The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 29, 1961, Image 1
UNIVERSITY OF LIBRARY the Vol. 75, No. 38 The Nebraskan Wednesday, Nov. 29, 1961 Hi m Cozad Offers to Host First Tax Workshop By Nancy Whitford Cozad will probably be a site for a follow up program on state tax systems. The initial 12-15 workshops will be to train leaders in various counties. These lead ers, in turn, will work with individual towns, such as Cozad, which wish to be informed on the subiect. said Everett Peterson, professor of agricultural economics, who is in charge of the project The Cozad Chamber of Commerce has sent a letter in viting the University to sched ule the first of its tax work shops in Cozad. Peterson said that Cozad may be selected as a test site for the first workshop, but that the group had indicated they were more interested in a broader program in the na ture of the follow-up plan. Interest "'We hope there will be quite a few communities that express this local interest," Peterson said. The Cozad Chamber, in their letter to Chancellor Clif ford Hardin said: "We highly commend the University on its decision to undertake this very important information program bearing n a subject of intense per sonal concern to every resi dent of Nebraska. "It has ben established that this program is not only a le gitimate but a necessary phase of the University's adult educational program. We are convinced that the University instructors will present valu able information on taxation in a way that will be objec tive and constructive. Disagree 4"We vigorously disagree with contentions that this will be an effort to propagandize people ... or to influence them to support any partic ular program of taxation. " We feel the Nebraska tax system should be exposed to the closest and most in formed examination pos sible." Peterson said requests had also been received frin a number of individuals who in dicated they were interested in participating in the tax workshops. He said these re quests were turned over to the county agents. Nine Buildings By Sue Hovik Did you realize that the University Library is housed in eight buildings on city campus and one on Ag campus? Several tens of thousands of maps, pamphlets, and mrauscripts, and 690,000 volumes are housed in Love Memorial Library and eight branch libraries. Frank Lundy, director of the University Library, said that all the units are closely bound together by phone and messenger service. They strive to get the right book to the right person at the right time. All the units are part of one system which seeks to provide good service. Lundy said that a conspicuous feature of the library service is that they have j10,000 books avail cble to students on o p e n shelves. Love Memorial Library Louses the books in the hu manities division, this in cludes languages, litera tures, philosophies, fine' arts, religion, and journal ism, and the social sciences division, which consists of history, economics, political science, sociology, psychol ogy, and social work. Law Library The one exception in the Bocial sciences is the Law Library which is housed in the College of Law building. Lundy explained that the jcience libraries are scat tered because the libraries in science are closely re lated to the laboratory. The chemistry library is a part of the Science read ing room and mainly a re search library for graduate students explained Mrs. Ed na Bashara, librarian. Its r uuvucauuii To Consider World Peace Problems of peace and world disarmament will be discussed Friday at an after noon convocation sponsored by the University of Nebraska Committee for a Sane Nu clear Policy. Cecil H i n s h a w of Des Moines, la., regional director for peace education of t h e American Friends Service Committee, will speak at 1 p.m. in the Student Union small auditorium. His talk will be followed by a discus sion of peace, world disarma ment and alternatives to nu clear war. A former president of Wil liam Perm College, Hinshaw is a world traveler and lec turer on international affairs. Since February, 1960, he has been vice president of t b e World Peace Broadcasting Foundation, which circulates hundreds of tape recordings of important talks on peace and disarmament to radio stations around the country and makes available free printed copies to -listeners. The SANE committee was recently organized at the Uni versity to create campus awareness of the threat of nuclear war and the need for peace and world disarma ment ,Dr. Hinshaw will also ad dress the Lincoln Committee for a Sane Nuclear Policy in the Nebraska Union at 7 p.m. Friday. Military Ball Tickelt Students wishing to buy Military BaD tickets may do so in the Military and Naval Science building, the Student Union, the men's dormatories and at the O Street entrance to Gold's. 9,000 volumes are kept in three rooms; the first room has serials and reference books; the second, bound and current periodicals which can not be checked out; and the third, abstract books such as chemistry abstracts. There are some u n d e r graduate chemistry books at Love Memorial Library. The hours for the Chemis try library are 7:50-4:50 and 7:30-9:45 p.m. Monday through Friday. Bessey The Bessey Hall library is