The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 19, 1962, Page Page 3, Image 3

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    ONlV.Xil'!Y Or N&UK
Monday, February 19, 1962
The Daily Nebraskan
Page 3
Best Protection Is
Get Behind Something
. - r
Nuclear War Poses Most Urgent Problem Today
Editor'! note: This Is the
first in leriei of depth reports
concerning - civil defense by
Dally Nebraskan staff writer,
Karen tiunucks.
One of the most, urgent
problems facing our world to
day is' the possibility of a nu
clear war. Many people dis
cuss and debate this situa
tion, but few realize or know
the facts.
What is a nuclear - explo
sion? A nuclear explosion is
divided Into two phases
the blast and the fallout.
' Nuclear Explosion ,
The blast of la nuclear ex
plosion, includes a brilliant
flash that lasts about a min
ute. A quick burst of nuclear
and heat radiation emerges
from ground zero, the point
of the explosion. The spurt of
nuclear radiation (wavy
lines extending from the fire
ball) is called initial radia
tion, or prompt radiation and
kills within a mile or two.
The heat rays (straight
lines) can kill unprotected
people up to 10 miles away
and may start fires beyond
that. The heat rays and ini
tial radiation are followed by
a blast wave which starts at
more than 2,000 miles an
hour, but loses much of its
damaging force by about 10
miles out.
When nuclear or incendi
ary bombs strike a highly
combustible city area, they
can create a "fire storm"
The rising , column of hoi
gases draws in surrounding
cool air, producing inward
blowing winds that con'
fine the fire storm to the
blast damage area.
Violent Wind
As the violent wind, which
comes with the blast, and the
brilliant fireball rise . in: the
sky, thousands of tons of
earth, building materials,
rocks and other forms of mat
ter are pulverized, melted or
vaporized and contaminated
by the radioactive residue of
pe explosion. A mushroom
cloud is formed. A little lat
er the material, condensing in
the cold upper air like rain
or snow, starts falling back
to earth since it is heavier
than air.
It is carried wherever the
winds may blow it. About
five miles from the explo
sion, the heavier particles-
early fallout will reach the
ground in half an hour.
Twenty miles away, people
may have nearly an hour to
get ready, one hundred miles
away, the fallout may not
start for four to six hours
All this early fallout, which
carries the bulk of the radia
tion danger, descends in less
than 24 hours. The less dan
gerous lighter particles de
layed fallout might stay
DR. LARRY LUSK, pianist,
will appear in a faculty re
cital Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. in
the Union ballroom. His pro
gram will include composi
and Schubert. '
Tuesday 209 Burnett. Profes
sor H. O. Hartley of the Iowa
State University statistics de?
partmemV .director of the
, Iowa State . University statis
tics department, and director
jf the, Iowa State Computing
Center, will speak on "Prob
lems in linear and nonlinear
regression analysis." At
7:30 p.m. Tuesday, room 114
Burnett, Professor Hartley
will give a more elementary
lecture, "An introduction to
linear programming." Inter
ested students and faciltv are
invited to attend. The evening
session is a meeting of the
Nebraska Chapter or uie
American Statistical Associa
tion. .......
-BlbTogyrp.m., Tuesday,
201 Bessev Hall. Dr. George
W. Kelley (veterinary Sci
ence) will discuss v"Cysticer
cosis, A World Health Prob
lem." , . ,
Spanish Club is sponsoring
a discussion by Dr. Bernard
Rosen of the sociology depart
ment. The topic will be "Per
sonality i and Economic
Growth in Brazil." Tuesday
at 7 p.m., room 345, Union,
. . a a
SOCIATES will meet at 7:00
Tuesday in the Small Audi
torium in the Union. The of
ficial list of associates will
be announced. Attendance is
ft , ft ',
meet 6:30 p.m. tomorrow in
Rag office. Speaker will be
Miss Helen Green of the Fair
bury Journal. She will show
potior v -
Classified ads tor tha Daily
Nebraskan must be entered two
dajra in advance and must be
paid (or in advance. Corrections
will be made if errora are
brought to our attention within
48 hours.
