The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 04, 1961, Image 1

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Athletic Void.
us. i
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Vol. 75, No. 40
Lincolnites Form
New Organization
For Men, Women
By Nancy Whitford
A small group of University
students met last week to
form the nucleus of a Linqoln
Student Organization which
would include both men and
Connie Hilburn. actin;
chairman, outlined the basic
purposes of the proposed or
ganization: ,.
To build a better cam
pus by encouraging Lincoln
students to participate more
in campus activities.
To encourage better
scholarship among Lincoln
To provide an opportun
ity for social activities
which would give Lincoln
students more of a chance
to meet other students.
The group faces many ini
tial pruuiems.
"We need a meeting place
Regular business meetings
can be held at the Union, but
what we really need is a cen
trally located place where
Lincoln students can congre
gate," Miss Hilburn said.
She said it is also difficult
to communicate with the large
number of Lincoln students
who are scattered throughout
me city.
. .The solutions to these orob
lems are being sought by two
committees. Barbara Becker
is In charge of preparing the
constitution and Jim Grohow-
ski, publicity.
The constitution must be 'ap
proved Dy the Student Council
and the administration before
the group can obtain Univer
sity meeting space under their
own name. At present the
group is meeting as an auxil
iary of the Independent Wom
en's Association.
Frank Hallgren, dean of
men told the group that for
the constitution to be ap
proved,, it must show a de
sirable purpose, represent the
interest of the students, meet
a need not now met and pro-
Lutheran Group
Elects Mather
Loys Mather, a senior in the
College of Agriculture, was
elected president of Interna
tional Gamma Delta at a re
cent meeting in Kansas City.
Gamma Delta is an associa
tion of college and university
students. It is sponsored by
the Commission on College
and University Work of .the
Lutheran C h u r c h-Missouri
bno: Kissing
By Wendy Rogers
The kissing disease? The students' disease? "Mono."
You might have it.
According to Dr. S. I. Fuenning, medical director of
the University Health Service, the harried college student
Is a prime target for mononucleosis, a disease which
masquerades in many forms.
This hard-to-diagnose disease afflicts hundreds of thou
hands of young people annually, making them feel anything
from tired to miserable. It can last for weeks, and the
after-effects may last for months.
r Mononuclears
The disease gets it name from mononuclears white
corpuscles with only one nucleus usually found in the
patients' blood in excessive numbers during the illness.
Kissing is considered to be an extremely likely method
of transmission by some scientific investigators such as
Col. Robert J. Hoagland, former medical officer at West
Point, now Chief of the Medical Service at the U.S. Army
Hospital at Fort Benning, Ga.
Col. Hoagland originally noticed ah increase in the
ailment every February and August, about a month after
the cadets enjoyed their semi-annual vacations.
Later the Colonel was consulted by a young man who
had, 45 days earlier, celebrated his acquaintance with a
young woman medical student aboard a train with spirits
and later spirited kissing.
"The young couple were merely responding to a hundred-proof
instinct," but both later turned up with "mono."
Col. Hoagland then compiled 73 case histories of in
fectious mononucleosis patients. In 71 out of 73, "intimate
kissing" had occurred about 32 to 49 days before symptoms
of the illness appeared. One of the two non-kissers was a
chaplain's assistant who said he often drank soda pop
from bottles shared with friends.
Hoagland's report in The American Journal of the
Medical Sciences (March, 1955) read, "my observations
have led me to believe that infectious mononucleosis is
usually transmitted by intimate oral contract which permits
a transfer of saliva." . . ,
If you're going to catch mononucleosis by .kissing, a
mere peck won't do, according to proponents of this hypo
thesis. You need a real smooch, and the object of your
. Hallgren said it is impor
tant for the group to have a
positive approach.
"I was a Lincoln student
and I know how difficult it is
to function as an Individual
without an identity with any
group," he said.
Dave Scholz, a member of
Student Council, told the group
it should not be their purpose
to band together to fight the
Greek system. This type of
internal battle has slowed the
growth of the campus, he
"If independents wish to be
recognized, they have to show
a willingness to participate in
campus activities. Once the
Lincoln students were organ
ized as a group, the group
could be approached bv or
ganizations such as AUF and
Builders for help in their ac
tivities," Scholz said.
