' j i U v i 1 v I i Page .6 The Daily Nebraskan Friday, February 16, 1962 Council Told Nondiversity People Temporarily Barred From Stacks ixve uorary stacks are now temporarily closed to all non-University students, ac cording to George Peterson, Student Council library chair man. The 90 carrols and stacks will remain open to graduate and undergraduate students. ' However, students entering the stacks after 5 p.m. on second floor will be required to sign in and sign oat as a check for the library on who is using the carrols, 1 said Peterson. "The third floor entrance to the stacks will be closed aft er 5 p.m.," he added. Richard A. Farley, asso ciate library director, said that "considerable distur bance of students studying in the stacks by non-university students" had prompted the action. Unexcused Absences Jeanne Morrison and Larry Myers will be removed from the Council at next week's meeting for three unexcused absences, announced Steve Gage, president. tacn nave a week to pre sent suitable excuses for one of their three absences. Traffic Route The Student Council moved Wednesday that traffic be routed in a one-way, counter clockwise direction about the Love Library mall. The resolution will be sub mitted to Chancellor's assist ant James Pittinger and Uni Carl Donaldson, for final ac tion. , . . All campus organizations will be required to submit any constitutional changes which they wish to have ap proved by the end of the school year to the Division of Student Affairs before Apr. 30 of each school year if placed before Wednesday is the ap- by-law Council proved. To be considered at next week's council meeting, the by-law would hold any con stitutional changes submitted to the Division of Student Af fairs until the fall term when approval by the Council juci ciary committee would be forthcoming. "The April 30 deadline for constitutional consideration is requested to prevent the flood and subsequent loss of sub mitted constitutions which has been frequent in the past. , Council Associates The number of Student Council Associates will be cut down to about 80 members from" 155, said Don Witt, co chairman of the Associates committee. Members will be eliminated on the basis of work com pleted and assignments made. Members have already been dropped from the rolls if they fail to attend- general &sso ciate meetings, Witt said. Associates who have ques tions as to whether i or not they have been justly dropped should contact Sukey Tinan or Witt. CCUN COMMITTEE Ken Fouts and Joel Lundak were appointed acting co chairman of the CCUN com mittee to be organized from interested students on camp us. The group will study ad vantages of association with the national CCUN and or ganizing a chapter on camp- us. The Council will conduct a student body poll on the dates students would prefer to have Christmas vacation begin and end, announced Jane Fan quet, calendar chairman. IFC Hosts Orphans At Party Tomorrow The Interfraternity Council (IFC) is sponsoring a Valen tines Party for orphans from the Nebraska State Home for Children tomorrow at 10 a.m in the Party room, Student Union. Fraternity men and their dates will entertain the young tsters. The program will con sist of games and cartoons, followed by lunch at noon. NEBRASKAN WANT ADS , POLICY Classified ads for the Daily Nebruksn must be entered two days in advance and must be paid for in advance. Corrections will be made 'If errors are brought to our attention within 48 hours. TAILORING Pressmakinsj or alteration! done at reasonable prices In up-to-date styles. CaU Mavis, GR 7-8071. PERSONAL University p a re n t s. Malone Center . Nursery. 