The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 01, 1961, Image 1

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It's AIL hi
Fuviuwu, i earn.
By DaveWoTilfarth
An ertrtff Nebraska foot
ball history came to an end
yesterday when Chancellor
Clifford M. Hardin an
nounced that the Board of
Regents will not renew head
.football coach Bill Jen
nings' contract when it ex
pires Jan. 15.
The decision, which
brought an end to Jen
nings' five year reign at
Nebraska, was considered
necessary in order to give
a new athletic director a
free hand in the further de
velopment of the Cornhus
ker football program, ac
cording to the Chancellor.
Jennings took over the
NU coaching job in 1957
after one year as an assist
ant under Pete Elliot. His
tr iiuuui u
the Game,
oays j
teams, which have pro
duced many shocking up
sets as well as some disap
pointments, have won 15,
lost 34 and tied one.
Hardin said he hopes to
announce the new athletic
director soon to succeed
Bill Orwig, who accepted a
position at the University of
Indiana last spring. The se
lection of a new football
coacn will be made upon
the recommendations of the
new athletic director, the
Chancellor said.
No Action
The Board will not take
any action of renewal of
appointments of the assist
ant coaches until a new
head coach is hired; Chan
cellor Hardin announced.
The assistants' appointments
run until Feb. 1.
"1 scarely need to add,"
the Chancellor added, "that
the decision on Coach Jen
nings' appointment was
reached with considerable
reluctance. .
"We have the highest re
gard for Coach Jennings as
a fine gentleman and man
of character. He has been
a great asset to the Uni
versity community and the
Board recognizes that his
contribution has been sub
stantial." Jennings had little to say
about the announcement.
The 42-year old ex-Oklahoma
great said he felt
he had been treated "fine"
while at Nebraska, but that
the firing did not come as
agreat shock to im.
"There is not much I can
say," he said. "It's all part
, of the game, I guess.
"I will make a statement
later but right now I want
to think about it."
Jennings did not indicate
what his plans for the fu
ture were, whether they in
cluded coaching or b u s i
ness. The action now leaves the
athletic situation at Nebras
ka in turmoil. The Univer
sity is without an athletic
director, a business man
ager (due to the recent
death of A. J. Lewandow
ski) and a head football
Tippy Dye, present ath
letic director at Wichita, is
the leading candidate for
the AD job and. the an
nouncement of not renew
ing Jennings' contract may
have been a move to open
the entire football situation
for Dye.
It is understood that Dye
has the inside track but
that negotiations were be
ing held up until the foot
ball picture at Nebraska
could be cleared up.
Speculation has arisen on
Jennings' future as the
Husker head coach several
times during his five year
tenure. He was hanged in
effigy on Nov. 1 of 1958,
following a 31-0 homecom
ing loss to Missouri and
came under fire last year
(Continued on Page 5)
:dmmmmamm mm- m n ,f - - - , -
Vol. 75, No. 39
The Nebraskan
Friday, December 1, 1961
With the announcement that the Board of Regents
will not renew Bill Jennings' contract comes the end of
Jennings' five year hold on NU football. Under Coach
Jennings, the Cornhusker eleven won 15, lost 34 and tied
Fire Damages Avery Lab, Equipment
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Clean-up operations began Thursday in 306 Avery
Lab after fire damaged the room and its contents late
Wednesday night. Chemistry department officials say the
room wi'l have to be refurnished and the equipment re
placed. (Photo by Tim Gartner.)
Council Unanimously Rejects
Presidential Election Change
By Tom Kotouc
The Student Council has
unanimously rejected an
amendment to the Student
Council Constitution which
vo!.;ld have turned the elec
tion of Student Council Presi
dent over to the student body.
The proposed amendment,
which was drafted by the ju
diciary committee at the di
rection of last year's Council,
would have been submitted to
the student body at the spring
election for its approval.
Jim Samples, chairman of
the judiciary committee,
moved that the amendment
be rejected on the grounds
that "it would take the elec
tion of the president from the
hands of , those who had
w orked with the candidates in
the capacity in which they
would serve."
The amendment itself would
have given the Council the
responsibility for nominating
the two candidates who would
have been voted on by the
student body from the five
senior hold-over members.