He said "that discussion
groups on state and national
affairs could also be formed.
These projects will all help
promote the unity of the
campus, he concluded.
vide for democratic
chinery for election of
cers, collection of funds
appointment of faculty
The candidates for Miss Block and
Bridle seem to be eyeing a huge stack of
hams which are worth ten votes apiece
for the purchaser's favorite candidate.
The candidates are: (seated, from left),
The Nebraskan
Seeks Plea
One of 6 members of the
Les Elgart band who pleaded
guilty to possession of nar
cotic arug cnarges filed in
county court for permission
to withdraw his guilty plea.
Keith Allen Thomas, 22, of
Terre Haute, Ind., made the
request in a motion filed in
Lancaster District Court.
The motion, filed by Atty.
Joseph Cariotte, alleges
Thomas entered the guilty
plea believing the plea was
tantamount only to waiving
a preliminary hearing and
that upon arraignment' fn
District Court he could plead
Earlier, the last member of
the Band charged with pos
session of narcotics filed a
suppression of evidence mo
tion in Lancaster District
The motion was filed for
Charles L. Russell, 20, of
North Brook, 111. Similar
motions have been filed by
Les Elgart in county court
and the five other bandsmen
in district court.
In making the motion the
bandsmen and their leader
allege that any purported evi
dence taken from their hotel
rooms late Nov. 4 or early
Nov. 5 was unreasonably, il
legally and unconstitutionally
seized in violation of the
U.S. and Nebraska constitu
Jo Anne Willson, Kappa Delta; Del Rae
Beermann, Chi Omega; Judy Pump, Gain
ma Phi Beta; and (standing) Jean Brooks,
Alpha Omicron Pi and Cheri Weik, Burr
Hall East.
Disease; You
affections needn't have an active or even an 'incubating'
case; he or she could be a chronic convalescent carrier.
"Mono" may lurk in an ex-patient's tissues for months or
even years.
The carrier you kiss might be a person who had had
mononucleosis that was not recognized as such.
Not Artificial
According to Col. Hoagland, this hypothesis explains
why experiments to transmit the disease artifically have
not worked well, and why it seldom seems to occur as a
cross-infection in open hospital wards or among room
mates. "The hypothesis also explains why I have rarely seen
mononucleosis in a married person," continues Col. Hoag
land's report. ,
"Unmarried persons are much more apt to kiss
promiscuously. It explains why precisely the age group
most active in kissing about 17 to 26 provides the
bulk of mononucleosis patients."
Traismission via the kiss has not been actually sci
entifically proved, says Dr. Fuenning. 1
"To date, the specific microorganism that cuases it
has never been isolated. We have thought it to be a virus,
because the illness behaves like a virus," he said.
There has been much speculation . on how a person
gets mononucleosis; but there is some indication, though
not conclusive, that the diesease occurs in the respiratory
route, according to Dr. Fuenning.
The symptoms of this disease are very similar to
those of other respiratory diseases, noted Dr. Fuenning.
"Most significant, as far as we are concerned," noted
Dr. Fuenning, "is the fact that the illness seems pre
cipitated by a period of fatigue which lowers body resist
ance." "It is very uniform, according to our studies, that
prior to the onset of mononucleosis, there is usually an
acute period of fatigue," he said.
One of the most serious implications of the disease is
the loss of time it dauses, especially to the college student.
Third Enemy
While the number of students forced to drop out of
school is now greatly reduced, mononucleosis still ranks
Council Support
By Tom Kotouc
The Student Council moved
unanimously to support Coun
cil member Bill Buckley in
his selection of Nationalist
China as , the University's
number one choice for repre
sentation at the Midwest Mod
el UN.
