The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 10, 1962, Image 1

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The World in
Foreign Students Speak Out on Goa Invasion
AN 101962
By JVancyjyhitfnrfl -
India was justified in tak
tog control of the Portu
guese '. enclaves of Goa, Da
mao and Diu in the opinion
f four University stu-
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Huga D'AIarcao, a graduate student and instructor in
mathematics from Portugal, condemns the dictator gov
ernment of Premier Antonio Salazar which he says "op
presses the people."
Vol. 75, No. 53
Big 8 Delegations
Support for Peace
Delegates to the Big Eight
Student Government Associa
tion pledged the efforts of
their local student govern
ments in promoting a broad
er knowledge and more con
cise understanding of the
Peace Corps."
Reacting positively to t h e
challenge they received from
James Sykes, field represent
ative of the Peace Corps, the
student government especially
will work among students
trained in agiricultural skills,
encouraging greater and more
accurate knowledge of" t h e
Peace Corps.
Sykes presented an' eight
point program at the Nebras
ka Center Conference for
helping delegates "release the
potential of their schools and
Peace Corps, volunteers."
He suggested establishing a
Peace Corps committee with
in the student government
which would coordinate ef
forts in publicizing and ob
t a i n i n g speakers on the
Peace Corps.
"The Peace Corps will
need not only the support of
University students, but also
the support of adult and youth
clubs outside our colleges,"
said Sykes, "if its present one
year thirty million dollar ap
SAC Band to
Free Concert
"The Flying Band of SAC",
the official Strategic Air
Command Band from Omaha
will present a concert Sun
day night in the Student Un
ion ballroom beginning at 8
p.m. ,
The band, which is com
posed of 40 members, ap
peared at the University last
year and is returning be
cause of their popular recep
tion last year.'
In addition to performing as
a concert band, the organiza
tion will be broken down into
a 20-voice "SAC Glee Club,"
a progressive jazz combo and
a 16-picrs dance band. The
band is known throughout the
United States for its musical
versatility and unique show
manship. The members of the band
are hand picked by the band
commander, Capt. Herman
Vincent, for their ability and
professional experience.
The band commander is a
veteran of 12 years of serv
ice with the Air Force. He
has commanded some of the
major bands within the Air
Force and was Command
Band Supervisor frr the U.S.
Air Forces in Europe.
The associate conductor of
the SAC Band is CW'O Rich
ard Daugherty. He has spent
several years as principal
trumpet in a number of Air
Force bands. He was appoint
Focus .
rtdents, three from India and
one from Portugal.
"Goa was more of an ex
penditure than an asset to
Portugal. The Portuguese
people in Goa were maifily
administrators, and the few
propriation is to be renewed
and expanded."
As a member of the Peace
Corps, he said, you can be
come part of the culture of a
rising and new generation.
"Through the Peace Corps, ad
venture, which has so long
been closed to the American
youth, is reopened. A volun
teer has a chance' to learn
the aspirations and expecta
tions of people of underde
veloped nations, with whom
the future of the world rests."
As a Peace Corps volunteer
you would recieve only a sub
sistance allowance and an ac
cumulated $75,000 a month
severance pay, Sykes said,
plus $1,000.00 allowance in the
tools of your trade.
"An alert and truly wak
ened body politic may be the
by-product of the Peace
Corps," said Sykes.
When a volunteer returns to
his home state and communi
ty and says "the real .needs
of the people of Nigeria are
not what this State Depart
ment bulletin says, but . . .",
then, he said, the American
people will truly be a part of
the world community.
Dollars, Jets
"To our critics throughout
on Sunday
ed a bandleader in 1955 and
since that time has traveled
extensively in the U.S. and
Europe. He has twice re
ceived the Air Force Com
mendation Medal for his
achievements with bands.
There will be no charge for
the concert to be presented
Sunday night. The bands ap
pearance on the campus is
sponsored by the Student Un
ion music committee.
Coed Follies 'Skit-oo 9 Tryouts
Tryouts for the '62 skit-oo
show of Coed Follies will
be held this evening.
Herbie Nore, Coed Follies
chairman, said that this
year there is a new idea
being used for the tryouts.
Only fifteen girls from
each house are in the try
outs. The purpose of this is
to allow students to study
for finals, she explained.
Miss Nore explained that
the judges will not be look
ing for polish; they are
looking for potential.
Five or 6 skits will be se
lected for the show which
will be presented Feb. 23
at Pershing auditorium.
