The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 11, 1961, Page Page 2, Image 2

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    Monday, December 11, 1961
Peas 2
fhe C5nily Mebraskjn
Staff Vietv$
Out Of The Worn,
Up until last week the
University's (for it looks
more and more that it
isn't the student's) Student
Council was administrat
ing their form of student
government with a min
imum of harassment.
However, the events of the
last week and a half have
reversed this 'status and
with good reason.
The Council announced
that Its members favored
"changing the location of
spring commencement ex
ercises to Pershing Muni
cipal Auditorium" As a
junior with an expected
date of graduation (give
or take a semester) in
June, 1963, I wish to add
the weight if ndt the con
tent of this column to the
protests, both oral and
published, against such a
move if made permanent; .
and urge that the Council
reconsider their action and
for the Chancellor to watch .
closely the test of this
move' at' the February
graduation, which is
scheduled for Pershing.
I would hate to see this
tradition broken for the
sake of comfort and con
venience of alums and
parents who would rather
sit in the over - stuffed
seats of the. air - con
ditioned auditorium rather
than the wooden seats of
the sometimes stuffy Col- .
Such a well-liked and
preserved tradition" was
shattered and forgotten
when I graduated from
Omaha Central High
School ... to the dislike
and disappointment of stu
dents. In 1959 the Omaha
School Board decided in
their wisdom that all five
public high schools in
Omaha should join "en
mass" for their bacca
laureate services and that
this event should be held
in the civic auditorium.
Thus it came to pass dis
pite student protests.
Changing the bac
calaureate from churches
to the auditorium not only
made students unhappy
and caused a marked re
duction in the religious
meaning of the services
conveyed to the students
but it also caused confusion
and the loss of various
parts of the graduation
Staff Views
The duck blinds are
shut down and the big
black labs are tied in the
kennels and Mel Steen is
prbbably figuring how
out of the
s on
M c Con
a h a y,
Johns o n,
H a r len
and the
state were killed by Ne
braska hunters. .
One of the methods of
ten used in this evalua
tion of hunter .success is
the "hunter questionaire."
At the Wildlife Confer
ence held at the Nebraska
Center last week for the
professional .conservation
and wildlife men of twelve
mid western states, it was
pointed out that not just
fishermen, but also hunt
ers are liars.
This conclusion was pre
sented by Jeanette Ernst,
the only w o m a n at the
conference, as she read
the paper of Karl Bed
narik, researcher for the
Ohio division of Wildlife
on hunter bias.
In Ohio a state owned
marsh adjacent to 1 a k e
Erie was opened to con
trolled public waterfowiing
in 1951. Bednarik used Ma
gee Marsh for his experi
mental laboratory to con
firm that there is bias in
hunter reporting. In addi
tion the author of the
paper brings forth some
recommendations which
would improve the quality
of -the hunt and at the
same tire, reduce ;--
all waterfowl mortality.
One of the observations
aot f
1 S
Daily Nebraskan
Member Associated CoHeriaU Presi. International Preti
Rerwffisiaiivet National Advertiatm gerriee. Incorporated
Pb tii&aed at: Koom SI. Student Union. Lincoln, Nebraska.
Hth St B
Telephone BE 1-7631 ext. 4235. 4226. 4227 .
i.o-rnpttna ram ar fa pr acmnb-f nw la a4ml ?ar.
Knirrra a win rla t-mttr at Ik anal 'flea la Uamla. Npknuk.
aa& r ca met, mt Avsant 4. iit.
SM1U y Kara Botl;
By Jim Forrest
costume and even some
This practice is still be
ing done in Omaha and
the amount of protest
cauli var is sl -wly grow
ing smaller. It is like Hit
ler's training of children
so that politices unpopular
to their parents and grand
parents will be popular
and acceptable when the
children become adults.
Each year students come
to accept the change be
cause the orginal tradition
lost is also forgotten.
Graduation is perhaps
the biggest and best re
membered day of a per
son's life, if not, it is at
, least always ranked high.
Tradition . is not just a
word. I say that enough
of the old NU's past
traditions have been
ensed too easily. After
'all, what is going to re
place the graduating
classes last walk across
the campus and past the
good old singing silo? . . .
A walk along the new
traditional path up 15th
street, winding through a
couple partially vacant
used car lots, by the Secu
rity Mutual Building, per
haps take time out to
play a fast game of bingo
at the Laborer's Local 114
"Club," past (?) BillMur
rell's "Corks" and Har
old's "Cans," and into
Dear Council and Ad
ministration: Please
place heavy consideration
on student opinion1 before
making the move perman
ent. It was noticed that a
gentleman of the "grey
walls" in administration
announced in connection
with the controversial
parking question that "no
other parking meters will
be installed . . ." It seems
that another member of
the "grey wall" family ,
announced last spring, in
connection with the pro
posed surfacing of the
north Selleck parking lot,
that "present plans do not
call for installation of
parking meters . . .'"
Those aren't candy ma
chines sitting on top of
those pots in the north
Selleck parking lot.
Around, around . . .
around we go.
