000 in 1948 to $243,000 in 1961. The
Foundation began without a student loan
program, but has now loaned about $120,
000 which will be returned and loaned
Potter pointed out that the need for
func is unlimited. The amount contri
buted to the University is small com
pared to the billions of dollars that is
contributed to such institutions as Yale,
Michigan and California.
Donors usually specify how they want
their contributions to be used, said Pot
ter. However, he added that the need
for unrestricted gifts is great; any mon
ey donated to the Foundation will be
used in the best interests of the Uni
versity. The average alumni gift in 1961 was
about $30. Many contributions are for
$1.00, but some are as high as several
thousands of dollars. Ralph Mueller,
from the class of 1898 has contributed
over $200,000 over the past several years,
concluded Potter.
committee, will be availa
ble in the main entrance
of the Union all day Thurs
day, Friday and Saturday
to give visitors an infor
mation source.
"Midnight Lace" will
be playing at the Union
theater all three nights at
7 and 8:40.
An unattended coat room
will be provided and a
special booth in the Crib
is planned for pizza lovers.
Television sets will be
moved into the lounge so
tired fans can watch the
The Daily
Institute of
Offered to
Formal announcement of
the University's summer lan
guage institute has been re
leased. Dr. Charles W. Colman,
chairman of the department
of romance languages, has
already received applications
from teachers in 38 different
states to participate in the in
stitute. Descriptive circulars of the
institute courses in French
and Spanish are being sent to
schools in seven states in the
midwest. Dr. Colman said he
hopes the response will be
prompt because preference
will be given to applicants
from Nebraska and its six
neighboring states.
The institute, established
Humor Book
Will Include
NU Stories
Dr. Robert L. Hough, an
associate professor of En
glish at the University, has
been informed that Dell Pub
lications has selected four of
the stories from the 1960 and
1961 Scrip's to be published
in a paperback book entitled
"The Best of College Hu
mor." The four stories and their
authors are: "Table Talk,"
1960, by Thomas Perry;
"Minnie Mouse and the Cam
eo Bird," 1960, by Lee Parks;
"Hornigan's Wake," 1961, by
Bill Johnson and "If She
Should Push the Matter On,"
1960, by Barbara Wilson.
crown. She died May Day,!
She was a Brown Swiss
known as No. 218689 in the
University's Dairy barn. Her
memory and record, how
ever, stand, and her fame has
spread throughout the state
cage action and sip drinks
from easy chairs.
No longer will there be
a mad scramble for choice
seats at the crowded tour
ney sites as the 32 clubs
convene in Lincoln for the
This year's cage carnival
will be spread to a four
court start Thursday.
The field and sites will
be cut in half for Friday
and the wind up Saturday
will see all the finals on the
Coliseum floor.
Southeast High School's
for 53 participants, is open to
junior and senior high school
teachers of French and Span
ish. It is financed mainly
with $82,000 from a National
Defense Education Act con
tract which provides a $75
per-week stipend.
The aim of the institute is
to improve the teaching of
French and Spanish in junior
and senior high schools.
Wffl Help
Prohibits Excessive
Campaign Expenses
Panhejlenic Council is go
ing to be a joint participant
in "Greek Week" it was an
nounced at the Monday meet
ing. A committee headed by
Vicki Cullen will be in charge
of handling most of the work.
The committee members are:
Leah Smith, Karen Warner,
Kim Pohlman, Susie W a 1
burn, Jean Carlson, Susie
Backstrom, Ruthie Chubbuck,
Gayle Branigan and Ann
A vote limiting publicity
campaign expenses to $10 per
person per election, and to
two 5x7 pictures was passed
8 to 3. This is applicable to
all sorority women participat
ing in any campus election.
In other business, a possi
ble International Student
Week, and the YWCA Lead
ership Conference were dis
Yesterday, she was named
"Cornhusker Cow of the
Year at the annual meeting
of the Nebraska State Dairy
men's Association at the Ne
braska Center.
