Monday, December 11, 1961 The Daily Nebraskan Page 3 Fighting Irish Are Tonight's Invaders By Dave Wohlfarth Nebraska goes after its second win tonight against the Fighting Irish of Notre Dame at 8 p.m. in the NU Coliseum. The Irish have won two and lost one, losing a last-minute . verdict to Creighton last weekend. , Starters for Notre Dame will be 64 Karl Roesler at center, 6-3 John Andreoli and 6-6 Arm and Rio at the for wards and a pair of six-foot guards, Ed Schnurr and John Matthews. . Husker Coach Jerry Bush described the Irish as having "extremely good board power" and had special praise for Rio. Bush sent his cagers through a brief workout last night. Rex Swett, who has missed the last two NU games due to an injured back, was at the practice and Coach Bush said, "We're in hopes he'll be able to play tonight." Bush was undecided about his starters for tonight's bat tle. The Huskers opened with four sophomores and a senior (Tommy Russell) against Air Force Saturday. When questioned about the Husker loss to the F a 1 c o n s Bush said, "When you hit five for 13 foul shots and turn the ball over 25 times, it's tough to win." Notre Dame lost to Creigh ton University 73-71 Satur day night on a shot Dy Crcighton's Chuck Officer with five seconds left in the game. Andreoli was the high scorer for the Irish with 27 points and Roesler added 20. Nebraska lost its second road game of the year, fall ing before the Air Force Academy 58-49 at Colorado Springs Saturday night. Nebraska blew a 21-16 lead in the first half to fall be hind the shorter Falcons 28 25 at the half. The Huskers tied the score three times in the second half but dropped back after a 42-42 tie with 7:45 left. - Senior center Bill Bowers w as the leading Husker scor er with 12 points, Tom Rus sell had II and Daryl Petsch 11. John Judd, Parke Hinman and Bob Schaumberg paced the Falcons in their first half surge and Hinmawand Roger Head led the second stanza onslaught. Hinman captured high scoring honors with 14 points while Bill Knipp of the Air Force tallied 11. NEBRASKA Natulan I AIM FORCE ft (ft 0-0 2 Knipp i 1-1 11 Pencil Russell J one Pnelz SladovnUc Bowers Grupe Vates Vincent Totals 1-3 U Schaumberc 2-1 I 1-2 U VlreelUo 0 1-2 0-1 0 Zoeller t 1-1 0-1 Diffendorfer 1 -l 1 7 1 J 2-J f 2-3 14 J J? Hinmia S I Head 0-0 0 0-1 0 HI I 1-11 4 Totals S4 10-17 M 2S J M 2441 Air taret Kenraska IM Cage Slate Tonight's Games P.E. CmK i . 5:10 p.m. MacLean-A vs. Gua Hl-A r.r,. coon t 5:10 p.m. Canfield-A vs. Boucher-A 'Tonyton's Dual Filter in duos partes divisa est! says Lucius (Dead-eye) Claudiua, crack marksman of the XVI Cohort catapult team. "People come from Nero and far for Tareyton," says Deaf-eye. "Vero.Tarey ton's one filter cigarette that really delivers de gustibus. Try a pack and see why the whole gang in the cohort is forum," flff til v :A iuUliltv ' U , , v i ,. ; k , r ' ? ? ? .'. f v . $ i 1 N . v . . , . . - ft I ; - t V. , 'T s ) & ' - s w- r - 't k . lws , - ' , ' ( ,? "i V", " - - ' i I J, t' i fU " V x '. ,.V t? , x . , -t " ' I" V ' i l v .... ' s W - I , 4 4 "! - si J L BACKWARD SOMMERSAULT Freshman Jon WUliams performs a difficult dive in Saturday's Freshman-Varsity swimming duel. Two Huskers - By Bob Besom Mike Nissen slipped in his bid for a second Iowa Teach ers Invitational mat title but Husker co-captains J i m Raschke and Harold Thomp son copped two crowns at the Cedar Falls meet Saturday. Raschke, Cornhusker senior heavyweight who finished runner-up in the tourney last year, pinned two foes, won a second - round decision and edged Iowa State's Steve Caldwell, 3-2 in the finals. Thompson won the 157 pound crown with five deci sions. He took the title with Nebraskan Sports waammammmmmaam Tennis Meeting There will be a meeting for all varsity and fresh