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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 18, 1961)
Page 2 The Daily Nebraskjn Monday, December 18, 1 961 I i i L V J EDITORIAL OPINION I 1 ' Communist Workl Seen In Chicago! The Daily Nebraskan received through a news service I a news storv irora the editor of the Chicago Maroon, of ficial student newspaper of the University of Chicago. It may bear some interest to our readers and, at the same time, certainly demands editorial comment. The editor told of being chased by eight. men of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) by automobile when he (the Editor) was escorting Dan Rubin, editor of the left-wing newspaper "New Horizons for Youth," to the EI station in Chicago. The headline over the story is en titled "US Gives Students a 'Fun Time.' " The entire story is written quite lightly in an attempt to make a farce of the FBI activity. The final paragraph in the story reads: "We can only thank whoever is responsible for a most pleasurable experience. After all, it isn't very often that our fun and the National Security coincide." But why would this story be of interest to us? Mr. C. D. DeLoach, assistant director of the FBI, in an address before national convention of the National Council of College Publications Advisers in Miami, Fla. earlier this year had this to say of "New Horizons for Youth" and Dan Rubin: 'Typical of other communist propoganda outlets, 'New Horizons for Youth' warmly praises the Soviet Union on one hand, and undermines faith in the United States on the other. Its editor, Daniel Rubin, is National Youth Director of the Communist Party, USA." The Chicago Maroon story should now be of interest to us all. The story said that Rubin was at the University of Chicago to address the "Chicago Students for Civil Lib erties." DeLoach of the FBI also noted in his speech in tensified communist activities designed to push commu nism into schools. One of these he called "an intensive speech campaign one which has seen Party functionaries appear at colleges and universities from New York to Cal ifornia." The Maroon editor's attempt to make .a. farce of the FBI's work with communists in this nation and his association with the national youth director of the Com munist Party is deplorable. The least that can be said of this individual is that he is walking on thin ice by at tempting to take the entire situation too lightly. Our main objective in bringing this situation to light is twofold: 1. There is an active, working communist conspiracy to plant communism in American college campus. The - illustration above should bear this out and bring the point a little closer to home. 2. We, as members of the University community, must strive to acquaint ourselves with the efforts of Communists to invade our invlrons in order to repel any possible future attempts directed towards us. It is our strong conviction that we do not have evidence of communistic growth on his campus. As De Loach pointed out in Miami, the communists need a favorable environment to grow in. Where they can not find a start, they cannot achieve their goals. Com munists need a weak and uninformed student body and even a weaker assemblence of student organizations. They can find neither situation on this campus. However, . It is our most important obligation to keep informed and perceptive enough to thwart the threat facing every col lege campus "from New York to California." PROBLEM OF THE WEEK Sponsored by Pi Mu Epsilon. Place the numbers 1 through 12 in the indicated ' spaces so that all of the lines nave the same sum. Bring or send answers to 210 Burnett Answers to last week's problem. The customer comes out ahead. Correct solutions were submitted by Earle Bailiie, Tom Eason, John FTory, Don Schroeder, Hubert Tolman, Everald E. Mills, Bill Meysenburg, R. S. Horna dy, and Mason Vong. 5AK1A axosjm I HASN'T mux ssipmrnium? I WX SAWTA 3 i Daily Nebraskan Member Aaaoeiatea' Conecii te Fresa, loternxtionai Prcu KefrcMStative: ffattoaal ATertlln Serrlee, laoarpantot reblisJiei at: Xoatn it, gtadent Union, Lincoln. Nebraska. SEVEXTT-OVE TEAKS OLD U& K TeltphBC BE 1-7631 ext. 4225. 422(. 4227 ffaaawtpttaa Ma IH naawtw ar M f r On ifiImIi yaw. kajiM wm4 mm ntkr at taa aaal afne la UatHa. Waaraaka. aaaVt a act Aawaat a. Ilt. faa UMT Hearaafcaa to aaaaa aar, finait. ftaaasaiar aa Fit- fmiltmf m M tatraraRi f imnwu aacnr ot1raila r taa UaahMt n .'4at Attain aa aa iipmaai af ataia liuia raMbsttaa aaacr taa brtHtirtMNt Mm Balm ainilma aa Mmtim PaMmttaaa akaM aa trt tnm tmiuma man aa taa aart af tac aaacaannHMa ar aa taa aart m Bar wmrm acuta taa Catamttr. Tk aiwaan af taa Pally Kaaraakaa ataff am 2 Lwmaafty iwnaalaai aat kat Om aaj, at aa. ar aaaa ta aa arta)i4. lnvraMV UWa. ntrroauAL fmtm i rf Etar Htm luiisar -.. -,-ist EMar t-purtm tattar .. j fkws f'Aflar . . fpy f.