Although she was less than
12 years old when she died,
she had had three sons and
three daughters. Two of her
daughters are producing in
the University's herd and one
son is in service in the East
ern Iowa Breeders Co-Opera-tive.
She had an outstanding rec
ord while on campus she
produced an average of 656
pounds of butterfat in seven
lactations. Her highest record
of butterfat production was
766 pounds at the age of seven
years, three months.
A stablemate, U Found
Midas Iolanthe, No. 3530465,
also owned by the Univer
sity, took runner-up honors in
the contest, which was spon
sored by the Nebraska Inter
Breed Dairy Association.
The cows were judged on
production and the type of
cow and the production and
type of the daughters.
International students
should return the Mortar
Board questionnaires to the
box outside the Mo'tar
Board office by 5 p.m. to
morrow. Countesses to Go
To Drill Meets
Cadence Countesses, the
University girls' drill team,
will attend two out-of-state
drill meets this year.
The first meet will be
March 9-11 at Champaign. 111..
and the other April 6-8 at Mad
ison, Wis. The drill meet ac
tivity consists of appearing
in a mass performance with
approximately six female and
25 male drill teams, as well
as performing as a separate
drill team for the judging.
gym is the new addition,
housing the four Class D
first round games on
Thursday. Class C is on tap
at the University High
gym, Class B at Pershing
Auditorium and Class A at
the Coliseum.
On Friday, Pershing will
host Class D and B semi
finals with Class C and A
at the Coliseum.
The added site the first
day will also allow bleach
er space across the north
end of the Coliseum for all
games there.
Wednesday, March 1, 1962
On Dean
No Choices Made;
Lewis Is Candidate
"Rumors circulating on
campus that Charles Lew
is, Dean of Students at the
University of North Dakota,
has been tentatively selected
to be the new dean of Student
Affairs are false," according
to Adam C. Breckenridge,
dean of Faculty.
Breckenridge admitted, how
ever, that Dean Lewis is def
initely a top candidate for the
position and will be on cam
pus today and tomorrow to
visit with staff members and
As chairman of the com
mittee which will select the
new dean, Breckenridge said
that it is University practice
in the employment of a staff
member, as an assistant pro
fessor or above, to bring that
individual to the University
"Of course, only the most
likely candidates for a posi
tion are usually brought onto
campus," he said.
The visit of another candi
date for the position is sched
uled for the week of March
"The visit gives us an op
portunity to look the Individ
ual over and for him to look
us over," said Breckenridge.
"In the selection of a posi
tion such as the dean of Stu
dent Affairs, we may inter
view as many as 15 to 40 in
dividuals on campus, he
The recommendation of the
new dean will be made by
Breckenridge's committee in
early April, subject to the ap
proval of the Chancellor and
Board of Regents.
The new dean will fill the
position to be vacated by
Dean J. P. Colbert at the
end of this semester.
Dance to Feature
Jamaican Combo
The Jamaican combo, Los
Tropicals, will highlight this
Friday's Nebraska Interna
tional Association (N I A)
dance in the Pan American
Room of the Student Union,
8-11:30 p.m.
The group has been fea
tured once at Jazz and Java
and has played twice for NIA
dances this year. It specializes
in S o ut h American music,
but also plays twisting, slow
and rock and roll music.
All University students are
invited, said Tony Rassakh,
NIA spokesman, with an ad
mission charge of $.25 for
men and no charge for coeds.
Campus Publications
Students interested In
working on the new Com
bined Campus Publications
this semester will meet to
day at 7 p.m. in 232 Stu
dent Union.
Previous journalistic
experience is not necessary.
Frolik to Speak
At Dairy Meet
Several hundred dairymen
are expected to attend the
77th annual meeting of the
Nebraska State Dairymen's
Assn. at the Nebraska Center
Highlight of the event will
be the recognition luncheon,
when Dr. E. F. Frolik, dean
of the College of Agriculture,
will speak. Several awards
will be announced.
"A Complete Silage Feed"
will be unveiled by Dr. Foster
Owen, associate professor of
dairy husbandry. He will also
present results of feeding the
new complete ration to milk