".; ' ,'7.'" -a. vn;, .nr.n - rr,MM ,,,,, ,-,-.n , ...aa. a,,,, ., -, ., r'.TMl.r n, ,., , M.n ni,r , , I , , . ,.-. ,, ,- ,,, ,-,., , 1 ! I ? l Page 4 The Daily Nebraskan Friday, December 8, 1961 " 4 i t " A. Tri Delts, Delta Sigs 'Christmas Vacation Chatting" or Bust9 Delta Delta Delta and Del ta Sigma Phi members are staging a telephone "talka thon" which is scheduled to last until Christmas vacation or until they beat a record being set by a college in Michigan. On the line 24 hours a day, the students began talking at 9:30 p.m. Monday over the Delta Sigma Phi's president's phone and an unlisted phone in the Delta Delta Delta house. Gabbing for fun and getting a chance to know each other are listed as two reasons for the talkathon by Lou Sawvell, Tri-Delt. She stressed that this is a voluntary event for the pledges and actives and there fore doesnt take time away from studies. She also said that she was surprised at the amount of publicity the talka thon . was getting, and she hopes that the public won't think that a talkathon is the only thing fraternities and sororities can do. 1 ' ....-M ''-' ' -mSfJALK'TALK. ': :;'if:'l iiTi-lim-nfiiiiirori n ---i. tvii ' - - -1 YAKATY YAK My name is Jim Lorensen. Who are you? A Delta Sigma Phi converses with a Delta Delta Delta during their telephone talkathon vhile Bill Poppert, left, exam ines the fraternity's file of data cards list ing girls and conversations. The two groups are attempting 'to beat a talka thon record set at an Illinois school. NEED A CAR FOR THE MILITARY BALL? Meetings 9i7ff) RENTS-CAR The Iranian Club will hold its regular meeting Sunday in 345 Student Union at 4 p.m. A new social chairman will be elected and a required con stitutional addition will be voted on. DAILY NEBRASKAN CLASSIFIEDS j POLICY ; Classified ads for the - Daily l Nebraskao must be entered two days in advance and must be I paid for In advance. Corrections j will be made if errors are ! brought to our attention within 48 hours. PERSONAL Jazz and Java returns to the Crib this Friday as a group known as Las Tropi cales appears at 4 p.m. Latin American music is their specialty. Alpha Lambda Delta Initiates Nine Coeds Nine women were recently initiated into Alpha Lambda Delta,, national freshcnan women's honorary. These girls achieved a 7.5 overall average for their freshman year: Bonnie Ben da, Katheryn Farner, Sophie Fedarchik, Karen Lee Glenn, Susan Salter, Billie Ann Spies, Mary Teale, Joyce Thomas and Nadine turner. Decorating, Dances, Open Yule Season Christmas begins to invade the social atmosphere on campus as several fraterni ties and sororities get togeth er this weekend to decorate Christmas trees. The social season opens of ficially Friday night with the annual Military Ball and LITTLE MAT QN CAMPUS - - skv w j j -..mil inwn i iwmmmmm- . I serves to cancel all ot.er so cial functions on that night. Saturday Kappa Alpha Theta-Beta Theta Pi pledges, 5-7 p.m., tree decorating. Kappa Kappa Gamma-Sig-ma Nu pledges, 1:30-4:30 p.m., service function. Pi Beta Phi, 8 a.m.-3 p.m., Slave Day Alpha Tau Omega, 9-15 p.m., Houseparty Phi Delta Theta, 9-12 p.m., She-Delta Houseparty . Farm House, 7:30-12 p.m.. Havrack ride and housepartv Delta Sigma Pi, 7:30-12 p.m., Christmas Party Sunday Alpha Phi-Phi Gamma Del ta. 5-7 p.m., pledge get-together. Alpha Xi Delta-Theta Xi pledges, 4:30-6 p.m., pizza partv Delta Delta Dtlta-Delta t silon, 2-4 p.m., tree decorat in? Delta Gamma-Delta Tau Delta, 4-5:30 p.m., tree dec orating Gamma Phi Beta. 6:30-8 p.m., date dinner. . Alpha Omicron Pi-Sigma Alpha Epsilon, 4-7 p.m., piz za party etS ALWAYS 4&m4 in KZ-niiA .xirppwal CCiWfcnJ oue McKEA-ecp 4csujv r am? oik awNCa program." A GOOD TEACHERS AGENCY DAVIS Srhool Srrice ENROLL NOW Establishes 1918 Serving !n? Mis oust VoMev to the West Coost 501 Stuart Bidg Lincoln 8, Nebr. U you're going out, an Avtt ftent-t-Cw bout the sett wy to fet around. Just phon Avit and uy when you'd ) to pick up your rtvoriti Ford or other tin cr. You an bt certin itH bt perform nc perfect clean as can be. Cost? One low tee in clude! rental, gat, oil and insurance. Have a wonderful time! JOE COLLEGE WEEK-END SPECIAL From 4 P.M. Friday to 9 A.M. Monday Call 432-3405 SiVES 432-3625 MUNICIPAL AIRPORT Ambulance atteooenU. room tarmabet and pay. Call ti2-6S:U. I nivernty Damn, M alone Center ar- ery, 3(130 T Hour 7 a m. te S SS a.m. Breakfast and lunch. Call 432-2392. i brieM eyed and bushy tailed paasrn eers for hirht plane round trip to area of annual Florida sprint vacatioa crcy. !W each. IN t.-)?S6 A-Y.WM'. "777. The Church . . . For A Fuller Life . . . For You CALENDAR OF CHURCH SERVICES FOR SALE Kord Jts FaiHane Son. 2 door, power erina. brakeit. windowa: aufovnatar transmission, new tires, air condiUon inji. 3hM miles. Call IN -2844. A ftecal elecrric ruttar. nude bj FenOir. tra, Koter Br a km. 416 N. 17th, HE S-2MW. RIDES NEEDED Needed Ride to Tuscoa ar sicuutv. Call Plul Barta HE 2 im. tiniiii .wimiw, 7r- t r. r I i i i i i - T t , li H i-'fl r ! i r: fE::C Jnntnii ri lwiMwnni1liiwMriwil.1a.'fr-.lMM.,il,i, UNITED CAMPUS CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP (r-rasfcrtene. Uaitad Ckwtti af Christ, I. U. I. a Dnctetes Christ) 111 N. 14 Rav. Aasa J. Pickeelnt, Rev. RUb Hers, Rw. Deaait W. Petteraoa Sunday Corporal Worship 10:45 ajn. Crossroad! Seminar 9:00 a m. Fellowship Forum 5:30 p.m. Forum Discusjion 6:30 p.m. UNIVERSITY EPISCOPAL CHAPEL lltli aad R tea. 6. M. Aeaistxa. Caoplaia Holy Cominunioa 8:30 am. Morning Prayers 10:30 a.m. Evening Prayer 5 00 p.m. Canterbury . . 5:30 p.m. UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN CHAPEL Tbs Laths, Cawrcli atissewt Syaod) t Q A. i. Nardsa, Patter Worship 8:45 a m. Bible Study 9:45 ajn. Worship 10:45 a.m. Gamma Delta 5:30 p m. TIFERETH ISRAEL SYNAGOGUE Jilt tbsndea asbbi esawics A. f .- ..-sati Service: Fri, 6:00 p.m.; Sat, 9:00 a.m. Hillel Meetings Monday BAPTIST STUDENT FELLOWSHIP Re'c L Jaaies & H. Merl'e temer, Oirsctsrs af Its4st Waiti 9:30 a.m. Bible S:uriy lftSa a4ii. Morning Worship 6:00 p.m. Fellowship Hour 7:00 Evening Worshio 8.00 Af'.cr-Church Fellowihip Coups Meel ins; at 'n Cephst Chmk, 4Hi t K Straets Senad bapritt Ckarch, lit ft S tercets CATHOLIC STUDENT CENTER St. Thames Aa4MS Caatca lark t Q ft CHertes 4. Ksseaa Chapleia sbett F. sWhr CheH J. ftewieT Myeis CbaaWia MASSES: 8:00-9:30-11)0 &. 12.15 LUTHERAN STUDENT CHAPEL t4aiea1 lufhenm Csuacill Sit Ma. I AJvsa at frtarssa, asar; (nrsa Jessbssa. asststssit Bible Study, 9:30 a.m. Worship, 10:45 a.m. Lutherpn Student Association, 5:30 p.m. WESLEY FOUNDATION (METHODIST) WHbaHi I Genld, OL-aas HatchsKeji, Pstos Tesspsranr OHkss ilS rMdraga 8.00 a.m. Holy Communion (at Lutheran Sludent Cl:apel, 535 No. 36 1 9 30 a m. Morning Worship fat 535 No. 16) 10:30 a.m. Colfee Hour and Discussion 6:00 p.m. Forum (Room 332, Student Union) Drisht futures in data transmission at W. E. fiew engineer! with initiative who can meet Western Electric'i high standards are offered many exciting career opportunities with our company in data processing development work at it relates to communications. For example. Western's engineers working closely with Bell Telephone Laboratories have solved development and manufacturing prob lems connected with the Bell System's new DATA-PHONE Data set (made by Western FJecrric). DATA-PHONE service k-ts business machines, such as computers, "speak" to each other in a language of numbers and symbols over existing telephone communication networks. This represents a tremendous boon to business; and consequently, it is estimated that some day there may be more machine talk than people talk using telephone lines. Of course, data communications is only one of many rewarding career areas that await you at Western Electric. Here are just a few of the ojthers: electronic switching . . . solid state electronic devices . . , microwave radio