The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 10, 1962, Page Page 4, Image 4

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Wednesday, January 10,, 1962
The Daily. Nebraskan
Busy Holiday for Cupid;
As Coupled Crowd Grows
Pure . madness in the form
of cupids and hearts seemed
to reign on the campus after
the long holiday as 49 couples
joined the traditional crowd of
the engaged and pinned.
Joannie Spangler, Kappa
Kappa Gamma sophomore in
Teachers from Hawaii to How
ie Strain, Sigma Chi sopho
more in architecture from
Sue Swanson, Sigma Kappa
junior in Arts and Science
from Herman to Keith Mc
Burney, Theta Chi senior in
Engineering from Roger.
Beth Nelson, Alpha Xi Del
ta at Omaha University to
Dale Anderson, Sigma Alpha
Epsilon senior in electrical
engineering from Omaha.
Jacquie Larmore, junior in
nurses training at Hastings
College from Kenesaw to Ter
ry Jackson, Sigma Alpha Ep
silon junior in pre-vet from
Barbara Cooper, freshman
la Teachers from Lincoln to
Jeff Orr, Sigma Alpha Epsi
lon junior in business from
North Platte.
Nancy Sorensen, Kappa
Delta junior in Teachers fromjpha Theta junior in Teachers
Hardv to Gary Bareen, Sig
ma Chi junior in Teachers
from Hardy.
Judy Holmes from Wymore
to Lowell Damek, Farmhouse
senior in Agncuixure i r o iu ,
Bev Ruck, Alpha Phi senior
tn Teachers from Omaha to
Gary Frenzel, Alpha Tan
tiary rrenzei, aipna ian
O meg. .graduate student ;
frnm IVnrfnlE
Susie Keea, Kappa a i p n a
Theta junior in Teachers from
Lincoln to Tom Bollinger, big
ma Chi dental student from
'Sua Myers, Kappa Alpha
Theta sophomore in Teachers
from Omaha to Rex Swett,
Phi Delta Theta senior in Arts
and Sciences from Huron,
South Dakota.
4 fc
Strang man of ths
John Birch Society
Hit namm is Robert Welch. H
tosss a secret society of 60.000
members. In tf week's Saturday
fwanifg Post Sena txfoung of Ohm
mpeaktoutm Th Voice ot Dissent"
rnl talis mtryb believes the John
Birch Society is "the most danger
ous ia America."
TaW Smtmrdmr E'it
mn is Mum nam w nl
Pk. HE 2-6822 1228 M Sr.
Hairdressing and permanent for the public at
student prices supervised by professional instructors.
Open Till 9 pjn. Ivery
: sic flics ;
"Iow, now Susan . . .TBYeryfaody
can't be the Homecoming Queen!
m- t rtmrn lltl n Svl AT T 1 1 Vr i C llfl r TUCV cine tw
Marilyn Miller, T o w n e
Club junior in Teachers from
Lincoln to Dick Wood, Lamb
da Chi Alpha alum at the
University of Missouri from
Independence, Missouri.
Ginger Van Horn, Gamma
Phi sophomore in Arts and
Sciences from Lincoln to Miles
Humphrey, Delta Upsilon jun
ior in pre-med from Mullen.
Dorothy Saylan, Sigma
Delta Tau sophomore at the
University of Minnesota from
Omaha to Bob Shapiro, Sigma
Alpha Mu freshman in, m e d
school from Omaha.