"Paint the Town Red" will
be presented by Alpha Chi
others were so blended with
the Indian population that
they felt more sympathy to
India than Portugal," said
Hugo D'AIarcao, a graduate
student and instructor in
mathematics who is a na
tive of Portugal.
Sahib Malkani, a gradu
ate student in Business Ad
ministration from India,
said that the Portuguese had
"no right" to be in Goa
and other colonies and that
they should have left grace
fully as the British and
French did.
Prem Guppa, who is head
of the English department
at a college "in Agmer, In
dia, explained that Goa was
originally a part of India
until the 16th century.
She noted that Britain,
France and Portugal each
set up territorial claims and
had treaty agreements
among themselves as to the
administration of India. In
1947 the major portion of
India became independent
as British rule was ended.
Shortly afterward, the
French pulled out of Bondi
chirry and Other territories
of French India.
the world both East and West
who have seen only our dol
lars, our jets, our tanks and
our seeming unconcern, the
Peace Corps is only one an
swer. But it is the answer of
truth as it shows the world our
best resource in our intelli
gent, trained, skilled, idelais
tic, and willing Americans,"
he said.
President Kennedy has said
this about the Peace Corps:
It is a dream, a dream of an
army waging a new kind of
war, a war against disease,
poverty, tyranny, illiteracy
and against war itself.
"It is the war that all the
guns, tanks, and soldiers
have been unable to win, but
which you as American stu
dents alone can bring a Unit
ed States victory.
"The problems are towering
and unprecedented and the re
sponse must be towering and
unprecedented as well."
Rag Seeks
Letters of application
Outstanding Nebraskans
being received in the Daily
Nebraskan office. Both stu
dents and faculty members
may be nominated for the
awards which will be pre
sented on Jan. 19 at a special
luncheon held in their honor.
The last issue of the Daily
Nebraskan this semester
will feature special pages de
voted to the student faculty
Nomination should be sent
to the Daily Nebraskan of
fice, 51 Student Union. Clos
ing date for the acceptance of
nominations is Jan. 16.
Omega ander the direction
of skitmaster Judy Grazier.
The Alpha Chis solve the
Berlin crisis in their skit.
The right way to get their
man will be taught to Ne
braskaii coeds - in "Think
Pink" presented by Alpha
Phi. Cori Cabela and Fran
Thompson' are skitmasters.
Molly Brown
Alpha Xi Delta will pre
sent "Molly Brown at NU"
which is about a country
girl wlio comes to learn to
read and write. Nancy Wil
son is the skitmaster.
The Chi Omegas find that
living in tenements is really
great in "About 62 Skid
Row." Skitmaster is Mar
grethe Plum.
A poor doll in a toy shop
Miss Guppa is working on
. her master of education de
gree. She ajso earned a
masters degree in English
t at the University two. years
Haryash Gugnani, a jun
ior majoring in mechanical
engineering from India, said
that India tried to persuade
the French and Portuguese
to leave their colonies.
"The French realized that
they had no business to be
in India although like the
Portuguese they could have
stayed using the same
meaningless phrase that
they were French provinces.
"The Portuguese however,
took advantage of India's
declared policy of non-violence
and peaceful negotia
tions. They felt that since
India would never use force
to liberate the people of Goa,
they could stay on forever.
If one party adopts this de
liberate policy, the 1 other
other side has no other al
ternative to use except
. force," Gugnani said.5
D'AIarcao said that if the
people of Goa would; have
had a chance to vote, they
would have definitely sided
with India.
"However, there w a s no
The Nebraskan
To Hold
Students interested in ob
taining additional informa
tion about Triangle fraternity
and its forthcoming coloniza-
and fraternal program
at the University are invited
to attend Triangle's rush l The Board of Regenrs voted
smoker," according to Don- to set an admission deadline
aid F. Young, National Direc-!of Au- 31 for new applicants,
tor of General Services of the In addition, the Board ap
. . . proved a reservation fee of
iraternity. ,$,5 or students who pre-reg-
The smoker, to be held at ; ister for tj,e fall term. The
8 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 11, in deposit must be made by July
the Colonial Room of the Un-'. 31 to reserve space in the
ion, will be the first step in, courses The $25 deposit will
. 5!ai MM.i r be aPP',ed t0 the cost of tul-
local chapter of Triangle
Delegations of students
frm Triangle chapters at the
University of Kansas and
South Dakota School of Min
ing and Technology will be
jointly sponsoring the smoker
with Lincoln alumni of Tri
angle, Young said.