one of the ten best bi ology libraries in the coun try, not the largest but it is one of the most carefully selected according to H. L. Weaver, professor of toot any. The 23,000 books housed there are in the fields of botany, zoo logy, microbiology, and some physiology. Mrs. Alice Wright, librari an, 6aid that f or one day in May 100 people used the library with the heavy emphasis upon graduate students. She believes that the main reason for this is that people don't know about the library. The Library has .300 peri odicals. It also has a "rare book" room where study is done on the origins of cer tain subjects. It also has a Botanic Index, one of eleven In the country. A student can look up any author and find out what botany books have been written by him from 1885 to this date explained Mrs. Wright. The hours are $ a.m.-12 p.m., Monday1 through Saturday; 1-5 pjn., Monday-Friday; 7-10 p.m. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. Morrison Appointed To PTP Gov. Frank Morrison re ceived notice last week of his appointment as People-to-People (PTP) ambassador to Europe. The appointment came from former President Dwight D. Eisenhower, national director of the, PTP effort. Joyce Hall, president of Hallmark Greeting Cards and assistant to Eisenhow er in the PTP, notified Morrison that he would be responsible for coordinating the PTP pro gram in this area, encourag ing groups to bring Europeans to the United States and to sponsor Americans in Europe. The Governor will speak to the Omaha Kiwanis club Fri day, asking them to promote a second exchange similar to the state-wide Kiwanis effort which brought 68 -German youth on a three-week trip to Nebraska this summer. Morrison, who has just re turned from a two week trip to WTest Germany at the in vitation of the German gov ernment, was the first am bassador apointed to the PTP program abroad. The University PTP effort, now in its planning stages, would fall under the general coordination of Governor Mor rison. Primarily, however, the governor will work with adult groups in an extension of the PTP program originated in 1956 by then President Eisen hower to promote internation al understanding on a person al basis. Adult Exchange The University's program, sponsored by the. Student Council, will enlarge upon the adult exchange by encourag ing the international student's participation in University life and in the life of American society. "In an attitude of sincer ity and spontaneity, the PTP program at Nebraska would be organized to give the in ternational student a deeper understanding of American culture, tradition, and dem ocratic methods as the United States student learns of the international student's country and ways of life, said John Nolon. one of the University's two delegates to the Big Eight PTP conference in Kansas City and at Kansas Univer sity Oct 28 and 29. House In 1955, the Dentistry li - brary had 2,500 volumes and the college has added as many as its budget would allow each year said Dr. Ralph Ireland, Dean of the College of Dentistry. The library, on third floor of Andrews, has books which have "dentistry or dental" in their title, explained Dr. Ireland. Many of the books used by students in this college are in Love Me morial library. The .dentistry library has new shelves and furnishings in the reading room which was donated by the Dental Alumni Association. Mrs. Margaret Lane, librarian, 6aid that they have about 150 periodicals consisting of many state and foreign den tal journals. The hours are t ajm.-12 p.m. and 1-5 p.m. Monday throught Friday. Featuring a large map collection is, the Morrill Hall geology aid museum li brary. The snaps are main ly topographical and geo logical. Mrs. Clotilde P. Lowe, librarian, said that the 18,000 volumes cover all phases of geology. She ex plained that the library re ceives professional papers, bulletins, maps, etc. from the U.S. Geological Survey and materials from the U.S. Mining Bureau. This library is used by students in geography and people in the Geological Survey departments. T h e hours of this library are i a.m.-12 p.m. and 1-5 p.m,, Monday through Friday. Physics The Physics library is housed on second floor .of , Brace Laboratory. It has a few hundred books and slightly more than that in periodicals. 'Gimmicks' May Help Athletes; Will Not Win Football Games IT WONT Dr. Kenneth Rose of Student Health (right) explains to NU athlete Don Parcell that liquid meals such as sustagen, which was developed at Student Health, w ill not win football games, but will aid the individual in his per formance. Sustagen has been used by the Cornhuskers since 1960. Expansion Depends on Street Plans A decision on whether or not to make R St a one-way traffic lane will determine whether or not University ex pansion stops at R, St. or con- j tinues to Q St i State Highway Department officials said they had re ceived data on the traffic on these streets, and expect to make a decision by the end of the week. The University Board of Regents went on record as fa voring the use of R St. for campus traffic only. They supported a plan to designate Q St as a major two-way cor ridor feeding into the Inter state highway access routes on 9th and 10th Sts. They