relay.. .oomputer-progrunuiied production lines ... solar cells . . . optical masers . . . futuristic telephones. We need high-caliber, forward-thinkuig en gineers now to help us transform these plans into realities or to work with us in scores of other key communications areas. Your future, the f utuie of Western Electric, and the future of .Vncrica's communications could well de psid on your first career connection. Chollengini opportunities aaist new at Western Electric far electrical, snachanical, industrial, and chemi cal engineers, as wall as physical science, liberal arts. ' and business anion. AH qualified applicants will re ceive careful censideratioa for employment without rejord to race, creed, color or notienol origin. For mere Information about Western tloctric, write College tela tioni. Western Electric Compear, teem elM, 222 roadway. New York 31, New fork. And be sure to arrange for a Western Electric interview when our college representatives visit your campus. 7 Ml UMIMCT1MHM M ww,, yy MK Ol M Sf U ltM '"'si f I rV t X-t 'jT"' ' I Principal awnutacturlni locations at CWcaio, III., Heirns, N. I.; Baltimora. US.; Indianapolis. Ind i Allemows ana Lsurslinie, f Wmstoo-Salem, . C.j Buffalo, . V.; Nortti ndof. Mass.; Omaha. Net : Ksrsas City, Wo.: Columbus, Ohio; Oklahoma City, Osla! Englneerinf esearch Center, Princeton. N. J. Tletwt Corporation, Skokia, III., and tittla Rock. Ark also Western tlactric'airtrV bultoa centers ia 33 cities and Installation hesdqusrUrs la 16 cities. Central headquarters, 19i Broadway, New York 7, . s. Hw moiy timet have wt walked t Cstiirch ii tht new tegtHitr . . . and in -tU rail . . . aatj ! all klads of weathers1 I don't think "we've ever stayed home on a Sunday because e were afraid we might get our feet wet. To roe, this would be like answering a dinner invitation by saying you couldn't male it unless the sun were shining. The Church, after all is Cod's House, and in' it I've always felt that I was both a member of the household, and an invited guest. . In this House, you and I have found not only a deeper understanding of each other, but the ability to be tolerant of faults, to forgive and for get smaller angers, and most important of all to resolve to try again tomorrow. And this is but a small part of all the Chorch has given us, and of all that it standi ready to give everyone, everywhere. - - If 1 J S r W arrT- I I I iiiii ill ill iiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiwiipiiiiiiiiiiiiwiinwniiinsi iimii v i'L I Alt fOB tht CHUtCH . H The Camrcb is the ereateM (actar eo sank lor ike buildioe ei rharar. ter aad aod ritiieasbip. It ao as stereboute M spiritual values. With out a suobs; Church, neither ck , mocrary mot crvihsauaa caa sur tiw. There are iour souad reawsn "tiy every Prrsoa should attend -rvrt rrsnlarlr aod support the ;iMirth. Ibey ere; 11) Far kii ova take. 12) for his childrca's sake. 13) For the sake of bis commaaity and aauoa. (4 For the esse af the Church itself, whurb aeedi h eaenl and Buterial support. rlaa to ao to rhurch recularry and read your Bible daily. I Bible daily. H Day - - Beast Caap. Vetaas f ISuaclay Luke 14 U-24 M Moaday Isaiah jt J) Tuesday Kossaas 12 S-l) 9 Wednesday Xosaaas 12 14.21 3 Thursday Galatiaae C . Friday Calatiaw C (,10 f setordey thesiaas t 11-12 Ii THE EVANS LAUNDERERS CLEANERS 333 No. 12 Selleck Quad. RUSS' SNACK BAR V'elrome$ You!! i HOME MACE ROUS PIES CAKES 1227 "R" St2t FAST Q'JAl!TY Stwdeay Osccuat SHOE REPAlRiriG "fINKT IM TKt wc?.U" SHOE SHINES CARLSON SHOE REPAIR IIS So. 11 KUSKER BOWL Carry -Out Service Coterinf Servi:e IRXAKFaST LUNCH DINNER Atailablr For Private Pmrtift 330 N. 13 7:M RENT-A-TUX MEN'S FORMAL , WEAR SPECIALISTS 12t Na. 12 HE 2-223 LUNCHES SNACKS "TUtrrt Cam put Trirnt, Meet" 1131 R Street MIXT TO MflR. BOOKfTOKI JZZZL Ctril t9SI. XuMtm Ah. tmit,. ., Itraikarf, Ka. W r- - -r . r fjr: jr.': 4'. -jerf, . r ,..Jr , Jts$ j.je eojasT-? y1"' . "-y-a. -- iar-v, ty