In Union, pair of nindanes. IS reward.
GR 7-7081, Bob Pttcrsou. .
Square golden wrist watch, black nylon
band, loft on Friday In Stout Hall or
on way to 17 A R., Reward. 1715 R,
432-409D. .
Port Versaloc aUde rule. Lost In vicinity
of Bancroft or Student Union. Reward.
Phone 477-9171.
Untverilty parents, Mialone Center Nurs
ery. 2030 T, hours I a.m. to 5 30 p.m.
, Breakfast and lunch, call 432-2392.
Ideal part time Job for college man with
car. Own hours. Phone 477-2367.
As I See It...
(Continued from Page 2)
atives will defeat the re-,
solution on the same
grounds of "no support"
and rightly so, If, on the
other hand, students will
even do no more than ap
plaud those with whom
they agree and hiss their
opponents, the Council
will be less likely to re
ject the responsibility of
NSA affiliation.-.
It was significant that
John Nolan said, "Debate
over the NSA affiliation
will set np a precedent in
action and purpose for
the Public Relations Com
mittee." The Council must de
cide whether to involve
itself and the student
body in national and in
ternational issues, or to
confine its interests to
campus problems likd
parking, and where the
band sits. It will only re
flect the attitude you and
I, as the students it rep-a
resents, express.
aloft for months. The par
ticles continue to give off
radioactivity until they decay.
The three main destructive
effects of a nuclear explosion
are heat, blast and fallout.
The heat that a bomb pro
duces is several 'million de
grees much hotter than the
temperature on the surface
of the sun. This heat travels
at the speed of light. A mega
ton explosion could- kill an
unshielded man eight miles
from ground zero.1 A 20-mega-ton
explosion could kill an un
shielded man 20 miles away.
It could glister , and cripple
the bodies of unsheltered
peopW well beyond that.
Shock Waves
The shock waves of a blast
travel about 800 milesan hour
Blast could destroy a brick
building 9V4 miles ".f torn
ground zero.
The fallout fills the atmos-,
phere, the air one breathes
and attacks the vital organs
of one's body with invisible
radiation. However, since the
air would be contaminated
by radioactive fallout only to
the extent that it CON
TICLES, me r e passage
through the Mr of fallout,
particles would not contam
inate the air or any other
material they happen to touch.
"Nothing New"
Radioactivity is nothing
new. sun rays, sou ana x-
rays expose one to radiation
every day. but normal
amounts of radiation are not
dangerous. Only when radio
activity is present in large
amounts does it become dan
gerous. It accumulates in the
Fallout consists mainly ot
gamma. RAYS and alpha and
beta PARTICLES. Gamma
rays, like X-rays, penetrate a
person or other object. Those
rays .which go completely
through ones' body do not
effect it.
However, 'Occasionally, a
ray will stop msme one s
body and not go completely
through. This is when it does
its harm. Alpha and beta
particles must be taken into
the body by breathing or
swallowing to cause any
harm since an Alpha particle
can penetrate only .004 inches
of tissue and a beta particle
only .2 inches of tissue.
- Once inside the body, these
rays and particles cause a
neutral atom or molecule to
pick up an electrical charge.
Then the damafe occurs.
This could cause the lose of
hair, a cancer development,
a mutation, a premature ag
ing and shortening of life,
mental effects, cataract in
duction, slow healing of cuts
and scratches . brittleness of
Karen Gunlicks is a fresh
man in Arts i and Science
from Kearney, Nebr. She
Is a mem
ber of Kap
pa Alpha
T h e t a,
an A WS
and Student
and a Stu
dent Coun
cil" Associ"1 (
ate. Miss
Gunlick had a 6.9 aver
age last semester and Is beginning-
her first semester
as a Nebraskan junior staff
;;- v' "
' f 1
V 1
nails, wasting away of the
skn and sometimes deatn.