Sandy Gross, Alpha Epsilon
Phi sophomore in Teachers
from Omaha to Howard Mar
tin, Sigma Alpha Mu sopho
more in business from Oma
ha. Kay Johnstone, Towne Club
junior in Home economics
from Lincoln to Joe Edwards,
Arts and Science junior from
Pam Harris, Towne Club
freshman in Teachers f r o m
Lincoln to Robert Fox from
Susie Heusner, Kappa Al-;ta
F" . j""- '
frnm Omaha tn Mikl Wolfe. !
ii: rv... r m
university ui vuiuuo i v
W lliuiiu
Pat Tyter, Burr fcast tresn-
man m Arts and Sciences from!
nrignuiu w mj wu
i h rmnniica a urn m it-iifiiiiv
, c...- tt: I.m
Lidua mqk, senior in tiomcjj . . navp DeLone senior
Econmlcs from Lincoln ltlScS-
ITah Thorn cpmnr in nharm-
. ii- i
acy from Wahoo. .
pa junior in Arts and Sciences
from Alexandria to Bob
Greene, senior in mechanical
engineering from York.
Leah Chevront. Kappa Kap
pa Gamma senior in Teach
ers from Lincoln to 1 o o y
Kramer, a Delta Upsuon sen
ior in vusiness at Kansas Uni
Dottie Carpenter, Kappa
KaDoa Gamma junior in
Teachers from Omaha to Bill
Knester. Alpha Tan Omega in
law set ' from Norfolk.
Lyui arlett, junior in
Teacher .rom Gering to Gary
Robinson, junior in Arts and
Sciences from Gering.
Donita Schmidt, junior in
Teachers from Sterling to
Lennanl Swenson, senior in
Engineering from Bethesda,
lnmHa 17rnirtr o fl CtfniAf IB
tltlUCUC tlaVJIM,
MArb rMm MiiiarH 1a
LL Keith Bland, Sigma Alpha j to WiUum Pugsley. enior in
Epsilon alum from Dennison, agriculture from Lincoln.
Iowa. S Alyce Bassett, Alpha Omi-
Judy Gant, Alpha Chi Ome- cron Pi senior in Teachers
ga junior in Teachers from'from Sioux City to Ted
Lincoln to Doug KeilL junior I Schuldt. University alum from
Sherrv Berch. Love Memor
ial Hall junior in Home econ
omics from Plainview to Al
len Chris tenson. Burr Hall
alum in Agriculture econ-
omics from Aurora now at
tending Officers Candidate
School in Newport, Rhode Is
land. Suzanne Hoffman, Love Me
morial Hall junior in II o m e
economics from Steinauer to
Pvt. Richard Ziegler from
Fort Leonard Wood, Mo.
Mary Ann Kirkpatrick, Love
Memorial Hall freshman in
Home economics from Wy
more to Larry Gerdes, Sel
leck Quadrangle freshman
from Wymore.
Nancy Bailar,- Delta Delta
Delta junior in Teachers from
North Platte to Neil Fergu
son. Phi Kappa Psi senior in
engineering from North
Barb Fenwick Delta Delta
Delta senior in Teachers from
North Platte to Bill Simic,
Phi Chi sophomore at the
University medical school
from Beatrice.,
Kay Barry, Delta Delta Del
ta sophomore in Teachers
from Tripoli, Iowa to Richard
Tonne from Minneapolis,
Darlene Mlnarik. Delta Del-
Deua junior in Home ec-
onomics from Dodge to Ron-
UHUIIliLa uuiu imujc m iwu-
.u r, ct Dnnnri;tV r"l.
i . . ' . .,
Jege amm yom ienoner.
Judi Williams, frshman in
frm Anburn to Cal.
. u. cl .. nt v.K-ask-
itin upci cpninr i irurrikka
Milford from Syra
! Karen Knaub, Zeta Tau Al-
! nha senior in Teachers of Un-
..... ,
i lege ai rouuciu, "
U. .m Vo, t'v
Linda HeUerick. Zeta Tau
Alpha junior in Arts and Sci
ence from Lincoln to Don tm-
tle from Lincoln.
Jovce Roeee. Zeta Tau Al
pha junior in Teachers from
Auburn to Bill Erisman from
Judy Scbeneider, Alpha XI
Delta iunior in Teachers from
Coon Rapids, Iowa to Jim
MacDonald, Lniversity alum
from Monterey, California.
