The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 29, 1961, Page Page 2, Image 2

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The Daily Nebroskjn
Wednesday, Nov. 29, 196T
. i
' , 1
A Dafij lfeknukaa rH hMU
My ke MkwItMA with a mu aama or initials. Ilawaver, Mfrra E
wlii ha wrtnwj aaaar a a aaaw ar laMlala aal at tfca aiwa ait-
letksra akaaU a4 asm
Student Questions
Country Choice
To the editor:
In a story in a recent
, edition of the Nebraskan,
Bill Buckley is quoted as
saying that the University
delegation to the Midwest
Model United Nations in
St Louis March 29-31 has
applied to represent Na
tionalist China at the con
ference. Buckley continues, "If
accepted as Nationalist
China, our delegation will
act at St Louis as the
Nationalist Chinese d e 1 e
gation vwould act at the
United Nations in New
'York City, as we try to
further the goals and use
the statagems of Nation
alist China at the Model
It seems to be more
than a matter of coinci
dence that Mr. Buckley,
who it publicity chairman
of the Young Republicans
(which recently sponsored
the film "Red China:
Outlaw), and is known to
be somewhat to the right
of center, would have the
say as to what country
the University delegation
win represent Or if Mr.
Buckley did not make the
decision, then who did?
If the University repre
sents any country at the
model UN, it would seem
to be desirable that the
country represented stand
for the democratic princi
ples of individual freedom
similar to those professed
by the United States. Na
tionalist China, u even
the amateur student of
history (which I am)
knows, hardly embodies
democratic principles or
anything even faintly re
sembling a democracy.
Chiang Kai-shek, while ad
mittedly a friend of the
United States (nobody else
will be his friend), never
once had the confidence of
his people while leading
his war-lord government
on the mainland.
However, all is not lost
If, by some stroke of mis
fortune, another delega
tion's request is post
marked earlier and the
University has to choose
another country, there is
stm Spain, Portugal, Peru
and the Union of S o u t h
If the University delga
tkm sincerely desires to
gala materially from the
model UN (which is aa
excellent educational ve
hicle), it should choose to
represent a nation that
adheres to, or has as its
' goaL a government rooted
in freedom and d e m o c
racy. Perhaps the delega
tion could represent a
coa-allgned, free cation,
so ttat itadeats
Daily Nebraskan
fSeaOx Atfootaiei CcSfftaJe Pre. tatenuttoBaJ Pre
tmrmmtaMnt JCatfowaf Airorttrtef SorHsc lawinlt.l
fXiicteS tj Bmi tU fttadest VmLtm, UaeoU. fitbnU
Us a ft
TcitgfetM EZ-"m ext. 42$. tnt, UZ1
Ikkm a aa
mm mutt toMt 8.
a w Dm fM war.
utwti av-a tmaq at MabmAw
M jmm . saf aa aa atpwaaw a
kMaai M a aaM
a.Maa awi aa taa aart a ha
nitnaa mxmm m t anui'aip. n laianaain at mm Inmf iiaa mH mm S
mmrwwmtbr mmmatfmm m aa Mmt aay, a m. ar mm a Htm mnmtut
i aary a, UNaV
KziroKiai. mrJt I
tt a a . j 0 iaf a a m4t a a aai 000 00 00 00 00 00 00 0 . . . j JsSflSJP ftvs4P JSJ
hm . Aaa Mw 3
arta k."r ...MHM'laii WaaMaraa S
-r tm k--a . ......... , . Vmr Wfc 3
r-tt rw Kar aaT WMUmm 1
t9f -. ,aNMMJkiw BOUmm), Iiiii nW n i. 0m nnat S
fNrt W-aaai ,,,,, ....... . , 0mm WMHani 3
--.-wa..... , r I Urmmt, 2
Jaotar toM Wmm Mmmr turq (Wr aaaaaa. faat law' 5
Mela Desk Cothier Moodoy, Wednesday nights
Melt or Fernet . .$1 per hour
3:33 pm 11.C0 fjm.
if-;-tt Woittrs 4.C3 p.M 4;00 p.
Molt tic per boor
aa it ItaH Intm wklrk aa Unrf
?aa wra. WlMa Mtan emri tail
risk la Malum Muaa, nutt tat
might better understand
the position from which
the neutral or non-aligned
nation operates.
Whatever the decisions
as to the country r e p r e
sented, this choice should
be left to a responsible
body of student govern
ment, namely the Student
Council, wilh the under
standing that several
countries would be put up
to a vote and pro and con
arguments presented for
each country.
The three delegates to
the national council should
be consulted and their
suggestions should be
heard. This is not a de
cision to be taken lightly
or to be made by a parti
san element of two or
three individual council
The other delegations at
the March model UN will
be judging their fellow
delegates and their repre
sentative universities. I
for one would not like to
be identified with Nation
alist China or any country
that bases its principles
on the decision of a dic
tator and his clique of ad
visors, unless I were sure
that the delegation was
representing such a coun
try out of a necessity for
all countries to be heard
at such a forum and not
out of respect for its pol
icies. Herb A. Probasco
Norm: I would like to
see an answer to this,
either in the form of at
taching it at the end of the
letter or in the news col
umns. Who made the de
cision and on what
Ed. note: It is our Opinion
that the decision to repre
sent Nationalist China was
a good one. Few chokes
could have beea better.
Among others, however,
would have beea the U.S.
Today this country faces
eommoidsm oa m a a y
fronts. Communism is the
biggest threat we face to
day. Certainly if we ex
pect to effectively cambat
what opposes as most.
we shoaid know what we
are fighting. A University I
administrator satd pub-
uciy oniy a tew weexs ago
that eommaaism shoaid
be taaght La the schools i
if we expect to organize
against it. We agree with I
this type of logical think- 1
lag. Sarely, then, the Mo-
del United Nations (as Air.
