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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 12, 1961)
CNflTRSfTY 6? fV&$; LIBRARY SVio Joke qn By Tom Kotouc The most severe snowstorm this season and worst bliz zard in two years to rake the University is slated to end this morning, according to the U.S. Weather Bureau. Temperatures of five through 10 degrees are predict ed for the next 24 hours in the aftermath of a 30 mile an hour northerly wind which howled through Lincoln last night. With six inches of snow reported Monday noon and four through six more expected to fall during the night, Chancellor's Assistant James Pittinger said Monday eve ning that "as of now he saw no reason to call off classes for Tuesday." "Our final decision to be made Monday night will de pend not on the number of off-campus students who can not reach the campus but on the number of faculty who can't get through to teach those students who can reach the classroom," Pittinger said. Snow Removal "We have had considerable trouble with the attitude of people who drive cars in relation to removing the snow from parking lots," said Charles F. Fowler, director of the division of buildings and grounds. Campus---'Class iSSst Co On Teachers College Program Changes Await Approval By Wendy Rogers A number of proposals for program changes in Teachers College are now awaiting action by the college faculty. Topping the list of proposals is the recom mendation for a change in the general require ments for the Bachelor of Music in Educaton, Bachelor of Fine Arts, and Bachelor of Science degrees. This nronosal has been made by the Teachers Col lege National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Ed' ucation steering committee No proposal has been made at this time for a change in the requirements for a Bach elor of Arts degree m Edu cation, according to Norman Thorpe, assistant dean. The committee recommen tiations are as follows: The English composition requirement of 6 hours will usually be met by earning credit in English B, 1, and 2 (6 hours), or 3 and 4 (6 hours). Humanities Under the humanities re quirement of 9 hours, selec tions will usually be made from at least two fields. Not less than 6 hours will be chos en from the historical, criti cal, theoretical courses in art, dance, music, speech and dramatic art, philosophy (other than logic), and litera ture (English or foreign lan guage). The remaining hours may be selected from other courses in art, dance, music, speech and drama. The physical education, military, naval, or air sci-j ence requirement will be 4 hours. Selections for the social sciences requirement of 9 hours will be made from one of the following laboratory sciences: astronomy, biolo gy, botany, chemistry, earth science, geography (61 and 62), geology, physics, physiology-public health, or zoology. Selection for the 6 hours of elective choices will be made from one of the following op tions: foreign language, 6 4. . - I ? t. .. ?.. ..fs. '-TTTTf - ;r I'f V : i s r:sites ' SLICK, SLOPPY SNOW!! hours; science (extra), 6 All 50 States Represented At Nebraska Latest enrollment figures show that all 93 Nebraska counties, all 50 states and 51 countries are represented by students at the University, ac cording to Dr. Floyd Hoover, registrar. Lancaster County leads all Nebraska counties with a total of 2,572 students. Next is Douglas county with 393 stu dents. Following the Lincoln and Omaha student totals is the one from Hall County of 191. Dodge and Gage counties tie for fourth place both totaling 166 students. Sixth place goes to Scottsbluff county with 150 students. Iowa students number 190, the largest number of Univer sity students from out-of-state. Leading the foreign country enrollment is India with 40 students. Second is Iran with 27, China (free) is third with 22, fourth is Korea with 14, Turkey is fifth with 13 and sixth is Jamaica with a rep resentation of 11 students. hours; mathematics, 6 hours; humanities (extra), 3 hours; social studies (extra), 3 hours. Statement Added to the recommenda tion was the statement: "Since one of the purposes of the general requirements is to secure breadth of prepara tion, not specialization, the student will usually be per mitted to apply not more than 6 hours of the general requirements toward a teach ing major or area of subject matter specialization, and not more than 9 hours toward a teaching minor." A proposal which has been approved by the Department of Secondary Education and is now in the hands of the Course of Study committee would give the student teacher in both University High School and in public schools a half-day experience instead of a one hour class period. According to Thorpe, pro ponents of the idea feel sec ondary student teachers would have a better chance to see the broader aspect of school operations than they do now. The three general aspects oi me student teacner s ex perience would then include: Responsibility for teach ing one class in their major; Responsibility for assist ing in a class in the minor or a different level of the major. (Adjustments in some cases would be made.) Responsibility for work ing with students outside class, such as helping with extra-curricular activities. study hail duty, or assisting as a sponsor. Other proposals by the De partment of Secondary Edu- tion which are now in the pre liminary stages are for the revision of the total program of secondary education pro fessional courses, and for a "fifth year" program for graduates of colleges other than Teachers College, such as the College of -Arts and Sci ences. The department is also