2030 T. Hours 7 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Breakfast and lunch. Call 432-2392. Ideal part-time job for college man with car. Own hour. Phone 477-2367. LOST AND FOUND Lost Post Versalof slide rule. Lost In vicinity of Bancroft or Student Union. REWARD! Phone 477-9172. Napoleou-as joa till wte- Kept his hand tucked Inside of his coat When bis friends asked, "Mon Cher, Qu'est-ce-qae c'est have you there?" Be replied "C'est mon Swlngline je tote." STAPLER cYhbhaAkcL (Applauds io bigger than a pack of gum! (fcM HlllUslM) Unconditionally Guaranteed Mad in America! 0 Tot CO refill lwy available! 9 Buy K at your stationary, variety or boopstor dealerl ZtHft INC. Ln lalansl City 1, New York A new Red Cross board has been chosen, the new members are: president Mary Anderson; vice-presl dent, Nancy Jacobson, a n treasurer Rachel Heiss. The state hospital adult committee members are chairman, Shirley Hoffman and assistants, Mary Leefers ana Jean Brooks. The state hospital specific committee members are: chairman, Lorraine Harris and assistant, Elaine Ander son. Members of the transporta tion committee are: chair man, Ray Hesse, and assist ant, Mary Bess Johnson. Members of the veterans hospital committee are: chair man, Fnyins Kiddie and as sistant, Polly Brown. Orphanage committee mem bers are: chairman, Sally Larson, and assistants, Linda Crocker, , Nancy White and Kathy Stump. Special projects committee members are: chairman Nancy Ericksen, and assist ant, Ann Wahl. Members of the handicraft committee are: chairman, Gail Bucholz and assistant, Sally Dall. Leadership committee mem bers are: chairman, Merrily Newton and assistant, Kathy Carstens. High school red cross com mittee members are: chair man, Judy Luke and assist ants, Nancy Anderson and Susie Ducker. ' Orthopedic committee mem bers are: chairman, Susie Hansen and assistant, Sue Titman. Members of the water safe ty committee are: chairman Carol Williams, and assist ants, Susanne Plum and Gret- chen Gaines. . Members of the Publicity Committee are: chairman, Judy Kriss and assistants, Barbara Pandzik and Barb ara Ihle. Members of the adult ac tivities committee are: chair man, Billie Spies and assist ants, Lynnette Loescher. a . . ' Congratulations to the newly-selected officers of the following groups: Ter race Hall has elected offi cers to fill vacancies. These people will hold office until elections in April: President, Alfreda Stute; vice-president, Roxane Nor ris; secretary, Jean Brown; treasurer, Karen Kuhn; so cial chairman, Peggy Mer- ica; AWS representative, Carol Lea Klein; WAA rep resentative, Glatha Green. Inter Co-op Council James . Cawthra of Pio neer House has been elect ed president of the Inter Co-op Council (ICC) for a one-year term. Cawthra, a junior in en gineering, succeeds Arnold Bauer. Paul Liess, an ICC rep resentative from Cornhusk er, will serve as vice presi dent. Greg Bartling, also representing Cornhusker, is the new secretary treas urer. Other members of the council include: Ray Lor ang and Fay Blair from Pioneer; John S c h e n c k, Victor Aufdemberge and Bill' Perk from Brown Pal ace; Maurice Wiese, Rich ard Bolli and Roger Chris tensen of Ag Men's; and Gerald Mimick from Corn husker. The new council has be gun work on the annual ICC ball scheduled for April 14 at East Hills ball room. Home Ec Club Joan Kesling is the new ly installed president of the Home Economics Club. Other officers are: Viola Sisel, vice president; Jane Price, secretary; Carol Crawford, treasurer; Delor es S t a r a, membership, Rose Holmberg, publicity; Joan Skinner, historian and social chairman; and Alice S t i 1 w e 1 1, Ag executive board. UNICORNS the n e