The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 19, 1962, Page Page 5, Image 5

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    The Daily Nebraskan
Page 5
Steve Gage-Student Idealist
ho Puts Ideas Into Action
Friddy, January 19, 1962
Steve Gage an idealist who
has seen his ideals success
fully effected.
Steve believes that student
leaders must be extremely
perceptive in recognizing the
level of leadership on this
campus. He explained that it
is very difficult to recognize
the capabilities, level of ma
turity, and active potential of
students and to capitalize
on it. '
Leaders should help train
student leaders in order that
they may bring forth the
leaders in the lower classes,
he added. 1
Steve said the University is
riding on a crest of a wave
of a more mature and re
sponsible level of leadership
on this campus. It is a reac
tion against stagnant, unpro
gressive passiveness of lead
ers of the past.
Steve said , that the key
thing to a level of achieve
ment in activities is the level
of maturity of participating
individuals. Steve observed
that too many times leaders
must conform to the image of
those who work on the activ
ity. So often, people pick the
typical follower for the lead
er, nof the leader. They pass
over the real leader who may
be a controversial person.
Many students on the cam
pus don't know where they
are going or what they are
doing, said Steve. "They
should narrow down their in
terests and really deepen the
importance of their contribu
tion to the campus from that
activity," he stated, these stu
dents would then "be able to
realize their real purpose."
i True Leader
The fact that Steve is a
true campus leader is proven
again and again by his past
record of activities. He is
president of Student Council,
past secretary of the Big 8
Intrafraternityt Council, past
public relations director of
IFC, and treasurer of Inno
cents. Steve is a Kosmet Klub
member, co-editor of the 1961
and 1962 IFC Rush Book, and
a member of Sigma Chi so
cial fraternity. He was a fi
nalist for Outstanding Colleg
iate Man for 1961.
As Student Council presi
dent, Steve has done an out
standing job for the student
body. One of the projects
which is designed to help the
student body is the consolida
tion of campus publications
to give the students a coher
ent organized assembly of
factual information about the
The faculty, evaluation pro
gram is now in the planning
stage and is being studied by
the faculty committee. Steve
already has the next step in
mind: a course evaluation.
Council Associate
Carrying out his ideas about
leaders, the Student Council
has started the Council Asso
ciate program. It is attempt
ing to rework the thinking of
the campus about Student
Council. It is designed to give
a sense of direction and lead
ership in student government.
He has carried out person
ally his ideals on leadership
and has directed projects in
that direction and realizes
that not everyone agrees, but
maybe his ideas will start
students thinking about them.
As true of most outstand
ing people, admitting that he
doesn't have all of the an-
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Classified ads for the Dally
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48 hours.
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December Winner
Alpha Omicron Pi Rep!
Solly Dale, Miller's Campus Rep, woo first ploct In
our December Campus Rep contest and received a
17.95 gift certificate.
2nd and 3rd Place Honorable Mention
Julie Eckiund, Alpho Gamma Delta (Wesleyan) was
second place honorable mention ond Barbara -Hyde,
Pi Beta Phi, tWrd place.
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Win a Trip to New York
The above winners and other Miller's Campus Reps
ore competing for an all-expense paid trip to New
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person helping you whenever you make a pu-chosei
at Miller's.
Stamps of Blue given with every purchase
swers, he claims that he Is
learning far more from rela
tionships with other people
then they are receiving from
Steve challenges the major
deception of college students:
after graduation it's not what
you know, but who you know.
He said that this displays a
relaxed unity in the family
where the function of training
the children goes to the
schools. Many students con
tinue with higher education
only for the purpose of being
able to go out in the world
Liberal Education
A student in the College of
Engineering, Steve is a
firm believer in an liberal ed
ucation for engineering ma
jor. He has a deep interest
in philosophy, humanities, and
theology. He feels that he has
received more satisfaction
from educational ventures In
those areas that a liberal ed
ucation is essential to the ed
to life itself.
Steve plans to go to gradu
ate school and earn his mas
ters or PhD in either me
chanical or nuclear engineer
ing toward his long range
professional goal a member
of a college faculty.
He is General Motors schol
ar, and has a 7.1 average in
the College of Engineering!
the second highest in his de
partment and in the top 10
of the college.
He is a past member of the
Engineering Executive Board,
an editorialist for the Nebras
ka Blueprint, and past treas
urer of Sigma Delta Chi,
journalism honorary. He is
the student writer for the Ne
braska Alumnus and is a
member of the following hon
ories: Phi Eta Sigma, Pi Tau
Sigma, Sigma Tau, and Sig
ma Delta Chi.
Steve was married last sum
mer to the former Cindy
Powell. They share a co-editorship
of the 1962 IFC Rush
Steve said that he had one
criticism of the University so
cial structure: "It doesn't
lend itself to scholarly, scien
tific attitudes toward studies
of academic conduct of one's
own life."
He said that the University
has a lack of academic at
mosphere where slip-shod be
havior is stressed against the
pursuit of excellence.
Steve emphasized that stu
dent leaders should recognize
the need of an academic ap-
-.iii-Miiiijiim. iiiri ' i mm iiHih iiMiimii
proach to activities. Leaders
should promote it and not feel
ashamed to demand excel
lence from their workers or
themselves, said Steve.
He observed that people
continually miss the funda
mental questions which af
front them in activities and
studies. He said that these
things which are our mores
and laws that control life de
mand to be recognized.
Steve admitted he had com
mitted the initial sin of get
ting into too many activities
and spreading himself too
thin until he started empha
sizing those which were most
important. "Then," he said,
"I felt that I was doing some
thing for the University."
Steve said that one must
have courage, intelligence
and interest to fight for ideals
such as these. This truly out
standing Nebraskan certainly
has all of these qualities in
great quantity.
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