The 'effects to future genera
tions is yet to be discovered.
Radiation Sickness '
Radiation sickness is neith
er contagious nor infectious.
Fallout radiation cannot
make anything radioactive.
Food and water that have
been, exposed to fallout radia
tion' are contaminated (only
to the extent that they 'con
tain fallout particles. Exposed
food that may have particles
on it can be made safe by
washing, brushing or peeling.
Fallout particles can be
removed from water supplies
by sedimentation or filtering.
An - exposed" person is n o i
himself radioactive,, nor do
Meat-Producing Center
Foreseen in Nebraska
Imagine. Nebraska as the
leading livestock center. The
idea is not too far from real
"As the nation's nomilation
center moves westward Ne
braska should continue to
have a ereat future .as one of
the most important, if flat the
most important uvestocK pro
ducing states in the nation,"
said Dr. E. F. Frolik. -dean
of the College of Agriculture.
Dr. Frolik. sneaking to
members of the Omaha Ro
tarv Club, continued: "Ne
braska has all the essentials
for a successful and integrat
ed meaj producing industry.
"We have abundant grass
land to the west cotroled with
feed grain production and a
large concentration of the
meat-packing industry.
"Livestock already is Ne
braska's biggest industry,"
added Dr. Frolik. ."On Jan. 1,
1961, yie state Had aproxi
mately 4.6 million head of
beef cattle and calves. This
total' was exceeded only by
Texas and Iowa."
Although Nebraska ranks
high, Dr. Frolik feels that
Nebraska s livestock industry
can be much bigger.
"Livestock, with- all its
to fm
r --
We all make miitaket . . .
' a
Don't meet your Waterloo at the (typewriter perfectly
typed papers begin with Corrasabie! You can rub out
typing errors with just an ordinary pencil eraser. It's
that 8impleto erase without a trace on Corrasabie. Saves
time, temper, and money 1 .
Your choice of Corrasabie in
b'ght, medium, heavy weights and
Onion Skin in handy .100-
sheet packets and 500 -sheet
Yinm Onlv Eaton makes
A Berkshire Typewriter Paper
satellite business, offers a
tremendous potential. W e
don't have to go outside the
state to seek this industry.
It is here waiting to be de
veloped," he emphasized.
He added that the Ag Col
lege is doing extensive research--hr
breeding, nutrition
and health of both cattle and
hogs, to help develop this
home industry. '
the things he touches become
radioactive. He cannot effect
anpther person unless he
has radioactive fallout on his
skin or clothing. This can be
removed bh washing the skin
and discarding the clothing.
Certain precautions can be
taken to prevent a high rate
of mortality, especially in
the delayed fallout areas.
However, planning and know
ledge of what do to are nec
essary to make these pre
cautions effective. ' .
Beyond the 5-mile radius of
total destruction, but still
within range of the imme
diate killing power of the
bomb, one would have split
seconds to save his life from
the blast and fteat. He would
have to act with instinctive
speed to take cover behind
whatever was at hand. In
the country it might be a
ditch or culvert. One should
lie face down and stay there
until the heat and blast waves
have passed.
In the city it might be a
wall,' a building, or even a
truck. Indoors it would be
the floor (behind furniture or
as close to an inside wall as
possible.) The main idea is to
Distance is a natural pro
tection against fallout radia
tion from external sources.
As would be expected, the
radiation exposure is less
the farther away one is from
the source of radiation.
Thus, fallout on a roof 20
feet over one's - head will
have less radiation exposure
than the same amount of fall
out on the same roof five
feet over one's head. This is
true because he radiation
is reduced in intensity as it
moves away from the point
of origin.
Time is also an important
element in protection from
excessive exposure to radia
tion. Although the intensity of
radiation following nuclear
detonations is very high, the
result of the natural process
of radioactive decay causes
this intensity to begin to de
crease immediately.