al so endorsed the idea of a 7th St bypass. Chancellor Clifford Hardin said that if R St. is to be a busy street it will be wholly impossible to cross. Property south of R St would be wholly unpractical for development "Our preference, of course, would be to go to Q St as the southern boundary of the campus,' he said. Library Books The physics library also receives about 50 current periodicals. Mrs. Blanche Breen, librarian said that the physics library concen trates mainly on the upper level student The hours are from a.m. to 12 p.m., Monday through Saturday; and 1 p.m. to 5 p.m., Mon day through Friday. Rex Beckham is in charge of the above five branch li braries, the Science Read ing room, and the Science Library. Mrs. June Sorenson, li brarian, said that the books in the Architecture library are all on temporary re--serve due to the excessive number which have been borrowed and not returned. She said that the 330 vol umes are there mostly for the convenience of the 225 architecture students. The books are on architecture and related arts. They also have bound and current pe riodicals. The hours are 8 a.m.-12 p.m. and 1-5 p.m Monday through Friday. Bernard Kress man, head of the humanities di vision of the library is also in charge of ibis branch li brary. 0,000 Volumes About tiO.OOO volumes are housed in the Law Library. These volumes include case and statute books, and legal periodicals. All legal books are there except books international law. Most of- the books are rtf ereace. Art Vennix, librar lan, said that the Law School couldn't exist with out the library. Vennix compared it to the chemistry department with out a lab. He said that the library is actually the lab oratory of the College of Law. The hours for this li f HELP NOW Arena Theater Will Cast 5 Plays Tryouts for five plays will be held in the Arena Theater, 303, and the Laboratory Theater, 201, in the Speech building on Wednesday and Thursday from 3-5 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. The plays and parts are Hello From Bertha, a trag edy by Tennessee Williams with parts for four women; Salome, a drama by Oscar Wilde, with arts for two women and tur men; Fumed Oak, a comedy by Noel Cow ard, for three women and one man; The Monkey's Paw, a thriller by Noel Coward, with one woman and four men; and The Fantastics, a musi cal by Jones and Schmidt in cluding one woman and seven men. Public Discusses Latin America The first of a series of pub lic conferences dealing with the tooic of Latin America will be held this Thursday at 7:30 p.m. in 232 Student Union. David Cronoa, professor of history, will lead the discus sion on inter-American diplo matic relations. brary are from 10 a.m. -10 p.m. Sunday; 7:30 a.m. - 11:45 p.m., Monday through Thursday; 7:30 a.m. - 10 p.m., Friday; and 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Satur day. Agriculture Wayne Collings, librarian for the Agriculture library, said that the next building for the Ag campus will be a new library to house its 70,000 volumes. Collings said that now one third of these books are stored in the basement of Love Memorial Library, and the rest are -"scattered from the basement to attic of Agriculture Hall" The Ag library has a strong periodical section in the agriculture and biologi cal sciences. The majority of the books concentrate a agriculture and home econ omics and their applied re search. It also has some on bio logical sciences and bio chemistry. Collings said that they also have an under graduate reserve collection. The hours are from 7:50 - 10:20 p.m., Monday through Thursday, 7:50 -4:50 p.m.. Friday and Satur day; and 1:30 - 10:20 p.m. Sunday. ID Cards All University students who have identification cards and library cards may use any of the libraries on either city or ag campus. Lundy said that the Uni versity is a place where there are bsoks to read and get ideas from and students should be able to find books everywhere. He said that he thought it would a fine thing if there were from two to three hun dred books in each sorority, fraternity, and dormitory. By Wendy Rogers A gimmick will not t win a football game, says Dr. Ken neth Rose, staff physician, at the University Health Serv ices a liquid meal does not assure victory. Sustagen, a liquid meal aimed primarily at relieving nausea and vomiting caused by pre-game tension, was first used by the Nebraska football team in fall camp during the regular season of 1960. "If it's so good, why doesn't Nebraska win games?" wrote one sarcastic fan. This type of misunderstand ing has plagued Dr. Rose and the others who conceived the idea of a liquid post-surgical diet so the team would be more physically fit for the game. Physiological Rill Orwi-2. former Univer- sitv athletic director, first posed the problem of pre eame Dhvsiolosical upsets dur ing one of the oeriodic meet- ings between tne meaicai ana roarhin? staff of the athletic " ... . j department "Surely there must be someuung you can do to get rid of pre-game vomiting. Dr. Rose and his associates "felt we could at least check the passage of solid food in the players' intestinal tract." He explained that solid foods must be converted to a liquid or semi-liquid state before they