The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 09, 1962, Page Page 2, Image 2

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New Greek Challenge
Today's phrase of the
day: "Post hoc, ergo prop
ter hoc."
This is a Latin phrase
which means "After this, ,
b e c a use -
of this"
and is.
used in
and effect
s i t u a
tions. As
an exam
ple of its
use let's
think of
the effect
of the new Twin Tower
dorms in causing a fur
ther threat to the Greek
system on this campus.
Sometime during the
month of March, the Uni
versity will let the con
tracts for construction of
the $4 million dormitory
facilities. Current project
plans Include two 13-sVry
residence halls with a
basement and a two-story
food service building,
with capacity for 960 stu
dents. In the light of this tre
mendous expansion of
University housing, let's
review the Greek situa
tion. The "life blood" of
the Greeks are its
pledges and the source
for this "blood" is the
students who participate
in Rush Week. This
source is slowly drying
up. Each fall the number
who go through rush ap
pears to get smaller. It
isn't a great drop from
li littft tilings on eampui
There Is No Limit
There is no limit to
friendship, love or hat
red. You can spend years
cultivating friendship, a
hundred weekends falling
in love, but you can sow
seeds of hatred in a mat
ter of moments.
Have you ever tried to
realize or analyze that "I
love you" is loaded with
meaning? You may have
. already used it without
knowing its full signifi
cance on your first date.
It seems that when- it
cornea to love, human be
ings are the same the
world over. Customs may
differ from country to
country, from one tribe to
another, but we all know
bow to love! I am not
talking about the mechan
ics of loving but love
itself. You may call it a
universal truth.
It wQI be oor par
pose, through this col
umn, to uncover some
similarities as well as
dissimarities among
friends from all v e r
the world. Maybe we
shall anderstand each '
ether better that way.
To do this job, I shall
seed the kelp and co
operation of every one
of yon.
There are as many
countries represented on
our campus as there are
states in the Union. Stu
dents from 46 for
eign countries today num
ber 235. Some of you
(American students) al
ready know them, have
friends in them, and
some of you may even be
working with them in or
ganizations like the Ne
braska International As
sociation, People-to-Peo-ple
program, or YW-Inter-national
Luncheon group.
z -3
it you have not heard
of one or any of these or
ganizations but are inter
ested in one or more of
them, I suggest that you
investigate or ask some
body who knows. '
Bfember AgaocUtei Collegiate Pre,
International Prew ReprwenUtiye: National
Actvertkrfnr- Service, Incorporated Published
st: Room SU Student Union, Lincoln,
, 14th R
Telephone ItZZ-7611 ext. 4225, 4228, 4227
akwrtirttaa ratt m n ht anacatar ar U far Mm fr.
tattre a f ala aaatMr at Hi t MlUm la
UacMr. Mr-brisk, mmitt Ifc art af ArX 4, Ilt.
II Oallr ! M puklik4 MmUt, tttdactdir.
T.m' a" Wrt a1i rfct rear. tirrwt .r)nc
,.raiit a tn arta r taat f ih. raircraiir
ml ,wk Brlrll-ii f (a ImmnUr a
ttajeat Ullr aa aa axvraaataa af Maoeat avlaiaa.
year to year, but the
number is shocking to
proponents of the Greek
way of life.
4 4 4
Consequently, there are
some fraternity and so
rority houses on campus
that are something less
than full, while Univer
sity housing at present is
bulging. This is a drastic
situation and every Greek
should become aware of
some of the effects that
the expansion in dorm
room will cause:
The available space
for non-Greeks will in
crease. This new Twin
Tower will offer- Univer
sity students housing that
is new, efficient and at
a relatively lower cost
than Greek housing an
attractive inducement for
incoming University stu
dents. r
The main threat to
the fraternities is the dis
tinct possibility that the
Administration will re
quire fraternity pledges
to live in the new dorms
like sorority "pledges do
now. It is not hard to see
the reasoning for this
move. Twin Towers will
have room for 960 stu
dents. The University will
not have that large of an
influx of students next
fall to fill both towers
If the University does
not fin both towers they
will lose money this our
boys of the grey walls
are not about to let hap
pen. So, why not fill them
They are intended to
serve your different
purposes. However,
they complement each
other in their service to
oar student body. They
do not compete with
any other organization
on campus.