men tennis players in P.E. Building 114 at 4 p.m. to day, according to tennis coach Ed Higginbotham. Win Mat Titles a 7-3 win over Wisconsin's Jim Innis. Husker frosh Steve Walenz lost a 4-1 overtime decision to Banks Swan of Moflrhead, Minn., in the 115-pound finals. And Albert Paulsen, another Nebraska freshman, finished fourth in the 130 class. Nissen, defending the 123 pound crown he won last sea son, was stopped by Moor head's Art Maughan in the quarterfinals, 10-8. Coach Bob Mancuso's Corn huskers play host to Mankato State, in their next mat ac tion, at 9:15 a.m. next Satur day. ACtlVAtfcO s; . t ,iUFE V.ii't , Tareyton Idval delivers L7 aw fe. r t . -w- . . .- DUAL FILTER Tareyton NU Mermen Down Frosh By Roy Scheele Four varsity records were broken Saturday as the Hus ker varsity, swimmers splashed to a 64-30 victory over the freshmen. ( The Varsitv-Frosh mee was held in conjunction with the University's annual high school clinic and relays: Records smashed in these events: 400 yard medley relay- with Bill Henry. Vera Bauers Bill Fowles and Phil $waim doing the distance in 4:01.7, shaving some 'our seconds from the old varsity standard of 4:05.9 set last year oy Swaim, Larry McClean, Joe Stocker and Larry f err en. The new mark also eclipses the 4:03.1 pool record set in 1959 by Oklahoma. 200 yard Individual medley with Swaim being timed in 2:19.0. erasing a 1961 mark of 2:20.8 set by Joe Stocker. 200 yard butterfly w i t h Fowles timed in 2:26.8, bet tering a 1959 record of 2:28.8 set by Larry McLean. 200 yard backstroke won by Bill Henry in 2:19.2, bet tering the 2:21.8 record set by Frank Tomson in 1959. Winning performances by freshmen were recorded by Keefe Lodwig in the 200 and 400 yard freestyle events, and by diver Jon Williams. Meet results: 4M medley reUr 1. Virsitjr (Bill flenry. Vera Bauers, BUI Fowlys. Phil waim) T 4:01.7. (Record: betters old varsity record of 4:55. set la "li " old pool record at 4:03.1 set by Okla homa tn IBM.) M0 freestrrle 1. Keefe lodwU (F): 1 Bill Steele, Fs J. Kuni Mihara. V; T 2:i4.s, M freestrle 1. ' Vera Btuers. Vi i. Bill Wrisht, Vi 3. (tit) Paul Fantman. F and Pete Crancer, F. T :M.I. , too Individual medler 1. Phil Swaim, V: 1. Tom Chambers. Fi 3. Larry Fer rell. V. T-M0.0. (Record: betters old varsity record of 3:24.1 by Jot Stocker In 1M1. Dtrlaf-1. Jon WUIIama, Ft 151.40. t. Chuck Levy, V. 130.45. . . OHO katterny 1. Bill Fowles, Vl 1 Bill Steele. F; 3. Dave Roberts, F. T 1:26.0. (Record: betters varsity record of 2:23.t set by Larry McCleaa in 10NK 10 freestyle 1. Phil Swaim, V: 1 Bill Wrifht, Vi I. (tie) Pete Crancer, F and r. I- :55.1. 200 kackstrake 1. Bill Henry.', V; t. Larrv - Ferrell, V; 3. Dow cottier, r. f 2:10.2. (Record betters varsity rec ord of 2:31.1 set by Frank Tomson In 1950.) 440 freestyle 1. Keefe Lodwif, F; I. Jay Groth. Vi 3. Kurl Mihara. V. T 1:00.1. 20O breaststreke 1. Vern Bauers, V: 2. Tom Chambers, Ft 3. Larry Ferrell, V. T 2:37.0 IM Results Basketball Monday Alpha Gamma Rho-A 43. Seta Sirma Psi-A 17 Cornhusker-A 41. Alpha Gramma Slt-ma-A 23 Farmhouse-A 20, Af Men-A 23 Phi Sterna Kappa 36. Law College 19 Kiesselbach 52, Bessey 4t Gut III 29, GOOddilK 23 " Pi Kappa Phi 2, Zeta Beta Tan, (forfeit! Andrews-B 24. Avery-B 11 Hitchcock 36. Pioneer at Tuesday's Scores Surma Delta Pl B 31, Cornhusker-B 11 Physicist! 