(Buckley stated his nasons
for the selection of National
ist China in today's Letter
rip.) )
Jim Samples, Council; vice-
president and representative
to the Collegiate Council on
the United Nations in ' New
York, Nov. 9-10, said that the
University delegation would
have an extremely difficult
time blocking the admission
of Red China to the Midwest
Model UN if it were selected
to represent Nationalist
"In a model UN conference
of this type," Samples stated,
"there will undoubtedly be a
strong liberal element favor
ing the admission of Red
"At the Collegiate Council
on the UN in New York, the
admission of Red China was
favored by seven to one
among the students." ;
Britain, France
Buckley pointed out that
Britain and France were the
Monday, December 4, 1961
Mock UN
second and third choices re
spectively that he had sub
mitted for the University's
In other Council business.
Student Council members fa
vored changing the location
of spring commencement ex
ercises to Pershing Municipal
Auditorium by a vote of 16 to
ib. t,ach member was, to have
contacted individuals' In his
college or organization in
preparation for the vote.
The final decision on the re
m o v a 1 of commencement
from the Coliseum to Per
shing- now awaits official
sanction by the Chancellor.
The Council vote on the move
was made at the request of
uavid ouve, chairman of
the University Commence
ment committee.
Faculty evaluation commit
tee chairman Don Burt re
ported that the administra
tion was in the process o f de
veloping the faculty evalua
tion questionnaire..
Faculty members will be
able to use the questionnaire
voluntarily in allowing their
students to evaluate effective
ness of their teaching meth
"The part of the Student
Council and students in initi
ating and carrying through
this program is not to be un
derestimated," said Burt.
"The faculty is grateful to
the Council for their interest
in the program," added Burt,
citing a letter of thanks from
Dean James S. Blackman,
ass't dean ot,the. .College of
Engineering and Architecture.
Co-chairman Al Plummer
of the Special Big-8 Student
Government Committee re
ported that interest by other
Big 8 schools in the Christ
mas Big-8 Student Govern
ment Conference was "disap
pointing." "To date we have received
only one response to the
many letters we have sent
announcing the conference.
However, we are scheduling
a speaker to explain the posi
tion of the National Student
Association and will continue
to hold open the dates for the
conference," Plummer said.
Don Witt, chairman of the
Student Council Associates
committee, reported that
many students had indicated
their interest in forming a
Collegiate Council on the
UN at the University. The
associates heard Jed Johnson,
National Field Representative
of the CCUN at a well at
tended meeting last week.
mm I WW
as public health enemy number three on the standard
campus, close behind colds and poison oak.
According to Dr. Fuenning, the acute phase of "mono"
lasts an average of 5-7-10 days, with the convalescent
period lasting from several days to several months.
"If arrested early, through proper treatment, both the
acute period and the convalescent period can be reduced
to a minimum," said Dr. Fuenning.
In earlier days, students might have the disease sev
eral days and never realize it. -
Now 'mono can be accurately identified, and the stu
dents themselves are more keenly aware of the diseases.
These two factors, pointed out Dr. Fuenning, are the
reasons why the number of. cases of mononucleosis are
However, he noted that the cases "we see at the
Student Health Center are only the severe ones. The mild
ones we never see."
Last year, the Student Health Center treated about 50
cases of mononucleosis, according to Dr. Feunning.
"But," pointed out Dr. George II. Houck, director of
the Stanford University Health Service in Palo Alto, Calif.,
"we probably see only the worst one-eighth of the dis
ease." At Stanford University Dr. Houck reported that 100 to
150 diagnosable cases are handled there per year. "Mono"
also causes 10 to 15 medical leaves of absence from Stan
ford each year, plus an undetermined amount of poor
grades and maladjustment that seems emotional, but
stems from illness.
; "Each year there are probably over 800 or more stu
dents who have undiagnosed and untreated subclinical in
fections.i' said Dr. Houck.
Another problem of the disease is that the nature of
current methods of treatment is not completely satisfac
tory. The symptoms are treated as they arise and gen
eral nursing care is given.
Antibiotics like penicillin control secondary infections,
but they seem to have no effect on jthe primary disease.
An experimental attempt to use gamma globulin, the
(Continued on page 4) 1
46- Year Old Dye
Now Has Control
Of Hiring Coach
By Dave Wohlfarth
Nebraska's long search for an athletic
director ended last week with the appointment
of William H. (Tippy) Dye. but the man hunt
for a football coach continues.