Here a logical question
would be: Why should I
be interested in asking
you to do so?
Before you take me
wrong, I am merely in
forming you of the exist
ence of such organiza
tions on c a m p u s. I am
not using any commer
cials or doing the hard
sell here. I am, however,
convinced that many of
you do not even know of
their existence, leaving
aside their objectives or
None of them, to the
best of my knowledge, is
connected with Un-American
activities or expound
ing the doctrine of "Ugly
Americanism." These or
ganizations have, howev
er, one thing in common.
They are all interested in
creating mutual under
standing among foreign
and American students,
among foreign students
themselves, as well as
among American stu-
dents. '
How many of ui are
making the best use of
- oar time on campus
(yon may be an excep
tion!)? What kind of a
daily calendar do we
follow? What are we
trying - to achieve be
sides earning our de
grees or getting mar
ried? What kind of a
world do we live in to
day? Where do we fit
in? How can we do bet
ter? I am not here to deliver
a sermon. It is my con
viction that self-analysis
always helps people in
crease their effectiveness.
I have known several stu-
People Are Just People
Daily Nebraskan (
P.MIeaMoa aaaer the Jri4ttl f Ike ftabrammtttee
ataantf PaMteatwa tkU k free frm editorial eBMrhiy
aa the part ml lha gakeamml!' ar aa the aarl ml ni
eriaa eattlde Ike fcalTerettr. The member af the Oallr
Kekraakaa ataff are ptrMnallr repll far vhat the
ar, r 4. r aa-t be printed Frknurr t. IKS.
Edlter . , '... Daa FrrM
Mffn Editor Jim
Edit Cleaasr Billan
ftfwrt EdrUr Dre Wchllartk
A .w Editor Aada AaaVraa
JfilM New Milan B Wm, Tom K4e
(ar Editor . Naarf WkHferd, H Marlk. Oarr Later
Wall Writer Mike MarLeaa. Tarn Kie, Wradr Halm
Jaaier (Mff Writer (area Gaallrk. Bob K.m
Hurt FbaUMrraaiier Df MrCartaer
aM Marnier Bill ftanllrki
Axial! fladaea Maaafrra . Zellirer. Tna Filtbeu,
- Bob CaaaiMkam
CireaiaUaa Maaacar .'. Jim Trctter
Friday, February 9, 19621
up by requiring fraternity
pledges to live in the
dorms? Meanwhile, the
houses and budgets built
for a full complement of
pledges and actives will
suffer with half the as
sets and revenue.
(Besides, there is a ru
mor around campus that
certain elements in the
Administration would just
as soon turn all Greek
housing into University
dorm housing. This is
evident by the more reg
ulatory and disciplinary .
action that the Greeks
face. If a single member
of a Greek organization
violates a rule or rules,
the whole house and sys
tem is forced to suffer,
while the individual inde
pendent suffers alone for
his own violations.)
Our saying, "Post hoc, er
go propter hoc," can cer
tainly be applied to these
threats as well as some
others that are of less im
portance but add to the
total threat to the already
weakened Greek body on
The Interfrater nity
Council and individual
houses and members are
starting to become aware
of the system's shortcom
ings and dangers facing
it. Many precautions and
steps have already been
taken, but you as a Greek
need to realize the addi
tional burden that the
new housing could place
upon the entire system.
by jagjit feingh
dents, both foreign and
American on our campus,
who are so well , organ
ized in their lives that I
personally, am envious of
them. You may be one of
We are living in a fast
moving world. It takes
as much time for a man
to fly across the Atlantic
Ocean as it does to cross
the English Channel in a
boat. Distance is no long
er an impediment in our
Only if we were to
realize these facts of
life we would know how
far behind we were in
this world. Yesterday's
transportation would be
considered ancient with
tomorrow so close at
Some of you have
not had contacts with
each other (American
and foreign students). It
is my humble request
that you give it a trial.
You don't have to buy
what I am saying by par
ticipating in this "test
marketing of friendship
program." Quit it if you
don't like it. But give it
an honest trial.