leave the stomach. Emotional tension can fur ther delay this emptying time. Traditional It has been a traditional practice at the University to feed the football players a rather heavy pre-game meal, including steak, potatoes, etc. The meal time was supposed ly far enough in advance of the game to assure complete digestion before fame time. Normal digestion in its en tirety takes about six hours. In spring, 1960, four Uni versity football players vol unteered as test subjects In an analvsis of the, problem. Ac cording to Xrrays, one play er was over four hours be hind in his digestive sched ule, and the others were two to three hours behind. the olavers were di gesting while eating, their muscular efficiency was de creased and digestion was im paired. Awm-dins ta Dr. Rose, the rtvvv 0 f rr a substitute led to the idea of a liquid diet fed 10 pOSl-BUT&U-cu yo.uw- hospitals. Mead Johnson Laboratories voluteered to furnish the sub stance for expenmenxa-uon urifh the belD of assistant trainer George F. Sullivan, the decision lor a neia wuu. uu- Local Firm To Construct Art Building The general construction contract for the Nelle Cocb-; rane Woods art building was awarded Saturday to Olson Construction Co. of Lincoln for the base bid of .$359,155. This bid shaved approxi-i matPiv 50.000 off the original bid .of last July which the Board of Regents rejected. Construction .of the new building will begin immediate ly, with completion planned for the summer of 1963. Three stories high, it will include classrooms for various art courses taught at the Univer sity. The Woods Charitable Fund, Inc., has given the University of Nebraska Foun dation $250,000 to be used to ward construction. Ftuads from the "state institutional bu Sing levy will be used for the balance. Contracts awarded earlier for the building were; mech anical, Newberg and Books tmm of Lincoln. $84,474.: elec trical, Commonwealth f Lin coln, $34215; and elevator, Wright and Mack of Omaha, $8,8t2. ing the 1960 varsity season was carnea out The incorporation of Snsta- ppn into the training diet of Husker athletes was accepted willingly oy tne team mem bers, said senior Don Pui celL who played left end for the Cornhuskers. When it was Droved that it made us more physically tit, we naturauy leu we snouia use it" "It doesn't taste too bad, sort of like a milk shake. Some of the guys enjoyed it. It did make us feel much better." The powdered high-energy concentrate is little different in caloric value than the reg ular pre-game meal, ana much cheaper, too. While the cost of the meal ranges from $3.50 to $18, the liquid meal diet cost is $1.50. Calorie tabulation for both feeding plans is approximate ly 1,850. Liquid Diet During the 1950 fall practice session, a liquid meal was giv en upon rising, and offered again at noon. During the 10 game varsity season, the fol lowing diet was used both at home and on the road. At 9 a.m. a light meal of toast honey and sliced peaches was offered to pro vide bulk and eliminate hun ger pangs. At 10:30 a.m., 8 to 16 oz. of the liquid meal was taken during taping and tactical conferences. No other food was eaten until after the game, when the traditional steak meal w'as served. According to Dr. Rose the results of the field trial showed elimination of pre game and gametime vomiting and nausea, abdominal cramps, "charley horses, and "cotton mouth." The following observation. were also made: Strength and endurance were improved. General well being was improved. Weight loss did not occur. Hunger complaints were rare. Fifth Game A total of 51 out of 52 play ers voted to continue the feeding plan after the fifth game of the season. "In my opinion, there is not a team in the country in any better Dhvsical condition than the University of Nebraska, said Dr. Rose. "A liauid diet is sot the so lution to a poor team. The factors which determine a team's victory or loss are many, not the least of which is the current emotional state of the coaches and players. "We are concerneo soieiy with raproying the total phys ical capabilities of the team as a whole," commented the, physician. Feel Better "But if you've got a good team, this will make them better by making them teei much better.' The results of the use of Sustagen were so encouraging that it is now used by an Ne braska athletic teams. learns and individuals la many types of athletics now use the liquid feeding diet, as well as come stage enter tainers. Dr. Rose has received hun dreds of requests for informa tion from competitive swim mers and divers, the coach of the lightweight varsity crew at Yale, an amaxeur speed skating team, and many thers. Other Teams The Detroit lions and Nevr York Titans, professional foot ball teams, both follow the University of Nebraska leal in use of the liquid diet Other football teams using the liquid meal are Kansas State University, the Univer sity of Idaho, San Jose State University, Purdue U a i r sity, and Michigan State Uni versity. Wavn State University la Detroit Mich., the University of Maryland, Southwestern Loiusianna University ana me University of Florida also ase the liquid diet The freshman team of Lou isiana State University, North High School on Colum teams using Sastagen.