-'tara. ... -.! toxM a-twm faar Stad Wrtlara Waalr a r M.x km aamaa kana IF TK2 IS A SANTA OAU5, HPS 60H5 TO Be TOO KCE NOT TO B3N6 V FOR CHRISTMAS NO MATTER HOU) I ACT..06HT?tJSHT! Ji ( L&ONS.' BUT I DON'T wikr .QavaBBaB Bartiaen; ......... a Mafcr ................. Yam Straae s ... Bvac Waaifan Oar Clara Daaaar BUHaca, Laala) Banwrt. Jlat rmat Jfaarr Wtlm4 S Baccn. CWr Bvwa, Ta irarr Daa rTertvaMi BH Caaltrlu, fa ..Jtaa la i JHLi 1 Vv E-vi i r j Nuclear Testing, Action in Vietnam lAre Necessary for United States Eric Sevareid Washington, D. C. Much, as a 16th Century writer put it, "hangs in the uncertain balance of proud time," and the di rectors o A m e rican world poli cy are now s t niggling rather des perately to get their priorities in order with one eye c onstantly on the cal Sevareld endar. Decisive trains of events are moving at drastically differing rates of speed. Berlin and the Congo are net, in spite of the headlines, the current agonies where the quick est and most far reaching decisions most be made. There Is, for the moment, no deadline on Berlin, and this government cannot control the course of events in the Congo, al though dismay is setting in at the highest levels and newly returned emis saries are insisting that the UN either conciliate Katanga province or get out of it. It is on the questions of further atomic testing and Vietnam that decisions must be made. Both issues are imbued with the most exquisite pain and neither will wait. The Atomic Energy Commission has assured the country that in spite of the Soviets recent series of 50 bomb tests, the balance of nu clear strength still rests with us. So it does, but the intelligence commun ity here U admitting that once again, the speed of I Russian atomic weapons progress has been under- estimated. They have I solved the problems of the smaller, more efficient 1 warheads and are already getting into mass produc- I tion of the "second gen- eration" weapons. 1 The President has swung f back and forth on the f question of our resuming atmospheric tests, and I right now be is twinging forth the current dis- position is to go ahead and I test. The most violent ub- jection is likely to come e from British public opin- ion. Partly for this reason, I partly for reasons of bet- ter facilities for test stud- Its, be may ask Prime i Minister MacMillan at Bermuda, a 'ew days hence, for the use of Bri tain's great missile range in Australia. Wherever the tests are made, we need the public agreement of our chief ally that they are necessary. We also desperately need the support and the participation of our allies for further action in South Vietnam. The plain truth is that the Communist in vaders are winning fhe war for the peninsula. J jU This struggle is at the point where the "inciting event," as playwrights call it, could occur at any moment a defeat, a de fection, an exposure, an Act of God, one of those key happenings from which men engaged in postmortems date all that subsequently unrolls. If South Vietnam can be lost rather quickly, it can be won only slowly, and at great cost, in the pattern of Britain's five-year campaign to glean up Ma laya. Even short of Amer ican fighting troops, the more we put into Vietnam now, the more we shall probably have to put in later. It is that kind of situation. We are getting plenty of advice from the French and British, but little else, v and the more we increase our own pawns in the region, the less not the more in clined will our allies be to join us', since sophis ticated governments in this world are not shamed into action by the exam ple of others. Our Geneva negotiators on the Laos agreement report the Russian diplo mats to be totally arro gant on the subject of Vi etnam and sweetly rea sonable on the subject of Laos. The explanation of this duality almost surely has to be that the Soviets are certain that South Vi etnam b going to collapse and that, therefore, they need not press hard in little Laos, which is far lest Important and is like ly to disintegrate gently like a rotten fruit once the fate of Vietnam and U.S. prestige in Southeast Asia is sealed. "Proud time," as ex pertly managed by Nikita Khrushchev, presses us less cruelly on the matter of Berlin. The famous wall has done that as well as the American troop, movements. Khrushchev can now afford to sit back for a time and observe with detatchment as the Allies argue in public over the order of t h e i r march toward negoti ations, a movement which President DeGaulle, as this is written, still re gards with contempt as a journey to Canossa. It is possible, according to my own information that the Americans will make the march alone. If the French stay behind, the British