"The fraternity system at
the University is unanimous
ly behind Triangle as part of
its expansion program at the
University," said Don Fer
guson, president of the Inter
fraterliity Council.
Although the majority of
Triangle's members are ma
jors in engineering architec
ture, chemistry, mathematics
and physics, men of all col
lege majors are represented
today, said Young.
With colonization approved
by the IFC Board of Control
and approval anticipated by
the Board of Regents, Fergu
son said, the founding of a
new fraternity will provide
its charter members with the
opportunity qf building a new
strong fraternity chapter on
the campus.
Prof. William Speece of the
college of architecture and
partner in the Lincoln firms
4l Arter and Speece, will
serve as the colony's chapter
which no one wants to buy
is the sad plight of Delta
Delta Delta in their skit
"Poor Pitiful Pearl." Pat
Bogar is skitmaster.
A take-off of an old-time
minstrel show is the theme
of "All God's Children Got
Rhythm" put on by Delta
Gamma. Karen Costin is the
Irish Luck
"The Jig Is Up." Gamma
Phi Beta finds this is true
in their skit when the Irish
lose their luck and find it
again. Skitmaster for it is
Vicky Cullen.
The War Corps replaces
the Peace Corps in the skit
by Kappa Alpha Theta.
Linda Hogeland is skitmas
ter for "A Piece of War."
chance for a referendum be
cause Premier Antonio Sal
azar of Portugal would not
have permitted it. Salazar is
a dictator, and I am glad
when something like this
happens as a blow to his
prestige," said D'AIarcao.
D'AIarcao came to the
University four years ago
from Portugal because he
"wanted some freedom." He
said that he has never been
in Goa, but has several rel
atives there and has talked
egents' Vote
egistration Deadline
The University took steps
Saturday to assist undergrad
uate students in making up
their minds early on whether
lor not they plan to enter the
j University in the fall term.
Last September, 350 appli
cants who applied and regis
tered early for the fall term
failed to appear for the open
ing of classes, according to
Chancellor Clifford Hardin.
Class Unfilled
He said this meant that
1,750 class spaces were un
filled, causing last-m i n u t e
changes, while late reg
istrants, in many cases, were
unable to get into certain
"We feel that the reserva
tion fee will encourage reg
istrants to notify us early if
they are not coming. Also, the
admission deadline will force
new-student "shoppers" to de
cide early if they are coming
to the University," Hardin
"As a result, by Aug. 31 we
should have a good idea of
the number of students we
can expect each fall. This
will give us time to plan for
efficient use of classrooms
and will prevent us from over
or understaffing for the fall
semester," he explained.
Under the plan for the reg
istration fee, all early regis
trants who fail to make the
$25 deposit by July 31 will
forfeit their space reserva
tions. They will be required
The problems of a young
Indian brave are shown in
the "Many Trials of Ado
bie Gilles." Skitmaster for
Kappa Delta is Darlyn Zick
field. President Kennedy and all
the nations of the world will
be present trying to keep
peace in "Pleasantly
Bombed" presented by Kap
pa Kappa Gamma. Skit
masters are Linda Jensen
and Pam Holloway.
Pi Beta Phi nebbishes try
to continue survival against
threat of extermination. Sue
Guenthner is skitmaster for
"The Grass Ain't Greener."
"My Fair Gentleman," a
newcomer to Nebraska, is
the theme of the Sigma
to Goan students who came
to Portugal to study.
Misrepresented by Press
Malkani and Gugnani also
asserted that Nehru's action
has been misrepresented in
the American press for the
sake of settling old scores
against him for his policy of
They said that Nehru took
his action reluctantly in
spite of provocation by Por
tuguese authorities when
they fired on unarmed,
peaceful volunteers several
years ago.
They said that Nehru's ac
tion also increased the
chances of success for his
policy of "non-violence
and peaceful negotiation"
because now China and
Pakistan would see the Ad
vantage of adopting a more
reasonable and realistic ap
proach to their dealings
with India.
Malkani and Gugnani
asked the American people
to realize that they cannot
impose their will on India
by threats of a "cut in for
eign aid" or "making prop
aganda in the press" or
"using the UN as a forum
to denounce India."
to repeat the complete reg
istration process and no guar
antee of space in courses will
be made after July 31.
