The Daity Nebraskan " Friday, December 22, 1961 Pag i f v . J J . 'if W t.4 e "1 EDITORIAL OPINION Two Seconds-r Price of Life Two seconds. How much Is two seconds? For some feople it is a cheap price, or many others it is the most expensive item tney will attempt to buy. These re the people who will risk their lives to save only a few instants. For most students and faculty, classes are over as they pick this issue up. If there is a predominent thought throughout cam pus at this very moment, , it is the thought of going. Nearly everyone is going somewhere. For some it is a trip horns and others ft is a vacation trip. Need less to say, the rush will be great. With only two days until Christmas time Is a factor for many trav elers. The National Safety Council predicts another record high death toll on the nation's roads for the holidays. Cruel and hard facts say that many will not see Christmas, many will not see 1962 and hun dreds will not be around to see what the new year holds. Speed and drinking are listed by the Safety Coun- v cil as prime factors in the annual Christmas-New Year deaths occuring on America's roads. As Col. C. J. Saunders of the Ne braska Stat Safety Pa trol points out, "Overcel brating ts a significant factor la boosting the accident rate." A state ment from the Nebraska Accident Statistics Bureau says that 60 per cent of Christmas eve (the most fatal time for accidents) Letterip Ta BMr Wllim Him wm pMMk r am. a. kmomi mi . mm . m mmmt mmmm pm mmtm m mkmm m i fn)aa. Uttm wM mi ami turn war. Wm. fcwst lb NebrMktt ttmitm HIM mmmram i ley Wolkt, Slept Brings Comment I'm duly shocked by the negligence of our Nebras ka maintenance crews. I refer to- their apparent unconcern over the slip pery condition of , steps leading up to various classroom buildings and residence halls. Three days after a sub stantial snowfall, I wit nessed several students slip and fall on the stops of Andrews Hall. One girl will have a nasty bruise . M the tide f her face due to btr falL The maintenance crews seemed to be non-existent, although I'm sure they could be found scraping up a patch of packed snow in some ob scure, level spot. Even if the ke cannot be re moved from steps imme diately, I feel that some substance such as sand or salt could be placed there until crews can get to them. Sincerely, Gorman Bleecher Scrip Iue Bring Comment To the editor; Never having read the "Scrip" before, I looked forward with pleasure to seeing literary abilities which might be exhibited therein. I must now' say that I am rather disap pointed with the quality of some of the would-be authors. It seems to me that the attempt made in the piece of elegant refuse called "Cinderella" was a miserable failure. Anoth er thing of which I am quite sure, is that it does Dailv Nchraskaii Member Associate! Cotlertate Tret. toternMoKiI Fret prMesUtire: lUtlenal Aavertlstef Bcrvtta, Iaevetei Published t: ftea 11. Student Union, tineeln, Nebraska. SEVEXTT-ONE TEAKS OLD 1U A K Tdtybea. HE S-7S11 ext. 422S. U2C, 4227 '4ftt&.. M.. SS 9 tt fft f"i ttiv .?A4m4ri. fumf . a twenty mittnr M tk mt m1tm fl. UMfU. MfMkfc .MT t H fit 4. Ilt. ftw ' ' It hm MMtMf. T.M.W, n4mt mu FA , ) the M fr. nm4 wtnt wilm mmt .mm ti.. wr a. ta4 rfwr M ka riirr-mlu. wt l4-t aptnlwi r.MItM. mntm MM jK-twih-tMa T ts ewn)tw OT tmtmi rit-tfcM aaaJI k fn tram -t.ri wmmxk. m w aan f V utmmnn m mm taa aa at mmt ! M t atvmHr. Tk nmihn tn. llr trkaa atatt t"' ""'" N alM latf Mr, ar a. ar ww ft. w ariiiH. frrvar . I4. accidents are caused by drinking. The answer to all this is simple: If you drive, don't drink. If you drink, don't drive. Approximately 500 of us will die between now and Jan. 2, 1962, according to the National Safety Coun cil. There is no way of determining who the 500 will be. College students certainly have no super natural protection. In fact, the college student age group, 18.2 per cent of all drivers, are in volved in 28.7 per cent of all accidents. College stu dents, therefore, do more than their share in the mass slaughter that has become tradition each year on th highways. As we pointed out ear lier this year, even the careful driver cannot be too cautious. There are many uncontrolaMe fac tors en the roads. Our campus population went through Thanksgiving va cation without a fatality, with dry roads. Now the same roads have a hard cover of Ice resulting from numerous snowfalls and three weeks of freez ing and sub-zero temper atures. Driving now is ap parently more dangerous. There is no reason why we cannot maintain our perfect record. The choice is ours. If each driver takes the necessary pre cautions, University students can help lower the national statistics and save lives with a little sacrifice like two seconds. (NB.) tmtr then mmn Wfete mm mm mm H9 not take a college educa tion to demonstrate this minimal degree of glori ous prose. The same type f brilliant litter is mani fested each and every day on skid-row by those who neither have the advan tage of a higher educa tion nor discipline of mind or principle. It appears to me that Mr. Gaines has given us and the community an excellent example of a superlative ly debased collegiate pro duct. I am sure that the state legislators will be won over by such magnifi cent student accomplish ments, and will vote more and more money for their perpetuation. After all, such scholastic achieve ments cannot go unre warded. Donald L. Cleveland Grad Liket Change Sir: With respect to the rea soning "?j, i.e. "ugly Pershing beams," offered by a few disillusioned sen iors: To me the setting for graduation was not a tradition, it was a joke and a most uncomfort able, hot and boring Joke at that. Just because mother doesn't cook the Thanksgiving dinner over the old kitchen stove does not mean that we have disbanded the traditional dinner. At the risk of being called heartless and cruel. I must question "tradi tioa" whenever it be comes an antonym of progress. Jon Eric son ... fleets f"efsfejmaj ssVrib 4rWMitiTtanan) i s s I ...AMP Tttitf HE Writer Recalls Meaning Christmas Time is Time Eric Sevareid To be a sensitive per son Is only to have the measure of both joys and sorrows increased; and it is because Christmas sen sitizes us all that adults fear its comi n g even as they wel come it. The glow of the s f t lights. the sound Sevareid of child voices ia song, piercing as with their al most unendurable purity these things remind us that our first and only command was to love, and we have not truly obeyed; that mea were so commanded, not to im prove them but to s a v e them from themselves, and we have not really understood. Christmas obliges us to regard our work, what we have made of our lives, our country and our world. Of course, we say, "Christmas is really for the children." Suffer the little children to take this burden from us. In our middle and older years we took backward to Christmases we have known more than we look forward to those that will come. Some were joyous for me. as for you: some were the purest pain and some both pain and joy. There was a Christmas ia my early teens when I first bad my own earned money to spend and spent it en expensive gifts for all la our family, so poor lo those days. To the stal wart older brother I gave a leather bound book and a silver plated eigaret lighter. When be handed me my gift a necktie. Y ft 0 -j I " : ! Home : ' Christmas I ffe .... j I f&ifL ' DATE 5?U-t A HELPING HAND T ME IN Tttt KWUOU5 WITH HIS TETH as I remember his face wore a stricken look, and in the midst of the festivities he broke i t tears. Out of pride as much as generosity I had destroyed his Christmas. I had not yet learned that the bead must sometimes govern the heart, that it may not always be better to give than to receive. There was a time in the thirties with war building up in Europe, when Ma dame Schumann-Heinck used to sing "Silent Night" each Christmas Eve through the new de vice I had bought for my family known as the ra dio set. On one of these occasions she finished the song and then spon taneously, 1 believe burst into a passionate spoken plea that people love and understand and live in peace. My father was a large, strong and grave man, inhibited by his upbringing in an aus tere Scandinavian farm family from revealing the gentler emotions. As he listened to the woman's heavily accented words, he began to tremble and then hurried upstairs to hide from us his tears. I think perhaps he knew in his heart what was com ing to the world, that in his mind's eye he was seeing all the years of heavy work, his few pos sessions, his family, in cluding three sons ap proaching military age. like him, we turn from these thoughts most of the days in the year because we cannot face them; but Christmas fastens its grip of truth upon us and wiU not let us go. . All of us, in our Christ mas selves, want to love. One cannot believe that tbe Russian or the C h U nese people are any dif ferent. But governments, our tribal device for pro J vi ;t Um Pxr -ti ntew of Yuletide; for Truth tecting the in-group from the out-group, cannot love. At least I have never ob served a government com mitting an act of love di rected at another govern ment. New books, like "African Genesis" tell . as that in all of this pure sanimai instincts are at work, inherited from the primates in tbe forest, be cause, they tell us, we come not from a fallen angel but a risen ape. Perhaps then, we cannot change these in stincts by aa effort of will; but we are also "nature's first brief ex periment in self-awareness" we alone among animal creatures caa ob serve our own instincts and know, therefore, what we are doing. Our col lectivity need not be less than the sam of its parts. There are some words I came upon years ago, supposedly written by one Fra Giovanni in 1513, but which, someone has in formed me, were actually written in this century. No matter I do not know how anything could be added to or subtracted from these words: "There is nothing I can give you which ?ou have not; but there is much that, while I cannot give, you can take. No heaven can come to us unless our hearts find rest in it to day. Take heaven. No peace lies inthefuture which is not hidden in this present instant. Take peace. The gloom of the world is but a shadow; behind it. yet within reach, Is joy. Take joy. And so, at this Christmas time, I greet you with the prayer that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away." (Distributed 1361 .by Tbe Hall Syndicate. Inc.) fAll Rights Reserved) Staff Views Out Of The Woods No matter how careful a person is and how many precautions are taken all is lost if the odds for success are allowed to become too great. This is the situation that the students will face today and this weekend as they begin their migration back from whence they came or to where ever they goeth. The best drivers on this campus will load up their safety inspected cars care fully making sure visibility