Intensities Decline
Nevertheless, there can be
rather large areas of high In
tensity on the ground. The in
tensities decline at such a
rapid rate that at the end of
a seven hour period the in
tensity level is reduced to
about 10 percent of the initial
value. After a 48-hour period
it is down to one percent. In
two weeks the level would be
about 0.1 percent of its ori
ginal value.
The most important potec
tlon against fallout is shelter.
Fallout radiation can pass
through any material, but
some of it is "absorbed" on
thevay through. Thus, if suf
ficient shielding is put be
tween the individual and the
fallout, the radiation which
comes through will not b
have created outstanding
career opportunities for
B.S. degrees or better
Assignments include the following areas:
Heat Transfer-relating to mis-
sile and space vehicle structures
Structures relating to cyclic
loads, temperature effects, and the
investigation of new materials,
methods, products, etc
Aerodynamics-relating to wind
tunnel, research, stability and
Servo-Mechanisms-relating to
all types of control problems
Electronic Systems -relating to
all types of guidance, detection,
control and communications
Propulsion relating to fluid
mechanics, thermodynamics,
dynamics, internal aerodynamics
Environmental -relating to air
conditioning, pressurization and
oxygen systems
Human Factors-analysis of
environment affecting pilot and
space crews, design of cockpit con
soles, instrument panels and pilot
equipment 1
. Get full information at
with a Douglas representative
Monday, March 5
We urge you to make an appointment through J. P. Colbert,
Uiairman, Committee on Occupational Placement.
S. A. Amestoy, Staff Assistant to VP Engineering
3000 Ocean Park Blvd., Santa Monica, California
An equal opportunity employer
Solid State Physics-relating to
metal surfaces and fatigue
Space vehicle and weapon
system studies-of all types,
involving a vast range of scientific
and engineering skills
Career Cues:
"The broader your knowledge,
the greater your chance '
of success!"
Edwin J. Ducayet, President
Bell Helicopter Company
"As I look back, graduating from college in the depth of
the depression was a blessing In disguise. It was difficult
to get a job, and even more difficult to hold it. It proved
to me early in life that to succeed in business requires
constant struggle..
"I found that the truly successful individual never stops
learning, that a formal college education is the foundation
on which we continue to build the knowledge and experi
- fence required to get ahead. .
"fiven in today's age of specialization, a man eventually
reaches a point where breadth of knowledge is necessary.
The engineer must understand accounting and marketing.
The marketing man must know his product The financial
man must be sympathetic to engineering development
and sales programs. Management must have a working
knowledge of all phases of the complex and highly com
petitive business world.
'Therefore, even though specializing, a student should
make his College curriculum as broad as possible, and
diversify) his outside activities. Authoritative surveys have
shown that only a small percentage of individuals end up
in the field in which they specialized in college.
"Widen your world. Broaden your interests right now.
Since graduation from college I've discovered that those
who are really succeeding today are the ones who do more
and keep on learning from what they do. The broader
your college interests are now the steadier your ladder
of success tomorrowl"
. j - I j ill L.L.LI JLTTIT- I - " "T." I " 1 I" I II J J I J """TTin
m-mmm mmmm m,.'. i . x... mmmmmmmi i- - ' - 'A
iMifcvij ,
1 1 I I ! i -. JJ emu J " ss -s -k" .JLLjf
! - jf Mi! I f 1 7: vpr H
' ' J1 ; -M Idwin J. Ducoytt is president of f ' ,
3" t ' -oS- tle world'i largest heli-
, S'VjJ: copter manufacturing firms. His
t ' tf company's products are used in
, ' f S 1 .52 countries for multitude of :
t " iics military and commercial ap-
V - " f ' ' " plications. A resident of Fort
A l X ') Worth, Texas, Ed has been a I jT)
j$ i Camel smoker since his under- 7fLS
I ' 'W'" graduate days itMlT. JtbJrfl I
Smoking more now but enjoying it less?... change to Camel!
Hairs a real ciaaretfe-Oif&H
NorttiCtroUM "
1' '