2. Architects 0 Pharmacists 37, Kegs 31 Manatt 41, Out 11 Delta Sifma Phi 49. Acacia 20 Playboys 29, Pershinf Rifles It Bachelors 37, Losers 36 Wednesday's Scores Kelleck A 2. Sea ton I A O Phi Epsilon Kappa 56, Newman Club 25 Hand Ball Winners Hildreth. Theta Xi: Cass. Delta Etv siloni Aden. ATOl Ehlers, Phi Gamma Delta; Williams. Sigma Alpha Epsilon: -ck. Pni Delta Theta; Arizumi, Dent School; Davidson. Alpha Tau Omega I Novak and Goudy, Theta Xii Conover and Jesse, Theta XI. CHA?C04l Ohio State Tops First Collegiate Poll; 3 Big 8 Gridders on Top Two Teams Ohio State is the top-ranked tarn in the first annual Na tional Collegiate Ail-American Poll. The Buckeyes edged second-place Alabama by one POLL'S ALL-AMERICAN TEAM First Team Pos. Player Team End Gary Collins Maryland Tackle Bill Neighbors Alabama Guard Joe Romig Colorado Center Alex. Kroll Rutgers Guard Roy Winston LSU Tackle Bobby Bell Minnesota End Pat Richter Wisconsin Quarterback Roman Gabriel North Carolina State Halfback Ernie Davis Syracuse Halfback Jimmy Saxton Texas Fullback Bob Ferguson Ohio State second End Gres Mather Tackle Merlin Olson , Guard Mike Insram Center Larry Onestl , Guard Stan Sciurek Tackle Jim Dunaway End-Bill Miller Quarterback Sandy Stephen Halfback Dave Hoppmann .. Halfback Curtis McClinton . Fullback Billy Rae Smith ' HONORABLE MKNTIOV Ends -Jerry Rilebrand, Colorado; Htwh CsmpbeU, Washington: Bob MK inser. penn state. rJi''Vj"rS,rKya Thorson, Iowa; Steve Bamett, Oregon; Al Hinton. Iowa; Don Talbert, Texas. Guards Nick Buonloonit, Notre Dame; Tony Parelli. nilnoie. Centers Irv Goode, Kentucky: Ed Pine. Utah; Leroy Jordan, Alabama. Wisconsin Trammell. Alabama: John Hadl. Kansas; Ron Millar, Halfbacks-Lance Alworth, Alabama; Alan White, Wake Forest. Fullbacks George Sauries, Michigan. Six New IM By Bob Ray Six new records were set in the Intramural Swimmine Meet held last week. Keefe Lodwig set two, one in 200-yd. Freestyle, and one in 100-yd. Individual Medley. Bill Fowles, and Bill Henry set new marks in the 100 yd. Butterfly, and 100 yd. Back stroke, respectively. . Relay records were set by Sigma Chi in the prelimin aries of the 200-yd. Medley, and Alpha Tau Omega in the 200 yd. Freestyle. Alpha Tau Omega won the meet with 70Vi points, Phi Kappa Psi grabbed the sec ond berth with 54, Beta Theta Pi was third with 34, and Theta Xi fourth with 28. Fifth spot went to. Phi Delta Theta in a tie with Sigma Chi with 11 points. Kappa Sigma was seventh with 10 and Phi Gamma Delta with six finished eighth. Tom Chambers, a Beta, won individual honors with 20 points. The ATO's Keefe Lod wig was the second high in dividual with 17V2, and Bill Henry. Phi Psi, a close third with 17. Fourth was another ATO, Pete Crancer, with 16, An invitation U" -' "t i . . j x. r v I A 1 , " '' ' At General Telephone your starting point is on the job. Because we consider on-the-job training the best method available for the development of professional skills and talent. Equal consideration is given to your interests and attributes. In accordance with the direction in which you wish to point your future, unusual opportunities are open to you in Engineering and Technical Activities, Business Administration, Accounting and Data Processing, or in Public and Customer Relations. Whichever direction you may take, on-the-job Employment Opportunities: The General Tele phone Company of Nebraska has many employment oppor tunities for college trained paople. Con tact your Placement Office far full Information. vote in the final balloting of college sports editors across the nation. Texas is the third, LSU fourth and Mississippi fifth Teem Navy .. Utah State .. Ohio State Northwestern Purdue Mississippi Miami (Fla.) . . . Minnesota . Iowa State ..... Kansas .. Mississippi Swimming Records Set and fifth another Phi Psi, Bill Wright, with 11. Results: SO yd. free style Won by Bill Wright, Phi Psi; 2 (tie) BiU Henry, Phi Psi; 3 Pete Crancer, ATO, and Paul Fang man, Independent. 5 Doug Cotner, Beta; Winner's time 24.0. 100 yd. butterfly Won by Bill Fowles, Sigma Chi; 2 Tom Chambers, Beta; 3 Bill Steele, Phi Delta Theta: 4 Dave Roberts, Kappa Sigma; 5 Steve North, Phi Psi. Winner's time 1:00.1 (new rec ord). 