Students will be given a re
fund if they decide not to at
tend and notify the University
by July 31. Students will for
feit the deposit if they do not
complete their enrollment by
the final date for late regis
tration. Concerning the admission
deadline, Chancellor Hardin
said that exceptions may be
granted if it is clear that cir
cumstances beyond the appli
cant's control prevented an
earlier application.
However, he said, since
classroom space will be al
located as to order of accept
ance of applicants, the late
applicant may not be admitted
to all courses which he may
The new regulations will
apply only to undergraduate
students and not to graduate
or professional students.
In other action, the Board
of Regents elevated the de
partment of home economics
to the status of a school ef
fective July 1.
Home Economics
Dean Elvin Frolik of the
College of Agriculture said
the action will give home
economics more importance.
It -is expected that separate
departments will be formed
within the School. This will
permit the graduate student
to major in a particular area
rather than in general home
The Board of Regents also
authorized Carl Donaldson,
business manager, to enter in
to a joint study with the State
Capital Building Commission
on the question of air condi
tioning. Joint Facilities
Donaldson said the study
Kappa skit. Delores Stara
is skitmaster.
Zeta Tau Alpha takes a
visit to the "Marsonian In
stitute of Technology" on
the planet Mars in the skit
"The Missing Link." Skit
master is Karen Khaub.
Tryouts times for tonight
are as follows:
Alpha Chi Omega 6:30
Alpha Phi 6:45
Alpha Xi Delta 6:00
Chi Omega 7:15
Delta Delta Delta 7:36
Delta Gamma 7:45
Gamma Phi Beta 8:00
Kappa Alpha Theta 8:15
Kappa Delta 8:30
Kappa Kappa Gamma ...8:45
Pi Beta Phi 9:00
Sigma Kappa 9:15
jZeta Tau Alpha 9:30
They said that such an at
titude will cancel all the
good will created in the
past and cause the people
to turn to Russia.
Goa is about the size of
Rhode Island ana' has a
population of 540,0'jO. It oc
cupies 62 miles of coastline
about 250 miles south of
Bombay, plus largely moun
tainous territory inland, for
a total of 1,348 square
It was part of Portuguese
India which also included
the small enclaves of Da
mano, about 100 miles north
of Bombay, and Diu, 300
miles north of Bombay.
The Portuguese explorers
first laid claim to the In
dian territory in 1505 and
held it for over 400 years
against pirate raids, sieges
by rival colonial powers, at
tacks by Indian princes and
previous Indian attempts to
take it over.
The chief exports today
are manganese and iron
pyrites, which are mined in
the territory; lumber, salt,
fish, spices, copra and cash
ew nuts. Industry includes
sugar mills, palm mat
weaving and lumbering.
Wednesday, January 10, 1962
will seek to determine the
feasibility of joint facilities for
furnishing chilled water to the
State Capitol for air condition
ing. At present, the University
furnishes steam to the Capitol
for heating purposes.
The study will investigate
the cost of a single housing
of equipment and single
cooling tower capacities as
compared with the cost of
separate units one near
the State Capitol and the
other on the campus.
A year's leave of absence
was granted to Prof. Robert
Olson, a University agrono
mist who has been one of the
pioneers in the area of the
peaceful use of atomic
Olson will be stationed at
Vienna, Austria, as first officer
in the Division of Isotopes for
the International Atomic
Agency of the UN.
He will help develop pro
grams concerned with the
training of scientists in t h e
use of radioactive materials
and radiations in agriculture.
The-main purpose of the
program is to increase the
production of food in needy
KK Show Tryouts
Tryouts for the Kosmet
Klub's spring show, "Guys
and Dolls," will be held in
the Student Union Saturday
from 2-5 p.m. and Sunday
from 2-5 p.m. and from 7-10
UN Soldier Film
Slated Thursday
"The Man in the Blue
Helmut" relating the story of
the blue-helmeted United Na
tions soldier who guards the
peace in the Gaza Strip and
the Congo is the subject of the
documentary film to be shown
There will be showings of
the movie at 4:30 p.m. and 7
p.m. in the Small Auditorium
of the Student Union.
The movie was filmed by
UN cameramen and attempts
to answer the questions of
how the UN soldiers are re.
cruited and what their duty
Sevigne to Speak
Frank Sevigne, head track
coach for the University, will
be the sports guest on Don
lsherwood's Sports and Re
view program broadcast
Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. on
KNUS radio. The basketball
game will be broadcast at 8