What are we trying
to arrive at? Why Is it
necessary for both for
eign students and
American students to
get together, to know
each other better, to
contribute to each oth
er's knowledge, and to
help each other in sev
eral ways? Perhaps you
should think about it
It makes no difference
whether you are an
American or a foreign
student. Realize that
there is no limit to what
you can do. You have the
potential in you. What
you really need is to un
cover the interest in you.
Make use of the opportun
ity now.
Your Bill for Federal Aid
to Colleges Really Paid Off, Abe
! if t
m'tJkkihr , 1 m
What's Happening
1 When tension mounts up,
fast-acting Student Coun-
cil goes to work arid "dis-
solves" pain in five big
I ways. Twice as fast as
f aspirin, with no harmful
1 odor-leaving bacteria, Stu
1 dent Council offers com
I plete 24 hour protection
with one 'Pfssst."
Where ordinary dis Wa
ll ter leaves you with that
tired, run-down feeling,
Student Council acts fast
I to relieve headache, up-
set stomach, nostalgia,
papalpia, and Vermillion.
M Nine out of ten New
i York doctors used to be
on Student Council. And
tney say u s wno s up
front that counts. Now
sold coast - to - coast on
drug counters everywhere
ask for it by name
(That's a funny name for
a dog.)
Think International
Public Relations representatives from all campus organiza
tions, sororities, fraternities
Stop in at the Daily Nebraskan ,
at your convenience next week.
Complete explanation will be given regarding procedure for an
nouncements, news items, etc.
This icill enable you to get your information into the Rag in the
proper manner. This is for your own benefit.
You top may participate
in this exciting offer.
Simply send your name
in on a boxtop of Kel
loggs's Center and state
in 25 words or less "Why
I would like to be dis
solved by the Student
Council." Postmark your
entry no later than May
1st, 1962.' Decisions of the
judges will be final.
In other Student Coun
cil business, the parking
committee chairman said
that the University is ser
iously considering one
way traffic around the
Love Library mall. Sev
eral reasons were ad
vanced for making mall
traffic one-way. Now sing:
All around the library
The monkeys chased the
They talked it up an
hour and a half, t
10 a.m. Sat. Feb. 10'
Room 240, Nebraska
Madison Avenue on Campus
MAN, Brooklyn College,,
offers its advertising
services to "academic de
partments suffering from
a lack of student regis
tration." Here are some ads the
paper ran in one issue
"as a public service" and
a possible solution:
Men never used to look
at me. My last date
was when the boy next
door took me to my
birthday party the year
I was nine. But last
I Dreamed I Went Walk
Lab Coat
down a long hallway,
when a man stepped
out from the shadows,
kissed me and said, "I
love you madly, pas
sionatelyfor the only
way we can beat the
Russians is by further
ing our scientific pro
gram.", 6
Are You Spending More
by stuckey
Just to please the peo
ple. All around the library
mall, , .
The monkeys chased
the weasels,
- Weasels, people, mon
keys, steeple,
Let's route the inter
state through the library.
tt it tt
Beef stew
Head lettuce
Alpha Kappa Psi
Gamma Alpha Chi
Kappa Alpha Mu
Nebraska Collegiate
Broadcasting Association
Graduate and Profes
sional Student Association
Contemporary Valentines
Extra Large Selection
Goldehrod Stationery, Store
215 North 14
Now ... But Enjoying
it Less?
Then You Should Switch
Advanced Students Try
lab in Conspicuous
Consumption ' :
lab fee $5,000,
i -tt a
Do you find you cave
trouble relating while
. others project?
You have that feeling
with your peer group?
You just can't manage
to get oriented to so
ciety? Be Sociable Try SOCI
OLOGY And Watch
Your Image Rise
Having Trouble With
Your Plan of Studies?
Getting "0" in Your
Major Subject?
You Have a Friend at
the Guidance Office
See Your Friendly
Counselor For Fast, Ef
fective Relief
On October 29, 1960, sixteen
college athletes met death in
a chartered plane. The night
was foggy the flight non
scheduled. In this week's Post, .
you'll read how the survivors
have tried to mend their broken
lives. And why some of them
blame the football coach, the
Board of Regents -and even '
the college president
Tkm Saturday fsaxuig
"1' -iinniiiiii iiuiiiiiiiiiHii kHiiiiiii ii uIiikIii iniiii
" - "
Twist Contest
The Tempests'
Cash Prizes!-