are inclined to hand over their power of attorney to Secretary Rusk, making the talks strictly bilateral. This too is apt to be set tled at Bermuda, a meeting for which the British pressed in order to READ NEBRASKAN WANT ADS complete the round of twosomes and to put Mac millan publicly back in the picture. The Bermuda agenda is growing. Even the deci sion on American invest ment in the Volta River dam project, in the land of the increasingly un pleasant and alarming Kwame Njrumah, is now scheduled to be made in the President's meeting with the British on those cedar-crested Atlantic is lands where everyone speaks softly, including the normally exuber ant West Indian Negroes. Dirt. 1961. Ball Syndicate. Inc. The window that SG6S into your future 171lra an ' av vuo the vet "vh'?Hcbetter through this WiNH "m.iriV window" down at our bank. The reason is "simple: Money you invest here in U.S. Sav ings Bonds grows in value to help make that better future possible. You save ii a v Today, Eloise presents the story of another cf them menaces which we as stu dents of a grand university must join arms, . sit down upon and raise protest against for heavens sake. , The menace is that some persons are trying to dry up our beloved dessert and develop of all things a spark" of interest in literary (ha) things and stuff. Well, let .them beware that we don't need that kind of learning, and that we tough, cornfed, brawney, ugh, hrumph, haw haw stomp (in barnyard covered boots) cough guffaw, grimy knuckled Nebraskans are not worried that they can pentrate our tough hides with that stuff. Why don't we need it? Well . . . Haven't we got enough stuff to read already? The Union provides a wonderful place to buy books, I mean there a lot nice mystery and science fiction books we can read with our spare time,- and look at all we learn from them. Why, I head that the lit tle literary book we used to have cost a quarter or 35 cents, well for heaven's sake, that's one package of cigarettes, and 2 cokes and a package of gum, or may be we can rent some cards or pingpong balls or some thing with that much mon ey. And where do they ex pect poor students to find enough time to read that literary stuff? Why, after our busy day of unionizing from 10 to noon, and from 2 to at llast 5, interspersed with a few class periods, then a trip to the Grill and shooting the bull with our fellow housing unit c o m panions, where are we go ing to in our busy day find time to read it? Anyway, if we could find time in our busy days to read it, it takes time to think and understand what it says, and that is about the biggest problem, and time consuming thing for '"' VV ilk" ; Every $3 you spend here this Christmas buys $4 worth of security for a brighter tomorrow xi rit alnrotra That's why a Savings Bond makes such a wonderful Christmas gift. It's a present with a future appro priate for any name on your Christ mas list. What better time than Christmas the traditional time of "peace on earth" to buy or give U.S. Sav ings Bonds? Stop in soon. - ouj ;vu oinaja future a little more than money with , us here to do in a day. I mean, when we can sit down and discuss our coaches, or who got kicked out of school recently, or how funny those long black socks look on girls and where will I park anyway where there is no place in the free, no metered-nasty Selleck lot, or who got pinned to who or did you hear the latest about Edna or whatever will we do about our activity point system or why weren't you at Builders last night? That's just fine, because we don't even usually think about what we say. , Why should we give them funny students who write a chance to express their talents? I mean, any one who is so different that he writes and stuff like that must be a Communist be cause none of my friends sitting here in the Union be side me write, and we all wear sneakers and trench coats and are in Buz-Ad, or Teachers and are all very normal and collegeish, and anyway, we wouldn't let ' watching the rest of t h e world go- by if he wasn't just like the rest of us. Anyway, we can't let anything like this which is so different from our every day college rah, rah, lives, enter into the picture be cause it may prompt us to begin to think, and anyone knows that's just something people out of college do, and it might make us wake up and realize that there are othet- things which are of value and importance other than our classes, the Union, and the Grill which occupy so much of our shallow, collegeish minds. We're behind ya, Mr. Hough. Home Ec Honorary Initiates Members Phi Upsilon Omicron, the home economics professional fraternity has initiated seven new members. The girls initiated were: Ruth Bishop, Susan Lytle Boswell, Judith Morhardt; Juniors. Carol Berndt, Carol De Groot and Beverly Gray.