Student Vote
In last spring's general
election the student body an
swered affirmatively by a
vote of 1,473 to 751 a question
asking if the student favored
"the proposed changes in the
Student Council constitution."
One hundred fifty students left,
the question blank.
Samples questioned wheth
er the "proposed changes"
phrase was understood by
students voting for the
change. "Could they have
voted in the affirmative
simply because they were op
posed to the status quo of the
Council?" Samples ques
"Last year's Council fa
vored the election of the
Council president by the stu
dent body because it be
lieved this method would hold
the president more account
able to the student body,"
Samples pointed out.
"I question the truth of this
argument, however," Sam
ples said, "when one realizes
that the election outcome will
be based on posters, noise
and platform and a possible
split between Greek and inde
pendent factions on campus."
Student Body
"We are not electing a
'student body president, as is
Director Interviews
Interviews for the music
director and choreography
director for the Kosmet
Klub show will be held Sun
day at 2:15 p.m. in the
Student Union.
Any person' interested
should contact Al Plummer
at HE 5-2957 to schedule an
done on some campuses."
Samples added.
Mary Kokes, Council scre
tary, disagreed with Samples
on his objection to the "pro
posed changes" wording.
"This wording is justified,"
she said, "since the Council's
proposed amendments were
well publicized in the Daily
Nebraskan and were
thuroughly discussed in publ.:
rearing and in student con
versation." "The poss'bility of Hie stu
dent body's election of the
president becoming a 'popu
larity contest would have
been reduced by the Council's
selection of the two best Coun
cil members as candidates,"
Council vice president, Don
Witt said
Council member Nancy But
ler opposed the amendment
because "the election of a
Student Council president by
the entire student body would
give 'individuals out of col
lege' the opportunity to build
political machines on this
"They've constructed polit
ical machines at the Univer
sity of Minnesota and would
like to do the same here," she
Another Council member,
Dave S c h o 1 z, questioned
whether the Council would al
ways put the best two men up
for the presidency.
"A change does not neces-,
sarily mean progress," Sam
ples added.
Clay Wescott
Files For
Regent Post
The University Regent posi
tion in the fifth district was
filed for by Clay M. Wescott
of Holdrege, Wednesday.
Wescott is the second per
son to file for the position
presently held by Frank Foote
of Axtell. Dr. Arden V. Means
also of Holdrege filed earlier
this fall.
Foote hasn't as yet an
nounced his intentions about
the upcoming election, but
former Nebraska Gov. Val
Peterson announced that he
would be a candidate for the
Board of Regents position in
the fifth district, but has not
yet filed with the Secretary
of State.
Lack of Funds Postponed
Safety Measures ---Harris
By Mike MacLean
A fire discovered at 11:00
p.m. Wednesday night in 306
Avery Laboratory injured two
firemen and caused extensive
The damaged equipment
will have to be replaced and
the entire room will have to
be refurbished, according to
Professor Robert Harris of
the Chemistry department.
in addition, there was
smoke damage to other rooms
on the third floor.
The cause of the fire has
not been determined accord
ing to Harris. He stated that
a caustic "drybox", which
Society Honors
NU Agronomist
Teacher, corn breeder, sci
entist and alumnus of the Uni
versity Agronomy depart
ment, Dr. John H. Lonquist,
was presented the Crop Sci
ence Award by the American
Society of Agronomy in St
Louis Wednesday.
Dr. Lonquist, who is consid
ered as one of the pre-eminent
plant breeders of the
world, was singled out by the
Society for his outstanding
contributions as a scientist
and teacher in the field of
corn breeding.
Scrip Sets
Publications Combine
Due to Lack of Funds
By Dick Halbert
The Nebraskan Scrip, which
is being printed for the first
time this year in lieu of the
Scrip and the Daily Nebras-
kan's special Magazine edi
tion, goes to press Dec. 19.
All undergraduate students
are urged to contribute any
poetry, hort fiction, or es
says. The deadline is next
Robert L. Hough, associate
professor of English and fac
ulty advisor of the combined
Scrip and Nebraskan Maga
zine, said the merger was
partially due to lack of funds.
Antoinette Tucker is the edi
The Scrip, which was
started in 1958, was published
twice a year. It operated on a
$500 fund which gradually
dwindled due to the fact that
the cost per copy was kept at
35 cents. The Scrip was orig
inally set up to encourage
undergraduate writing. It fea
tured essays, poetry, satires,
and parodies.