is not impaired and all loose items are secured in case of a sudden stop. Yet, even with all these precau tions and the safety mea sures that will be taken once on the highways their chances of a safe journey are reasonably reduced be cause of the University's tyrannical insistance that school not be let out for va cation until today, Dec. 22, despite possible bad weath er and heavy traffic! Of course this means that many students, who are ex pecting to spend a Merry! Christmas and a Happy New Years at home, will be forced to venture out upon oar lovely holiday highways when tbe expected peak in highway travel will be near- . ing. Some might even make it all the way. Perhaps the University figured in their wisdom that this way the student traveling home will have plenty of company on the highways; however, the object of this deadly game of traversing the roadways of this state and country is to get from point A to point B without meeting anyone, especially head on! Even as this article is be ing written early reports are coming in telling how nearly three times as many cars than normal are leav ing the major cities of this country. Today this figure will rise even greater as On Films At the end of every year, filmakers 'put their best foot forward' by re leasing f i i m s of quality and in quanity. The reason is twofold: one, to attract the holiday audiences, and, two, to qualify the films for awards namely the Academy Award which will subsequently mean increased boxoffice. The many year-end re leases will suppiy Lincoln theatres with impressive entertainments well itsto 196Z. Noticeably, most of these films find their source in ether mediums; few are based en screen plays written directly for the creen. Stanley Kramer's "Judgment at Nurem bergwith a cast , just starring Spencer Tracy. Burt Lancaster, Richard Widmark, Marlene Diet rich, Judy Garland. Mont gomery Gift and Maxmil han Schell is an adap tation of a Playhouse 90 television script of a few years back concerning the famous war trials. Tennessee Williams is getting double play. His novella, "The Roman Spring of Mrs. Stone," stars Vivien Leigh and Warren Beatty in the screen version, and con cerns aa aging actress and the "La Dolce Vita" of Rome. Williams' play of frigidity and religion. "Summer and Smoke." has bee a transfered to tbe screen with a cast beaded by Geraldine Page and Laurence Harvey. Tony Curtis plays Ira IU M t'n tomt out M Avis n .Cf it about 0 bmt M3 fft around. Jyjj pton. Avis m4 My whajt tjfc. ta mickmy youf Wrt. Fo,d ar yw TZL P",Ct Cof On low fc. av dud,, rmnt. f JOE. COLLEGE WEEK-EI.'D SPECIAL From 4 P.M. Fridoy to 9 A.M. Monday Call 432-3405 SAVES 4324625 MUNICIPAL AIRPORT By Jim Forrest business and industry close down and employees join our students on the high ways. If a student is planning to abandon the highway danger for the comfort of flight or rail, he is out of luck again. However, this type of student will only be inconvenienced by crowds of humanity, and will not be forced to offer np his life as collateral in order to drive on a highway. Airlines reported Thursday that most of the east-west flights are booked and trains are having to put on extra equipment. What possible reason could the University and t h e calenda. committee have for waiting so long to give our students a start for home? I'm not after an ear lier date just so we can get out of school earlier. Per se . . . it doesn't make any difference. The length of vacation is always the same. I do say that be cause of the wisdom of those on this campus that are wise the decision of let ting sthool out just as the rest of the nation is letting out for Christmas places un necessary risk upon travel. Administrators tell us that we cannot do this or that or that we must do this and that because they are re sponsible for otu safety and good health while at " the University. This is well and good, but something lapsed somewhere when the de cision was made to keep some eight thousand stu dents on campus until the Christmas weekend. Que sera, sera! Anyway, Out of the Woods (minus a number of pine trees) wishes to send each and all, student or faculty, a Merry Christmas and the best for the New Year . . . if you make it. and Things Hayes, Pima Indian who was one of the men to raise the flag ov er Iwo Ji ma, in "Tbe Outsider." Lee Marvin starred in a television version over a year ago. Falling in line right be hind 1959's "Ben-Hur" and 1960's "Spartacus" is M-G-M'i ' King of Kings," a remake of the old Cecil B. DeMiile silent with Jef frey Hunter taking the part of Christ played by H. B. Warner in the first version. William Wyler's "Tbe Children's Hour" stars Audrey Hepburn and Shir ley MatLaine in this sec ond fflmzatioa of tbe Lil liam Hellman play about a malicious lie and Les bianism. The first version, alse directed by Wvler, was called "Tbeae Three" and was released in 1937. Frank Capra remakes his 1933 release "Lady for a Day" under the title "A Pocketful of Miracles." and casts Bette Davis in the Damon Runyon char acter of Apple Annie or iginally played by May Robson. M-G-M also soon releases its remake of "The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse" with Glenn Ford in the Ru dolph Valentino role. From Broadway comes Jerome Rabbins' great musical "West Side Story." already hinted as the 'Best Picture ef 1961. Alse from Broadway is tbe film version of "A Major ity of One" starring Rosa- (Continued en p. 4) RENT-9-CAR jm xi