con sidering a proposal dealing with special preparation for junior high school teachers. The Department of Ele mentary Education is now studying their total program for training elementary teachers. "How will I ever get home" wonders coed Barb Milford as she cleans the snow and ice from the windshield of her car, parked In one of the snowy campus park ing lots. 1'iShejJ isqmeone pulls in behind snow equipment when workers are Trpffg to unload the bucket and then leave their cars in the space cleared, we have no space to ma neuver, thus tying up of efforts," he added. "The snow removal crew was on the job at 2 a.m. this morning to clear walks in time for classes," Fowler added. "Using six snow tractors and a Michigan loader, we should be able to get to the parking lots sometime this morning, depending on the drifting." Classes were called off Thursday, Mar. 5, 1959 when snow blanketed the campus. "The difficulty of traveling to campus plus the problem of parking cars on the snowy streets and lots was the basis for the decision," Pittinger said. 7 a.m. Announcement came at 7 and 11 a.m. on Lincoln radios that the Chancellor had dismissed classes for the morning and afternoon respectively. "The blizzard is caused by a storm center from New Mexico coming through Valentine, Nebr., and spreading eastward," the Weather Bureau reported. The five day forecast looks for temperatures several degrees below seasonal normal w ith snow falling early in the five day period, the bureau said, with warnings out for "critical" weather over a wide area. Snows had reached depths of 12 inches at Sutton and 10 at DeWeese and Grand Island by Monday evening. Visibility was down to three-fourths of a mile in several areas over the slate as United and Frontier Airlines were standing by for flight advisories Monday, expecting eve ning flight cancellations. The snow that choked Lincoln streets and driveways two years ago began falling on the 27th and 28th of Dec, leaving some six inches on the ground, according to the bureau. "That 1959-60 winter a total of 54.3 inches of snow was reported," added the bureau. "This compares with total snowfall of 12.4 inches last winter." the PAIOf TNJI llJ wSMm Vol. 75, No. 45 The Nebraskan Tuesday, December 12, 1961 Chor us By Sue Hovik Two traditional perform ances of Christmas music will be presented on the Uni versity campus during the next week. Handel's Oratorio "T h e Messiah" will be presented by the department of music in the Coliseum at 3 p.m., Dec. 17. Under the direction of Prof. Earl F. Jenkins. 500 students will sing the production which been performed on the campus for 60 years. The soloists for the concert are juaitn Lawrence, so prano; Sharon Binfield, alto; Roderick Gibb, tenor; and Willard Marquardt, bass. Operas Miss Lawrence, a music major, is a senior in Teach ers College. She sang the lead ing role in two University op eras, "The Sweetwater Af fair" and "Die Fledermaus." She will also appear in this 9 1 ngers to in reriorm year's University opera, "Cosi Fan Tutte." : Miss Binfield, alsq music major, is a junior iaj Teach ers College. She wilf appear in the production eg, "Cosi Fan Tutte." t Gibb, a sophomore in t h e College of Arts and Sciences, is a music major and he ap peared in the chorus of "The Sweetwater Affair." Marquardt, a senior in Teachers College, is majoring Holiday Invitations A number of families in Lincoln and near-by-towns have extended invitations of hospitality to foreign stu dents during the Christmas vacation. Foreign students who would like to spend one or more days as a guest with these families should contact Mrs. O 1 g a Steele, assistant foreign student adviser. in music and speech. He also appeared in the "Sweetwater Affair." Choral Union The University Choral Un ion consists of the following campus music groups: Agri cultural College chorus con ducted by Gene Dybdahl; The Madrigal Singers and Univer sity chorus 1, by John Moran; and University Singers and University chorus II, by Jenk ins. The University Orchestra, under the direction of Em manuel Wishnow, will assist the Choral Union. Jean San ders, pianist, and Myron Rob erts, organist, will accom pany the group. Other accompaniests that have worked with the groups towards the production of the to find the Christ journey Child. Gold The mother notices the gold which they are taking to the Christ Child. She takes some of it to care for her child, Amahl, and is caught. He is miraculously cured, and goes with the Kings to visit the Christ Child. During the intermission of the concert, free refresh ments will be served by the Union Music committee The program will end with a candlelight recessional to "Silent Night." The traditional program is performed around tables with candles on them. Madrigal singing began in the 14th and 16th centuries. This type of Madrigal sing ing started in England in 1550 HUSKERS CLIP NOTRE DAME By Dave Wohlfarth Coach Jerry Bush's "Hust ling" Huskers pulled the rab bit out of the hat in the im age of Rex Swett to stage a 65-61 come-from-behind bas ketball win over Notre Dame on the NU maples last night. The 2,000 Husker fans who braved the cold, snowy night witnessed a tense battle, spiced with some clutch per formances from several Ne braska cagers. Nebraska's number one tor pedo in the battle was Swett, 6-1 senior guard, who re turned to the Husker lineup after missing two games due to a bad back. The fiery floor general came out of traction and played with a heat pack to direct the Scarlet to their second win of the season against two losses. Swett kept the Huskers alive with several key steals and