The Daily Nebraskan spe
cial magazine which was
started last year by editor
Herb Probasco contained non
fiction on problems and ideas
of a contemporary nature.
There will be no charge for
the Nebraskan Script, which
will be distributed in the the
same manner as the Daily
Nebraskan on Thursday, Dec.
contains a nitrogen at
mosphere, burned, but that
the heat of the fire destroyed
any possible clue as to the
primary cause.
Another University profes
sor said the blaze may have
been caused when air got to the
chemical used in the experi
ment. "These chemicals," he
said, "consisted of basic ma
terials for rocket fuels."
"The remodeling of this
room, .which would include
installing equipment designed
with fire safety in mind has
been scheduled for over three
years, but it has been held
up by lack of funds," stated
"Progress in the last half
century entails experiments
with more hazardous material
than when Avery Lab was
built; thus any building of
that age is a fire hazard,"
Harris continued.
Last December an inspec
tor from the State Fire
Marshal's office inspected the
building and made the follow
ing recomendations: "New
exits from all three floors and
a complete detection system;
in all areas except the base
ment which is equipped with
such protection should be installed."
The fire was discovered by
James W. Carpenter, a grad
uate student who was work
ing in the building at the
time. Upon discovering the
smoke. Carpenter called to
custodian Harry Zimmerman
who then called the fire de
partment. The "dry-box", which grad
uate student Bud Rakestaw
had been building for the last
five months for his PHD, was
completely destroyed.
Professor Harris noted that
Rakestraw, who was not pres
ent at the time of the fire,
had taken all possible fire
precautions, and that the
prompt and efficient action of
the firemen saved the re
search papers in the room.
He added that four other
graduate students who had
been conducting research in
the lab will have their work
held up until the room is re
equipped. The two firemen were in
jured when water from thetr
hoses came into contact with
an open jar of sodium hydride
and an explosion resulted.
The two, Kenneth Kraus
and Earl B r i d g e r, were
treated for facial burns at Lin
coln General Hospital and re
turned to duty.
Guys, Gals to Chow Down
In Unison at Selleck Quad
Tickets Available
Students wishing to buy
Military Ball tickets may
do so in the Military and
Naval Science building, the
Student Union, the men's
dormatories, and at the O
Street entrance to Gold's.
By Nancy Whitford
Coeducational dining be
tween the residents of Selleck
Quadrangle and the Women's
Residence Halls may become
a reality second semester if
the results of a two-week test
period are successful.
The test period begins
Tuesday, and all those who
wish to participate must turn
in their applications today.
The applications, which
have been distributed to all
residents of the two dormi
tories, should be turned in to
the main desk of either Sel
leck or the Women's Resi
dence Halls.
This program is different
from previous exchange-dinner
meals in several ways:
There are no dress re
quirements. "Pairing-off" will not be
The participants may
leave when they wish.
The program may be
come permanent on Tuesday
through Friday nights if resi
dents of the two dormitories
so desire.
Following the test period,
a questionaire will be sent to
all participants to determine
their reaction tc the program.
Individuals who do not wish
to participate in the test will
continue to be served in their
own dormitory. Those who do
sign up for the test do not
commit themselves to parti
cipation in a permanent pro
gram. The plan has been jointly
approved by the governing
bodies of Selleck and WRA.
Leaders of the two groups
pointed out advantages such
as the development of better
manners, a relaxed atmos
phere in which to meet mem
bers of the opposite sex, as
well as disadvantages such
as distance and bad weather.
Administrative approval for
the project has been given
by Ruth Meierhenry, business
manager of WRA; Alfred Cal
vert, manager of Selleck
Quadrangle; William Harper,
director of University serv
ices; Helen Snyder, dean of
women and Frank Hallgren,
dean of men.
Shapiro Receives
3Iagazine Award
Karl Shapiro, professor of
English, was awarded the
Eunice Tietjens Memorial
Prize by Poetry Magazine for
"Six Poems" published in the
ApriL 1961, issue of the maga
zine. The one hundred dollar
award is given annually by
the Magazine for a poem or
group of poems by an Amer
ican citizen published in that
Winter Park, Colo.
Feb. 1-4
Sign up in Union
Program Office
deadline Dec. 15'