The announcement of Dye's appointment
was made by Chancellor Clifford Hardin by
phone from Washington D.C. Earlier in the
week the Chancellor had announced that the
Board of Regents would not renew NU foot
ball coach Bill Jennings' contract when it ex
pired in January.
This move cleared the way
for Dye, according to reports.
The 46-year old Dye will snow
have complete control of the
hiring of a new football
coach plus the operation of
the rest of the University's
athletic department.
Dye has said that he doesn't
plan to name the new grid
coach until after Jan. 1 so
the investigation of candi
dates will continue.
New Husker
The new Husker head man
plans to move to Lincoln
from Wichita University
where he has been athletic dir
ector for three years.
"I want to wait and see the
letters of application when I
can get to Lincoln," Dye said
"If people like John Rals
ton of Utah State and Clay
Stapleton of Iowa State are
interested, I certainly want to
talk to them."
Dye explained, "We need a
good man who can get out
and recruit and have the re
spect of his kids." Then we
can have a winning football
team. And I mean this as' no
1 Coach
Page 3
reflectiori 'bh "the past coach
as I don't even know the sit
uation." Hire Quickly
"Whatever we do, we want
to hire as quickly as possi
ble," Dye commented, "Y:
that may be after the first
of the year."
Dye replaces Bill Orwig,
who resigned the Husker ath
letic director's post to take a
similiar position at Indiana
University last April. Comp
troller Joseph Soshnik and
Charles Miller, dean of Busi
ness Administration, have
been handling the duties of
the athletic director since
that time.
There was no salary an
nounced for Dye. The Chan
cellor said the Board of Re
gents will take formal action
on the details of the appoint
ment, including salary terms,
at its next meeting, expected
to be sometime before Jan. 6.
President Harry S. Corbin
of Wichita U. wished
"luck" in his new job.
"We deeply regret that Mr.
Dye has chosen to resign his
position," Corbin said. "He,
his wife Mary, and their son
and daughter have made
many friends at the Univer
sity, in the city of Wichita,
and in the state of Kansas."
Concerning the overall
sports program at Nebraska
Dye stated, "I think the main
objective is to have a well
rounded program in various
sports, football, of course, be
ing tremendously important
financially. I would like good
teams in every sport and
that's what we'll strive for."
"I think Nebraska has an
ideal setup for somebody
coming into it. I think it has
lots of wonderful things con
nected with it.
"I see no reason we can't
have a winner!"
Dye was an outstanding
and versatile athlete in his
collegiate days at Ohio State.
He was an All-Big Ten quar
terback and an all-conference
guard in basketball. He also
was an outfielder in baseball
and ha,d a .340 batting aver
age. Although small (his playing
size was 5-7 and 140 pounds),
Dye excelled in all three
sports and joined the Cincin
nati Bengals of the American
Football League after gradu
ation. After coaching a year at
Grandview, O., high school in
1939 he was head basketball
coach and assistant football
coach at Brown University in
In '42 he returned to Ohio
State and served under Paul
Brown as assistant football
and basketball coach.
V-5 Program
After serving in the Navy
V-5 program in World War II
Dye returned to Ohio State as
head basketball coach.
In 1951 he moved on to
the University of Washington
where as hes.d cage coach he
had one of the best records in
Pacific Coast Conference His
tory. In nine years he won
the northern division title six
times and won the Western
NCAA Regional title in 1953.
From Washington Dye went
to Wichita where he served
as the athletic director.
He has been a member of
the National Basketball Rules
Committee, the National Bas
ketball Coaches Press Rela
tions Committee and served
as team manager of the 1959
Pan-American Games.
Dye and his wife Mary
have two children, Stephanie,
18, and Tippy Jr., 17.
University to Sell
Eighty Acre Plot
A public auction for the sale
of the University's 80 acre
fruit farm .near Union will be
held at 2 p.m.; Wednesday at
the site of the farm.
The University was given
legislative permission to sell
the farm which has belonged
to the University since 1920.
It has been used by the hor
ticulture department for re-
search purposes.
The orchards on the farm
cover 32 acres and are com
posed of 600 apple trees.