By Cloyd Clark f
of the report was that in
comparison with the 14
waterfowl reportedly
killed on the water by the
hunters, 31 (58 per cent
of all the birds killed on
days of observation) were
observed to have .been
killed on the water. '
An incident during the
first year of operation of
the Marsh required the
Ohio authorities to limit
the hunter on the Marsh
to two boxes of shells a
day. Game wardens re
ported that hunters were
caught trying to smuggle
shells in lunchboxes and
such after this limitation
was put into effect. This
restriction was put into ef
fect when two hunters ad-
mitted that they had ex
panded seven boxes of
shotgun shells to bag one
Some interesting figures
in regard to shell con
sumption on the M a r s h
are: In 1960, 1,604 water
fowl were bagged in the
28 blinds on the marsh.
Using the average num
ber of shots recorded from
the observation blind, it
was calculated that 25,391
shots were fired to kill the
1,604 waterfowl brought
Into the checking station.
I'sinff the rate of rrinnlinir
loss observed from the ob-
serration blind, it was cal- 1
culated that 2,021 cripnled i
birds were left in the 1
marsh. This was 126 per
cent of the number of
birds taken home by the 1
hunters. I
The 25.3&1 shots repre-
sented 1,016 boxes of shot I
gun shells. The total cost I
of sh'i- fired at t!?! Ma- s
gee Marsh in 1660 (calcu- f
Continued on ' page 4 I
Id J't
U -y I V
lAmerican Reservists Don't Gripe
Wnless Their Morale Is Good
In the war-time play
about the London Dlitz
called "The Wooky," a
Thames river tugboat op
erator, weary after a night
under the
shouted at
h i s de
s p a i r
ing wife,
'"M.o rale
is a dirty
F r ench
word and
I'll not be
h a v i n'
it in the
Groups of American re
servists, called up by Pres
ident Kennedy, are singing
public manifestos attesting
to the low state of morale
they discover in their in
their individual and
cause of bad housing, bad
equipment, misuse of
their time and general dis
organization. Their miser- ;
ies are many, must be put
right, and they are correct
on all items of their bill
of complaints save the
central item: their "mor
ale." I would state as a
rule of thumb that when
generals assure visiting
reporters that the morale
of their men is good, then
it is bad; and when the
men themselves audibly
audibly complain of their
own morale, then it is
This sounds like double
think, but I assert it on
the basis of war and pre
war experience of living
with several national arm
ies. In the French com
' mand posts along the mis-,
erable, rain sodden Rhine
front in the 1939-40 "phon
ey war" period, the gen
erals would usually end
the three-hours "popote"
S Tht fll Nefcratkaa WIN blh
rut? Hi ntlHir'i aamr. Other, mmy
2 Irnrra rer ItiK ttmi tl Krbraaku
S nprrw4 la ibrm kntcra 4m mmt
Commencement Chan
Brings Comment
Dear Norm,
The never ending stand
taken by campus organiza-
tions to preserve traditions
of dubious value is now
culminated by the Rag
staff's aopeal to Chancel-
lor Hardin to allow com-
mencement exercises to
remain in the Coliseum,
What makes your apoeal
seem ridiculous is how
poorly unformed you are
on this matter. In your
editorial Tuesday you stat-
ed that "AH undergradu
ates ... may count on
walking up the steps to
the Pershing Auditorium
stage to receive their dip
lomas". It is obvious Vou
have never attended a
graduation ceremonv a: no
one in recent years has
marched 'anywhere during
the ceremony to receive
his diploma. In your letter
by waving a cigar and say
ing, "Remember, above
all, the morale is fine!"
The men lay on their -bunks
in manure-smelling
Alsatian barns, brooding
and hostile. It is when sol
diers fall silent that one
must beware of their spir
it; wiita they fuss and
especially when they feel
they have to publicly anal
yze themselves they are
all right. They are depend
able. ' Newspaper reporters,.out
for an "expose" 4tory, are
not alone in their miscon
ceptions of "morale." Am
bassadors, reporting to
their governments, make
the same mistake. I recall
returning to Paris from
one of those disheartening
Maginot Line trips to hear
Ambassador Bullitt as
sure his new conferences
that French morale was
. splendid. He had been so
informed by his buter, who
was home on leave.
(I have often wondered
if there was a connection
between this and anoth
er remark by another .
American ambassador.) In
the fall of 1940, after the
sickening French army
debacle, I was flying home
with the retiring Ambassa
dor to Britain, Joseph Ken
nedy. He was recalling the
spring's events with dis
gust and said, "Roosevelt
kept telling me that if only
the British would fight the
way the French were go
ing to finght, we'd be all
right - hell!"
The "sensational" stor
ies about low American
army morale we are read
ing today are precise dup
licates of the stories pub
lished in the faU of 1941.