Probasco aoted) is Maa
excellent educational ve- s
hick." AlthoBgh National-
it China is a far cry
from Communist China or s
Rassla, there is still much
to reap via this expert-
We defend the choice I
whole heartedly regard- I
less of who made it Oar
delegates may lean more
a bout the problems of the
U.X. and the free world , 1
today by representing Na-. I
ttoaalist China than Lf tbey
represented a "govera- I
meat rooted La freedom
and democracy". The best
, method of learning is fey
observing and stadyiag
both sides. Otherwise we
have only one side and
one half of what may be
gained edaeatioBally.
. aa l a
tkSHH0tWsf 4w VaV VMt MM ft'Mw'MBSw VMhT
aaar aarturtaamia tfea fnnaiw i
ait atamna faailraliwi aar aa
Fat-UsacWaa aaa aa aaa naa
i By Tom Eason
Last Thursday Big Tom
1 Turkey met his end un
I der a silver fork rather
than under a steel Ford.
1 The campus and the com
I munity now look forward
I to the urithday of Christ
1 (though one wonders if
many merchants aren't
1 keeping both eyes on the
I winter sales chart).
in the season of good
will toward men, it is ap-
propriate that we look at
the relations between peo-
pie at the University. This
I series of three pre-Christ-I
mas columns is therefore
addressed to the students,
1 the faculty, and the ad-
ministrators of the Univer
I sity and the problems that
1 these three groups share.
Students study and
teachers teach,
I But out-of -class contacts
are out of reach.
1 This epigram succintly
i summarizes a pitiful
I shortcoming of the Univer-
sity of Nebraska. It is no
less than shocking that the
vast majority of students
(and even the core of ac-
tivity minded people who
I emphasize the value of ex-
tra-curricular endeavor)
I have practically no con
1 tact with faculty members
outside of the classroom.
Few students are aware
of the retirement legisla-
tion passed by the last
session of the Unicameral
which greatly affects the
I present and future income
of the faculty. Few facul-
ty members have ever
1 been in a University dorm-
itory. Teachers and their
former students often pass
each other on the walks
I without even a curt hello.
What kind of contact
am I bucking for? The
same kind that I advo-
cated in a series of arti-
cles published by the Stu
i dent Council Betterment
I Committee last year. In
simple terms, students
and faculty members
j must be personally ac
I i Problem
-w r ,i xYT 1
fjl tilC VV CCK
Sponsored by Pi Ma EpsOon
I National Mathematics
Honorary Fraternity
I had in my possession
the other day, a label
I bearing the number 3325 in
large figures. This was
I accidentally torn in half
1 so that 30 was on one
piece and 25 was on the
I other. On looking at these
pieces I began to make
f a calculation, scarcely
I conscious of what I was
I doing, when I discovered
I this little peculiarity. If we
add the 39 and the 23 to-
i gether and square the
1 sum, we get as a result
the complete original num
ber on the label! Thus, 30
added to 23 is 55 and. 55
multiplied by 55 is 3025.
Now, the problem is to
find another number, com
posed of four figures, all
different, which may be
divided in the middle and
produce the same result.
Bring or send answers
to 210 Burnett. Solution to
last week's problem: The
play was as follows:
First Rd. 2nd Rd.
Alice, 6-5 64
Betty S-S 6
Clara 5-4 $-3
Dolly 44 $-
Correct solutions mere
submitted by Louie Dag
ger and Clint Watluns.
I Tafijuija toones a tret sa
ri im mt wed Cat tht fief
: at" on4 B tnnnjr of banger,
powfty and icwfaau? fir mi
;f th Wricaa tiiimists ratttfe
.J n tut tht cwirtrjf into anetnar
i ConD? Keatf Cut week's Pest
Contacts Weal
Tom Eason
quainted. They merely
have to know each other.
Sometimes the ingrained
attitudes of the faculty
work against such contact. -In
at least one depart
ment, advisers to student
organizations who take
their positions seriously
are ridiculed by their col
leagues. In addition advis
ers generally are overcau
tious in their participation.
Whether the reason is lack
of interest or fear of be
ing censored for domineer
ing action, I do not know.
In most cases advisers
have far more to contri
bute to the continuity and
smooth functioning of the
organization than they in
fact do contribute.
The Greek System is to
be commended for its
house programs which
i ;JI
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S-U Hi fV
Vorppmer - , ' V - i
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cy- J'w ffl .
I LmJ i I rs
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yjiuiwiuiM mwiii ui,iiiiiiij,mu., ff-T'l-"" : . -r-
I ' ill : I'i? f j
wv ; k A !
Meet Gold's 1961 College Advisory Board
promote acquaintance
with the faculty. Yet there
could be more.'Selleck has
an arrangement whereby
any resident can invite a
faculty member to dine
free-of-charge. Yet invita
tions are seldom extended
by the men. Last year the
Independent Women's As
sociation prepared a list
of faculty members who
would like to participate
in informal post-dinner
programs. Yet little use
was ever made of the list.
Both students and facul
ty are partially at fault.
Harsh criticism of either
group will likely solve
nothing. Formal programs
such as those above may
furnish a spark. But all
that is really needed is a
little bilateral friendliness.
Perhaps if you would con
descend to invite some
one to dinner.
a k .. Jr'w. i
If y k
I lis ?ll
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eirei ,Vrfe ... the perfect dr-f lo
eeorbe . . . with fbort and
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