The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 09, 1962, Image 1

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    FEB 9 1962
Fiats for Noe Voters - Abolished.
IFC 9s Newest Resolution
Gives Support to Council;
, .
Hopes to End Resentment
v ' X S I
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Vol. 75, No. 61
-. ' !
Set For Sunday Afternoon
Adding to the skyline of the
campus is the almost-complete
Methodist Chapel and
Student Center at 640 No.
16th St.
The first services in the
new Chapel will be Sunday
at 10 and 11 a.m. A discus
sion period will follow the 10
a.m. service. Holy Commu
nion will be at 9 a.m.
Consecreatioc Service
At 4 p.m. a Consecreation
service will be held. Bishop
Kenneth W. Copeland will
speak. Members of the Board
of Regents, Chancellor C.
M. Hardin, MaVor Pat Boyles
and church dignitaries will
be present
Choir director C. R. Mor
ris, who is also lay associate,
composed a special anvhem
for the service.
Davis Sevier, Associate
Professor of Art, is the
consul ting artist for the
new chapel. He designed
a special cross of wal
Biit with goldleafed dec
ration signify lag the
wounds of Christ, the tri
angular alter and the chan
cel railing. He also devised
the color scheme of gold,
range, blue and green
The stained glass windows
echo the color scheme as
they reflect rays of light on
the walnut and birch decor
of the interior. The choir loft
Hag Needs Writers
The Daily Nebraskaa is
gentling eat ai SOS for
more writers. All interested
ftidents are invited to at
tend a coffee at II a.m.
Sat morning in room 240
Unbta (not ia the Nebras
kaa office as previously
Forty Attend
Zeta Party
Members of Zeta Tau Alpha
sorority will host 40 children
from 23 nations and their par
ents 2 p.m. Saturday.
They are four to 12 years
old, and are the children of
student and faculty families
at the University, Nebraska
Wesleyan University and Un
ion College. -
. The event is being spon
sored by the United Nations
International Chil
dren's Emergency Faad
Mrs. I. R. Ashleman of Lin
coln, midwest director of
UNICEF, said sorority wom
en are planning surprise
games for the children and
a ciscussion-uuormaoon per
iod for the parents.
She also pointed out that
this is the first UNICEF
project here other than the
. cbnrcb-sponsored Halloween
Mrs. Ashleman stated that
the session with parents is
held not only for fellowship,
but also for learning the needs
of the represented countries
and providing them with
UNICEF information.
UNICEF has at some time
served three out of every four
children in the 104 nations in
which it operates.
The Nebraskan
aids in producing a cathedral
effect. The small organ now
being used will be replaced
later with a larger model,
said Morris.
Basement Auditorium
Located in the basement of
the Chapel is an auditorium
seating about 300 people. It
is dedicated in memory of
t I ,. ,,,,.,-. 3 ; LMM.i.L-fc,,
AWS Announces Change
In Board Interview Date
Interviews for Associated
Women Students (AWS)
Board elections, March 14,
have been changed to Febru
ary 17 and February 16 in
room 332 at the Student Union.
AH applicants for sopho
more and junior board posi
tions will be interviewed from
9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on February
17, and applicants for senior
board will be interviewed
from 2 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. on
February 16.
Eligibility requirements for
the positions are:
L Prospects mast meet the
eligibility requirements for
participation in extracurricu
lar activities as set u by the
2. Prospects most be a bona
fide member of the class
which she proposes to repre
sent. Regular University rides
shall determine a candidate's
3. She must have a weighted
scholastic average of at least
4. Members of AWS Board
will be asked to resign if their
weighted average drops be
low' 5.70.
The AWS Board includes
seven ' sophomore members,
Mulligan to Guide
Navy Battalion
Midshipman Captain Dennis
Mulligan took command of tie
University Naval ROTC Mit!
shipman Battalion on Feb
ruary 7, replacing Midship
man Capt. Harvey Hartman.
Captain Hartman now as
sumes the role of "elder
statesman" as a Midshipman
advisor to the profesor of Na
val Science,
Mr. T. J. Lockwood of Ger
ing. There is a kitchen with fa
cilities'lo feed over 300 and
a dining room large enough
to seat 125. (
On v the first floor is the
Chapel, which seats 300, is a
lounge and the offices.
The second floor includes
seven junior memsers ana
five senior members in addi
tion to the president and vice
There is also a need for rep
resentation among senior and
unaffiliated . women. '
Proposed Educational
71 T ' m Wn
must r
A proposed Nebraska
wide educational television
network must prove within
three weeks, that it will be
able to use the channels it
is asking the Federal Com
munications Commission to
give it.
The Nebraska Council for
Educational Television has
been given until Feb. 28 to
present final arguments on
why five channels across
the state should be re
served for educational uses
rather than assigned to
commercial users.