Congress bad voted to re
Nebraskan Letlerip
ml; ibow fcttrra wftlrk ar airara. trttrt Mtarfcln MhfKNata mtul
nw initial ar pfft tmmr. Lrttrra itaM aterra tm mmri. IVHm
mrnn the rtcfc " Ihrai. mulnlng Ik trrttrr Tlctr. Tfc apla-
rmwrilj nxw - ml Ik Dally Nrbrankaa.
to Chancllor Hardin you
state your opinions that
"the graduation exercise
should remain in the Coli
seum for the June, the
check of the figures would
show that the size of June
graduating classes is very
close to the size of classes
graduating in February
and August. Further you
state that "parents, candi
dates and visitors are not
put to any extreme dis
comfort for this short pe
riod of time". If one of
you had taken the oppor
tunity to attend com
mencement last June, you
would realize that "par
, ents, candidates and spec
tators" are put to extreme
I hope that in the fu
ture when jon oppose
progressive issues, you
base your argument on
facts and not on an appeal
to emotions. I also hope
tain the draft, three
months before Pearl Har
bor (the House of Repre
sentatives by one vote
god help us) and news
papers reporting of danger
ously low morale in the
training camps was as na
ive and misconceived as
it is today. ,
This is a new generation
and maybe lessons learned
twenty years ago don't ap
ply. Short of proof to the
contrary, I will persist in
thinking they do; and I
will claim that what can
truly harm the spirit of
self-conscious character,
the American soldier, are
two things: first, te feel
ing that he's not being
put to meaningful day-today
use, and second, the
empty waste of talents is
truly appalling, will have
to solve the first. The
President has tried to help
with the. second, with his
remark that merely by be
ing called up the men are
helping to preserve the
peace and America's posi
tion. He could have gone fur
ther and specified, for
surely there can be lit
tle doubt that the prime
cause of Khrushchev's eas
ing of the pressure in Ber
In lies in the strong Amer- .
ican reaction, including
the defiance of our
troops inside that city,
the reinforcements flown
from this country and the
call-up of the ready re
serve at home. The
chances of a reasonable
negotiation over Berlin are
greater than they were, by
the simple fact of these
men arriving at the
camps, bad as the camp
preparation for their ar
rival undoubtedly is.
Chancellor Hardin ap
proves the move to Persh
ing the sensible place to
hold commencement exer
cises. Bo Hickman,
Graduating senior
Ed. Note: "All under
graduates . . . may count
on walking up the steps to
the Pershing Auditorium
stage to receive their dip
lomas," was used merely
as a tool to make a point:
undergraduates may ex
perience graduation exer
cises in Pershing Auditor
ium if the proposal for the
change is not defeated.
Secondly, we quote "As
you know, the February
graduation is much larger
than the summer school
graduation and the , mid
year graduation (February
aain) is about half the
size of the June gradua
tion." These are the words
of Dr. David Olive, faculty
mencement committee.
Todav, Eloisc would l!!:e
to -c?!: rut for the
plight or the overactiv
ity) T)oi"t:d coed, and
ch':er for ce of the latest
university activity revolu
tions which will alter the
life of every active-Alice
. from now until the time
comes when no one cares
h;w many poinis Alice as
even. (Yes Ali'ie, there
is a point court).
But today Alice, Eloisc
cbrifies the whole pointed
set-up. Follow this guide
and you'll mdst likely be
a Mortar oird, whicji is
why you're here, isn't
Elgibility: Any girl is
eligible to earn points,
and with the permission
of your dean, you don't
even need to be a girl.
Point Limit: Any eligi
ble person may earn from
1 to 5,732,000 points. Any
person who earns over 500
points may be exempt
from classes and must
live in Student Health.
Point Allotment:
1. Officers: Presidencies
of registered activities
10 points, (of unregistered
activities 90 points).
Vice presidents, etc., 7
points, plus two if person
was in ACE during 1960
61, and subtract two if
person did not have free
time from 10-11 a.m. on
Monday, Wednesday and
Friday, and 'yp
was turning yellow to
adapt to the Ci ib s e a . a
Anyone who wasn't on a
Builders committee as a
freshman must subtract
another point, but may
add 3 if they had mono or
frequent colds after
Thanksgiving vacation in
Student Union Tour
of Europe
Membership Limited To Vndergraduaten and
Recent Graduate! of Iebra$ka Iowa
State Mhiouri--Kan$a$ State
62 Days All Inclusive
lv. Montreal June 22... Air. Montreal Aug. 22
Soiling on Canadian; Pacific's
Mary Jane Mulvaney Chaperone
For Folder $ and Information See . . .
Bill McKinnon, Student Activities Office
or Write Lincoln Tour & Travel Agency
Lincoln, Neb. Ph. ID 4-5902
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2. Board member? of
anv activity which h
over 750 workers et -T
points, of any activity
which has between 3 and
5 workers get 25 points.
Any As Builders board
in ember may add 2 points
if they have attended all
Rcdeo Club meetings (in
the horsebarn, add cnei'
durbg the oast year, but
to qualify, they must have
worn levis to 37 per cent
of these meetings.
Any city campus build
ers board members may
add one point If they had
three meetings after 7
p.m., were in Teen-Age
project, and had lived in
a worker camp from June
till August after their
freshman year, but must
subtract 7 points if they
ever objected to any Stu
dent Council ideas when
thev were sohomores.
All other boards must
Continued on page 4
t "1Ky r:-i
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