w 1 y formed organization for inde pendents living off campus I '. fi arenY those QMSZS KINO- I I OF A NUISANCE, ) "( NOT gEAllVlJ S0MEME5 THE1 CAN ACTUALLY FREE MY HANDS FOR WHATEVER fcLE I MI&HT WANT TO DO, (Courtesy of Omaha World Herald) will meet this Sunday, Feb. 18, at 3 p.m. in the Student Union to approve its constitution. is it tc THE IRANIAN CLUB will meet. Sunday in 332 Student Union for a special meeting at 4 p.m. 4 6 4 JAZZ AND JAVA will be presented by the Union music committee from 4:00 to 5:00 in the Crib, featuring Jim Her- Dert. and his orchestra, chosen one of the top 30 collegiate bands for 1960 at the North western Jazz Festival. V , 4 ' Barrett Band Plays on 'Ag "' Hadley ' Barrett and his Westerners will be providing music at the Ag Winter Won derland dance, 8:30-11:30 p.m. tonight. . ' The dance will be 'held in the Ag Activities .building. The cost is $1 a person. House Parties, Formals Reign During Week-End ,.5?.. f t;;i01! i Pershing Rifles I A varietv of activities will keep the social-minded on campus busy this week-end. Four house parties are among the events scheduled. Friday Residence Hall formal, 8:30 p.m., Cornhusker ballroom. Ag Winter Dance, Theta Xi pledge house par ty, 9-12. Saturday Carnival, Ag campus. Delta Sigma Phi sailors' ball house party 9-12 p.m. Alpha Tau Omega pepper mint lounge house party; 9-12. Delta Upsilon house party, 8:30-12. Pershing Rifles Dinner Dance, 6:30-12, Nebraska Cen ter. , IFC Positions Open Inter-Fraternity Council (IFC) will hold interviews for positions on the Judicial Affairs and Public Relations committees at 2 p.m. Sun day. Applicants are not requir ed to have any previous ex perience in IFC. Applica tions are available at the IFC office, third floor, Un ion. The deadline for filing them is tomorrow noon. MAKE jfeS7H Zr " 1 lifi RENT-d-CAR If you're going out, an Avis Renta-Car 1$ about the best way to get around. Just phone Avis and say when you'd like to pick up your favorite Ford or other fine ear. You can be certain it'll be performance perfect, clean as can be. Cost? One low fee in cludes rental, gas, oil and insurance. Have a wonderful time! JOE COLLEGE WEEK-END SPECIAL From 4 P.M. Friday to 9 A.M. Monday Call 432-3405 &?.fSS 432-3625 MUNICIPAL AIRPORT n The Church . v . For Afuller Life . . v For You .' CALENDAR OF CHURCH SERVICES UNITED CAMPUS CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP (Presbyterian, United Church of Christ, . U. B. t MODELS Bette Bonn International a advertited in "HARPER'S BAZAAR." Courtei in Professional Modeling Charm & Self improve ment Special courses for col lege students Fourteen years In Lincoln! See ouri. models at Mages s Penney's and Wards Caraway Call BETTE BONN HE 2-1229 753 Stuart Bldg. Disciples of Christ) 333 No. 14 Rev. Alan J. Pickering, Rev. Ralph Hays, Rev. Dennis W. Patterson Sunday Corporate Worship 10:45 a.m. Crossroads Seminar 9:00 a.m. Fellowship Forum 5:30 p.m. Forum Discussion 6:30 p.m. UNIVERSITY EPISCOPAL CHAPEL 13th and R Sts. 6. M. Armstrong, Chaplain Holy Communion 8:30 a.m. Morning Prayers 10:30 a.m. Evening Prayer 5:00 p.m. Canterbury ... 