200 yd. freestyle Won by Keefe Lodwig. ATO: 2 Daye Roberts, Kappa Sigma; 3 Ken Lundgren, Sigma Phi Epsilon; 4 Mike Waldron, Phi Gamma - Delta; 5 Tenr Anderson, ATO; 6 Jeff Pokorny, Sig Ep. Winner'a time l:S8.t (new rec ord). 100 yd. backstroke Won by Bill Henry. Phi Psi I 2 Dick Schmidt, ATO; 3 Steve North. Phi Psi; 4 John Gilliland, Beta. Winner's time 1:01.5 (new record). 100 yd. breaststroke Won by Tom Chambers, Beta; 2 Bob Frisch, Theta Xi. 3 Fowles, Sigma Ohi; 4 Paul Fang- Women's Roll A roll-off to determine the top six women bowlers who will represent the University in the Association of College Union's Regional Tournament will be held from Dec. 15 to Feb. 5 by the Union. Students should state pref erence as to day and time on the sign-up sheet and ap pointments will be made for them to bowl with other girls competing. There is a mini to shape your own future... GENERAL TELEPHONE America's largest Independent Telephone System in the poll conducted by Dave Mona, sports editor of the Minnesota Daily. Mona reoorted that th poll received replies from 42 different siates representing every major conference. The balloting for the nation's top teams and AU-American play ers was very close. Minnesota, Colorado, Mich igan State, Arkansas, and Utah State round out the top ten teams in the poll. The first team All-American squad includes one Big Eight player, Joe Romig of Colo rado. Iowa State's Dave Hopp man and Curtis McClinton of Kansas were listed on the second team. TOP M TEAMS 1. Ohio Stat 4t 2. Alabama 4k 3. Texas 36ft LSU 383 a. Mississippi 281 0. Minnesota 27S 7. Colorado lsg 8. Michigan Stat , m 9. Arkansas ,,,, 103 10. Utah State 60 U. Purdue ai 12. UCLA J2 13. Rutgers 2ft 14. Missouri m IS. Syracuse ,,, 17 16. (tie) Rice 14 Kansas i 10. Georgia Tech 13 19. Penn State , 9 20. Duke $ (Other votes Arizona and Auburn fS), Michigan (3), Wisconsin snd Navy (2), Memphis State, Miami (Fla., Wyoming; and Columbia (1). man, Independent; S Mike Waldron, Phi Gamma Delta; (Dick Schmidt, Winner'a time 1:15.9. 100 yd. freestyle Won by Pete Crancer, ATO: 2 (tie) Bill Steele, Phi Delta The ta and Bill Wright, Phi Psi; 4 Doug Cotner, Beta; 5 Paul Fangman, Inde pendent: 6 Jeff Pokorny, Sigma Phi Ep silon. Winner's time :S6.4. Dlvlng-Won by Steve North. Phi Psit 2 Chuck Levy, Sigma Alpha Mu; 3 Tom Chambers, Beta: 4 Dick Wyglnt, Theta Xi; S Pete Crancer, ATO; 6 Lar ry Cole, Phi Psi. 100 yd. Individual medley Won by Lodg. wig ATO; 2 Henry, Phi Psi; 3 Cham bers, Beta; 4 (tie) Dave Roberts, Kap pa Sigma and Bill Steele. Phi Delt Winner's time 1:02.0 (new record.) 200 yd. medley relay Won by Alpha Tau Omega, 2 Theta XI, 3 Phi Kappa Psi. ATO's Smith, Logue, Schmidt, and Anderson's time 2:13. (It was in the pre liminaries of this event that Sigma Chi set a new record of 1:58. 5.1" 200 yd. freestyle relay Won by ATO's Crancer, Anderson, Logue, and Lodwig. 2 Theta XI, 3 ATO No. 2, 4 Beta, 5 Phi Psi, Winning time: 1:42.0. (a new record). - off Scheduled mum of three per appoint ment. The score is to be turned into the games desk. The fee for each three games series will be $1. . Top finishers will receive awards emblematic of the school championship. The two top scorers in the regional tourney will receive an all-expense trip to Phoe nix, Arizona to compete in the national tournament. i training is supplemented by formal training courses and rotational assignments. As a major communications company in a growing field, General Telephone has an ever increasing need for men to assume positions of management throughout its system in 31 states. In consequence, we offer you every opportunity to shape your own future. Your Placement' Director has copies of our bro chure on Management Careers that covers the opportunities at General Telephone in more detail. Ask him for one. (CCNtKAll 2Ttriw J