Cary Craven, Alpha Xi Del
ta senior in Home economics
from Plainview to Ross Great
house, Kappa Sigma alum
from Omaha.
Bev Higgins, Alpha Xi Del
ta sophomore in Home econ
omics from Gurley to J o n
Traudt, junior in Teachers
from Lincoln.
Janet Umland. senior ia
i '
1 Home Economics from Eagle
Marilyn Waybright, Alpha
Omicron Pi senior in Teach
ers from Lincoln to Bob Bon
is, a student at Doane Col
lege from Western.
Sally Jo Brewster, Pi Beta
Phi sophomore in Agriculture
from Stuart, to Don Schmad
erer. senior at Nebraska State
Teachers college in Chadron.
Sharon Mintien of Denver
to Lambert Sobon, a Sigma
Alpha Epsilon senior in me
chanical engineering from
! Lowene Meyer, a sopno-
j more at Wayne State Teach-
. a Sigma Alpha Epsilon junior
j in agriculture frol Uehling.
I 1
Final Exam Schedule
First Semester '61-'62 7
Ml .m. Classes meeting at 2:00 p.m., or 4 days. MWF, or any one or two
J-S p.m. Cl'asUsmeelinV at 8:00 p.m.. TTh. or either of these two days.
All section of Economics 15 - ; ' .. "
Al' sections of French 11, 1J ,
AH sections of Spanish 51. 5 ' ,
' All Sections of Home Economics 41. i
7-10 p.m All sections of Zoology . ., "
Ml a.m. Classes meeting at :00 S or 4 days, or MWF. or any one or two
of these day "
Class meeting at 5:00 p.m.. 5 or 4 days, or MWF, or any' one or tw
of the days. f - - - - -
All sections of Economics U, 12 '
All section" of Education 30, 31. '
2- 5 pm. Classes meeting at 3:00 p.m., ITh, oi either one of these two day.
1-3 p.m. All sections of Math 11, 12. 42
1-4 p.m. All sections of Math 14, 18, 115. 116. - -
t-it a.m. Classes meeting at 9:00 a.m., 5 or 4 days, or MWF, or any one or two
ot these days.
3- 5 p.m Classes meeting at 1:00 p.m., TTh, or either one of these two days.
All st cl ions of Business Organizations 3, 4
Ml a m Classes meeting at 10:00 a.m., 5 or 4 days, MWF, or any one or two
of these days. -
i-5 p.m. Classes meeting at 10:00 a.m.. TThS. or any one or two of these days.
9-12 a.m. Classes meeting at 4.00 p.m.. 5 or 4 days or MWF, or any one or two
of these day?
J-5 p.m. Classes meeting at 4:00 p.m.,
AU sections ot fcnglisa 1, X,
Ml a.m. Classes meeting at 11:00 a.m..
2-5 p.m. Classes meeting at 11:00 a.m.,
All sections of Speech 9. 1
7-10 p.m. All sections of Education 61.
9-11 a.m. Classes meeting at :00 a.m., 5
of thes? days.
2-S p.m. Classes mee'ing at :00 a.m.,
NUMEDS will meet tonight
at 7:30 p.m. in the Student
Union. Speaker for the eve
ning will be Dr. Bell who will
show slides and present a
talk on skin diseases.
"Militarism and Democra
cy in Latin America" will be i
the topic of discussion for the
second of a series of confer
ences on Latin America spon
sored by the Spanish Club.
The discussion to be headed
by Dr. Alex Edelmann of the
political science department
will begin at 7 p.m. Thurs
day in 232 Student Union.
Dr. Edelmann will give a
brief background on the mod
ern panorama of political
form and change in Central
and South America. Special
emphasis will be placed on
contemporary problems in
Latin America and their sig
nificance for the government
of the United States.
Young Democrats will meet
at 7:30 Thursday night in the
Student Union.