Latest Developments
Jack McBride, manager
of KUON-TV in Lincoln, re
ported these latest develop- -ments
in the council's two
year struggle to expand ed
ucational television. His
summary to - 60 educators
who were guests ,of the
council was that the net
work is in a "dire situa
tion:" At stake are five chan
nels Channel 13 in Al
liance, 7 in Bassett, 9 in
North Platte, 8 in Albion
Friday, February 91962
a music room, choir room
and loft, a library, a semi
inar room and a caretakers
The cost of the entire proj
ect when finished will amount
to about $325,000. Dr. Wm.
B. Gould and Rev. Duane
Hutchinson are ministers of
the Wesley Foundation.
Summer Schedules
Schedules for Summer
School are now available at
the Registrar's Office, 208
The schedules may be
picked np between 8 a.m.
and 5 p.m. Monday through
Friday, and from 8 a.m. to
12 p.m. Saturday.
and 3 in Kearney which
have been requested by
commercial interests.
The five channels, in ad
dition to a higher-power
KUON-TV, would provide
coverage for 90 of the
state's area, the council
"Thus far," McBride ex
plained, "we have been un
able to show financial re
sponsibility." Not Convinced
In other words, the FCC
is not yet convinced the
network has enough money
behird it to activate these
channels if it gets them.
. McBride said the capital
required to establish the
chain of stations would
have to come from the
Legislature. The council's
job" then, is to get solid
backing of likely state sen
ators and then convince
the FCC to save the chan
nels at least until the Leg
islature takes action next
, McBride said if these
VHF channels are denied
The IFC voted 18-5 Wednes
day, to discontinue the prac
tice of fining members of
fraternities who do not vote
in Student Council elections.
The resolution was drawn
up and promulgated by the
IFC executive council. John
Nolon, newly-elected presi
dent, opened the discussion
with his advocation of the
proposal and an amount of
debate followed which belied
the one-sided vote.
Roger Myers, vice presi
dent, stated that the pro
posal would be consistent
with the goals and princi
ples of the IFC. "The IFC
does not want to coerce
anyone," he added, "we
learned at the National In
terfraternity Conference In
Boston that the most effec
tive IFC is the one with the
least rules." .
John Bischoff pointed out
that a fine is merely an in
centive for attendance, as is
used by the, individual chap
ters at their meetings ana oy
the IFC for their weekly
meetings. "It is not coercion,
we do not tell them how to
vote," he added.
No Jurisdiction
Gerry Gale stated that the
Student Council has no juris
diction over matters such as
this, and that the IFC repre
sentatives have the job of
supporting the slate 100 and
that fining was the means to
that end.
Bob Weber said, "It would
improve our public relations
if we would adopt the propos
al. The fine causes resent
ment among the houses, and
does more harm than good."
John Musselman added
that the IFC had expressed
confidence in its members
by not assessing the houses
for the IFC ball, and keep
ing the fine would under
mine this confidence. "It is
not an irrevocable gamble,
we should try it."
Bill B u c k 1 e y, secretary,
commented that the key to
success would be promoting
spirit, publicity around elec
tion time, and organization
within the IFC, not fining the
members of the houses.
In Best Interest
John Nolon had previously
stated that adopting the pro
posal would be in the best in
terest of the IFC and he
thought that without the fine
the IFC could enlist the help
of mora of the houses. "We
can build a better University
through the IFC instead of
building a better IFC through
the University," he said.
One of the facts brought
to light by the opposition to
the resolution was that out
of 90S votes cast in the last
Homecoming Queen elec
tion, only 83 of them were
cast by fraternity mem
bers. Joel Lundak appeared be
fore the IFC, representing a
group of organized independ
ents which are going to have
an all-University slate. He
advocated the IFC dropping
the fine.
Other Business
In other business, announce
ment was made of the Valen
tine Party the IFC is having
the network, "We'd have
to settle for much less de
sirable UHF channels." The
ultra high frequency chan
nels are substantially less
economical to operate, he
Furthermore, he said, the
council is convinced tele
vision owners are not in
clined to pay the extra
820-40 to adapt their sets
to UHF reception. In short,
the whole idea of education
al television in Nebraska
would be in danger, he ven
tured. Transmissions Limited
UHF transmissions are
limited to slightly more
than line - of - sight range"
without an extraordinary
power output. This is ex
tremely expensive, Mc-
Bride said.
Commercial stations in
Omaha and Scottsbluff row
telecast some of KUON
TV's classroom programs
by simulcast and kinescope
methods. In general, cov
erage is now limited to the
Lincoln area, and using
Saturday, Febr. 17, for a
group of orphans.