5:30p.m. UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN CHAPEL (The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod) 15th IQ A. J. Norden, Pastor Worship 8:45 a.m. Bible Study 9:45 a.m. Worship 10:45 a.m. Gamma Delta 5:30 p.m. TIFERETH ISRAEL SYNAGOGUE 3219 Sheridan Rabbi Maurice A. Pomcrantt Services: Fri., 8:00 p.m.; Sat., 9:00 a.m. Hillel Meetings Monday BAPTIST STUDENT FELLOWSHIP Royce L. Jones k H. Merlie Burner, Directors of Student Work 9:30 a.m. Bible Study 10:45 a.m. Morriing Worship 6:00 p.m. Fellowship Hour 7:00 Evening Worship 8:00 AfterChurch Fellowship Groups Meet ing at First Baptist Church, 14th & K Streets Second Baptist Church, 28th & S Streets CATHOLIC STUDENT CENTER St. Thomas Aquinas Church 16th t Q St. Charles J. Keenan Chaplain Robert f Sheehy Chaplain ' i Rawlsy Myers Chaplain e MASSES: 8:00-9:30-11:00 & 12:15 LUTHERAN STUDENT CHAPEL (National Lutheran Council) 535 No. 16 Alvin M. Petersen, pastor; Gwen Jacobsen, assistant Bible Study, 9:30 a.m. Worship, 10:45 a.m. Lutheran Student Association, 5:30 p.m. WESLEY FOUNDATION (METHODIST) 640 North Sixteenth Street Win. B. Gould, Duane Hutchinson, Ministers C. R. Morris, Lay Associate 9:00 A.M. Holy Communion 10:00 and 11:00 A.M. Worship 5:00. P.M. Supper 6:00 P.M. Vespers 6:15 P.M. Religious Roundtables . AT CAPITOL BEACH FRIDAY NIGHT IS COLLEGE NIGHT Let's. Tieitt with . , . JERRY COLEMAN SEXTET Dancing ... 9 til 12 Admission 75c lstMairMltmrWW!IT Sttmt tree parkins; after 6 D.m.! DOOBS OPEN 12:45 140 N 13th HE 2-1465 fl iDDyiMKlM II'- IN 1HI COMWTI GDANDIUI Of QHEMASCOPg The 95 ouncr , I i jf i..... ...... I j f E i. 5 111 Tin: V . 1 1 ' a lb ill K' . . ' MCV. M.Vi.i ....' I I DDfinr art . ill WS I ' 3s. 4 Sill M - PRAYER . ' . )ZUs L I " . TZlf'y " '' ' -- " r f' ' V''" ' 'Sf '1 ' f" i-r-l l U h , . J - ftl'$Vt I i9 IL COLOM f Dl fiom !0tH Ctnlurr-fn itwcflf DllKl-lBlll RITA MORENO FLOREY'S SHOE REPAIR Shoes Repaired Like New 50 year't experience malting & repairing Shoes HE 2-9611 117 North 14 LUNCHES SNACKS "Where Cam put Friendt Meet" 1131 R Street NEXT TO NEBR. BOOKSTORE EDHOLM AND BLOMGREN Portrait Placement Photos HE 2-6686 318 South 12th THE EVANS LAUNDERERS CLEANERS 333 No. 12 Selleck Quad. THE CHURCH FOR ALL ... ALL FOR THE CHURCH , I The Church Is the icraueit Isclor on earth lor the building of char acter and sood eitinnthip. It is a itorehouw of spiritual values. Without a strons; Church, neither democracy nor civiliiation can sur vive. There are four sound reaioni why every person should attend services regularly and support the Church. They are: (1) Fpr bis own sake. (2) For 1m children's sake.. (3) For the sake of his com munity and nation, (4) For the sake of the Church itself, which needs his moral and material sup port. Plan to go to church regu larly and read your Bible daily. tiltweuii 'TtnySHnens CntMlnrss Day Book Chapter Verses Sunday John 11 17-27 Monday John , 11 38-44 Tuesday Acts 9 36-41 Wednesday Romans 10 5-11 Thursday Hebrews 11 '1-7 Friday Psalms 121 1-8 Saturday Psalms 4 .1-8 Aikand it thall b eiran vou. Seek and y thall find. Knock and it shall be opened unto you. . The promise of Jesus is all the proof a child asks. But, knowing that we grownups are often more inclined to skepticism than faith, Christ cdntinues: ' . What man is there of you, whom if his son ask bread, will give him a stone or if he ask a fish, will he give him a serpent? t - i And while the multitude pondered the im plication of these challenges, the Lord offered his conclusion . .". so simple as to appear (obvious ... so profound as to convince all but an atheist: If ye, then, being evil, know how to give 1 good gifts unto your children how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask Himl ' But His real proof you'll find in the expert ence of prayer . . in your church ... in your home , . . in the sacred quiet moments of every day. ,. - ' ' . Copyritht l9C2, Kiiilir Adv. Sirvuit lit., Slruburg, V. DICK'S. WATCH SERVICE Watch & Clock . Repair 1'2 Day Service Student Prices In Campus i Bookstore 1 245. R. Street L&H FOOD STORE i - i "almost on campus" Groceries Frozen Foods ' Picnic Supplies Magazines . Drug Sundries . 432-8031 318 North 12