shots, scoring 10 points, and guided the Husker floor at tack which came to life in the second half. NU Rallies Behind 38-30 at intermis sion, Nebraska started click ing through the shooting eyes of Daryl Petsch, big Bill Bow ers and Tommy Russell, the rebounding of Bowers, Rus sell and Chuck Sladovnik, the floor leadership of Swett and the over-all clutch play by Ivan Grupe and little Denny Puelz to overtake the Fighting Irish and protect its lead in the final minutes. Important in the last half (Continued on Page 3) Moran explained that Ma- "Messiah" are Mrs. Cynthia j w here it was the custom for Dybdahl, Kay Green and Lin-; families to sit around the ta da Haisch. ; bles after a meal and sing. Preceding and following "The Messiah" concert, tra ditional carols will be heard from the Ralph Mueller Caril lon. Jack Watkins is the Caril lonneur. Singers The annual Christmas per formance of Christmas music by the Madrigal Singers, un der the direction of John Mor an, will be presented Dec. 19 at 7:30 p.m. in the Student Union Ballroom. j The concert has been divid ed into two parts: the first half will consist of the tradi tional Christmas carols, the second half will be highlighted by the production of "Amahl and the Night Visitors," a Christmas opera by Gian-Car-ol Menotti. Soloists for this number are Claire Roehrkasse, Joc clyn Sack, Ken Scheffel, Gene Dybdahl, Louis Lawson, and Rod Gibb, all upperclassmen. "Amahl and the Night Visi tors" is the story of a poor crippled shepherd boy and his widowed mother. One eve- Wahl, German To Head E-Week Chuck Wahl and Harold Ger man have been chosen by the Engineer's Executive board to serve as co-chairmen for the 50th Anniversary observ ance of E-Week which w?ill be held in April. Wahl is an electrical en gineering student and German a civil engineering student. Both are in their fourth year of study. According to Exec. Board president Gary Koopman, work on E-Week projects in the individual departments has already begun. He sug gested that any engineering student who was interested in working on E-Week should contact one of the co-chairmen. Koopman also announced that the Exec. Board has chos en a new advisor, Dr. Rich- ning, the Three Kings come to ! ard Gilbert, assistant profes their home to rest, on their sor of chemical engineering. drigal singing was a tradi tion of social singing, a buoy ant, lilting, articulated style, and in six part harmony. The 43-mem'ber freshman group was selected on the ba sis of try-outs. Moran ex plained that it was to give freshmen a chance to gain ex perience and maturity before they joined the University Singers. The Madrigal Singers will be giving 12 concerts around town this season, including an hour and one-half program on KUON-TV on Dec. 21 at 6 p.m. and on Dec. 25. Both the "Messiah" and the Madrigal concert are free. AVF Holds Application Orientation A mass meeting for all per sons interested in applying for positions as chairmen or as sistants of All University Fund is slated at 5 p.m., Thursday, in the Student Un ion. An explanation of the pur poses of AUF and of the dut ies of the different AUF Board positions will be presented. Interviews for these posi tions will be conducted in the Union Saturday, Jan. 13. De tails on application for the positions will be published later. Interviews for Executive board positions will be held Thursday night, with voting by the present board slated for Thurs., Dec. 21. Eligibility requirements for executive positions are an ac cumulative average of 5.5 and one year's experience in AUF. No previous experience is necessary for the other board positions of chairmen and as sistants, but a 5.0 accumula tive average must be held. JAZZ'S ) HURRY I. 10 days until vacation ll If 1 . -Ml i H jM a ""z 4 , & . ' - J ... 0i:' ,li y . f is zzy Caps Tickle Campus Coeds Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear. Fuzzy Wuzzy now has no hair because Fuzzy Wuz zy's fuzzy hair was made in to a fuzzy wuzzy hat for cold headed coeds. Nebraska coeds are becom the girls on the campus, the hats are "darling," "warm," and "cheery." The male counterparts of these comments range all the way from "ridiculous" to an enthusiastic "okay." Steve Smaha said, ing fashion conscious for the1' furrv animal .: :.l u okay. miner mumns wiui a "If you they're M i i J FUZZY, WUZZN'T IT? A cold-headed coed, Jan Fletcher, looks over her varied selection of Fuzzy Wuzzy Bear head warmers. NU coedL have become head conscious with hats made out of every thing from wool, to fake wool, to real fur. made out of everything from wool, to fake wool, to the real thing. If something more glamorous is called for, the hats come decorated in se quins, etc. A local department store reported that the "mop caps" are getting the scarves off the girls' heads. Last year the fad was in the East and now it is all across the coun try, even in warmer climates. Opinions In the opinion of many of. "I haven't even noticed them," said George Krauss. Russians Larry Vacek believes that they will "better foreign rela tions, and the closer we get to the Russians, the better." John Power said it's "all right if the girls want to wear them." Jim Raymond said that girls should wear them "if they are of a good quality, but you can tell if they're inex pensive. Girls should also take into consideration the shape i of the head for the shape ofj the hat they're getting." ' i, " V iP-'xH 3 'Sir ji FAIRLY FUZZY Fashion trends this year are letting fur go to the coed's head. Kim Pohlman and Judy Means (below) are shown trying on two of the furry hats seen so often on campus this winter.