Don Burt was elected
Chairman of the Public
Relations Committee with
out opposition. Steve
George defeated Larry
Boos in the election of the
Judicial Committee chair
manship, and Roger An
derson was elected without
opposition to the chairman
ship of the Affairs Commit
tee. John Nolon announced that
committee membership inter
views will be Febr. 18, and
that each representative urge
members of his house to ap
IFC Resolution
The Interim t e r n i t y
Council, cognizant of its
obligation to suport the
ideals and goals of the Uni
versity through its student
governing body by en
couraging and soliciting
the vote of its members in
Student Council elections
and anxious to do all pos
sible to combat student
apathy by encouraging the
support of its members to
ward University policy in
general, hereby- states its
general policy as regards
this specific election:
1) We feel it the respon
sibility of the IFC as a ma
jor organizational unit on
the campus to encourage
support in the elections
through its public relations
department and through
the support of the various
house presidents.
2) We think it the right
as well as the responsibil
ity of the Interfraternity
Council as well as every
student and student organ
ization to encourage com
petent, qualified students
in the achievement of elec
tion to the Student Coun
cil. 3) In full cooperation and
support of the ideals and
goals of the University, we
feel it no longer consistent
with general interfraternity
policy to continue the pre
vious practice of imposing
financial loss on members
of the system for not exer
cising the right to vote.
Scholarship Bids
Due March 1'
The deadline for all scholar
ship applications and renew
als, including Regents, is
March 1.
Applications .are available
at the office of Scholarships
and Financial Aids, 111 Ad
ministration. All applicants,
except seniors and students in
professional colleges, must
take general upperclass com
prehensive exams, March 10
and 24.
Full-time students who
have completed 24 academic
hours at the University of Ne
braska and have a grade av
erage of 6.900 or above are
eligible for Regents Scholar
ships. Holders of continuing
scholarships must submit
applications for renew aL
TV Network
in 3 Weeks
"translators" to the York,
Grand Island,' Kearney,
Minden and Hastings areas.
McBride said the availa
bility of the VHF stations
"is as much a resource to
Nebraska as its water."
"Other states would give
their eye-teeth for them,"
he claimed.
The FCC set up its table
of channel allocations in
the early 1950's, McBride
continued, based on the
maximum number of VHF
channels an area could ab
sorb without interference.
In more populated areas,
all VHF channels were
grabbed long ago.
Nebraska, because of its
sparsely populated areas,
still has a few of these
channels left
While the FCC Is
studying the council's re
quest, a survey is being
conducted to determine
Nebraska's educational tele
vision needs, ,
Dr. John Schwarzwalder,
survey director, told the
council's guests that be has
Relate Vieivs
Roger Dodson, president of
RAM Council, said, "Thanks
and congratulations to the
IPC for their understanding
of the basic freedom, the right
to participate freely. I wel
come the new IFC voting pol
icy as advancing all Univer
sity cohesion between both
affiliated and non-affiliated
groups on campus as better
ing the general attitude of all
He added, "only through
the cooperation of all organ
izations can apathy be dis
missed from- the student s
mind." .
Steve Gage, president of
Student Council, said "This
action should make a mors
enthusiastic and exciting elec
tion." Gage also stated that the
Student Council members
should be encouraged by this
action, for it shows foresight
The proposals supporters
have the best interests ot
the Greek system and . the
University at heart, he said.
"The action taken on this
proposal separates the lead
ers from the followers. Hope
fully it will stimulate all stu
dent leadership," Gage said.
Is Regents
Former Governor of Ne
braska Val Peterson of Hast
ings filed with the secretary
of state's office Wednesday
for nomination to the Nebras-
Val Peterson
ka Board of Regents from the
5th district.
Peterson is seeking the Reg
ents' post now held by Frank
Foote of AxtelL Foote has
not filed for denomination.
Two.Holdrege men, Arden
Means ond Clay M. Westcott,
have already entered the
J. W. Burbach of Crofton,
currently serving his 3rd
term in the Legislature from
the 14th district, has filed for
found a "climate of accept
ance" for educational tele
vision throughout the state.
"Fanatics" Needed
He expressed a reserva
tion, however, that , there
are not enough "fanatics"
about the idea to actively
spread it across the state.
Charles Klasek, director
of the educational televi
sion council pointed out
the growth of the network
in its two years.
Initially there were just
six school systems which
were members. Now, he
said, there are 33.
Klasek said the council is
-ready to present next year
if member schools desire
7-additional programs in
fourth-grade science, pri
mary mus;c, elementary
Spanish, second-year ele
mentary French and art.
Now offered through the
council's program are so
cial sciences, arithmetic, -fifth
and sixth-grade sci
ence, and beginning
French for elementary
school age pupils.
Y '
. '