The regular meeting of Phi j
Eta Sigma, men's scholastic j
honorary, featuring Dr. j
Franklin Houn speaking onj
the Sino-Soviet Dispute, will :
be held Thursday Jan. 11 in
345 Student Union. AH fresh
man regents winners are in
vited to attend.
TTh or eitnlr one of these two days.
5 or 4 day, or MWF, or any two
TThS, or gay one of these days
62 -
"r 4 days or MWF, or any one or two
TThS. or any one or two of these day.
k I
i n
I !
71 i
fCoonesT of Omaha World Brrald) 1
, Sojnewbere out there, beyond the realm of man's present
understanding, lies an idea. A 'concept A truth.
Gradually, as it comes unda the concentration of
disciplined minds, it will become clear, refined, mas
tered. Tbis is the lonely art of pioneering. v
' In the Bell System, pioneering often results in major
breakthroughs. Planning the use of satellites as vehicles
for world-wide communicatioas is one. Another is the
Optical Cas Maser, an invention which may allow a
controlled beam of light to carry vast numbers of telephone
oJls, T' shows, and data messages.
Breakthroughs like these will one day bring exciting
new telephone and cornnar.katioras tervke to you. Hie
responsibility of providing thftse fitn'icts be in the
band of the people who work for your local telephone
comp&jiy. AmoEg thtra i he er.iiioef infe adns mistrali to
and cperaiions fjerj5!Hj? 'ho make your u-3tfplOi2e -fvice
h Use' atcest U ibz'wotU. ' -
Football Fan Report
Merits Hearst Award
Hal Brown's story , of ..the
Nebraska footbaU fan, a "super-loyal
nut," has earned
him first place in national
sportswriting competition, and
15 points toward one of ten
grand prize fellowships worth
up to $2,200.
The William Randolph
Hearst Foundation Journalism
Awards Program sponsors
seven month-long contests in
news, sports, feature, and in
terpretative writing cate-.
When the contests end in
April the ten students tfho
have accumulated the highest
number of points will receive
fellowships Valued from $800
to $2,200. . ,
As first place winner in the
November sportwriting con
test, Hal will receive a $200
grant from the Foundation.
School of Journalism
The senior in the School of
Journalism, who is enrolled
in the depth reporting course
there, is now working on an
other entry, this time in the
jiicnjniiuug vaveguxj.
Hal is planning a story on
isolationism in Nebraska
w hether the state is more or
i less isolationist, or whether it
;ever was.
In his story on the Nebras
ka fan's loyalty, Brown cov
ered the history of Nebraska
football through the eyes of
: coaches, sportswriters, former
j players, and fans.
with less tnan a month in
which to get the story pub
lished, Brown spent about 80
hours on the depth article.
Two Days
He spent two full days in
Omaha interviewing former
pjayers, sportswriters, and
fans, and a total of $42 on
j telephone calls to former
: coaches.
Both his story and one on
the development and use of
Friday, January 12
'The Eccentrics'
fl Peron 9:00-1:00
iPHQUE- system;
Sustagen, a liquid high pro
tein diet, inv athletics, written
by Wendy Rogers, were pub
lished in the Daily Nebraskan.
Miss Rogers, a sophomore
in the School of Journalism
won Sixth place in the same
competition with her article.
. Commented Brown, "I think
the fact that Nebraska's
School of Journalism pro
duced two of the top six win
ners in the contest points upx
the fact that Nebraska is
among the top- journalism
schools in the country.
Contest competition is lim
ited to schools and depart
ments of journalism in ac
credited colleges and univer
sities. Although each school is per
mitted to send only two en
tries for each month's con
test, "entries come from"ev
erywhere in the United States,
and competition is very in
tense," said Dr. William E.
Hall, director of the-School of
The five schools or depart
ments of journalism which ac
cumulate the highest number
of points will also share in
the awards grants from $500
to $3,000 will be awarded by
the foundation.
j Categories for the coming
months include: January,
news writing; February, fea
ture writing; March, news
, writing; April, investigative
!or interpretative writing.
Slow Up
Show Up
There 1